YIKES! Obama drops MUST-SEE TRUTH BOMB on Trump

These Trump supporters keep telling us how great a president he was. But what did Trump actually do? Name a landmarke piece of legisaion he initiated that turned into law.

/—-/ The list of his accomplishments have been posted here for 6 years. Either you aren’t paying attention, or you’re just repeating libtard talking points. Which is it.
These Trump supporters keep telling us how great a president he was. But what did Trump actually do? Name a landmarke piece of legisaion he initiated that turned into law.

First Step Act.
Yes Obama led the effort to kic Putin out. The world didn't realize squat. Again, Obama bought respect back to America that was lost because of Bush. The trump presidency you guys talk about is imaginary. And as you live in Canada you didn't grow up with a damn thing. I was alive during Vietnam when we got our ass kicked. So since you won't have to live under that fool Trump, you have nothing to say to me.
Obama lead the effort of being “more flexible” with Putin.
Wrong again. You can't name any landmark legislation from Trump.
Not at all surprised a follower of the demaklan and Joey Xiden dislikes the first step act that helped so many people of color, who were victims of xiden racist 94 crime bill
Pathetic. Start over, present what Trump accomplished and your counter argument if you disagree. Starting an OP claiming president Trump accomplished nothing is f'ing retarded.
NO president accomplishes Nothing,
you have to look at what was going on BEFORE election day... were we at the moment before monetary collapse?
Or MIN away from a WAR
or Days away from life changing virus health scares.
Then look at who gained the most or best benefits,
How about those of us
whos incomes fell well under that 400 hundred thousand dollar a year mark.
Were WE any where NEAR the top benefit winners?
How do you define a "landmark piece of legislation"? A giveaway program? Who the hell is Barry Hussein to criticize Trump? In a just world Hussein would be indicted along with his A.G. for authorizing the insanity of "Operation Fast/Furious" that shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels when one of the weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. The old way of judging an administration (before lefties invented the truth bomb) was peace and prosperity. Trump gave us all that and Biden turned it around.
How do you define a "landmark piece of legislation"? A giveaway program? Who the hell is Barry Hussein to criticize Trump? In a just world Hussein would be indicted along with his A.G. for authorizing the insanity of "Operation Fast/Furious" that shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels when one of the weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. The old way of judging an administration (before lefties invented the truth bomb) was peace and prosperity. Trump gave us all that and Biden turned it around.

Landmark legislation is code for bullshit. According to leftists, anything a Democrack passes through their govt. is positive.

It's just like a place of work. I worked with lots of liberals, white collar. They're the worst. To them change was good, and to me, good change was good. They CONSTANTLY insisted on breaking what worked, only to institute processes that were impossible, ineffective, and soon to be ignored or revised.

Xiden's "Inflationary reduction act" is a GREAT example. It didn't accomplish anything but feeding $ to their special interests, and had the opposite effect, consistent my signature.
Maybe we don't WANT new laws and legislation. We have all the laws we really need, if only they were enforced.
How it must have stung to know your gov't considered you EXPENDABLE.

Yes, Congress voted no money for embassy security except for Kabul and Bagdad.

During Dubya's presidency 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed. You'd think Congress would have remembered.

Well he is back! didn't you know!:biggrin:


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