You Call Me A Racist because I Disagree With You!

I get this statement from the right wing posters. They generally say this after making an obvious racist comment. But lets examine this complaint.

My stated position is the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Now the right wingers here disagree with this assessment. What is this disagreement based on?

I make this conclusion having lived in America 61 years at this point as a black person. I have had to make decisions because of personal situations caused by white racism. I have seen other blacks doing the ssme thing. So what are these disagreements coming from primarily right wing whites based on? It's not lived experience so what is it?

Is it "I'm white and I say so?"

We have right wing white people arguing with us about poverty. We hear how it is because of unwed births. Well first off, the government took care of single white unwed mothers for years. It started with the Childrens Bureau in 1910, Then came Aid for Dependent Families exclusively for single white mothers who had unwed births in 1935. Blacks were excluded until 1965.

The late sellout Walter Williams stated that:

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past.”

In 1939 during this time of great black two-parent families, the poverty rate for employed married black couples was 89 percent. In 1959, the poverty rate for that same couple was 54.9 percent.

Ross, C., Danziger, S. & Smolensky, E. The level and trend of poverty in the United States, 1939–1979. Demography 24, pg.596 (1987)

US Department of the Census, Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2014, Historical Poverty Tables: People and Families - 1959 to 2020

These sky-high rates of poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today due to the " liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare," black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and more than 1/3 of what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family. So unwed births are not the problem.

I say the root cause of the problem is white racism and the same usual people disagree. What is the basis for this disagreement? It's not facts.
so where do you ever place responsibility on blacks for anything? anything? just one single thing? crime/drugs/jail/abortion/gangbanging/killing others/out of wedlock births/divorce/not finishing school etc? none of that is any fault of black people for over 50 years?
im2 youre a sad miserable person. period.
what a joy it would be to be around you lol. complainer extrordanaire.
I get this statement from the right wing posters. They generally say this after making an obvious racist comment. But lets examine this complaint.

My stated position is the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Now the right wingers here disagree with this assessment. What is this disagreement based on?

I make this conclusion having lived in America 61 years at this point as a black person. I have had to make decisions because of personal situations caused by white racism. I have seen other blacks doing the ssme thing. So what are these disagreements coming from primarily right wing whites based on? It's not lived experience so what is it?

Is it "I'm white and I say so?"

We have right wing white people arguing with us about poverty. We hear how it is because of unwed births. Well first off, the government took care of single white unwed mothers for years. It started with the Childrens Bureau in 1910, Then came Aid for Dependent Families exclusively for single white mothers who had unwed births in 1935. Blacks were excluded until 1965.

The late sellout Walter Williams stated that:

“As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past.”

In 1939 during this time of great black two-parent families, the poverty rate for employed married black couples was 89 percent. In 1959, the poverty rate for that same couple was 54.9 percent.

Ross, C., Danziger, S. & Smolensky, E. The level and trend of poverty in the United States, 1939–1979. Demography 24, pg.596 (1987)

US Department of the Census, Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2014, Historical Poverty Tables: People and Families - 1959 to 2020

These sky-high rates of poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today due to the " liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare," black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and more than 1/3 of what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family. So unwed births are not the problem.

I say the root cause of the problem is white racism and the same usual people disagree. What is the basis for this disagreement? It's not facts.
It's gonna be an awkward Juneteenth this year since it falls on Father's day :p
IM2, I call you a racist because you view everything thru a prism of race. If something isn't good for blacks, it's racism to you. If a program benefits anyone but blacks, it's racist to you. If the government gave completely worthless land to whites a hundred fifty plus years ago and in the sixteen hundreds it's racist to you. Why shouldn't the colonial Virginia government only given wilderness land to whites? There weren't any Blacks, Asians or other races capable of coming here or even learning about the offer back then.
You won't find any posters defending you except your fellow black racists. When a new poster that isn't one of the three of you does try to defend you, you immediately go out of your way to offend and alienate them. I've seen you do it over and over again. You don't want a civil discussion, or even a practical one, you just want to dictate terms to the majority. Here it's the majority of the posters, in the real world, it's the majority of the population.
IM2, I want you to actually think about something. Say the Virginia colonial government gave you one of those fifty acre plots for paying your own way over here from whatever part of Africa your ancestors came from. You walk there, because you can't afford a horse, let alone a wagon. You look at your land and there is a hardwood tree every ten feet in every direction. All you have is an axe, or if you are really lucky, a crosscut saw. It's early spring, so you have six months or so to clear enough land for a Soddy and small garden. You spend eight to ten hours a day cutting down hardwood trees and burning them in place since you don't have a team of oxen or mules to drag them out of the way. The rest of the daylight hours you are tending to your small garden and setting snares to catch small game since you don't have time to hunt for large game. You work hard every moment of every day until the snow starts to fall and if you are lucky you have accumulated enough surplus to survive the winter without starving. If you survive the first winter, you spend the next spring and summer repeating the process and clearing more land to plant crops. At some point after a few years, you get together with your neighbors and start helping each other build better houses. Eventually, perhaps a decade or two down the road, you are the owner of fifty acres of prime farmland. Along the way you have found a wife and had a bunch of kids, of which perhaps half have survived to a age where they are useful to help with the backbreaking work of farming with hand tools and animal drawn plows. That's what the government gave to those settlers. Worthless land and the opportunity to work themselves into an early grave to have something they couldn't have in the old country,
My stated position is the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Now the right wingers here disagree with this assessment. What is this disagreement based on?
I am not even a right winger. I always vote Democrat. My disagreement with you is based on facts I documented on this website: by every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites; they have a murder rate nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half times the white rate.

I believe that blacks cause their own problems and many of ours.
I am not even a right winger. I always vote Democrat. My disagreement with you is based on facts I documented on this website: by every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites; they have a murder rate nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half times the white rate.

I believe that blacks cause their own problems and many of ours.
I don't agree that Black Americans are any less intelligent or capable than any other Americans. In fact, successful Black Americans have proven this by their actions. I do think inner city Black Americans are less educated than most Americans, but inner-city Whites are as well. The inner cities are and have always been a breeding ground for ignorance and crime.
I don't agree that Black Americans are any less intelligent or capable than any other Americans. In fact, successful Black Americans have proven this by their actions. I do think inner city Black Americans are less educated than most Americans, but inner-city Whites are as well. The inner cities are and have always been a breeding ground for ignorance and crime.
When a large number of Russian Jews moved to the United States during the turn of the last century they came with little money, education, and marketable job skills, so they had to live in slum neighborhoods, like the lower east side of Manhattan. They performed well in school, and moved into the middle class and beyond in one or two generations.
When a large number of Russian Jews moved to the United States during the turn of the last century they came with little money, education, and marketable job skills, so they had to live in slum neighborhoods, like the lower east side of Manhattan. They performed well in school, and moved into the middle class and beyond in one or two generations.
In that first generation you had a lot of criminals, but Jews were always highly educated. They valued education much like the Asian immigrants do today. During Prohibition the Jewish gangs like the Purple Gang were at least as violent as the Italian and Irish gangs.
In that first generation you had a lot of criminals, but Jews were always highly educated. They valued education much like the Asian immigrants do today. During Prohibition the Jewish gangs like the Purple Gang were at least as violent as the Italian and Irish gangs.
Poor Jews arriving at Ellis Island were rarely well educated. The Mafia continues to exist. It is almost entirely Italian. Jews have excelled in legal endeavors.
Poor Jews arriving at Ellis Island were rarely well educated. The Mafia continues to exist. It is almost entirely Italian. Jews have excelled in legal endeavors.
They always valued education. In their home countries Jews tended to be teachers, bankers, scientists, artists and other professionals. There were poor jews, especially in places like Russia where it was government policy to keep them poor and humble. Not speaking English, the immigrant's knowledge did them little good in the USA.
I get this statement from the right wing posters. They generally say this after making an obvious racist comment. But lets examine this complaint.

My stated position is the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Now the right wingers here disagree with this assessment. What is this disagreement based on?

I make this conclusion having lived in America 61 years at this point as a black person. I have had to make decisions because of personal situations caused by white racism. I have seen other blacks doing the ssme thing. So what are these disagreements coming from primarily right wing whites based on? It's not lived experience so what is it?

Is it "I'm white and I say so?"
So you are "I'm black and I say so." (See bold).
They always valued education. In their home countries Jews tended to be teachers, bankers, scientists, artists and other professionals. There were poor jews, especially in places like Russia where it was government policy to keep them poor and humble. Not speaking English, the immigrant's knowledge did them little good in the USA.
People value what they are good at. At the city where I live blacks fill the basketball courts all year around, weather permitting. I rarely see one in a public library, unless he is accessing pornographic websites using a public personal computer.
No. People call you a racist because thats what you are.
A racist is one who criticizes the Negro race. When I am called a racist I ask, "What did I say that is not true?'

The fear of being called a racist resembles the fear of being suspect of Communist sympathies from the McCarthy Era to the Tet Offensive. In the same way it suppresses discussions that needed and need to be held.
The only people who say that are right wing racists. Now explain your disagreement with what was posted in the OP.
No. He explained that you’re labeled a racist because you demonstrate your racism all the time. But not much more can be said because you engage in your behavior under cover of the protection of a zone 1 thread.

One of the problems with your facile analysis in the OP (other than baselessly ascribing racism to others without evidence or concern for the lack of evidence to support your claim), is that your comparing unalike things.

If the question is whether racism seriously and tragically impacted the black community when racism was essentially legal, then the answer is an obvious “of course.” But now that racism of that kind is properly outside the bounds of the law, it is difficult to ascribe the present day plight of SOME black Americans to that kind of lawful racism.

Your argument employs some really unsupported premises (both stated and unstated). Your presumption about whites, in general, is actually quite racist of you.
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