You don't need much meat.....just a little...

The last to be concerned about with the American diet is the amount of meat.
It is the high sodium, high sugar and highly processed franken-food.
That is what is killing everybody, what has caused such dramatic increases in diabetes and heart disease.

Actually the amount of meat eaten is a factor in heart disease
True as people who eat lean meat and exercise do not have heart disease

The less meat they eat the less likely they are to have heart disease.
Actually diet and exercise are of equal importance. Meat proteins are also superior to vegetable proteins as monkeys and apes prove

It’s the vitamin B12.

B12 is not made by animals.

95% of all the B12 supplements produced are used for the livestock industry.

B12 is naturally made by soil bacteria but since most factory farmed animals do not graze they must be given B12 supplements
Dude there are amino acids in meat that are not found in plants. I can rack pull 600lbs and bicycle 50 miles afterward

Which ones exactly?

And amino acids do not give you energy

The body can not perform critical functions without amino acids and without those functions sugars can not be metabolized for energy.

Amino acids are tricky, plant based ones are the fewest, then there are the more complete set from dairy and a bigger set from meat. Then there are the essential ones which can not be synthesized in the body from other sources.

Answer eat a balanced diet from all the food groups.

So you wanna rack pull 600lbs with me then bicycle 50 miles to demonstrate the power of lettuce

We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..

no one gets to tell me what I eat. I give a shit your politics. you stick with your needs and I will mine. stay out of mine and I will stay away from yours. why is that so difficult for people?
The last to be concerned about with the American diet is the amount of meat.
It is the high sodium, high sugar and highly processed franken-food.
That is what is killing everybody, what has caused such dramatic increases in diabetes and heart disease.

Actually the amount of meat eaten is a factor in heart disease
Not nearly too the extent of high sodium/sugar.
Our bodies are designed to process meat. Sure, it was never meant to process two big macs for lunch, a steak for dinner and bacon for breakfast, and then sit around and watch TV all day - but that is not a reasonable amount.
Diet is about moderation and balance... including meat. As well as caloric intake, and how active you are.
Look at the folks who live in the extreme north, they live on a high-high fat diet with a LOT of meat. And they have less problems than we do. But they are also 3 times as active and their bodies burn a ton calories staying warm.

Actually we are far closer to gorillas in our digestive system than to lions.

And if you want to talk about evolution then you have to take into account that humans ate far less meat than they do today and that meat was all wild game and nothing like the overly fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden meats of today

Bu the fact remains that meat is not a neceesary part of a healthy diet
Wrong again.
Humans would never have evolved to be what we are if we maintained a plant based diet.
The fact we evolved with vastly superior intelligence is because we ate meat.
The more intelligent a being is, the more protein and carbohydrates it needs to function properly.
Again, that doesn't mean one needs to eat 2000 calories of meat a day by any stretch, but the fact is meat is an outstanding source of protein as well as the pleasure of eating it is scientifically proven to improve our moods.
Meat is good for you. In moderation, and combined with a healthy balance of vegetables and fruits.
Saying otherwise is just dumb.

I never said anything about evolution but prehistoric man did not eat the amount of meat we are eating today and the meat eaten back then was not the over fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden shit it is today.

And in those times eating meat was a matter of survival but it is not necessary to eat meat in this day and age
Silly post.
I get all of my meat from a local butcher that has written guarantees all over their store that all of the meat comes from within 100 miles of the store and none from meat processing plants. Chickens are all grown by 2 different Amish chicken farms a county away.
You will get no argument from me on corporate franken-foods.
For the silly part... it would be totally inconceivable to believe that 7.6 BILLION people on this planet could survive on only vegetables. That is laughably dumb and naive.

Most of the crops grown in the world are fed to livestock so we could easily feed everyone without meat.

But why are you making up arguments and attributing them to me?

I never said anything about the entire population going vegan even though it is entirely possible
We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..

you don't need to eat any meat at all.

I have been following a fellow named Marcus Rothkranz who is a vegan and a prolific health writer
he is 50 and looks like he's 27. He does say however that should you choose to be a vegan you must do it correctly. That I believe.

It's easy to do correctly

I adopted a whole food vegan diet 3 months ago and feel so good I don't think I'll ever go back to eating meat.
blues, good for you. I'm good with who I am. I love my meat, I will do what I want. welcome back to america.
The last to be concerned about with the American diet is the amount of meat.
It is the high sodium, high sugar and highly processed franken-food.
That is what is killing everybody, what has caused such dramatic increases in diabetes and heart disease.

Actually the amount of meat eaten is a factor in heart disease
Not nearly too the extent of high sodium/sugar.
Our bodies are designed to process meat. Sure, it was never meant to process two big macs for lunch, a steak for dinner and bacon for breakfast, and then sit around and watch TV all day - but that is not a reasonable amount.
Diet is about moderation and balance... including meat. As well as caloric intake, and how active you are.
Look at the folks who live in the extreme north, they live on a high-high fat diet with a LOT of meat. And they have less problems than we do. But they are also 3 times as active and their bodies burn a ton calories staying warm.

Actually we are far closer to gorillas in our digestive system than to lions.

And if you want to talk about evolution then you have to take into account that humans ate far less meat than they do today and that meat was all wild game and nothing like the overly fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden meats of today

Bu the fact remains that meat is not a neceesary part of a healthy diet
Wrong again.
Humans would never have evolved to be what we are if we maintained a plant based diet.
The fact we evolved with vastly superior intelligence is because we ate meat.
The more intelligent a being is, the more protein and carbohydrates it needs to function properly.
Again, that doesn't mean one needs to eat 2000 calories of meat a day by any stretch, but the fact is meat is an outstanding source of protein as well as the pleasure of eating it is scientifically proven to improve our moods.
Meat is good for you. In moderation, and combined with a healthy balance of vegetables and fruits.
Saying otherwise is just dumb.

I never said anything about evolution but prehistoric man did not eat the amount of meat we are eating today and the meat eaten back then was not the over fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden shit it is today.

And in those times eating meat was a matter of survival but it is not necessary to eat meat in this day and age
Silly post.
I get all of my meat from a local butcher that has written guarantees all over their store that all of the meat comes from within 100 miles of the store and none from meat processing plants. Chickens are all grown by 2 different Amish chicken farms a county away.
You will get no argument from me on corporate franken-foods.
For the silly part... it would be totally inconceivable to believe that 7.6 BILLION people on this planet could survive on only vegetables. That is laughably dumb and naive.

Most of the crops grown in the world are fed to livestock so we could easily feed everyone without meat.

But why are you making up arguments and attributing them to me?

I never said anything about the entire population going vegan even though it is entirely possible
why do you want us to stop eating meet exactly? I thought you were conservative, why are you acting like a Leftist?
We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..

you don't need to eat any meat at all.

I have been following a fellow named Marcus Rothkranz who is a vegan and a prolific health writer
he is 50 and looks like he's 27. He does say however that should you choose to be a vegan you must do it correctly. That I believe.

It's easy to do correctly

I adopted a whole food vegan diet 3 months ago and feel so good I don't think I'll ever go back to eating meat.
blues, good for you. I'm good with who I am. I love my meat, I will do what I want. welcome back to america.
Where did I ever tell anyone what to eat?

I will correct false assumptions when they arise but I don't care what anyone else does
The last to be concerned about with the American diet is the amount of meat.
It is the high sodium, high sugar and highly processed franken-food.
That is what is killing everybody, what has caused such dramatic increases in diabetes and heart disease.

Actually the amount of meat eaten is a factor in heart disease
Not nearly too the extent of high sodium/sugar.
Our bodies are designed to process meat. Sure, it was never meant to process two big macs for lunch, a steak for dinner and bacon for breakfast, and then sit around and watch TV all day - but that is not a reasonable amount.
Diet is about moderation and balance... including meat. As well as caloric intake, and how active you are.
Look at the folks who live in the extreme north, they live on a high-high fat diet with a LOT of meat. And they have less problems than we do. But they are also 3 times as active and their bodies burn a ton calories staying warm.

Actually we are far closer to gorillas in our digestive system than to lions.

And if you want to talk about evolution then you have to take into account that humans ate far less meat than they do today and that meat was all wild game and nothing like the overly fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden meats of today

Bu the fact remains that meat is not a neceesary part of a healthy diet
Wrong again.
Humans would never have evolved to be what we are if we maintained a plant based diet.
The fact we evolved with vastly superior intelligence is because we ate meat.
The more intelligent a being is, the more protein and carbohydrates it needs to function properly.
Again, that doesn't mean one needs to eat 2000 calories of meat a day by any stretch, but the fact is meat is an outstanding source of protein as well as the pleasure of eating it is scientifically proven to improve our moods.
Meat is good for you. In moderation, and combined with a healthy balance of vegetables and fruits.
Saying otherwise is just dumb.

I never said anything about evolution but prehistoric man did not eat the amount of meat we are eating today and the meat eaten back then was not the over fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden shit it is today.

And in those times eating meat was a matter of survival but it is not necessary to eat meat in this day and age
Silly post.
I get all of my meat from a local butcher that has written guarantees all over their store that all of the meat comes from within 100 miles of the store and none from meat processing plants. Chickens are all grown by 2 different Amish chicken farms a county away.
You will get no argument from me on corporate franken-foods.
For the silly part... it would be totally inconceivable to believe that 7.6 BILLION people on this planet could survive on only vegetables. That is laughably dumb and naive.

Most of the crops grown in the world are fed to livestock so we could easily feed everyone without meat.

But why are you making up arguments and attributing them to me?

I never said anything about the entire population going vegan even though it is entirely possible
why do you want us to stop eating meet exactly? I thought you were conservative, why are you acting like a Leftist?
Veggies are all mental
The last to be concerned about with the American diet is the amount of meat.
It is the high sodium, high sugar and highly processed franken-food.
That is what is killing everybody, what has caused such dramatic increases in diabetes and heart disease.

Actually the amount of meat eaten is a factor in heart disease
Not nearly too the extent of high sodium/sugar.
Our bodies are designed to process meat. Sure, it was never meant to process two big macs for lunch, a steak for dinner and bacon for breakfast, and then sit around and watch TV all day - but that is not a reasonable amount.
Diet is about moderation and balance... including meat. As well as caloric intake, and how active you are.
Look at the folks who live in the extreme north, they live on a high-high fat diet with a LOT of meat. And they have less problems than we do. But they are also 3 times as active and their bodies burn a ton calories staying warm.

Actually we are far closer to gorillas in our digestive system than to lions.

And if you want to talk about evolution then you have to take into account that humans ate far less meat than they do today and that meat was all wild game and nothing like the overly fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden meats of today

Bu the fact remains that meat is not a neceesary part of a healthy diet
Wrong again.
Humans would never have evolved to be what we are if we maintained a plant based diet.
The fact we evolved with vastly superior intelligence is because we ate meat.
The more intelligent a being is, the more protein and carbohydrates it needs to function properly.
Again, that doesn't mean one needs to eat 2000 calories of meat a day by any stretch, but the fact is meat is an outstanding source of protein as well as the pleasure of eating it is scientifically proven to improve our moods.
Meat is good for you. In moderation, and combined with a healthy balance of vegetables and fruits.
Saying otherwise is just dumb.

I never said anything about evolution but prehistoric man did not eat the amount of meat we are eating today and the meat eaten back then was not the over fattened, steroid and antibiotic ridden shit it is today.

And in those times eating meat was a matter of survival but it is not necessary to eat meat in this day and age
Silly post.
I get all of my meat from a local butcher that has written guarantees all over their store that all of the meat comes from within 100 miles of the store and none from meat processing plants. Chickens are all grown by 2 different Amish chicken farms a county away.
You will get no argument from me on corporate franken-foods.
For the silly part... it would be totally inconceivable to believe that 7.6 BILLION people on this planet could survive on only vegetables. That is laughably dumb and naive.

Most of the crops grown in the world are fed to livestock so we could easily feed everyone without meat.

But why are you making up arguments and attributing them to me?

I never said anything about the entire population going vegan even though it is entirely possible
why do you want us to stop eating meet exactly? I thought you were conservative, why are you acting like a Leftist?

OK where did i say that?

Please quote the post where I said I want you all to stop eating meat.

In the future don't make up arguments and attribute them to me

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