You Can't Deny it. Islam is NOT Like Any Other Religion.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
You Can't Deny it. Islam is NOT Like Any Other Religion.

If it were there wouldn't be as many global disputes, wars, skirmishes and etc. involving Muslims.

Instead there would be Christian and Jewish and Catholic and Methodist and Episcopalian and Baptist conflicts.

But that is not the case.

In fact, what we see are Muslims involved in violence everywhere we look in the news.

If Islam was like any other religion wouldn't we see it very infrequently involved in violence?
And then there are the Muslims screwing up Northern Ireland...
Yeah, that fucking Muslim bastard Hitler, man!

Don't post stupid arguments if that's all that occurs to you to post.

But, then again, if you were smart enough to know the things you say are stupid you wouldn't post them.

Unless you were stupid.

Hitler didn't do what he did for Jesus.

On the other hand, however, two of Hitler's SS Divisions were made up of strictly Muslim troops.

And the Grand PootButt of Jerusalem conspired with Hitler on how best to exterminate Jews in concentration camps.
And then there are the Muslims screwing up Northern Ireland...

Why put two examples of violence NOT involving Muslims in the same post if it can be made to look more numerous by giving each example it's own post?

And Northern Ireland violence has been quelled.

You got a date when your fellows will stop practicing your deadly bigotry against Jews?

Look, we don't want the baggage you bring with you.

Stay the hell out of America.
Yeah, that fucking Muslim bastard Hitler, man!

Don't post stupid arguments if that's all that occurs to you to post.

But, then again, if you were smart enough to know the things you say are stupid you wouldn't post them.

Unless you were stupid.

Hitler didn't do what he did for Jesus.

So you haven't figured out where you fucked up yet? Even after saying that?

Man, the stoopid goes deep!
Actually, Islam is exactly like Christianity was in its infancy.


It cant be made to fit comfortably and for long until their numbers increase and they are able to generate support for their elected (or appointed) officials toward the ultimate goal of total conquest decades from now.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”

– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

Various places on the WWW.
You Can't Deny it. Islam is NOT Like Any Other Religion.

If it were there wouldn't be as many global disputes, wars, skirmishes and etc. involving Muslims.

Instead there would be Christian and Jewish and Catholic and Methodist and Episcopalian and Baptist conflicts.

But that is not the case.

In fact, what we see are Muslims involved in violence everywhere we look in the news.

If Islam was like any other religion wouldn't we see it very infrequently involved in violence?

I disagree. I thought about this the other day when I heard a suicide bomber blew himself up in Bagdad. I wondered how bad things would have to get in America before people started doing that stuff. Those people in Iraq are desperate. No one wants to blow themselves up. They are doing it just like when a US Soldier goes into oncoming bullets knowing he's going to die. They do it for god, country, family.

Look at how bad things are in our inner cities. Those people are desperate. They are not muslims. Most of them probably come from christian mothers and grandmothers who really loved Jesus. They join gangs, rape, murder, steal. Maybe they don't blow themselves up yet but maybe that's because they aren't that desperate, YET. My question to you is, do you feel the same way about inner city/urban Americans the same way you do about Muslims? Do you have this blanket belief about black Americans the same way you do Muslims? Just wondering.
You Can't Deny it. Islam is NOT Like Any Other Religion.

If it were there wouldn't be as many global disputes, wars, skirmishes and etc. involving Muslims.

Instead there would be Christian and Jewish and Catholic and Methodist and Episcopalian and Baptist conflicts.

But that is not the case.

In fact, what we see are Muslims involved in violence everywhere we look in the news.

If Islam was like any other religion wouldn't we see it very infrequently involved in violence?

I disagree. I thought about this the other day when I heard a suicide bomber blew himself up in Bagdad. I wondered how bad things would have to get in America before people started doing that stuff. Those people in Iraq are desperate. No one wants to blow themselves up. They are doing it just like when a US Soldier goes into oncoming bullets knowing he's going to die. They do it for god, country, family.

Look at how bad things are in our inner cities. Those people are desperate. They are not muslims. Most of them probably come from christian mothers and grandmothers who really loved Jesus. They join gangs, rape, murder, steal. Maybe they don't blow themselves up yet but maybe that's because they aren't that desperate, YET. My question to you is, do you feel the same way about inner city/urban Americans the same way you do about Muslims? Do you have this blanket belief about black Americans the same way you do Muslims? Just wondering.

I've known about Blacks my whole life as I was born and raised in the inner city.

I've learned about Hispanic having been married to a Latina.

I know about Muslims from reading about them for more than 13 years.

Only Islam is intent on conquering America and the world.

And the existence of moderate Muslims is irrelevant just as moderates were irrelevant in Nazi Germany and in the Stalinist USSR and in Mao's Chinese Cultural Revolution.

In every case the majority moderates were irrelevant to what the radicals among them did, as they did what they wished.

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