Yogi Berra, and Not Franklin Roosevelt


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It"
Yogi Berra

Today is the birthday of an American President who followed Yogi's advice....instead of following the most successful Leftist President, Franklin Roosevelt, he learned the political truths that Roosevelt, in his desire to be a dictator, wouldn't.

1. On this day, May 8th,1884, Harry S. Truman, 33rd Pres (1945-1953), born in Lamar, Missouri. He was the first President to take office in the midst of a war. He was the first President in 50 years without a college education. For the first time a President shifted the nation from a war footing to a peacetime economy without suffering a depression.

He issued a 21-point message called his Fair Deal, calling for full employment, and other economic powers.

Here is where he took 'the fork in the road'.....In foreign policy, he issued the Truman Doctrine to curtail Russia, and announce the Marshall Plan.

In 1948 he issued a civil-rights program to end religious and racial discrimination. Minutes after the state of Israel was announced, President Truman recognized the sovereignty of the nation over the objections of his Secretary of State Marshall.

Harry Truman...leading the way back to an American presidency.

2. Early on, Truman fell under the sway of the larger-than-life Roosevelt, a man who yearned to break the restrictions of the Constitution, and swim with the other sharks, Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin.

According to "The Man of Independence," an authorized Truman biography by Jonathan Daniels, it was Max Lowenthal, a crafty southpaw government lawyer, who first corrupted Truman's mind with Marxist prejudices against railroads, insurance companies, and "big business" generally.

Lowenthal was counsel to a Senate Interstate Commerce Subcommittee. In 1936 Truman, an eager member of the subcommittee, fell under Lowenthal's spell. When Lowenthal proposed to take him to see Justice Louis D. Brandeis, the country boy said he was "not used to meeting people like that," but he went anyway and became a disciple of "the great liberal," who held forth on the evils of the American economic system.
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 137.

a. Truman moved so far to the Left, that after his election, he received this salute from Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,: "The conceptions of the intellectual are at last beginning to catch up with the instincts of the Democratic politician."

But the love affair with Russia, under Truman, was short lived.

Tell you why in a moment.
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A study of his nascent presidency gives glimpse of the turmoil that Truman went through...

3. Truman's road back to patriotism, Americanism, was not easy. And, we find Leftists tendencies not shaken off quickly.

Consider Truman's defense of Alger Hiss.

On January 27, 1950, Representative Nixon of California made a speech in the House in which he quoted directly from a secret FBI memorandum on Soviet espionage in the United States, dated November 25, 1945. Nixon said this document was "circulated among several key government departments andwas made available to the President" in November, 1945.The report was placed in the record of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee on April 14, 1953. It identified thirty-seven government officials and employees as members of the Soviet espionage service.Among these were Alger Hiss, head of the Office of United Nations Affairs in the State Department;Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and Lauchlin Currie, administrative assistant to the President.

4. This FBI report is one of the most significant documents in recent American history. It shows that as early as of November, 1945, Truman had received evidence from the FBI that Alger Hiss,Harry Dexter White, and many other officials of his administration were Soviet spies. As the Internal Security Sub committee reported on August 24, 1953, "these people stayed in their jobs, received promotions, and influenced policyfor several years after impressive information had been marshaled."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 139

a. In January, 1946, Truman promoted White to the office of United States executive director of the International Monetary Fund. In the same month, Hiss went to London as senior adviser to the American delegation to the first session of the United Nations General Assembly.
A Page From the Truman Handbook - The Omega Letter

The above is a cautionary tale, and a most enlightening one....even the staunchest of Americans, at that time in our history, had more than they could handle in standing up to the wave of communism that washed over the nation.

Had the powerful and popular Franklin Roosevelt not given his imprimatur to communists and communism, standing up to this abhorrent political policy would have been far easier.

They hadn't taken control of the schools yet.
Once they did....well, you can see the results here on the board.
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In 1938, anti-Communists and anti-fascists in Congress joined forces to create the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which would become one of the key institutional centers of postwar anti-Communism.

Anti-Communism in the 1950s | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Yeah, FDR and congress just let them commies do what they wanted, not..

When revealed as Stalin's spies, he promoted them.
In 1938, anti-Communists and anti-fascists in Congress joined forces to create the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which would become one of the key institutional centers of postwar anti-Communism.

Anti-Communism in the 1950s | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Yeah, FDR and congress just let them commies do what they wanted, not..

When revealed as Stalin's spies, he promoted them.

You didn't deny what I posted: he promoted Stalin's spies when they were revealed.

He, like you, lied about everything.
While in thrall of communists and communism, poor Truman followed their every order, no matter what the evidence showed.....it was the residue of what he learned under Roosevelt.

Case in point, Alger Hiss, and the notoriety of his trial serve as representations of the time, and the conditions thereof.

5. Dean Acheson, then undersecretary of Treasury, not only vouched for Alger Hiss and his brother, Donald, also charged by Whitaker, but Acheson immediately requested Donald as his assistant.
Right on cue, the press vilified HUAC for persecuting Hiss.

Where did Truman stand?
President Truman denounced the Hiss investigation as a “red herring” by do-nothing Republicans (Whitaker Chambers, Witness, p. 564-74)

Felix Frankfurter and Adlai Stevenson offered to be character witnesses for Hiss.

6. Elections have consequences. From FDR through Truman, world communism received the sort of support that kept the USSR alive, and added China to their realm by endorsing Mao over Chiang Kai-shek...

Here we see Truman following the Soviet line:

"Mr. Truman said that the nationalists should have surrendered because they didn't have a chance to win..
...the opinion of American ambassador Leighton Stuart was that the failure of American aid to come at the opportune moment was the real cause of the weakness of nationalists and the disintegration of their armies....many military commanders went over to the enemy because they saw the United States withdrawing moral support from Chiang Kai-shek.

Mr. Truman boldly defends what Treasury did. He doesn't mention Harry Dexter White, mentioned in congressional hearings as a communist spy, sat at Treasury with full power to say when the money promised Chiang Kai-shek would be forwarded or withheld." Toledo Blade,
Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search

Get that???
Following FDR's love of all things communist, Truman vouched for the support of the world's most prolific slaughterer, and gave the world Red China.

Did anyone miss which party Roosevelt and Truman fronted?

What changed Truman......

In 1938, anti-Communists and anti-fascists in Congress joined forces to create the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which would become one of the key institutional centers of postwar anti-Communism.

Anti-Communism in the 1950s | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Yeah, FDR and congress just let them commies do what they wanted, not..

When revealed as Stalin's spies, he promoted them.

You didn't deny what I posted: he promoted Stalin's spies when they were revealed.

He, like you, lied about everything.

Yeah, a liar calling a liar a liar, what a lie..
While in thrall of communists and communism, poor Truman followed their every order, no matter what the evidence showed.....it was the residue of what he learned under Roosevelt.

Case in point, Alger Hiss, and the notoriety of his trial serve as representations of the time, and the conditions thereof.

5. Dean Acheson, then undersecretary of Treasury, not only vouched for Alger Hiss and his brother, Donald, also charged by Whitaker, but Acheson immediately requested Donald as his assistant.
Right on cue, the press vilified HUAC for persecuting Hiss.

Where did Truman stand?
President Truman denounced the Hiss investigation as a “red herring” by do-nothing Republicans (Whitaker Chambers, Witness, p. 564-74)

Felix Frankfurter and Adlai Stevenson offered to be character witnesses for Hiss.

6. Elections have consequences. From FDR through Truman, world communism received the sort of support that kept the USSR alive, and added China to their realm by endorsing Mao over Chiang Kai-shek...

Here we see Truman following the Soviet line:

"Mr. Truman said that the nationalists should have surrendered because they didn't have a chance to win..
...the opinion of American ambassador Leighton Stuart was that the failure of American aid to come at the opportune moment was the real cause of the weakness of nationalists and the disintegration of their armies....many military commanders went over to the enemy because they saw the United States withdrawing moral support from Chiang Kai-shek.

Mr. Truman boldly defends what Treasury did. He doesn't mention Harry Dexter White, mentioned in congressional hearings as a communist spy, sat at Treasury with full power to say when the money promised Chiang Kai-shek would be forwarded or withheld." Toledo Blade,
Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search

Get that???
Following FDR's love of all things communist, Truman vouched for the support of the world's most prolific slaughterer, and gave the world Red China.

Did anyone miss which party Roosevelt and Truman fronted?

What changed Truman......

Abuses by the Chinese nationalist government...
In 1938, anti-Communists and anti-fascists in Congress joined forces to create the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which would become one of the key institutional centers of postwar anti-Communism.

Anti-Communism in the 1950s | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Yeah, FDR and congress just let them commies do what they wanted, not..

When revealed as Stalin's spies, he promoted them.

You didn't deny what I posted: he promoted Stalin's spies when they were revealed.

He, like you, lied about everything.

Yeah, a liar calling a liar a liar, what a lie..

1. I never lie....proven by the fact that you couldn't come up with any examples.
But I can.

2. You've been called out on these lies....and when that is done, slither off under your rock:
I challenged you to find my quotes that prove your lie:

1. "...all the brown people you discriminate against..."

2. "...your hate of brown people is well noted..."

3. "....you edited your original OP to exclude your use of brown people..."

Still waiting, you lying low-life.
Inauguration 'Brown-Out'???

And...another of your lies:

"I know, you are such a bitch when it comes to truth and honesty in positioning yourself,, and the demeaning manner you pretend to be white..."
The Danger of Democrats....

Still can't back up any of those?

Then you can return to the sewer where you belong, gnome.
7. It is actually possible to see into Truman's psyche, and note the evolution, based on events as President.
One can witness his divorcing himself from the sort of bowing to Stalin that we saw in Franklin Roosevelt.

Having served under the Rooseveltian 'Stalin appeasement policies' for so long, Truman had to learn to reverse course... Even so, baby steps can be observed.

On May 23, 1945 (he became President on April 12, 1945), Truman sent Harry Hopkins, Averill Harriman, and Charles Bolen to see Stalin to smooth out some problems developing with Stalin...e.g., Army intelligence was finding out the truth about Stalin's massacres in the Katyn Forest....and his holding Americans prisoner.

One can imagine that, unlike his predecessor, cold blooded slaughter didn't sit well with this American.

At the same time, Truman sent the dunce, Joseph Davies, to Churchill to tell him that he, Truman, would continue to appease Stalin for the time being.

8. But Truman was beginning to show the good judgment he became known for...and thus, the incipient Cold War was beginning.

a. Education continued for Truman:
June 4, 1945, in a 15-minute meeting with General Carter W. Clarke, and Colonel Ernest Gibson, of Army intelligence, Truman was informed about army codebreakers working on secret cables sent from Moscow to Washington- the Venona decrypts.
"Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," p. 111, Leona Schecter and Jerrold Schecter

So much that FDR didn't tell Truman....such as his embracing of Soviet spies.

9. Intelligence historians Leona and Jerrold Schecter had evidence, reinvestigated and affirmed by the late Robert Novak, that Harry S. Truman was informed as early as 1950 that finding from the Venona project confirmed that Assistant Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White, and former State Department official Alger Hiss as Soviet agents.

a. The Schecters also revealed, according to their source, that powerful Washington movers and shakers were also informed of Venona's findings....and that the group included Philip Graham, publisher of the Washington Post.
Jerrold and Leona Schechter, "Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," p. 149, 156.

Pressure from the FBI, Army intelligence, and the American people pushed Truman to move out from under the influence of communists....

....but not in time to take China back from them.

Interesting, eh.....Democrats and their policies gave us Red China, terrorist Iran, and now, nuclear Iran.

The Queen of malapropism. LOL

Why is it you never bring anything to the table?

No education?

No intelligence?


Clearly, the thread irks you....yet you can't find a single thing in it that isn't true, accurate, and correct.
I provide links, and sources.

Seems you and I show the clear distinction between conservatives and Liberals.


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