You get $1200...they get billions


The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Lets be honest, you career beggars wouldn't be happy with any amount of free taxpayer dependent degenerates are always overly concerned with how much free shit us productive contributors might be getting...The funny thing is; here you bitch about $170B over 10 years being spent to keep investors from dumping real estate and filing BK's yet you've never once pitched a bitch about spending $100B per year on your pet wetbacks...Sorry bud, for that you have ZERO credibility.
You clearly missed his point. to cast a little clarify for me?

Can't you see what is happening? Instead of the free market, which is what we should have, the government is bailing out big corporations and bankers, while at the same time causing regular working Americans to lose their jobs or small businesses, purposely creating dependence on the government, by throwing everyone $1200 checks. That is not free market capitalism, it's more like fascism.

I don't think gipper was complaining because he wanted "free stuff." He was simply pointing out the reality that the government is enriching their utra-rich buddies through "bailouts" while destroying the middle class. In my view, that is intentional. Because we have subversive people in power who are destroying our country as we know it, from within, and selling us out to the NWO.

I like how congressman Thomas Massie put it, in this tweet:

Well if all that fun Michael Moore type shit is true doesn't it stand to reason that King Hussein did the same thing when he gave more corporate welfare than any other Prez in history?
Are negroes exempt from such a charge? I don't recall Leftists making the same allegations during the Kenyans reign of you?
Trump is probably the corporate welfare king. How about them Corp tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves?
How didn't they?
Because you said they didn't?
The trillion dollar deficits should have given you a clue....
He’s a true believer in tickle down economics. I guess it’s how one defines trickle. He thinks $1200 is a nice trickle.
I'll change my position and "believe" in trickle up econ when welfare riding ShaQuita and Guadalupe start offering employment opportunities. Only bottom feeders can wrap their heads around that bottom up bullshit. Don't forget, $22T has been spent on ShaQuita and Guadalupe without any measurable improvement.
In your small mind, you think economics can only one or the other.

Yes...conversely, in your jumbo size mind you have it all figured out...I'm sure you're far smarter than the professionals hired to create the economic models used by Washington.
Those professionals are trying to make the rich richer and doing a fine job. But of course this growing inequality is why we can’t hit 3% growth anymore.

Yep, because you and your bottom feeding conspiracy theorist buddies say so.
Look, "inequality" has always been a choice made by those who aren't EQUAL....Under achievers has been crying "inequality" for decades. Those who have followed the correct 'manual of life' never do.....Weird huh?
No there are actually studies on it. And really the results should be obvious. Did we have a really strong middle class back when America was great?

Weird how the same people who love their illegal aliens also seem to hate income inequality...The dumbmotherfuckers refuse to connect the dots.
20-40 million wetbacks and their offspring have ruined the low to middle pay scales....Send wetbacks home to Mehico and TA-DA! Problem solved.

You have some imagination. Trump promised to fix that problem. You mean they are still here?

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Lets be honest, you career beggars wouldn't be happy with any amount of free taxpayer dependent degenerates are always overly concerned with how much free shit us productive contributors might be getting...The funny thing is; here you bitch about $170B over 10 years being spent to keep investors from dumping real estate and filing BK's yet you've never once pitched a bitch about spending $100B per year on your pet wetbacks...Sorry bud, for that you have ZERO credibility.
You clearly missed his point. to cast a little clarify for me?

Can't you see what is happening? Instead of the free market, which is what we should have, the government is bailing out big corporations and bankers, while at the same time causing regular working Americans to lose their jobs or small businesses, purposely creating dependence on the government, by throwing everyone $1200 checks. That is not free market capitalism, it's more like fascism.

I don't think gipper was complaining because he wanted "free stuff." He was simply pointing out the reality that the government is enriching their utra-rich buddies through "bailouts" while destroying the middle class. In my view, that is intentional. Because we have subversive people in power who are destroying our country as we know it, from within, and selling us out to the NWO.

I like how congressman Thomas Massie put it, in this tweet:

Well if all that fun Michael Moore type shit is true doesn't it stand to reason that King Hussein did the same thing when he gave more corporate welfare than any other Prez in history?
Are negroes exempt from such a charge? I don't recall Leftists making the same allegations during the Kenyans reign of you?
Trump is probably the corporate welfare king. How about them Corp tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves?
How didn't they?
Because you said they didn't?
The trillion dollar deficits should have given you a clue....
He’s a true believer in tickle down economics. I guess it’s how one defines trickle. He thinks $1200 is a nice trickle.
I'll change my position and "believe" in trickle up econ when welfare riding ShaQuita and Guadalupe start offering employment opportunities. Only bottom feeders can wrap their heads around that bottom up bullshit. Don't forget, $22T has been spent on ShaQuita and Guadalupe without any measurable improvement.
In your small mind, you think economics can only one or the other.

Yes...conversely, in your jumbo size mind you have it all figured out...I'm sure you're far smarter than the professionals hired to create the economic models used by Washington.
Those professionals are trying to make the rich richer and doing a fine job. But of course this growing inequality is why we can’t hit 3% growth anymore.

Yep, because you and your bottom feeding conspiracy theorist buddies say so.
Look, "inequality" has always been a choice made by those who aren't EQUAL....Under achievers has been crying "inequality" for decades. Those who have followed the correct 'manual of life' never do.....Weird huh?
No there are actually studies on it. And really the results should be obvious. Did we have a really strong middle class back when America was great?

Weird how the same people who love their illegal aliens also seem to hate income inequality...The dumbmotherfuckers refuse to connect the dots.
20-40 million wetbacks and their offspring have ruined the low to middle pay scales....Send wetbacks home to Mehico and TA-DA! Problem solved.

You have some imagination. Trump promised to fix that problem. You mean they are still here?

You wouldn't allow him to. Remember when you Mexicrats forced a government shutdown because you couldn't secure a good enough deal for Mexico's human cockroaches?

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Lets be honest, you career beggars wouldn't be happy with any amount of free taxpayer dependent degenerates are always overly concerned with how much free shit us productive contributors might be getting...The funny thing is; here you bitch about $170B over 10 years being spent to keep investors from dumping real estate and filing BK's yet you've never once pitched a bitch about spending $100B per year on your pet wetbacks...Sorry bud, for that you have ZERO credibility.
You clearly missed his point. to cast a little clarify for me?

Can't you see what is happening? Instead of the free market, which is what we should have, the government is bailing out big corporations and bankers, while at the same time causing regular working Americans to lose their jobs or small businesses, purposely creating dependence on the government, by throwing everyone $1200 checks. That is not free market capitalism, it's more like fascism.

I don't think gipper was complaining because he wanted "free stuff." He was simply pointing out the reality that the government is enriching their utra-rich buddies through "bailouts" while destroying the middle class. In my view, that is intentional. Because we have subversive people in power who are destroying our country as we know it, from within, and selling us out to the NWO.

I like how congressman Thomas Massie put it, in this tweet:

Well if all that fun Michael Moore type shit is true doesn't it stand to reason that King Hussein did the same thing when he gave more corporate welfare than any other Prez in history?
Are negroes exempt from such a charge? I don't recall Leftists making the same allegations during the Kenyans reign of you?
Trump is probably the corporate welfare king. How about them Corp tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves?
How didn't they?
Because you said they didn't?
The trillion dollar deficits should have given you a clue....
He’s a true believer in tickle down economics. I guess it’s how one defines trickle. He thinks $1200 is a nice trickle.
I'll change my position and "believe" in trickle up econ when welfare riding ShaQuita and Guadalupe start offering employment opportunities. Only bottom feeders can wrap their heads around that bottom up bullshit. Don't forget, $22T has been spent on ShaQuita and Guadalupe without any measurable improvement.
In your small mind, you think economics can only one or the other.

Yes...conversely, in your jumbo size mind you have it all figured out...I'm sure you're far smarter than the professionals hired to create the economic models used by Washington.
Those professionals are trying to make the rich richer and doing a fine job. But of course this growing inequality is why we can’t hit 3% growth anymore.

Yep, because you and your bottom feeding conspiracy theorist buddies say so.
Look, "inequality" has always been a choice made by those who aren't EQUAL....Under achievers has been crying "inequality" for decades. Those who have followed the correct 'manual of life' never do.....Weird huh?
No there are actually studies on it. And really the results should be obvious. Did we have a really strong middle class back when America was great?

It’s a waste of time debating an ignoramus. You should use your time more wisely.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Then why the fuck do I get nothing? I'm not poor and I get nothing because I made too much money last year and not one cent of it was normal earned income.
This of course sinks your idiotic statement in one single shot.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Lets be honest, you career beggars wouldn't be happy with any amount of free taxpayer dependent degenerates are always overly concerned with how much free shit us productive contributors might be getting...The funny thing is; here you bitch about $170B over 10 years being spent to keep investors from dumping real estate and filing BK's yet you've never once pitched a bitch about spending $100B per year on your pet wetbacks...Sorry bud, for that you have ZERO credibility.
You clearly missed his point. to cast a little clarify for me?

Can't you see what is happening? Instead of the free market, which is what we should have, the government is bailing out big corporations and bankers, while at the same time causing regular working Americans to lose their jobs or small businesses, purposely creating dependence on the government, by throwing everyone $1200 checks. That is not free market capitalism, it's more like fascism.

I don't think gipper was complaining because he wanted "free stuff." He was simply pointing out the reality that the government is enriching their utra-rich buddies through "bailouts" while destroying the middle class. In my view, that is intentional. Because we have subversive people in power who are destroying our country as we know it, from within, and selling us out to the NWO.

I like how congressman Thomas Massie put it, in this tweet:

Well if all that fun Michael Moore type shit is true doesn't it stand to reason that King Hussein did the same thing when he gave more corporate welfare than any other Prez in history?
Are negroes exempt from such a charge? I don't recall Leftists making the same allegations during the Kenyans reign of you?
Trump is probably the corporate welfare king. How about them Corp tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves?
How didn't they?
Because you said they didn't?
The trillion dollar deficits should have given you a clue....
He’s a true believer in tickle down economics. I guess it’s how one defines trickle. He thinks $1200 is a nice trickle.
I'll change my position and "believe" in trickle up econ when welfare riding ShaQuita and Guadalupe start offering employment opportunities. Only bottom feeders can wrap their heads around that bottom up bullshit. Don't forget, $22T has been spent on ShaQuita and Guadalupe without any measurable improvement.
In your small mind, you think economics can only one or the other.

Yes...conversely, in your jumbo size mind you have it all figured out...I'm sure you're far smarter than the professionals hired to create the economic models used by Washington.
Those professionals are trying to make the rich richer and doing a fine job. But of course this growing inequality is why we can’t hit 3% growth anymore.

Yep, because you and your bottom feeding conspiracy theorist buddies say so.
Look, "inequality" has always been a choice made by those who aren't EQUAL....Under achievers has been crying "inequality" for decades. Those who have followed the correct 'manual of life' never do.....Weird huh?
No there are actually studies on it. And really the results should be obvious. Did we have a really strong middle class back when America was great?

It’s a waste of time debating an ignoramus. You should use your time more wisely.
"Beg for free shit with me or you are a ignoramus."

Check the dates on your links

March 26.

And it was House Democrats who tried but failed to stick that kind of crap into a the PPP bill.
I sincerely doubt the dems put in a change to depreciation from the 2017 tax bill that helps Trump

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,”

Don't the corporations have to use some of this money to keep paying their employees?
Trump did a very wise thing by sending the stimulus checks. Things will now start to get up and running and the damage negligible. Businesses will have to adapt. More curbside service and less people making less trips to the store. Online sales will soar. Good service will be most affected. People aren't going to flock to sit inside places. I don't blame them.
The cheap gas prices are good for consumers. This will help out although people will be driving less as less trips to places will be normal.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,”

Don't the corporations have to use some of this money to keep paying their employees?
Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

In case you haven’t noticed which seems hard to believe considering it’s prevalence, big corporations often don’t care about their employees particularly their lowest level employees.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Lets be honest, you career beggars wouldn't be happy with any amount of free taxpayer dependent degenerates are always overly concerned with how much free shit us productive contributors might be getting...The funny thing is; here you bitch about $170B over 10 years being spent to keep investors from dumping real estate and filing BK's yet you've never once pitched a bitch about spending $100B per year on your pet wetbacks...Sorry bud, for that you have ZERO credibility.
You clearly missed his point. to cast a little clarify for me?

Can't you see what is happening? Instead of the free market, which is what we should have, the government is bailing out big corporations and bankers, while at the same time causing regular working Americans to lose their jobs or small businesses, purposely creating dependence on the government, by throwing everyone $1200 checks. That is not free market capitalism, it's more like fascism.

I don't think gipper was complaining because he wanted "free stuff." He was simply pointing out the reality that the government is enriching their utra-rich buddies through "bailouts" while destroying the middle class. In my view, that is intentional. Because we have subversive people in power who are destroying our country as we know it, from within, and selling us out to the NWO.

I like how congressman Thomas Massie put it, in this tweet:

Well if all that fun Michael Moore type shit is true doesn't it stand to reason that King Hussein did the same thing when he gave more corporate welfare than any other Prez in history?
Are negroes exempt from such a charge? I don't recall Leftists making the same allegations during the Kenyans reign of you?
Trump is probably the corporate welfare king. How about them Corp tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves?
How didn't they?
Because you said they didn't?
The trillion dollar deficits should have given you a clue....
He’s a true believer in tickle down economics. I guess it’s how one defines trickle. He thinks $1200 is a nice trickle.
I'll change my position and "believe" in trickle up econ when welfare riding ShaQuita and Guadalupe start offering employment opportunities. Only bottom feeders can wrap their heads around that bottom up bullshit. Don't forget, $22T has been spent on ShaQuita and Guadalupe without any measurable improvement.
In your small mind, you think economics can only one or the other.

Yes...conversely, in your jumbo size mind you have it all figured out...I'm sure you're far smarter than the professionals hired to create the economic models used by Washington.
Those professionals are trying to make the rich richer and doing a fine job. But of course this growing inequality is why we can’t hit 3% growth anymore.

Yep, because you and your bottom feeding conspiracy theorist buddies say so.
Look, "inequality" has always been a choice made by those who aren't EQUAL....Under achievers has been crying "inequality" for decades. Those who have followed the correct 'manual of life' never do.....Weird huh?
No there are actually studies on it. And really the results should be obvious. Did we have a really strong middle class back when America was great?

Weird how the same people who love their illegal aliens also seem to hate income inequality...The dumbmotherfuckers refuse to connect the dots.
20-40 million wetbacks and their offspring have ruined the low to middle pay scales....Send wetbacks home to Mehico and TA-DA! Problem solved.

You have some imagination. Trump promised to fix that problem. You mean they are still here?

You wouldn't allow him to. Remember when you Mexicrats forced a government shutdown because you couldn't secure a good enough deal for Mexico's human cockroaches?

So he failed again? Shocking.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Lets be honest, you career beggars wouldn't be happy with any amount of free taxpayer dependent degenerates are always overly concerned with how much free shit us productive contributors might be getting...The funny thing is; here you bitch about $170B over 10 years being spent to keep investors from dumping real estate and filing BK's yet you've never once pitched a bitch about spending $100B per year on your pet wetbacks...Sorry bud, for that you have ZERO credibility.
You clearly missed his point. to cast a little clarify for me?

Can't you see what is happening? Instead of the free market, which is what we should have, the government is bailing out big corporations and bankers, while at the same time causing regular working Americans to lose their jobs or small businesses, purposely creating dependence on the government, by throwing everyone $1200 checks. That is not free market capitalism, it's more like fascism.

I don't think gipper was complaining because he wanted "free stuff." He was simply pointing out the reality that the government is enriching their utra-rich buddies through "bailouts" while destroying the middle class. In my view, that is intentional. Because we have subversive people in power who are destroying our country as we know it, from within, and selling us out to the NWO.

I like how congressman Thomas Massie put it, in this tweet:

Well if all that fun Michael Moore type shit is true doesn't it stand to reason that King Hussein did the same thing when he gave more corporate welfare than any other Prez in history?
Are negroes exempt from such a charge? I don't recall Leftists making the same allegations during the Kenyans reign of you?
Trump is probably the corporate welfare king. How about them Corp tax cuts that didn’t pay for themselves?
How didn't they?
Because you said they didn't?
The trillion dollar deficits should have given you a clue....
He’s a true believer in tickle down economics. I guess it’s how one defines trickle. He thinks $1200 is a nice trickle.
I'll change my position and "believe" in trickle up econ when welfare riding ShaQuita and Guadalupe start offering employment opportunities. Only bottom feeders can wrap their heads around that bottom up bullshit. Don't forget, $22T has been spent on ShaQuita and Guadalupe without any measurable improvement.
In your small mind, you think economics can only one or the other.

Yes...conversely, in your jumbo size mind you have it all figured out...I'm sure you're far smarter than the professionals hired to create the economic models used by Washington.
Those professionals are trying to make the rich richer and doing a fine job. But of course this growing inequality is why we can’t hit 3% growth anymore.

Yep, because you and your bottom feeding conspiracy theorist buddies say so.
Look, "inequality" has always been a choice made by those who aren't EQUAL....Under achievers has been crying "inequality" for decades. Those who have followed the correct 'manual of life' never do.....Weird huh?
No there are actually studies on it. And really the results should be obvious. Did we have a really strong middle class back when America was great?

It’s a waste of time debating an ignoramus. You should use your time more wisely.
"Beg for free shit with me or you are a ignoramus."
All this free money is trump policy. You don’t agree with trump?

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,”

Don't the corporations have to use some of this money to keep paying their employees?
Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

In case you haven’t noticed which seems hard to believe considering it’s prevalence, big corporations often don’t care about their employees particularly their lowest level employees.

Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

If they can't prove they used the money for employee compensation, the loans must be repaid.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

Then why the fuck do I get nothing? I'm not poor and I get nothing because I made too much money last year and not one cent of it was normal earned income.
This of course sinks your idiotic statement in one single shot.
How? Explain please.

I get nothing too, but I don’t give a shit. $1200 is peanuts. However I am pissed at the unfairness. I pay taxes to Uncle who often gives my money to people and corporations who are already wealthy. Plus unlike you, I care about poor and working class Americans.

America - the wealthiest third world nation in the world.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,”

Don't the corporations have to use some of this money to keep paying their employees?
Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

In case you haven’t noticed which seems hard to believe considering it’s prevalence, big corporations often don’t care about their employees particularly their lowest level employees.

Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

If they can't prove they used the money for employee compensation, the loans must be repaid.
Prove it.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,”

Don't the corporations have to use some of this money to keep paying their employees?
Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

In case you haven’t noticed which seems hard to believe considering it’s prevalence, big corporations often don’t care about their employees particularly their lowest level employees.

Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

If they can't prove they used the money for employee compensation, the loans must be repaid.
Prove it.

WASHINGTON—Borrowers will be charged just 0.5% interest in the new federally funded loan program to help keep small businesses afloat, and the loans will be forgiven as long as they keep their employees on their payrolls for two months.


The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,”

Don't the corporations have to use some of this money to keep paying their employees?
Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

In case you haven’t noticed which seems hard to believe considering it’s prevalence, big corporations often don’t care about their employees particularly their lowest level employees.

Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

If they can't prove they used the money for employee compensation, the loans must be repaid.
Prove it.

WASHINGTON—Borrowers will be charged just 0.5% interest in the new federally funded loan program to help keep small businesses afloat, and the loans will be forgiven as long as they keep their employees on their payrolls for two months.

Right and big businesses didn’t grab up all that small business money.

The American Way - enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else.

$1200 happy and STFU!

You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?
Senate Republicans inserted a provision that would permit wealthy investors to use real estate losses to minimize their taxes. The estimated cost of the change over 10 years is $170 billion, according to the New York Times.

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,” Gilbert said. “This money has some guardrails attached but these can be waived if Secretary Mnuchin simply chooses to.”
You might get $1,200 from the $2-trillion stimulus bill. What will special interests get?

“The single largest line item in the stimulus is the nearly $500-billion slush fund for corporations,”

Don't the corporations have to use some of this money to keep paying their employees?
Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

In case you haven’t noticed which seems hard to believe considering it’s prevalence, big corporations often don’t care about their employees particularly their lowest level employees.

Maybe but with no government oversight, they could shower their senior executives with bonuses and/or buy back their stock.

If they can't prove they used the money for employee compensation, the loans must be repaid.
Prove it.

WASHINGTON—Borrowers will be charged just 0.5% interest in the new federally funded loan program to help keep small businesses afloat, and the loans will be forgiven as long as they keep their employees on their payrolls for two months.

Right and big businesses didn’t grab up all that small business money.

Some did, based on the headlines.....and?

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