You guys need to stop using anything Google

I just worked 4 days on a video project to have Youtube tell me I can't upload it unless I give them a phone number.

It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.

Every website Google buys and destroys they put their big bother data collection crap in it.

Except for Youtube, I use nothing Google, and you know what? I still do what ever the hell I want on the internet.

Here's a news flash, you don't "Google" crap on the internet, the same way I don't "Toyota" to work.

Seriously, you guys need to stop giving large companies your info.

Google needs to die.
”It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.”


You dumbshit, it’s their business. Don’t like their rules? Too fucking bad.

I just worked 4 days on a video project to have Youtube tell me I can't upload it unless I give them a phone number.

It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.

Every website Google buys and destroys they put their big bother data collection crap in it.

Except for Youtube, I use nothing Google, and you know what? I still do what ever the hell I want on the internet.

Here's a news flash, you don't "Google" crap on the internet, the same way I don't "Toyota" to work.

Seriously, you guys need to stop giving large companies your info.

Google needs to die.
”It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.”


You dumbshit, it’s their business. Don’t like their rules? Too fucking bad.


...too bad for YouTube, they won't get my videos
Why do I care if large companies have my info?

How does it harm me in any way?

For that matter, what do you care if the government searches your home? How does it harm you in any way?

Hello apple, meet orange! Come on now stormy, you are better than that.

I freely choose to give these companies my information when I choose to use them, that is part of the price of doing business with them. Them having my data makes my life easier.

The government violating the Constitution and searching my home for no reason does not make my life easier.

Are you people really so stupid as to not understand the difference between a private company and the government?
Alexia is awesome! It is mostly a high tech timer and radio for me!

And eavesdropping device that will record your private conversations and email them to people.

Yeah, that has been known to happen, that is why it stays in the kitchen. I never see you whining about the government recording our text and phone calls and storing them for data mining.
Them having my data makes my life easier.

See, that is where you are wrong. Like so many other people, you are suffering from the delusion that tech companies use innocuous data in innocuous ways. Do you even comprehend the sheer volume of data, much less the organizational complexity, these companies collect?

There's an old saying that everyone in the world is connected through no more than six degrees of separation. That may be true, but under normal circumstances the average person would be hard pressed to figure out the line between themselves and any other random person. But the volume of data held by any one of the major data companies nowadays allows these companies to know everyone you know. Not because you told them. That would be too human. Instead, they can automatically sift through 6 million degrees of separation, apply thousands of algorithms, and discover who knows who. Now what possible use is that to you? None. But it's useful as fuck to companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Companies aren't collecting data to make your life easier. It's neither their purpose, nor the end result. In fact, most of what these companies do nowadays actually makes things harder. They then leverage their horizontal reach to effectively force you to continue engaging with them in ways that benefit them, while creating the illusion that they are benefiting you because the intentionally complicate your efforts to avoid complying with their interests. An example is how Google penalizes businesses that don't use GSuite, by forcing non-GSuite originating mail to meet higher thresholds to avoid being filtered as spam.

How does it benefit you for Google to read your emails? It doesn't. Not at all. All it does is help Google figure out better ways to hack the human brain and use brain stem triggers in advertising.

Now Google, and morons like you that don't have enough of a spine to stand up for yourself, often like to claim that Google just wants to serve you relevant ads. This is, of course, bullshit. It's not that Google wants to know what you like so it can serve you what you like. No, Google wants to tell you what you like, so that Google can funnel whatever makes them the most money.

There is no benefit to you. Why the fuck would they want to benefit you? You are a fucking cow. You're the piece of fucking meat that is served on the dinner table. You're cheerfully walking into the slaughterhouse every single day, and you're stupid enough to think that it's making your life easier.
Alexia is awesome! It is mostly a high tech timer and radio for me!

And eavesdropping device that will record your private conversations and email them to people.

Yeah, that has been known to happen, that is why it stays in the kitchen. I never see you whining about the government recording our text and phone calls and storing them for data mining.

Feel free to go find a single post where I have ever endorsed those things.
Alexia is awesome! It is mostly a high tech timer and radio for me!

And eavesdropping device that will record your private conversations and email them to people.

Yeah, that has been known to happen, that is why it stays in the kitchen. I never see you whining about the government recording our text and phone calls and storing them for data mining.

Feel free to go find a single post where I have ever endorsed those things.

Feel free to find a single post where you ever complained about them.
The government has been collecting our data since they passed the Patriot Act and none of you folks seem upset about that

Yep, conservatives love the Patriot Act. All that "small" government they always tell us about.
Them having my data makes my life easier.

See, that is where you are wrong. Like so many other people, you are suffering from the delusion that tech companies use innocuous data in innocuous ways. Do you even comprehend the sheer volume of data, much less the organizational complexity, these companies collect?

Wow, if only when I had gotten out of the Marines I had chosen to get my Masters in Applied Analytics with a certificate in data analysis, and if only I went to work every day and used such data in my day to day duties.

Oh wait, I did do that and I do that every single day. My data is a bit more focused on the Ag industry, and even you would be surprised the by sheer volume of it.

It knowing the sheer volume of amount of data that makes me not really give a shit about it. My data is just on out of billions of bits floating around.

There's an old saying that everyone in the world is connected through no more than six degrees of separation. That may be true, but under normal circumstances the average person would be hard pressed to figure out the line between themselves and any other random person. But the volume of data held by any one of the major data companies nowadays allows these companies to know everyone you know. Not because you told them. That would be too human. Instead, they can automatically sift through 6 million degrees of separation, apply thousands of algorithms, and discover who knows who. Now what possible use is that to you? None. But it's useful as fuck to companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

On sites like LinkedIn it is of great use to me as those algorithms find connections I would not have made without them. Other than that, it does not need to be helpful to me, it is their services that are helpful to me and if them gathering all that day allows me to have their services, let them have at it.

Companies aren't collecting data to make your life easier. It's neither their purpose, nor the end result. In fact, most of what these companies do nowadays actually makes things harder. They then leverage their horizontal reach to effectively force you to continue engaging with them in ways that benefit them, while creating the illusion that they are benefiting you because the intentionally complicate your efforts to avoid complying with their interests. An example is how Google penalizes businesses that don't use GSuite, by forcing non-GSuite originating mail to meet higher thresholds to avoid being filtered as spam.

These companies provide me with a service, a service that is for the most part totally free to me. That they do these other things along the way to make themselves very profitable, again is not a concern to me at all. My company uses are collected data in many ways the benefit our company outside of the benefit we give to our clients. None of them harm them in any way, but they are not done for them.

How does it benefit you for Google to read your emails? It doesn't. Not at all. All it does is help Google figure out better ways to hack the human brain and use brain stem triggers in advertising.

I neither benefit nor am I harmed by this. Google does not know who I am, I am merely one in trillions of pieces of data. If if allows them to better their company and make more money that actually helps me as I own a fair bit of tech stock including Alphabet and Amazon among others.

Now Google, and morons like you that don't have enough of a spine to stand up for yourself, often like to claim that Google just wants to serve you relevant ads. This is, of course, bullshit. It's not that Google wants to know what you like so it can serve you what you like. No, Google wants to tell you what you like, so that Google can funnel whatever makes them the most money.

What makes them money helps keep all the things I use from them free, I am ok with that. I do not fear companies making money as you seem to do.

There is no benefit to you. Why the fuck would they want to benefit you? You are a fucking cow. You're the piece of fucking meat that is served on the dinner table. You're cheerfully walking into the slaughterhouse every single day, and you're stupid enough to think that it's making your life easier

My my, someone got up on the wrong side of the computer this morning.

These things make my life easier in a multitude of ways.

I can get in my car, plug in my phone and tell it to give me direction to Ponte Verda Florida from my home. In seconds I have the route laid out and if along the way something changes like an accident or new construction, they tell me and I can alter my route if I choose to. I am old enough to remember when a 7 state trip took 7 maps with routes highlighted and if you made a wrong turn you were toast.

I can have my hands elbow deep in some dough and need to kneed it for 10 minutes and I can say "Alexa, set a timer for 10 minutes" and do not need to stop what I am doing, wash my hands and twist the timer. While I am working away in the kitchen I can with a word change songs or even stations.

When my daughter got her official job offer I could open Google and find the closet florist to her apartment and have flowers to her in two hours. Considering she lives 5 states away that used to be a much harder thing to do.

My son is a Type-1 diabetic, thanks to these tech companies he has a meter on his body that allows me to see his blood sugar and will send my phone alerts in case he, as teenagers often are, are too engrossed to notice his blood sugar is too high or too low and can text him and tell him to either eat or give himself more insulin. This was science fiction less than 10 years ago.

You fear big data because you do not understand what it is. And the funniest part of all, is that despite all your rantings you give them data every time you use a phone, or a credit/debit card, type a post on this forum, or any of 1000000 other things.
I just worked 4 days on a video project to have Youtube tell me I can't upload it unless I give them a phone number.

It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.

Every website Google buys and destroys they put their big bother data collection crap in it.

Except for Youtube, I use nothing Google, and you know what? I still do what ever the hell I want on the internet.

Here's a news flash, you don't "Google" crap on the internet, the same way I don't "Toyota" to work.

Seriously, you guys need to stop giving large companies your info.

Google needs to die.

I echo every word of that. My product design consulting group refused to anymore Android software or interface design. We were tired of Google micro-direction of where we could put files and tools that essentially spied on our work and constantly changed.

The dropped the "Don't Be Evil" Corporate motto... Do you understand WHY they did now? :banana:

Which reminds me --- I need to ditch Chrome. And I FULLY RECOMMEND Bing. It's my homepage. It's a real relief and has gotten to be just as good and more FAIR than Google search.

Also I was recently looking at ways to annotate a large satellite image. Just wanted to draw overlays and symbols on it. After screwing for a week with all the ABORTED Google map tools, I found the most recent and MORE RESTRICTED offering. And part of the deal is ----- your FINISHED PRODUCTS have to be hosted thru THEIR CLOUD databases. Screw that shit. I don't need tools that I can't produce stuff I OWN from. They were asking for MORE than a credit or a citation for Google Maps.
The government has been collecting our data since they passed the Patriot Act and none of you folks seem upset about that

You could have gotten a "winner" for that if you weren't defending Google.. LOL..

Hope you're aware that Google COOPERATES with that Big Brother NSA Super Spy System that you bought to "prevent jihadis from organizing within our borders".

Some of these mammoth companies and telecoms and ISP are directly wired into it. They can't discuss it. They can not acknowlege it. But they are the MAIN BACKBONES for all that "upstream" collection that amounts to Domestic Spying on you.

I'm with you on the Civil Liberties issues. Just realize that Uncle Sam has RECRUITED Google and others to be part of the Domestic Spying we both want to end.
I just worked 4 days on a video project to have Youtube tell me I can't upload it unless I give them a phone number.

It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.

Every website Google buys and destroys they put their big bother data collection crap in it.

Except for Youtube, I use nothing Google, and you know what? I still do what ever the hell I want on the internet.

Here's a news flash, you don't "Google" crap on the internet, the same way I don't "Toyota" to work.

Seriously, you guys need to stop giving large companies your info.

Google needs to die.

Blogger allows you to upload videos you may want to share, I haven't uploaded any, so I don't know if there are time limits. It is a free service (email required, but you can use any email, including an alias), and I have not encountered any kind of limit outside of standard decorum for public publishing (basic stuff in the terms of agreement as to content).

Ooops, don't beat me flacaltenn, I mentioned another site. :1041:
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It knowing the sheer volume of amount of data that makes me not really give a shit about it. My data is just on out of billions of bits floating around.

It goes beyond your web content. The system that you hate establishes your complex interactions with others as well. It makes those 3rd and 4th level associations by sifting through your web browsing, content, financials, even telecom. You are completely naked. That's what it was designed for. And it's already been abused for Domestic Spying on crime, financials, and NOW it seems, to have been used as a political weapon.

Just like on Facebook -- the danger is not the content you type. The danger is "THE NETWORK".. Name of the Facebook movie --- right? It's all about the Social Network. Just like it is for the jihadis it was designed to sleuth out.

But since all these mega-spying corporate entities are now recruited by Unk Sam -- you need to reconsider that the danger is MUCH broader than just owning your shopping, eating, travel, location, political, religious, browsing, entertainment, library habits.
I just worked 4 days on a video project to have Youtube tell me I can't upload it unless I give them a phone number.

It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.

Every website Google buys and destroys they put their big bother data collection crap in it.

Except for Youtube, I use nothing Google, and you know what? I still do what ever the hell I want on the internet.

Here's a news flash, you don't "Google" crap on the internet, the same way I don't "Toyota" to work.

Seriously, you guys need to stop giving large companies your info.

Google needs to die.

Why do I care if large companies have my info?

How does it harm me in any way?

People tell me not to use rewards programs as then stores know my buying habits...I am like “how is that a bad thing”

I use Alexa, people tell me not to as it listens to me...I am like “so what?”.

The government has been collecting our data since they passed the Patriot Act and none of you folks seem upset about that

Sent from my iPhone using
I just worked 4 days on a video project to have Youtube tell me I can't upload it unless I give them a phone number.

It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.

Every website Google buys and destroys they put their big bother data collection crap in it.

Except for Youtube, I use nothing Google, and you know what? I still do what ever the hell I want on the internet.

Here's a news flash, you don't "Google" crap on the internet, the same way I don't "Toyota" to work.

Seriously, you guys need to stop giving large companies your info.

Google needs to die.
Of course they don't 'need' your number. That information is part of the PRICE you pay for having your content hosted there.

Don't like it then you did exactly what you should have - went on and used someone else. Of course that comes with the sacrifice that you cannot reach the audience that youtube has managed to attract.

I, for one, don't really give a damn most of the time. When I care, I give out false info anyway.
I just worked 4 days on a video project to have Youtube tell me I can't upload it unless I give them a phone number.

It's none of their freaking business who I am or what my phone number is.

Every website Google buys and destroys they put their big bother data collection crap in it.

Except for Youtube, I use nothing Google, and you know what? I still do what ever the hell I want on the internet.

Here's a news flash, you don't "Google" crap on the internet, the same way I don't "Toyota" to work.

Seriously, you guys need to stop giving large companies your info.

Google needs to die.

Why do I care if large companies have my info?

How does it harm me in any way?

People tell me not to use rewards programs as then stores know my buying habits...I am like “how is that a bad thing”

I use Alexa, people tell me not to as it listens to me...I am like “so what?”.

The government has been collecting our data since they passed the Patriot Act and none of you folks seem upset about that

Sent from my iPhone using
In general, I agree. Alexa is dead useful.

Have 2 and they almost never stop streaming music of one type or another.
The government has been collecting our data since they passed the Patriot Act and none of you folks seem upset about that

You could have gotten a "winner" for that if you weren't defending Google.. LOL..

Hope you're aware that Google COOPERATES with that Big Brother NSA Super Spy System that you bought to "prevent jihadis from organizing within our borders".

Some of these mammoth companies and telecoms and ISP are directly wired into it. They can't discuss it. They can not acknowlege it. But they are the MAIN BACKBONES for all that "upstream" collection that amounts to Domestic Spying on you.

I'm with you on the Civil Liberties issues. Just realize that Uncle Sam has RECRUITED Google and others to be part of the Domestic Spying we both want to end.

Of course they do - the government is not going to spend all that time and effort creating something that they can simply take by force. That is not an issue with the tech companies and data collection on their side - it is an issue of law and allowing government to demand that data without cause.

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