Zone1 YHWH(Jehovah)


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
100% fact-he is the only true God-The Abrahamic God, a single being God. The God Israel served in the OT. All other gods are false, satan posing as them to get worship misleading 99% on the earth. Jesus warned all about that-John 4:22-24
And he made you his special buddy, and you get to rewrite anything in the bible you don't like, too. There are several of you 'Extra Special Chosen' here. We need a scorecard.
100% fact-he is the only true God-The Abrahamic God, a single being God. The God Israel served in the OT. All other gods are false, satan posing as them to get worship misleading 99% on the earth. Jesus warned all about that-John 4:22-24
I envy your certainty. I keep thinking that, at least in theory, everything we know about God has been told to us by God. Except for faith, we don't really know if God is a the real deal or a liar, a joker, an impersonator, a con man, ignorant, etc. Imagine someone on USMB claiming to have created the universe, he may be telling truth, but I'd have some questions...
I envy your certainty. I keep thinking that, at least in theory, everything we know about God has been told to us by God. Except for faith, we don't really know if God is a the real deal or a liar, a joker, an impersonator, a con man, ignorant, etc. Imagine someone on USMB claiming to have created the universe, he may be telling truth, but I'd have some questions...
Even scientists, after seeing what precision it takes for the universe to work know that it took intelligent design to do it.
And he made you his special buddy, and you get to rewrite anything in the bible you don't like, too. There are several of you 'Extra Special Chosen' here. We need a scorecard.
What didnt you understand when God said--I am YHWH(Jehovah) beside --ME-- there is no other God--Me not we.
Your god hates liars.

Ever read the first commandement? So why do you think what he says has to do with anything special nor anything else? Whatever he speaks about is totally strange and has nothing to do with the Christian religion. "Jehova" is by the way no word which exists in the bible. It's only a wrong interpretation from vocals of one word and the consonants of another word which had been written in this way specially because of the first commandement.

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God loves everyone.

God is love - what doesn't automatically mean god loves or god loves everyone. To love means to be able to be part of god. Somehow to try to give god the order to have to love everyone means not to love god. Nevertheless I am convinced god is able to be part of god in Jesus and Jesus loves you more than anything else in this universe because you are a child of god - a result of His love.

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100% fact-he is the only true God-The Abrahamic God, a single being God. The God Israel served in the OT. All other gods are false, satan posing as them to get worship misleading 99% on the earth. Jesus warned all about that-John 4:22-24

All others gods aren't false, only those who aren't in the service of YHWH are illegitimate authorities. That's what the Hebrew and arguably, the NT teach. So you're wrong like the vast majority of "Christians" (most of them are imposters).
Even scientists, after seeing what precision it takes for the universe to work know that it took intelligent design to do it.
I suspect some do and some don't but that is not my point. Even assuming the universe was created by an intelligence, what, beyond faith, points you to that creator being the YHWH?
I suspect some do and some don't but that is not my point. Even assuming the universe was created by an intelligence, what, beyond faith, points you to that creator being the YHWH?
Why does that matter?
All others gods aren't false, only those who aren't in the service of YHWH are illegitimate authorities. That's what the Hebrew and arguably, the NT teach. So you're wrong like the vast majority of "Christians" (most of them are imposters).
All other gods receiving worship as the true God of creation are false.
I suspect some do and some don't but that is not my point. Even assuming the universe was created by an intelligence, what, beyond faith, points you to that creator being the YHWH?
Bible prophecys have come true. YHWH(Jehovah) is the Abrahamic God Israel served in the OT and down to this day=a single being God.
Bible prophecys have come true. YHWH(Jehovah) is the Abrahamic God Israel served in the OT and down to this day=a single being God.
I'm not sure which prophesies you refer to but everything we know about YHWH comes from YHWH. The ancient Israelites didn't believe there was only one god, that belief only came much, much later.
All other gods receiving worship as the true God of creation are false.
You're wrong, the bible shows that other gods can be legitimately worshiped without offending YHWH. You obviously don't know your own bible. Does an atheist have to teach you, a Christian, the bible? Amazing.

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