You can feel all of America rising up against injustice just in time for November:

They're all leftists. They are protesting because they hate America. They have made that quite clear.

Great point. Taking down Confederate Generals is one thing but I saw them taking down Christopher Columbus statue too. And of course they want to rewrite history from the libcommie POV.
That somehow Trump is connected to the KKK, and so all of these aspirations from the left are spewing out all this bullsh*t - because it so happens to be an Election year.
Fact: President Trump is the son of a klansman.
Proof? In general..NYers were not klansmen, so pardon me if I find your assertion suspect.
Now my old cousin twice-removed that I found a box full of klan pamphlets in his room, he was probably a klansman.

My grandma..(his great-aunt) held 3 at bay that were trying to hang her daddy once..with a butcher knife.
They cut him down before she disemboweled them. There's several stories in my family about hiding people from the klan.
They didn't go after just black people. No..
Great point. Taking down Confederate Generals is one thing but I saw them taking down Christopher Columbus statue too. And of course they want to rewrite history from the libcommie POV.
How is this "rewriting of history" accomplished as you see it?
?????You get enough libcommies rewriting history, especially for children, and the deed is done. Is that really over your head?? The 1619 project is one good example.
The 1619 Project was just released. However, you guys have been screaming about this since Obama. So what else ya got, liar?
America has now seen what socialist redistribution looting and rioting looks like. America is going to demand guns, law and order, capitalism, and low taxes. No more wasting $ trillions of our hard earned dollars on social programs over 50 years that amount to nothing but en masse mayhem, rioting, looting and killing.

And what sparked this sudden mayhem? One white on black murder, while 90% of the interracial crime is black on white, and blacks murder 7500 hundred other blacks each year without a whisper. It's pure insanity strongly influenced by BLM Marxism.

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.” -BLM
Biden is colluding with communist.

They are Biden's people.


The left and progs are salivating and rabidly frothing over the prospect of placing ukraine joe in. This is their ultimate dream. They'll be able to fully implement their agenda through this absent reprobate retard.
why do they bring up slavery all time? It’s over, move on.
Why do these hillbillies keep brandishing that traitorous Confederate flag all the time?

I thought it was over. Why haven't they moved on?
Did you know they flag was used as a battle flag before it was used as a symbol on hate?

There is a Confederate Battle flag that flys on private property that is seen from my work. We all run our mouths at work about stuff and I’ve yet to hear even the mention of one person caring about it.

You poopdicks make it seem like they are everywhere, surrounded by hoods and burning crosses. Where are these crazy white power groups? virtually non existent. Yes, there are dumb rednecks that do stupid shit. But that’s hardly shit these days.

BLM is the modern day KKK with a tan, minus the lynching of people. They instead lynch history because they have an entitlement mentality that has unfortunately, hindered their causes. They can’t seem to be rational with others. They drown out rational people in their cities. BLM are the house help if you know what I mean. They are putting the chains back on.
The 1619 Project was just released. However, you guys have been screaming about this since Obama. So what else ya got, liar?

????? can you tell me why you are calling me a liar?? Do you think the left is not trying to rewrite history from a libcommie POV???? Columbus, for example, has gone from hero to villian in the left's eyes. Do you understand now??
The 1619 Project was just released. However, you guys have been screaming about this since Obama. So what else ya got, liar?

what????? The left has been trying to rewrite history since the New Deal.
Do you understand now??

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