You all know where this Russian collusion thing is going...


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
Little bit of both. But that has become the normal thing for America, sadly...
The last few decades have been one big clown show.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

Pardon my language but it is so fucking boring that it remind me of the Oliver North days!

Well soon the United States will not be worrying about what Flynn did or did not do with Russia after it invades North Korea to give us something new to look at and the possible all out war with China!

Trump need a war to divert attention...
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians.

Actually I don't think Flynn has anything to do with collusion. He might have dirt on someone else though. My eyes are on Paul Mantafort.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The Clintons and the Podesta brothers took millions from Russia........and what no one can answer is what has Russia done to be in the crosshairs of USA.INC that we should be concerned about? USA.INC and their globalist owners have been trying to push Putin into a wbut so far he has shown remarkable restraint. Seems that the leftard clown posses would have a nuclear war than have someone other than a commie running this country....un -fucking believable. The stupidity of the leftists makes me shake my head in wonder.....
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

Pardon my language but it is so fucking boring that it remind me of the Oliver North days!

Well soon the United States will not be worrying about what Flynn did or did not do with Russia after it invades North Korea to give us something new to look at and the possible all out war with China!

Trump need a war to divert attention...
Lets hope he doesn't take it that far. His ego games do scare me on what effects they will have on the national stage
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians.

Actually I don't think Flynn has anything to do with collusion. He might have dirt on someone else though. My eyes are on Paul Mantafort.
He did something to get him that NSA position and he had business dealings and personal relationships with Russia. Lied about talking to the Russians, lied about discussing sanctions with them, hide his business relationships in Turkey and Russia... Yeah, there is a lot of dirt there. We will see what it is covering up.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

I was bored of it months ago when the only thing Putin did was leak evidence to the press that Hillary was a lying corrupt bitch, it was just payback for her and her state department meddling in his election.

Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The Clintons and the Podesta brothers took millions from Russia........and what no one can answer is what has Russia done to be in the crosshairs of USA.INC that we should be concerned about? USA.INC and their globalist owners have been trying to push Putin into a wbut so far he has shown remarkable restraint. Seems that the leftard clown posses would have a nuclear war than have someone other than a commie running this country....un -fucking believable. The stupidity of the leftists makes me shake my head in wonder.....
You really don't get it do you. The left isn't looking for war with Russia, they are simply going after Trump however they can, Russia is the biggest weak spot that has been exposed... And its working as he is obviously scrambling as he tries to punch back and divert his way out of it.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
Unless there's a link to Trump oking the meetings.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Holy crap you really are buying Trumps distraction... Dude, it was an emotional baseless tweet and it has snowballed into a narrative that is just digging Trump deeper and deeper in a hole. It is so transparent, I really didn't think people were actually buying it.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

You're dreaming Comrade Brown Shirt. Flynn was ALREADY cleared by FBI. You have nothing and can't manufacture anything.

Where this is going is that Susan Rice will go to prison for her felonious leaks of incidental data.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
Unless there's a link to Trump oking the meetings.
I think it is a no brainer that Trump knew about the meetings, Flynn wouldn't go out on a limb like that without talking it over with Trump. But thats just common sense and speculation. I don't think there is hard evidence unless Flynn admits to it.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?
Unless there's a link to Trump oking the meetings.

Maybe the abominable snowman will make it so that you can "GET TRUMP."

You fascists have petered out. This has already turned toward Rice and her illegal leaks as she spied on Trump on behalf of Obama.
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

You're dreaming Comrade Brown Shirt. Flynn was ALREADY cleared by FBI. You have nothing and can't manufacture anything.

Where this is going is that Susan Rice will go to prison for her felonious leaks of incidental data.
Haha, is Rice the new diversion? cool. Did the FBI clear Flynn when they denied him immunity?
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Holy crap you really are buying Trumps distraction... Dude, it was an emotional baseless tweet and it has snowballed into a narrative that is just digging Trump deeper and deeper in a hole. It is so transparent, I really didn't think people were actually buying it.
The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Holy crap you really are buying Trumps distraction... Dude, it was an emotional baseless tweet and it has snowballed into a narrative that is just digging Trump deeper and deeper in a hole. It is so transparent, I really didn't think people were actually buying it.
The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Holy crap you really are buying Trumps distraction... Dude, it was an emotional baseless tweet and it has snowballed into a narrative that is just digging Trump deeper and deeper in a hole. It is so transparent, I really didn't think people were actually buying it.
Deja Vu?
Collusion will be found between Flynn and the Russians. Whether this collusion has anything to do with election interference is TBD, but it will most likely just be inappropriate communications and payments received. The Trumpsters will spin by saying that Trump fired Flynn and took appropriate actions and show strong leadership.... Then LEAK LEAK LEAK SURVEILLANCE OBAMA LEAK!!!! Dems will say Trump showed poor judgement by appointing Flynn to such an important position. And the bitching will continue...

Is it getting old to anybody or are you entertained?

The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Holy crap you really are buying Trumps distraction... Dude, it was an emotional baseless tweet and it has snowballed into a narrative that is just digging Trump deeper and deeper in a hole. It is so transparent, I really didn't think people were actually buying it.
The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!
Holy crap you really are buying Trumps distraction... Dude, it was an emotional baseless tweet and it has snowballed into a narrative that is just digging Trump deeper and deeper in a hole. It is so transparent, I really didn't think people were actually buying it.
Deja Vu?
The whole world knows that there wasn't really any collusion, and that the whole collusion thing was engineered to justify the Obama administration's spying that they did to win the election by cheating. Any Flynn collusion found will only be twisting words and further media engineering. Hillary got her ass kicked on November 8th, and the fact that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor only makes things worse. Even worse yet, Hillary and Obama sat around with Rice and a buncha other lefties and listened to everything that Trump and his campaign said, and not even all this cheating and spying was enough to get Hillary elected. Good grief!

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