You can feel all of America rising up against injustice just in time for November:

America has now seen what socialist redistribution looting and rioting looks like. America is going to demand guns, law and order, capitalism, and low taxes. No more wasting $ trillions of our hard earned dollars on social programs over 50 years that amount to nothing but en masse mayhem, rioting, looting and killing.

And what sparked this sudden mayhem? One white on black murder, while 90% of the interracial crime is black on white, and blacks murder 7500 hundred other blacks each year without a whisper. It's pure insanity strongly influenced by BLM Marxism.

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.” -BLM
He couldn't resist if he tried. He was handcuffed with three cops on him.
It was an execution.
so are black on black drive bys and they sometimes blow off half the heads of 4 year olds walking to church with their mothers.
Black on black is not the subject.
Take your talking points and shove them up your ass.
I believe the point trying being made is this, it is never ever ok to talk about black on black crime. That includes a time when we are being told they are gunned down by cops all the time. When we are being told by celebrities that they are being slaughtered in the streets, and it’s still not ok to talk about black on black crime.
America has now seen what socialist redistribution looting and rioting looks like. America is going to demand guns, law and order, capitalism, and low taxes. No more wasting $ trillions of our hard earned dollars on social programs over 50 years that amount to nothing but en masse mayhem, rioting, looting and killing.

LOL. I don't know what America you're in, but that's not what I'm seeing.
Then you arent looking.
Ok, so if it was, then was it linked to all of white America or was it linked to all cops even though they are innocent except for maybe a few be it here or there ??? Is this part of a far greater movement that is using the deaths as a reasoning to take out greater frustrations, yet based upon what ???

Do tell what these movements really entail or tell what they are really after in reality ?? The reaction was strong enough to show that there is a broader movement in play in all of this, and just exactly what is it that broader movement ???
What do you think it is?
Ok, so if it was, then was it linked to all of white America or was it linked to all cops even though they are innocent except for maybe a few be it here or there ??? Is this part of a far greater movement that is using the deaths as a reasoning to take out greater frustrations, yet based upon what ???

Do tell what these movements really entail or tell what they are really after in reality ?? The reaction was strong enough to show that there is a broader movement in play in all of this, and just exactly what is it that broader movement ???
What do you think it is?
I think it is years of brainwashing coming into play, where as there has been this smile in your face by day stuff going on, but stab you in your back by night stuff going on as well, otherwise it is the result which is unexpectedly taking place everywhere now.
Ok, so if it was, then was it linked to all of white America or was it linked to all cops even though they are innocent except for maybe a few be it here or there ??? Is this part of a far greater movement that is using the deaths as a reasoning to take out greater frustrations, yet based upon what ???

Do tell what these movements really entail or tell what they are really after in reality ?? The reaction was strong enough to show that there is a broader movement in play in all of this, and just exactly what is it that broader movement ???
What do you think it is?
BLM’s hidden liberal Marxist agenda of course!
No one ever dreamed that the day would come in this country when elected politicians and even some police officers would kneel and grovel. This is surely the beginning of the end of this nation.

I have read that some business executives are retiring so that they can be replaced by people of a certain vocal ethnicity. Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer and Vice President Biden (he does not like the word "former") should do the same to prove their sincerity.

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