You guys can stop already

I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls? Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
You never heard of COVID-19? Democrats want to be safe.

Apparently this doesn't include rioters.
That's true. Rioters do seem to not care so much about covid.

And Democrats seem not to care that rioters seem not to care about COVID while at the same time making much ado about Republican and conservative "Superspreader Events" (mostly from the media and Democrat politicians).

It's one thing to avoid voting in person for reasons of one's personal health and another thing to criticize conservatives for their supposed indifference to COVID while saying nothing about the riots and protests that were, by the same criteria, also superspreader events.

I never heard or read the term "Superspreader Event" in association with any Democrat or liberal event, yet we know they happened. Not to mention the many times Democrat politicians, pundits and liberal celebrities and commentators being seen without masks in public.
Democrats gave rioters a pass regarding covid because they were protesting cops killing people. Whereas conservatives were risking covid to see Trump cheerleaders against Democrats.

I would add that the large majority of the protesters were wearing masks and social distanced as much as possible.

The trump people didn't wear masks and didn't social distance.

Um, no, they did not social distance "as much as possible". It might be fair to say they committed as much chaos as possible but social distance? Hardly. I've seen the videos and the pictures and all I remember seeing is maskless punks screaming in cops' faces.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
Why is that strange? There were states which first counted in-person ballots, which heavily favored Trump -- then they counted mail-in ballots, which heavily favored Biden.

That in itself is strange. Why would in-person or mail-in ballots favor one or the other? More specifically, why did mail-in ballots favor Biden? Also, why were mail-in ballots not counted when they were mailed in?
Because Trump was telling his supporters to vote in person while Biden was telling his to vote by mail.

I understand why Trump why would would advise his supporters to vote in person - to help maintain election integrity. But why did Biden advise his supporters to vote by mail?
For many, they didn't want to be around others because of covid. I imagine for others, they didn't want to deal with the expected long lines. Speaking for myself, I didn't trust the voting machines; possibly, others felt that way as well.

So you didn't trust the machine yet you criticize Trump supporters for doubting the results?
Because just about every claim of fraud they've levied was either debunked or was made with no proof.

Yet you still distrusted the machines based on zero evidence of fraud or possible fraud. Or did you distrust the machines for another reason?
"Based on zero evidence" is you baseless claim, not mine.

Watch the documentary, Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections

Are there documented cases of compromised voting machines?
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls? Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
You never heard of COVID-19? Democrats want to be safe.

Apparently this doesn't include rioters.
That's true. Rioters do seem to not care so much about covid.

And Democrats seem not to care that rioters seem not to care about COVID while at the same time making much ado about Republican and conservative "Superspreader Events" (mostly from the media and Democrat politicians).

It's one thing to avoid voting in person for reasons of one's personal health and another thing to criticize conservatives for their supposed indifference to COVID while saying nothing about the riots and protests that were, by the same criteria, also superspreader events.

I never heard or read the term "Superspreader Event" in association with any Democrat or liberal event, yet we know they happened. Not to mention the many times Democrat politicians, pundits and liberal celebrities and commentators being seen without masks in public.
Democrats gave rioters a pass regarding covid because they were protesting cops killing people.

If the numbers are to be believed, cops didn't kill near as many people as COVID-19.

Sorry, but if human life is the real concern here then COVID-19 is a much bigger threat and that should have taken priority over the occasional unjustified cop shooting. Personal moral crusades should not take precedent.

Whereas conservatives were risking covid to see Trump cheerleaders against Democrats.

What's the difference between a Trump rally and an anti-police protest if the risk is the same? Are you saying that motives for flaunting COVID protocols to save lives are more important than saving lives?
Seriously? You want to compare police killing people with a disease?? What exactly is your point? We shouldn't care that police kill people because there's a germ that kills more??
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.

So maybe .5% if that.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.

So maybe .5% if that.
More like 0.02%
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls? Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
You never heard of COVID-19? Democrats want to be safe.

Apparently this doesn't include rioters.
That's true. Rioters do seem to not care so much about covid.

And Democrats seem not to care that rioters seem not to care about COVID while at the same time making much ado about Republican and conservative "Superspreader Events" (mostly from the media and Democrat politicians).

It's one thing to avoid voting in person for reasons of one's personal health and another thing to criticize conservatives for their supposed indifference to COVID while saying nothing about the riots and protests that were, by the same criteria, also superspreader events.

I never heard or read the term "Superspreader Event" in association with any Democrat or liberal event, yet we know they happened. Not to mention the many times Democrat politicians, pundits and liberal celebrities and commentators being seen without masks in public.
Democrats gave rioters a pass regarding covid because they were protesting cops killing people.

If the numbers are to be believed, cops didn't kill near as many people as COVID-19.

Sorry, but if human life is the real concern here then COVID-19 is a much bigger threat and that should have taken priority over the occasional unjustified cop shooting. Personal moral crusades should not take precedent.

Whereas conservatives were risking covid to see Trump cheerleaders against Democrats.

What's the difference between a Trump rally and an anti-police protest if the risk is the same? Are you saying that motives for flaunting COVID protocols to save lives are more important than saving lives?
Seriously? You want to compare police killing people with a disease?? What exactly is your point? We shouldn't care that police kill people because there's a germ that kills more??

Seriously? You don't think the one thing killing more people than the other doesn't warrant more attention? And who suggested that you shouldn't care that police kill people? That's a false dichotomy and a non sequitur. It does not follow that being more concerned about the larger threat means you should not be concerned at all with the lesser threat.

Here's something else that apparently hasn't occurred to you: They can riot and protest at any time after the pandemic. It's not like it's an ongoing problem. There's no reason not to adhere to COVID protocols during the pandemic. The businesses, cop cars and public buildings will still be there for them to burn and destroy at will after the pandemic.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.

So maybe .5% if that.

And? I fail to see your point here. On the one hand you (and Faun) are trying to distance Democrats from the rioting while at the same time fully defending and condoning the rioters' actions and their flaunting of COVID protocols because their cause is righteous.

Either their actions are wrong or they are not. If they are wrong then they are wrong whether Democrats are involved or not.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.

So maybe .5% if that.

And? I fail to see your point here. On the one hand you (and Faun) are trying to distance Democrats from the rioting while at the same time fully defending and condoning the rioters' actions and their flaunting of COVID protocols because their cause is righteous.

Either their actions are wrong or they are not. If they are wrong then they are wrong whether Democrats are involved or not.

The folks rioting are not there because of the Democratic party, now the folks at the Trump Klan rallies are there for the Republican party.
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?
Because they can greatly effect the Presidential election in just a few Dem districts, namely the big cities. They can dump hundreds of thousands of ballots there. They can’t in red districts so they can’t win all those Fed and State house seats. Which is exactly why it’s so fishy that Republicans won in every other aspect of the election but not the President. It was outright theft and voter fraud.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.

So maybe .5% if that.

And? I fail to see your point here. On the one hand you (and Faun) are trying to distance Democrats from the rioting while at the same time fully defending and condoning the rioters' actions and their flaunting of COVID protocols because their cause is righteous.

Either their actions are wrong or they are not. If they are wrong then they are wrong whether Democrats are involved or not.
The difference you are refusing to acknowledge is the purpose of the gatherings. Democrats were gathered to riot in protest over police killing people. Republicans gathered to hear Trump speak.
You lost me at "Trump Plague" and "Typhoid Donnie's Super Spreader Events". I simply cannot take anything you say seriously.

Tell it to Herman Cain, buddy.

I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.

So maybe .5% if that.

And? I fail to see your point here. On the one hand you (and Faun) are trying to distance Democrats from the rioting while at the same time fully defending and condoning the rioters' actions and their flaunting of COVID protocols because their cause is righteous.

Either their actions are wrong or they are not. If they are wrong then they are wrong whether Democrats are involved or not.

The folks rioting are not there because of the Democratic party, now the folks at the Trump Klan rallies are there for the Republican party.

Unless you're telling me that the risk of infection is less at a mass riot than at a political rally, I still fail to see your point.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.

The quote string got screwed up at some point so I'm putting your comments from your post in quoted italics and responding accordingly.

"Because of the coronavirus, duh."

Why was COVID a concern for Democrats during the election but not during the riots?

"Because they could count them as soon as they came in."

Then why did you tell me they had to be counted after the in-person ballots? And why were some states declared before all ballots were counted?

"Wow talk about following the herd."

Don't give me that "following the herd" bullshit. I never claimed there was fraud and even said there likely wasn't. All I'm doing is asking questions which is something everyone should do, especially for this election.

Ghost of a Rider said:
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.
Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?
Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?
Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.
Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
Wow talk about following the herd.

Can you point out where you spoke of riots in that conversation.

Um, I just did.

I'm pointing out the inherent contradiction in which Democrats supposedly voted by mail due to COVID concerns while saying nothing about the riots and protests. Also, while we can say that the majority of registered Democrats were not involved in the riots, some were. And given that so many Biden voters voted by mail, some of those registered Democrats involved in the riots also likely voted by mail out of COVID concerns.

My point here is not to make issue of liberal hypocrisy concerning COVID but to point out that Democrats voting by mail out of COVID concerns just doesn't ring true given that hypocrisy. On a conscious level they may very well have voted by mail out of real COVID concerns but it looks hollow at best and appears to be more of a token moral gesture than anything else.

What % of Democrats would you say were involved in a riot or protest?

I couldn't begin to guess. But you know as well as I do that unemployed career college students were not the only ones at these protests. I can think of a few news stories coming out during that time about lawyers and college professors participating and even committing violence. There was the case in Brooklyn of the two lawyers throwing molotovs into a police vehicle. Hell, the mayor of Portland himself joined the protests in the streets at one point.

So maybe .5% if that.

And? I fail to see your point here. On the one hand you (and Faun) are trying to distance Democrats from the rioting while at the same time fully defending and condoning the rioters' actions and their flaunting of COVID protocols because their cause is righteous.

Either their actions are wrong or they are not. If they are wrong then they are wrong whether Democrats are involved or not.
The difference you are refusing to acknowledge is the purpose of the gatherings. Democrats were gathered to riot in protest over police killing people. Republicans gathered to hear Trump speak.

As I just told Superbad, unless you're telling me that the risk of infection is less at a mass protest than at a political rally, I fail to see your point.

Do you present this line of argument because you feel that, say, ten people infected at a riot is justified but ten people infected at a political rally is not? Is this even about COVID or cop shootings or is this about your hatred for Trump? My money's on the latter.
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?
Because they can greatly effect the Presidential election in just a few Dem districts, namely the big cities. They can dump hundreds of thousands of ballots there. They can’t in red districts so they can’t win all those Fed and State house seats. Which is exactly why it’s so fishy that Republicans won in every other aspect of the election but not the President. It was outright theft and voter fraud.

Aren't the open congressional seats on the same state-wide ballots as the presidential election?
Two things: 1.) It goes without saying that most Democrats were not directly involved in the riots. However, though they (the media and Democrat politicians for the most part) constantly criticized conservatives for so called "superspreader events", they had nothing to say about these liberal crowds massing in the streets. 2.) By the same token, the vast majority of Republicans were never directly involved in any superspreader events either.

There has been plenty of hypocrisy regarding COVID and the protests. However, I was pointing out that as most voters have not been involved in the protests, it isn't unreasonable to think that many Democrat voters would prefer to avoid in-person voting because of COVID.

There's also simple laziness to consider. You never have to leave the house if you use a mail-in ballot. :p

I can't say there was fraud and at this point there doesn't seem to be solid evidence to support it. But you have to remember, Democrats wasted four years and millions of dollars on a witch hunt trying to bring down the Trump administration. Due in part to this and a lot of other things, a lot of conservatives were convinced even before the election that Democrats would try to steal it.

They may have been way off base in this assumption but it was clear that there wasn't much the Democrat party would not do to bring Trump down. The very atypical nature of this election on top of this made these types of allegations inevitable.

The same sort of thing might be said about Republican investigations into Benghazi, or the impeachment of Bill Clinton. It's the sort of thing the two major parties do; try to hurt the 'other side'.

I don't know if these kinds of accusations were inevitable. They may have been once Trump started laying the groundwork for the idea of a rigged election well before voting started, though.

There seems to be a lot of shouting but little real action. It's kind of unfortunate, really: if the Trump team could actually show evidence of large scale voter fraud, it might convince some people to actually think about breaking away from the duopoly. Probably not many, but I can dream. :p
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?
Because they can greatly effect the Presidential election in just a few Dem districts, namely the big cities. They can dump hundreds of thousands of ballots there. They can’t in red districts so they can’t win all those Fed and State house seats. Which is exactly why it’s so fishy that Republicans won in every other aspect of the election but not the President. It was outright theft and voter fraud.

The Dems won the House, gained in the Senate and won the presidency.

And yes, its entirely possible to do all three at the same time.
What does Herman Cain have to do with anything?

You know, he went to Typhoid Donnie's Super Spreader Event in Tulsa and died a week later of Covid.

Good thing those K-Pop kids pranked them on attendance, or a lot more people would have probably died.

Seriously, what kind of malignant narcissist puts the lives of people who support him in danger so he can feel better and have a crowd in front of him?

Donald Trump, of course.

This is what a cult looks like, people.

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