You Can Not Be Civil

To focus the discussion....
"McConnell Points to Hillary's Call for Dems to Abandon Civility, Warns the 'Madness Hasn't Stopped'"
McConnell Points to Hillary's Call for Dems to Abandon Civility, Warns the 'Madness Hasn't Stopped'

Who is this person who threatens assaults, harassment, vituperation and lies about any who oppose her and her crime family?

Now....down to the details:

1.Remember this line from the Clinton’s number one sycophant, 'Corporal Cue Ball' James Carville:’
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Just goes to prove Rule #2: To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they claim about the other side .

The Clinton Crime Family is guilty of any iniquity that will make them a buck.

Yup…from robbing the poor (Whitewater) to selling out their country (Uranium) threatening the rest of the country.

[“The Whitewater project was a failure. The location was bad; the land wasn't even accessible after the frequent heavy storms that caused the river to flood. And amidst the stagflation of the late '70s and early '80s, interest rates were surging, rendering vacation homes unaffordable for many families.” Whitewater, explained for people who don't remember the Clinton presidency]

2. After losing to Obama, the Clinton’s parlayed their political power into her becoming Sec’y of State.

“She won't be answering the White House telephone at 3 a.m., but Hillary Clinton may still play a powerful role in the next administration. On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama introduced Clinton as his choice for Secretary of State, ending a weeks-long saga of rumors, press leaks, political back-biting and negotiations with Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton,…” Obama's White House - TIME

3. The Clintons planned to auction off influence and access to government to the highest bidders, the detriment of the nation notwithstanding.

Get this:

“…former President Bill Clinton who eventually agreed to release the long-secret list of donors to his charitable foundation to avoid any conflicts of interest.” Obama's White House - TIME

Hillary Clinton made sweeping promises about transparency at her family’s foundation before she was confirmed in 2009 as President Obama’s secretary of State.

Clinton said at the hearing that “all contributors will be disclosed,” and pointed to a memorandum of understanding co-signed in December 2008 between the foundation and the transition team of then president-elect Barack Obama that pledged unprecedented transparency into her family’s sprawling organization.

Some of Clinton’s transparency promises ended up not being kept.” Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises

Ya’ think????


The most terrifying aspect of the Clintons in my own OP is how between this particular nuptials union of man and wife HRC and WJC, they've held the fates of hundreds of millions of us Americans in their hands at one time or another, and, I truly believe they mistook those dollar bill slogans to be us hundreds of millions were not in God We Trust, but in the Clintons. Just imagine how they must have viewed us lowly "trailer trash" unwashed hordes—as living heads of cash to spend. So what if they spent ten thousand of our lives there, or 50, 000 here or wasted a million more over there, right? Spooky it is being just a spendable dollar bill in Bill or Hill's sweaty money hands.

To see exactly how the Clintons view American.....just ask Juanita Broaddrick.
To focus the discussion....
"McConnell Points to Hillary's Call for Dems to Abandon Civility, Warns the 'Madness Hasn't Stopped'"
McConnell Points to Hillary's Call for Dems to Abandon Civility, Warns the 'Madness Hasn't Stopped'

Who is this person who threatens assaults, harassment, vituperation and lies about any who oppose her and her crime family?

Now....down to the details:

1.Remember this line from the Clinton’s number one sycophant, 'Corporal Cue Ball' James Carville:’
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Just goes to prove Rule #2: To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they claim about the other side .

The Clinton Crime Family is guilty of any iniquity that will make them a buck.

Yup…from robbing the poor (Whitewater) to selling out their country (Uranium) threatening the rest of the country.

[“The Whitewater project was a failure. The location was bad; the land wasn't even accessible after the frequent heavy storms that caused the river to flood. And amidst the stagflation of the late '70s and early '80s, interest rates were surging, rendering vacation homes unaffordable for many families.” Whitewater, explained for people who don't remember the Clinton presidency]

2. After losing to Obama, the Clinton’s parlayed their political power into her becoming Sec’y of State.

“She won't be answering the White House telephone at 3 a.m., but Hillary Clinton may still play a powerful role in the next administration. On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama introduced Clinton as his choice for Secretary of State, ending a weeks-long saga of rumors, press leaks, political back-biting and negotiations with Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton,…” Obama's White House - TIME

3. The Clintons planned to auction off influence and access to government to the highest bidders, the detriment of the nation notwithstanding.

Get this:

“…former President Bill Clinton who eventually agreed to release the long-secret list of donors to his charitable foundation to avoid any conflicts of interest.” Obama's White House - TIME

Hillary Clinton made sweeping promises about transparency at her family’s foundation before she was confirmed in 2009 as President Obama’s secretary of State.

Clinton said at the hearing that “all contributors will be disclosed,” and pointed to a memorandum of understanding co-signed in December 2008 between the foundation and the transition team of then president-elect Barack Obama that pledged unprecedented transparency into her family’s sprawling organization.

Some of Clinton’s transparency promises ended up not being kept.” Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises

Ya’ think????


The most terrifying aspect of the Clintons in my own OP is how between this particular nuptials union of man and wife HRC and WJC, they've held the fates of hundreds of millions of us Americans in their hands at one time or another, and, I truly believe they mistook those dollar bill slogans to be us hundreds of millions were not in God We Trust, but in the Clintons. Just imagine how they must have viewed us lowly "trailer trash" unwashed hordes—as living heads of cash to spend. So what if they spent ten thousand of our lives there, or 50, 000 here or wasted a million more over there, right? Spooky it is being just a spendable dollar bill in Bill or Hill's sweaty money hands.

To see exactly how the Clintons view American.....just ask Juanita Broaddrick.

“That’s different....”

Blah blah blah
Liar. If they were right, why were 18 out of 26 of them found guilty of various charges?

How about a link to those charges.
Acquitted, convicted, fined or free: after the Oregon standoff

So pretty much all of em were this type conviction.

"Convicted of depredation of government property, trespass and tampering with vehicles and equipment."

Pretty weak stuff and the main characters were aquitted and they didnt kill anyone.....other than Finicum and he was flat out murdered.

WTF?? They were never charged with killing anyone. The leaders were charged with conspiracy to prevent federal employees from doing their job and acquitted. The rest were charged with trespassing and convicted. So how does convicting 18 out of 26 make them right?

Conspiracy to prevent federal employees from doing their job....trespassing!!!! Holy shit that sounds serious!!!
And what employees would those be? The ones working at the bird sanctuary?

The killing was the murder Finicum ya dumbfuck.

It wasn’t murder just because you say it was. Reach for a gun while police ave their guns aimed at you will get you shot everytime. Finicum knew that which is why he committed suicide by cop.

And trespassing is what they were doing. 18 of them were rightfully charged and convicted. Who knows why you think they were right? :dunno:
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4. But how to make oneself wealthy using the government, and keep the scams and bribes hidden?

. “Why would Clinton want to keep all her communications as secretary of state on a private server? The obvious answer is often the correct one. With no emails on a government account, Clinton would be able to avoid complying with various requests filed by the media and the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

This explanation is reinforced by the conscious decision she and her staff made not to utilize an electronic program called SMART, which would have preserved her records for the government. “ Greg Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax”

5. Perfectly good reasons for a crooked politician to use a camouflaged email server:

“….obscure illicit behavior….

…to keep from public view any evidence that she and her husband used her position of power in government to enrich themselves… the conduit for hundreds of million of dollars that flowed from foreign sources at the same time Hillary appeared to have exerted influence on their behalf. At the same time, Bill pocked tens of millions for speaking engagements overseas, many of them connected to his wife’s work.” Ibid.

See what happens when you allow trailer-park trash in positions of great power?
you are advocating murder.
I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore.

When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared.

Trust this. I would not think twice. As far as I am concerned the domestic enemies of this country are a far bigger and real threat than any nazi or jap solider in WWII.

I would have more remorse about spraying a bug with raid. You can laugh now, and I know your ignorant ass is. The fact you think I am talking bullshit makes me actually happy.

I know you will just giggle away. I say good.

"I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore. "

what is "it"?
what are you being forced to take that makes you want to kill me?
please list actual examples....

"When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared. "

scared of what?
are you threatening to kill me?
do you have other liberals you are planning on killing?

i confess....I am laughing at you......(ha ha ha)

I am laughing because I know the truth about you...

you are just a slimy coward typing away at your keyboard.. The only way YOU would ever resort to violence is if you had 200 heavily armed thugs to help you.

The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?
You are a fucking loser.

Way worse.

Libturds are traitors, they aren't even aware of it in a lot of cases. They're too stupid. They believe that clowns like hitlery and that meat puppet faggot can make communism work if us "rubes" would just submit, get frontal lobotomies and become drones like all the other democrook voters. Just because they're too stupid to realize they're traitors, does not mean we need to "be civil" and let them fuck up the last country on earth to reject regressive marxist dogma.

Cicero said:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

If it's going to happen, I'd rather do the fighting than leave it to my kids.

I'll bet empty liberal skulls implode into a satisfying pink mist when it gets slammed by a 175 Gr OTM.
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I think the kind of legislation being pursued has a huge impact on civility, and it's not usually taken into consideration. We focus on the media, partisans, etc... but it's hard to be civil about a proposed law that strips you of your fundamental rights. And the sad fact is, we've lost consensus on what those rights are.
our "rights" are nothing more and nothing less than what *we all* allow them to be.

i completely disagree our "rights" are god given and in fact a "right". to me they are a luxury of a system we put in place to give us "rights" we all share, based on a common ground of what we all find to be decency to each other. we've lost sight of that along the way to be sure. both sides. i no longer care which side started it and really, which side is worse. i have my opinions as we all do but the underlying question then becomes "now what"?

where do we go from here? do we continue to rip apart our country because of our differences or do we somehow make a hail mary recovery and realize our differences are what made us great? we spend all our time on what we do not agree on and never a minute on what we do. why? our differences cannot be so great and unrecoverable that we don't still agree on baselines of respect and this decency we all used to know. sitting around blaming this or that person is a waste of time as by now we're all guilty to some degree. the question again then repeats, where do we go from here?

the rights are spelled out in the constitution and the constitution as far as i know doesn't segment them into isolated groups and say one group should have more or less rights than the other. we put groups in front of "rights" as do we "american" and then each group then feels they don't have the same rights as an old white man these days. i still don't know what that means or how it applies but each "group" now feels left out and like they're not getting their fair share in life.

however, the only reason we have these "rights" is because we as a country have defined them and then fight to protect them. if they were inherent with life, not a political value system, then every one in the world would share these self-same rights. we know that isn't the case don't we? so to me the only reason we have rights is because we protect them for ALL OF US. yet we've somehow marginalized ourselves into groups that don't have the same rights as the next and suddenly, old white men become the poster child for all that is wrong in our country.

in the end, i do agree. as a whole we have lost sight of all this and are so busy fighting for a singular we don't understand we're killing the very collective that makes it possible.
We can't be civil to them. We have to ignore them. If they get in your face, defend yourself and knock the ignorant trash out.
I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore.

When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared.

Trust this. I would not think twice. As far as I am concerned the domestic enemies of this country are a far bigger and real threat than any nazi or jap solider in WWII.

I would have more remorse about spraying a bug with raid. You can laugh now, and I know your ignorant ass is. The fact you think I am talking bullshit makes me actually happy.

I know you will just giggle away. I say good.

"I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore. "

what is "it"?
what are you being forced to take that makes you want to kill me?
please list actual examples....

"When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared. "

scared of what?
are you threatening to kill me?
do you have other liberals you are planning on killing?

i confess....I am laughing at you......(ha ha ha)

I am laughing because I know the truth about you...

you are just a slimy coward typing away at your keyboard.. The only way YOU would ever resort to violence is if you had 200 heavily armed thugs to help you.

The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
"I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore. "

what is "it"?
what are you being forced to take that makes you want to kill me?
please list actual examples....

"When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared. "

scared of what?
are you threatening to kill me?
do you have other liberals you are planning on killing?

i confess....I am laughing at you......(ha ha ha)

I am laughing because I know the truth about you...

you are just a slimy coward typing away at your keyboard.. The only way YOU would ever resort to violence is if you had 200 heavily armed thugs to help you.

The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?

'Cherry-pick' / 'Generalize' Much? :p
"I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore. "

what is "it"?
what are you being forced to take that makes you want to kill me?
please list actual examples....

"When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared. "

scared of what?
are you threatening to kill me?
do you have other liberals you are planning on killing?

i confess....I am laughing at you......(ha ha ha)

I am laughing because I know the truth about you...

you are just a slimy coward typing away at your keyboard.. The only way YOU would ever resort to violence is if you had 200 heavily armed thugs to help you.

The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.
"I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore. "

what is "it"?
what are you being forced to take that makes you want to kill me?
please list actual examples....

"When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared. "

scared of what?
are you threatening to kill me?
do you have other liberals you are planning on killing?

i confess....I am laughing at you......(ha ha ha)

I am laughing because I know the truth about you...

you are just a slimy coward typing away at your keyboard.. The only way YOU would ever resort to violence is if you had 200 heavily armed thugs to help you.

The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
you're going to need to lnk me up to the first 2 because i searched under the quote and their name and found nothing.

the other is 2010. stupid as hell and no, should not be done.
The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.
i would also suggest *we* condemn it when the right pops off with such "ideas" as well.
you are advocating murder.
I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore.

When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared.

Trust this. I would not think twice. As far as I am concerned the domestic enemies of this country are a far bigger and real threat than any nazi or jap solider in WWII.

I would have more remorse about spraying a bug with raid. You can laugh now, and I know your ignorant ass is. The fact you think I am talking bullshit makes me actually happy.

I know you will just giggle away. I say good.

"I am advocating striking back you blind piece of shit. You should know there is a time coming when we will not be taking it anymore. "

what is "it"?
what are you being forced to take that makes you want to kill me?
please list actual examples....

"When the shit does go down and this thing turns bloody since you are too fucking hypocritical, ignorant and blind to see that the left have drawn first blood, you better be scared. "

scared of what?
are you threatening to kill me?
do you have other liberals you are planning on killing?

i confess....I am laughing at you......(ha ha ha)

I am laughing because I know the truth about you...

you are just a slimy coward typing away at your keyboard.. The only way YOU would ever resort to violence is if you had 200 heavily armed thugs to help you.

The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?
You are a fucking loser.

so that was it.....?
you are SOOOOO stupid you can't actually debate at all?
I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.
i would also suggest *we* condemn it when the right pops off with such "ideas" as well.
The left started the violent rhetoric. Tell your side to stop it when you see it.
The classic chairborne warrior.

I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
Hillary: 'We will be civil when we take back the House, Senate, and WH - Not before.'

'Nuff said.
I see. as stupid as you are dumb.

I never made ANY suggestion of violence. NONE. I merely asked your conservative chairborne warrior friend what HE planned to do with HIS suggestions of violence. Can YOU answer that question? what do YOU intend to do about "the liberal problem"?

I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.
I was commenting on The Owl. As a liberal, I can testify that the Democratic Party is becoming a very poor vehicle for my views. Unfortunately, it’s the only one that currently has an engine.
The Owl is a piece of shit and he knows it; like all conservatives (some pieces of shit, some are not), they hope for violence because they do not understand anything else. This is why they admire Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc….
as a member of "the right" this "hope for violence" is bullshit. i don't want it. not a single one of my "conservative" friends want it. the closest i can get is i have one friend who is ensuing his guns are ready to go. not because he's going out to do "something" but because of the violence the left continues to show.

we're never going to fix this is we continue to see "our sides" as we wish they were, not as they are. this "violence of the right" i just don't see where it's based and you lose me when you say it's there.

can you give me examples of what the right is doing that is worse than the left?

1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.
i would also suggest *we* condemn it when the right pops off with such "ideas" as well.
The left started the violent rhetoric. Tell your side to stop it when you see it.

"the left started the violence rhetoric"

prove it.

I've been following limbaugh since ailles put him on radio stations all over the country back in the late 1980s. He's been advocating violence ever since.

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