You Can’t Make This up...are Democrats this Stupid?

"are Democrats this stupid?"

Of course they are.

Now, what is the issue?
Hi. I'm a loony left-wing New Yorker. Jobs by corporations are bad, mmkay!
Those Amazonian jobs just weren't good enough! People had to work. Stay with AOC, she'll pay you just for being you!
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Where do you think Americans are on the political spectrum? Sure as fuck not on the left.
New York mayor says Amazon headquarters debacle was 'an abuse of corporate power'


HA!!!! We can create 25,000 jobs with mom&pops!..... ARE YOU PEOPLE NUTZ!!!!!!@


I have two places I go to eat lunch at nearly every day. Both are mom&pop shops. One is a Greek place, and the other Chinese. Both have a total of 2 Non-family employees. Usually one driver guy for deliveries, and one cashier.

ARE YOU PEOPLE INSANE? You think you are going to create 25,000 jobs from mom&pop shops, to replace the 25,000 jobs lost because Amazon isn't moving to New York??

And you complain about wages at Amazon starting at $15/hour... mom&pop shops are all minimum wage, or close to it.

WHAT A JOKE! The left-wing has become incomprehensibly stupid!
"Democratic socialists"


Democratic socialists are a communist's best friend.

"The idea of “democratic socialism” is hardly new. Friedrich Engels, the co-author of The Communist Manifesto along with Marx, wrote a description of "democratic socialists" back in 1847.

He described "democratic socialists" as those who "favor some of the same measures the communists advocate." Engels scolded such "democratic socialists" for not pursuing total revolution, but he also listed three points that democratic socialists and communists tend to agree on.

  • "By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e.g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc."
  • "By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates."
  • "By educating all children at the expense of the state."
"In moments of action," Engels continued, "the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists."

What ‘democratic socialism’ really means: The movement reshaping America’s left
"Democratic socialists"


Democratic socialists are a communist's best friend.

"The idea of “democratic socialism” is hardly new. Friedrich Engels, the co-author of The Communist Manifesto along with Marx, wrote a description of "democratic socialists" back in 1847.

He described "democratic socialists" as those who "favor some of the same measures the communists advocate." Engels scolded such "democratic socialists" for not pursuing total revolution, but he also listed three points that democratic socialists and communists tend to agree on.

  • "By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e.g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc."
  • "By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates."
  • "By educating all children at the expense of the state."
"In moments of action," Engels continued, "the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists."

What ‘democratic socialism’ really means: The movement reshaping America’s left
Democratic socialism was popular in 1930’s Germany too.
"Democratic socialists"


Democratic socialists are a communist's best friend.

"The idea of “democratic socialism” is hardly new. Friedrich Engels, the co-author of The Communist Manifesto along with Marx, wrote a description of "democratic socialists" back in 1847.

He described "democratic socialists" as those who "favor some of the same measures the communists advocate." Engels scolded such "democratic socialists" for not pursuing total revolution, but he also listed three points that democratic socialists and communists tend to agree on.

  • "By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e.g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc."
  • "By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates."
  • "By educating all children at the expense of the state."
"In moments of action," Engels continued, "the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists."

What ‘democratic socialism’ really means: The movement reshaping America’s left
Democratic socialism was popular in 1930’s Germany too.
Yep those Catholics loved it.

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