You Can Not Be Civil

as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

"The right doesn't initiate violence"

they sure want to.....
and the left doesn't?

stop pretending your own side is so innocent in all this.
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.


nice drugs.....
I'll take that as a surrender. You can't point to any violence from the right. There was no hissy fit from us when Odumbo nominated Kagan and Sotomayor to the Court.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
I remember some idiots being condemned for saying, "Any Muslim who does not actively and publicly speak out against the violence being perpetrated by radical extremists is obviously a supporter of that violence and of those perpetrating it'.

Not speaking out and / or not speaking out 'enough' does not make someone a supporter of the action. That claim above is just as stupid as someone saying today, 'If you do not speak out against 'X' then you obviously condone / support it'.

I don't publicly condemn dropping puppies out of airplanes, painting your house bright-ass pink, or wearing white after Labor day, but not doing so does not make me a supporter of those things.
6. Soooo….how’d the pay-for-play plan work out for the Clinton Crime Family?

“How the Clintons went from ‘dead broke’ to rich: Bill earned $104.9 million for speeches …the majority of his speaking income, $56.3 million, came from foreign speeches…. pay their fee as a donation to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation,….” How the Clintons went from ‘dead broke’ to rich, with $104.9 million for ex-president’s speaking fees

How foreign cash made Bill and Hillary ‘filthy rich’ Hillary Rodham Clinton used her clout as secretary of state to do favors for foreign donors who gave millions to her family foundation — and who paid millions more to her husband, Bill, in speaking fees, a new book charges.

Records show that of the $105 million the former president raked in from speeches over 12 years, about half came during his wife’s four-year tenure at the State Department. … shady foreign money flowing into the Clinton Foundation — and what actions Hillary took in her official capacity in exchange for the cash….. a clear “pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable US policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds.”

When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.


nice drugs.....
I'll take that as a surrender. You can't point to any violence from the right. There was no hissy fit from us when Odumbo nominated Kagan and Sotomayor to the Court.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.
i don't play these games. any example i give would be followed by "yea but they started it and we're just responding" OF WHICH i've already said both are bullshit. there are better ways to respond.

find 'em.
No, self defense isn't bullshit. If you don't play that game, then you're useless. Go home and knit me a sweater.

nice drugs.....
I'll take that as a surrender. You can't point to any violence from the right. There was no hissy fit from us when Odumbo nominated Kagan and Sotomayor to the Court.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
AND just what i said you'd say.

nice drugs.....
I'll take that as a surrender. You can't point to any violence from the right. There was no hissy fit from us when Odumbo nominated Kagan and Sotomayor to the Court.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.
i don't play these games. any example i give would be followed by "yea but they started it and we're just responding" OF WHICH i've already said both are bullshit. there are better ways to respond.

find 'em.
No, self defense isn't bullshit. If you don't play that game, then you're useless. Go home and knit me a sweater.
sure. which of my guns should i use, sir stereotype? pistol, shotgun or AK?
I'll take that as a surrender. You can't point to any violence from the right. There was no hissy fit from us when Odumbo nominated Kagan and Sotomayor to the Court.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
AND just what i said you'd say.
Well, do you have any more or not? You have one nut that acted alone. There aren't any organized rightist mobs.
I'll take that as a surrender. You can't point to any violence from the right. There was no hissy fit from us when Odumbo nominated Kagan and Sotomayor to the Court.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.
i don't play these games. any example i give would be followed by "yea but they started it and we're just responding" OF WHICH i've already said both are bullshit. there are better ways to respond.

find 'em.
No, self defense isn't bullshit. If you don't play that game, then you're useless. Go home and knit me a sweater.
sure. which of my guns should i use, sir stereotype? pistol, shotgun or AK?
I don't think you'd use a gun. You don't believe in self defense.
"The right doesn't initiate violence"

they sure want to.....

You're projecting, just like you're programmed to.

We tend to go to church, follow laws, wait for green lights, give to charity, help our friends and neighbors, and defend the innocent from violent pieces of shit, like libturds.

The fact that any of you are still stealing our oxygen is testament to the fact that we don't want to commit violence, and that we are the good guys. Pray to God the light never changes, because you will be praying to Him to change it back if you believe you're an atheist right now. At that point all of you parasites will be the most pious mother fuckers since Noah.

now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.
i don't play these games. any example i give would be followed by "yea but they started it and we're just responding" OF WHICH i've already said both are bullshit. there are better ways to respond.

find 'em.
No, self defense isn't bullshit. If you don't play that game, then you're useless. Go home and knit me a sweater.
sure. which of my guns should i use, sir stereotype? pistol, shotgun or AK?
I don't think you'd use a gun. You don't believe in self defense.
now show me where i said that. :)

i just said we all need to find a better way and you nosedive into LISTEN TO ME I'M RIGHT crap.

i'm out. have a day.
I'll take that as a surrender. You can't point to any violence from the right. There was no hissy fit from us when Odumbo nominated Kagan and Sotomayor to the Court.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
AND just what i said you'd say.
what does heather hyer have to do with the right causing violence? please explain that one to me. Charlottesville, really, omg, such stupidity. Antifa created the violence, nice that you abandon that fact.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
AND just what i said you'd say.
Well, do you have any more or not? You have one nut that acted alone. There aren't any organized rightist mobs.

trump endorsed roy moore

roy moore STATED he believes the christian bible should be used as the source of law in the USA.

he specifically stated that GAYS should be CRIMINALIZED, ARRESTED and EXECUTED (to save on tax dollars)...

would you consider rounding up and executing all gays as "violence"...

do you agree with moore and trump?
To focus the discussion....
"McConnell Points to Hillary's Call for Dems to Abandon Civility, Warns the 'Madness Hasn't Stopped'"
McConnell Points to Hillary's Call for Dems to Abandon Civility, Warns the 'Madness Hasn't Stopped'

Who is this person who threatens assaults, harassment, vituperation and lies about any who oppose her and her crime family?

Now....down to the details:

1.Remember this line from the Clinton’s number one sycophant, 'Corporal Cue Ball' James Carville:’
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Just goes to prove Rule #2: To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they claim about the other side .

The Clinton Crime Family is guilty of any iniquity that will make them a buck.

Yup…from robbing the poor (Whitewater) to selling out their country (Uranium) threatening the rest of the country.

[“The Whitewater project was a failure. The location was bad; the land wasn't even accessible after the frequent heavy storms that caused the river to flood. And amidst the stagflation of the late '70s and early '80s, interest rates were surging, rendering vacation homes unaffordable for many families.” Whitewater, explained for people who don't remember the Clinton presidency]

2. After losing to Obama, the Clinton’s parlayed their political power into her becoming Sec’y of State.

“She won't be answering the White House telephone at 3 a.m., but Hillary Clinton may still play a powerful role in the next administration. On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama introduced Clinton as his choice for Secretary of State, ending a weeks-long saga of rumors, press leaks, political back-biting and negotiations with Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton,…” Obama's White House - TIME

3. The Clintons planned to auction off influence and access to government to the highest bidders, the detriment of the nation notwithstanding.

Get this:

“…former President Bill Clinton who eventually agreed to release the long-secret list of donors to his charitable foundation to avoid any conflicts of interest.” Obama's White House - TIME

Hillary Clinton made sweeping promises about transparency at her family’s foundation before she was confirmed in 2009 as President Obama’s secretary of State.

Clinton said at the hearing that “all contributors will be disclosed,” and pointed to a memorandum of understanding co-signed in December 2008 between the foundation and the transition team of then president-elect Barack Obama that pledged unprecedented transparency into her family’s sprawling organization.

Some of Clinton’s transparency promises ended up not being kept.” Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises

Ya’ think????

Both Clintons are compulsive serial liars.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
AND just what i said you'd say.
what does heather hyer have to do with the right causing violence? please explain that one to me. Charlottesville, really, omg, such stupidity. Antifa created the violence, nice that you abandon that fact.
i never brought her into it so go back to the one who did.
now we're going to limit the "starting" of violence to justice nominations?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
AND just what i said you'd say.
what does heather hyer have to do with the right causing violence? please explain that one to me. Charlottesville, really, omg, such stupidity. Antifa created the violence, nice that you abandon that fact.

I denounce violence from the left.
I denounce violence from the right.

do you?
Give me an instance of the right initiating violence towards the left. Go ahead.

heather hyer.

I note that YOU have NOT spoken out against violence from the right.
One. Any more? Just to be clear, she was there in a counter demonstration trying to shut people up that were protesting.
AND just what i said you'd say.
Well, do you have any more or not? You have one nut that acted alone. There aren't any organized rightist mobs.

trump endorsed roy moore

roy moore STATED he believes the christian bible should be used as the source of law in the USA.

he specifically stated that GAYS should be CRIMINALIZED, ARRESTED and EXECUTED (to save on tax dollars)...

would you consider rounding up and executing all gays as "violence"...

do you agree with moore and trump?
well this is stupid too. i can support someone and that does not mean i support 100% of their views.

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