Yikes: McCarthy & Taylor-Greene warn telecom companies not to turn over Jan 6 phone records

We know she was part of a violent mob breaking through a window leading into the chambers where members of Congress were sheltering and only a handful of police standing before them on a day when police were overwhelmed with violent attacks from this mob.

Then why not handle it like every other police department shooting in the country? Officer Chauvin's name was known two hours after Floyd died. This officers name was hidden from the public for months. It may still be hidden if he didn't want his limelight moment in the media.

How can the commies claim they are the party of transparency when the FBI won't answer if they had agents instigating the attack on the Capital, hiding this officer as if he was some sort of special agent, and conducted a phony impeachment by claims from an anonymous whistle blower? They are as transparent as a block wall in a basement.
Then why not handle it like every other police department shooting in the country? Officer Chauvin's name was known two hours after Floyd died. This officers name was hidden from the public for months. It may still be hidden if he didn't want his limelight moment in the media.

How can the commies claim they are the party of transparency when the FBI won't answer if they had agents instigating the attack on the Capital, hiding this officer as if he was some sort of special agent, and conducted a phony impeachment by claims from an anonymous whistle blower? They are as transparent as a block wall in a basement.
We had live video of the event. We all know what happened. Capitol police are more akin to secret service than your local PD. Babbitt was shot specifically due to the threat the mob posed to members of Congress.

As for the FBI, generally they don’t spend much time entertaining the fringe crackpot theories such as yours.
We had live video of the event. We all know what happened. Capitol police are more akin to secret service than your local PD. Babbitt was shot specifically due to the threat the mob posed to members of Congress.

As for the FBI, generally they don’t spend much time entertaining the fringe crackpot theories such as yours.

Then why don't they just answer "no" when asked if agents instigated the attack under oath? Doesn't seem very difficult to me if it's just a crackpot theory.

What's not a crackpot theory is the FBI along with the IRS have become politicized. Who called CNN to come out in the middle of the night to Roger Stone's home when they raided it? Why didn't the FBI tell Dementia to go F himself when he instructed them to get warrants and search homes to look for his daughters diary which is a local police matter? Why did Comey have Ummma's computer destroyed after finding evidence of wrongdoing on Hillary's part? When was the last time an FBI director instructed an AG how to do her job?
Then why don't they just answer "no" when asked if agents instigated the attack under oath? Doesn't seem very difficult to me if it's just a crackpot theory.

What's not a crackpot theory is the FBI along with the IRS have become politicized. Who called CNN to come out in the middle of the night to Roger Stone's home when they raided it? Why didn't the FBI tell Dementia to go F himself when he instructed them to get warrants and search homes to look for his daughters diary which is a local police matter? Why did Comey have Ummma's computer destroyed after finding evidence of wrongdoing on Hillary's part? When was the last time an FBI director instructed an AG how to do her job?
Because it’s an ongoing investigation and they answer no to every question. The second you start treating crackpot theories as legitimate , it never ends.

And don’t pretend like you guys actually would accept their answer anyway, so the entire endeavor is meaningless.

No one called CNN to Stone’s house. It’s a crack pot theory.

Biden didn’t instruct people to get search warrants. It’s a crackpot theory.

Huma (I assume that’s who you meant by Umma) didn’t have her laptop destroyed after evidence was found. It’s a crackpot theory.

The FBI director didn’t tell the AG how to do her job. It’s a crackpot theory.

You’re full of this bulllshit and so deep in it that no one is ever going to get you out. You no longer respond to reality, you just believe wherever the hell you want.
Your view is hopelessly biased

and wrong
Sure it is. Because someone coining the term “black brain disease” while being angry about the death of Babbitt is totally even handed about their concern for human life.
Because it’s an ongoing investigation and they answer no to every question. The second you start treating crackpot theories as legitimate , it never ends.

And don’t pretend like you guys actually would accept their answer anyway, so the entire endeavor is meaningless.

No one called CNN to Stone’s house. It’s a crack pot theory.

Biden didn’t instruct people to get search warrants. It’s a crackpot theory.

Huma (I assume that’s who you meant by Umma) didn’t have her laptop destroyed after evidence was found. It’s a crackpot theory.

The FBI director didn’t tell the AG how to do her job. It’s a crackpot theory.

You’re full of this bulllshit and so deep in it that no one is ever going to get you out. You no longer respond to reality, you just believe wherever the hell you want.

These are not theories, these are things that actually happened and reported on. Are you telling me CNN just happened to be at Stone's house in the middle of the night out of dumb luck, or are you trying to tell me their video of the event was staged? Who gave the FBI permission to get search warrants to look for Biden's daughters diary, or are you going to tell me the media outlets made the entire story up and it never happened? Are you going to tell me that Comey never told Lynch that it would be foolish to hold Hillary accountable for her lawless actions? How are they conspiracy theories when they're on video?

The FBI became politicized during the DumBama administration and again, reported on repeatedly. So to say they didn't have agents encouraging the attack is not a crackpot theory. Once the Republicans takeover Congress, we'll see who's got a crackpot conspiracy story.
Sure it is. Because someone coining the term “black brain disease” while being angry about the death of Babbitt is totally even handed about their concern for human life.
The term “black brain disease” goes back more than a year
Because it’s an ongoing investigation and they answer no to every question. The second you start treating crackpot theories as legitimate , it never ends.

And don’t pretend like you guys actually would accept their answer anyway, so the entire endeavor is meaningless.

No one called CNN to Stone’s house. It’s a crack pot theory.

Biden didn’t instruct people to get search warrants. It’s a crackpot theory.

Huma (I assume that’s who you meant by Umma) didn’t have her laptop destroyed after evidence was found. It’s a crackpot theory.

The FBI director didn’t tell the AG how to do her job. It’s a crackpot theory.

You’re full of this bulllshit and so deep in it that no one is ever going to get you out. You no longer respond to reality, you just believe wherever the hell you want.
These are not theories, these are things that actually happened and reported on.
Conspiracy theories are often reported on in the fringe conspiracy theory media which is now big business among the right these days who have devolved into ever crazier conspiracy theories.
Are you telling me CNN just happened to be at Stone's house in the middle of the night out of dumb luck, or are you trying to tell me their video of the event was staged?
CNN went on a stakeout that night because they had been paying extremely close attention to Mueller's grand jury and noted who was coming and going and the activity that led them to believe that there had been a warrant. It wasn't dumb luck, it was the product of journalists doing their jobs.

CNN denied getting a tip. Debunking Roger Stone's anti-CNN conspiracy theory | CNN Business

There is not factual evidence of a tip.

Who gave the FBI permission to get search warrants to look for Biden's daughters diary, or are you going to tell me the media outlets made the entire story up and it never happened?

The FBI got permission for search warrants from the same place they always get permission. Judges. The FBI has not ever needed any permission from the president to do any investigations, and normal presidents stay well away from these decisions.

There is no factual evidence that Biden instructed the FBI to do anything.

Are you going to tell me that Comey never told Lynch that it would be foolish to hold Hillary accountable for her lawless actions?

Comey is a former prosecutor and had a team of prosecutors and FBI officials make a recommendation to the AG against prosecution for reasons they could clearly state. The AG was not bound in any way whatsoever to that recommendation. It clearly was the proper call since Comey, Lynch and ever US attorney was soon out of office and Clinton still wasn't indicted.

How are they conspiracy theories when they're on video?
They're conspiracy theories because you take a nugget of truth and apply a distorted reality to it. All conspiracies do. It's like when people thought the World Trade Center was an inside job. Are you telling me it's a conspiracy theory when we all saw the towers fall? Well, yeah, we all did see the towers fall but it's a conspiracy theory to think there were explosives inside that brought them down.
Its a valid observation of black criminal behavior
It’s a valid observation of anyone’s criminal behavior. You apply race to it because you recognize it as a distinctly black trait.

But yet have no similar observation regarding Babbitt’s behavior.
It’s a valid observation of anyone’s criminal behavior. You apply race to it because you recognize it as a distinctly black trait.
I answer race with race

Going all the way back to obama and the black harvard professor the left makes race an issue where it does not belong
Conspiracy theories are often reported on in the fringe conspiracy theory media which is now big business among the right these days who have devolved into ever crazier conspiracy theories.

CNN went on a stakeout that night because they had been paying extremely close attention to Mueller's grand jury and noted who was coming and going and the activity that led them to believe that there had been a warrant. It wasn't dumb luck, it was the product of journalists doing their jobs.

CNN denied getting a tip. Debunking Roger Stone's anti-CNN conspiracy theory | CNN Business

There is not factual evidence of a tip.

The FBI got permission for search warrants from the same place they always get permission. Judges. The FBI has not ever needed any permission from the president to do any investigations, and normal presidents stay well away from these decisions.

There is no factual evidence that Biden instructed the FBI to do anything.

Comey is a former prosecutor and had a team of prosecutors and FBI officials make a recommendation to the AG against prosecution for reasons they could clearly state. The AG was not bound in any way whatsoever to that recommendation. It clearly was the proper call since Comey, Lynch and ever US attorney was soon out of office and Clinton still wasn't indicted.

They're conspiracy theories because you take a nugget of truth and apply a distorted reality to it. All conspiracies do. It's like when people thought the World Trade Center was an inside job. Are you telling me it's a conspiracy theory when we all saw the towers fall? Well, yeah, we all did see the towers fall but it's a conspiracy theory to think there were explosives inside that brought them down.

Oh, CNN just happened to know the time and date of an FBI raid on a hunch? If ever in my area, I have a bridge for sale here. You can setup toll booths and make a ton of money. Again, when was the last time a FBI director ever instructed an AG how to do her job because that's what happened. Yes, she made sure she was bound to it because Lynch was in a bad spot. If she prosecuted Hillary her name would be shit on the left. If she let her go on her own she would be targeted as deep state. She and Comey planned it all out. By making a public statement days before that she would follow any advice for prosecution by the director. That got her off the hook.

Now you expect me to believe a judge asked the FBI to take warrants out to search for a Fn diary? Or are you trying to tell me the FBI decide to do that on their own for no reason? If so, what was the reason? Dementia used a federal agency for a personal matter. Next you'll be telling me Hunter was chosen by a Ukrainian power company because he was the best attorney we have in the US out of the 1.5 million attorneys in our county. And maybe the FBI didn't know that Hunter lied on a federal firearms application to illegally buy a gun which is why he was not even given a slap on the hand.

You leftists will buy any bullshit handed to you.
Oh, CNN just happened to know the time and date of an FBI raid on a hunch? If ever in my area, I have a bridge for sale here. You can setup toll booths and make a ton of money. Again, when was the last time a FBI director ever instructed an AG how to do her job because that's what happened. Yes, she made sure she was bound to it because Lynch was in a bad spot. If she prosecuted Hillary her name would be shit on the left. If she let her go on her own she would be targeted as deep state. She and Comey planned it all out. By making a public statement days before that she would follow any advice for prosecution by the director. That got her off the hook.

Now you expect me to believe a judge asked the FBI to take warrants out to search for a Fn diary? Or are you trying to tell me the FBI decide to do that on their own for no reason? If so, what was the reason? Dementia used a federal agency for a personal matter. Next you'll be telling me Hunter was chosen by a Ukrainian power company because he was the best attorney we have in the US out of the 1.5 million attorneys in our county. And maybe the FBI didn't know that Hunter lied on a federal firearms application to illegally buy a gun which is why he was not even given a slap on the hand.

You leftists will buy any bullshit handed to you.
So you’ve gone from “these aren’t crackpot theories, they’re on video” to saying that you believe these things because you just don’t believe the alternative explanations.

That’s a retreat.

You pretend to know enough to be able to exclude rational explanations when you don’t. You’re just a dude on the Internet forum convinced of their own brilliance. You’re so intelligent you can’t possibly be wrong about the workings of the FBI or grand juries.
So you’ve gone from “these aren’t crackpot theories, they’re on video” to saying that you believe these things because you just don’t believe the alternative explanations.

That’s a retreat.

You pretend to know enough to be able to exclude rational explanations when you don’t. You’re just a dude on the Internet forum convinced of their own brilliance. You’re so intelligent you can’t possibly be wrong about the workings of the FBI or grand juries.

If a mother hears a lamp break in the living room and her five year old son is there hiding a bat behind his back, it's pretty reasonable to assume he broke the lamp.

There is another term for "alternative explanations" and they are called lies. There is nothing rational about them. The FBI told the Capital police of the good possibility of this attack on the Capital. Piglosi knew all about it. Trump offered to have troops there before the day started that was refused. Bottom line is that they wanted this to happen. Look at the video of the police opening up the barricades when the mob wanted to break through. And you expect me to believe there is no possible way the FBI conspired to instigate this attack?

Our US Constitution gives every citizen the right to a fair and speedy trial. Some of these trespassers have not only been held for over a year, but in solitary confinement as political enemies.

All just dumb luck I guess, huh?

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