You can be 18 to fight and die for this country but you can’t buy a pack of cigarettes. But you can buy a marijuana product.

Marijuana is illegal in ALL STATES. You liberals can't spout the Supremacy Clause only when it's convenient, then tuck it way again just because you want to get high.
Where did I say anything about it being wanting it legalized, I asked where it was legal at 18 because I wasn’t aware of any place where it was under 21, and now I’m a liberal? You are a moron if that is how you think. I also don’t smoke pot, inhaling smoke into your lungs is stupid.

AND strict liability should attach to anyone providing pot to those who fall under its deadly/addictive influence.
You gonna limit entry into military service starting at 30?! Lol!!! You're out of your mind...
Easily gamed; more easily than with opioids.

Deadly addiction is destroying lives by the millions.
No one has asked you to save them at gunpoint. Might want to check your savior complex. It's a form of psychosis, and isn't healthy...
21 is much too young on its face, and with trickle down use, thousands of lives are being destroyed.

But you're right that pot isn't as dangerous as I say - it's far MORE dangerous.

The Uvalde mass shooter was a pot addict among many other murderers driven to psychosis by this INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive drug.

Opinion | Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge

Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge

A Review of Cases of Marijuana and Violence
how do you know he was a "pot" addict? do realize that many violent people do alcohol and hard drugs like crack and meth and yes maybe smoked pot too.....but the pot doesnt make them violent.....the other stuff helps with that....
i see “Dispenseries“ around. Parking lots alwas seem pretty full? One place had to install Disneyland type crowd routing (cattle guard routing). So there seems to be a lot of Doctors writing prescriptions or… can just walk in?
Yes, the whole medical marijuana thing is basically a cop out if you will. Anybody practically everybody can get a medical marijuana card today. They simply have to go into a doctors office and say “ I’m depressed.” Or “my leg hurts.” And they get their medical marijuana card. They might have to do some doctor shopping but eventually they will definitely find a doctor that gives them what they want.

The smoke shops are making billions of dollars. Of course and a number of states the tax rate on marijuana products is over 20 or 25%. So the government is making a ton of money off of this. Who would’ve ever thought that this would happen in America. And I understand that there are some cancer patients who use marijuana, and perhaps you can isolate the psychoactive effects of medical marijuana for those folks and give them some kind of a pill. But bye and large medical marijuana patients are not cancer patients they’re going into the office and they’re saying my leg hurts or my arm hurts and they’re saying whatever they can to get their medical marijuana. I think it’s problematic.

You go to a lot of parks in America. It smells like weed. All over the country It smells like weed. My own personal opinion. That’s not a good thing.

Not to mention these new vaporizer marijuana products they’re very dangerous. They’re called dabbing sticks. It’s not your old-school weed from the 1960s where you roll the joint. It’s this liquid oil type substance and who knows what they’re putting in there. Could be the most addictive substances we can imagine.
Here in my area in Buffalo we have a number of smoke shops. Many of them are ran by Yemeni Arabs. Now I respect the Yemeni population, but a portion of them are selling this marijuana poison to young kids. They don’t care how old they are.

These marijuana “dabbing sticks” are very popular among the youngsters. They’re spending 50 or $60 on 1 g dabbing stick. Many of them go thru one each day and so they’re spending $60 every day maybe 200- $300 a week on this marijuana product. How is that ever a good thing for society?

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Your average marijuana smoker is not the problem. I think the drug dealers and the US government are the problem. The drug dealers making a ton of money selling this to kids. And the US government collecting millions of billions and tax revenue of this. How is this a good thing. How can this benefit American society?

And if you ask the traditional Yemenis folks they think that these drug dealers are a disgrace to the Arab nation. So that’s an issue to look at.
See the numerous links I posted above.

Pot is an INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive drug destroying untold lives daily.

The Uvalde mass murderer was a pot addict, as is this guy:

Neighbor who tossed an elderly Jewish woman off a balcony while yelling 'Allahu Akbar' avoids trial because he smoked weed
Thanks for all the informative points you make. And the dark truth about marijuana is that yes some people function they work they even might have a family and they smoke weed. But there are untold millions of Americans who for them because they are high every day on marijuana. A good life is working a McDonald’s job coming home to their parents basement or a tiny apartment and playing video games all day. These are lost souls. But they can be saved. There’s always hope.

I would like to make it clear that I’m not against marijuana users. I think the problem is the US government and the drug dealers. The government is basically a drug dealer. They make untold sums of money on the tax revenues from marijuana smoke shops.

It used to be cool to wanna be a police officer. That’s what I was taught growing up as a kid but now you have the Democrats saying that police are the enemy. We used to have the dare program and all sorts of programs that urged youngsters to play sports and join a book club. Now you even have adults saying “it’s ok to get high.” This is not a good formula and we need change for the better. I expect better from Republicans and traditional Democrats on this issue.

Of course, there’s a massive difference between cigarettes and marijuana. Yes cigarettes can over the long-term cause lung cancer, but it is not a psychoactive substance. As you point out thoroughly marijuana can cause psychosis. And other medical issues that lead to mental disorders and all sorts of violence.
State laws regulate alcohol, tobacco and marijuana. Every state is different.
Treat pot like alcohol. If a person has some in their own back yard that simply cannot ever be considered illegal unless one is for authoritarianism.

Donald Trump helped bring us this new law where every state in the United States has a law where you have to be 21 to buy a pack of cigarettes. So that’s something I disagree with Mr. Trump on. Just doesn’t seem right. You can fight and die for this country in some war at the age of 18 , but you can’t buy a pack of smokes…🧐🤔

But that same 18-year-old can buy a “medical“ marijuana product that gets him high. That makes no sense. Lots of the mass school shooters have been marijuana addicts also on anti-depressants…. Cigarettes do not cause a psychoactive effect but marijuana does.

Yet another case of the politicians failing the American people. They got to do a better job… give us common sense laws.
Any eighteen-year-old can not buy a medical marijuana product unless they have a prescription card from a physician.
Reduce the age restriction on everything to 18.

If you're old enough to be drafted, vote, sign a contract and go to prison... you're old enough to drink, smoke and buy a handgun.
Not sure we should use the draft as the measuring stick, or women would never be able to buy it ;).
Cigarettes do not cause a psychoactive effect but marijuana does.
It doesn't make you a mass shooter, and only a tiny percentage of users are ever experiencing any mental problems from long term usage.

On the other hand, millions derive a positive benefit from usage. Are we going to take away gun rights because of the actions of a few? I didn't think so.
how do you know he was a "pot" addict?....
How do you not?

Convenient to be sure... :)

LMK if your Google is broken, and I'll provide more links for the pot pimps here to ignore.
you do realize that many violent people do alcohol and hard drugs like crack and meth and yes maybe smoked pot too.....
The topic is the INCREDIBLY dangerous/addictive drug pot.

And do you think these numerous studies didn't cross-check for other factors?
but the pot doesnt make them violent.....
People murdered by psychotic pot users beg to differ.

Well, they WOULD beg to differ if they weren't victims of pot-crazed killers like the Uvalde mass murderer.
the other stuff helps with that....
See above.

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