You guys really do need to leash your activist mod

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Thanks. Of course, by definition, what goes on "behind the scenes" is invisible to the average member, nor was I aware this was a regular occurrence with the member you mentioned. Still, that doesn't obviate the validity of my comments about the rules in general or actions taken. I certainly didn't come here today to fight with people, but there is always the opportunity in any FB forum to take something constructive out of it, and while maybe if someone too often goes public with their complaints, perhaps even doing that, rather than seen just as merely another "rule violation," something constructive can be taken from it--- after all, when people repeatedly complain, not everyone can be dismissed as mere malcontents and at some point, you have to figure maybe there is something to what they say?

Thanks. I'm aware of most of that which is why I generally (if you can believe me) try hard to refrain from pestering mods any more often than really necessary with my own travails much less drag them out in public. I had a vitriolic complaint I brought to you folks about a year ago in PM, that has stopped me from posting threads and stuff since due to the nebulousness of the situation and over time, I've come to more and more decide that perhaps I over-reacted and took the action too personally. People always tend to think every mod action MUST have been personal. As to Xenforo, the guy you want to ask there is Flacc. While I know a lot of ways Xenforo could be fixed/improved, I'm loathe to give them away to their creators without compensation. And from what I've heard, they aren't exactly jumping there looking for input from users anyway! But if anyone ever wants to know my ideas to improve page structure and reduce rule violations here, they can PM me and ask. I actually devoted a lot of thought to it a few years ago and I think even saved some illustrations.

Well now, I did not know the subject thread began in the race forum. That changes a lot. So before you or Aye tell me I should keep my thoughts to myself if I don't know what I'm talking about, let me say it first--- :oops-28: ---the OP here left out that small but vital tidbit of pertinent information, and that fact changes the entire complexion of THIS thread (ahha, I made a funny!). Still, some of my input is still not without value; even if it was a race thread, I'm not sure I would have a great issue with something talking about nagging even if a duplicity of intent were suspected. I mean, how far do we take PC? What next, someone talking about Joe taking a pill, over the hill, or getting filled be construed as a threat on his life because it sounds close to "killed?"

I guess--- maybe I just tend to look at the act of moderation as being like a father figure to guide people kindly back onto the center of the road again rather than wait till they go up on the curb hitting pedestrians and mailboxes to shoot their tires out. Some people here have a chip on their shoulder looking to make a mod knock it off for them while others make innocent or well-intended mistakes, and that can be a very difficult thing to always know one from the other.

The latter.


That is not within my purview to really say. One thing I would say before I have to go is that it might be nice if more mods were more visible--- if this were my place, I might have a moderator column where all the mods and administrators are listed giving each some sort of "bio" telling people something about themselves to make them more "touchable," friendly, or real without giving anything too personal away. Like West used to be a geologist and I know you are very much an animal person. Why? Because forums run that way with great personal warmth and human contact always run more smoothly than those run dryly like they were operated by the DMV.

At any rate, not my place really to tell folks how to run their place, but that's my FB FWIW since this is a feedback forum, only mananagement can decide if any of it makes any sense to them. Me, I'm off now to my Saturday night ablutions. Bye.
That's not a coyote, but yes, he appears to be reading....
Maybe it's time to think along the lines of what the USMB wants to be when it grows up

FWIW Natural One, i've always been polite, always tried to play by the rules, yet have been banned by site after site on this soul suckin' thing

always a similar problem

Why is there a recent run of whining posts about moderation actions?

Really the rules are clear if you have a complaint about moderation actions talk about it through the PM system.

The rest of us are not involved in this.
And yet you chose to be involved by responding to the thread.

Probably 90% of moderation could be resolved if the offended simply doesn't respond to the offender. If the offender continues independently then it could be stalking but if you choose to involve yourself by responding then you have no standing to feign offense.
I'll say I am as likely as anyone to call someone a name but some threads are just out of control with the name calling back and forth and no thread-related content. I think there was a thread here a while back about suggestions for rules improvement where it was discussed that, generally, the mods and the rules allow a little name calling - if a person is clearly lying (or even if you just believe they are) the urge is very strong to just call them a liar.

Most of us want to call a spade a spade, a liar a liar, a gun-banner a gun-banner. But for the sake of everyone on the site, it just makes sense to include that with at least some on-topic commentary about why it's a lie, or what makes them a gun-banner. With thread-related context then there can be a debate instead of pages and pages (and we've all seen this) of "you're a liar", "no I'm not, you are", "no, not me. It's you that's the liar."..... change to next thread page and repeat for about 6 pages worth.

I'm not a fan of overmoderation but the empty name calling can ruin otherwise great threads. I don't have enough context for the OP's case but, in general, my response is please just add some thread-related context and value along with personal opinions.
I don't know if there's any member that has been suspended, sanctioned or otherwise disciplined more than I have.

Not that I'm proud of it or anything, and other than one chickenshit faggot, I can say that the one mod I most respect and agree with has done more to sanction me that the one I hate the most, and even the one I hate the most isn't a full blown moonbat lunatic.

Shit... I often agree with the ass munch more often than not.

This can't be an easy job, especially for a moonbat mod because the forum, like most of society in general isn't dominated by bed wetting liberals who parrot inane drivel all the time.

This is a free forum. We get to vent, make fun of each other, ridicule each other, troll each other and it's so lightly moded that when my shit does get erased I don't care. This is all about having fun, wasting time and if you start taking it too seriously you need to go to a bar and drink beer with strangers for a while and recalibrate yourself.

That's just my drop of gas.... which might actually cost $.02 right now.

I just had a perfectly legal, relevant post that was made in response to another poster deleted, accompanied by a smartass message that said "Read the rules"

There was nothing at all against the rules in what I said.

Someone mentioned about all of the threads a certain poster starts on a daily basis about the same topic and I responded to that poster saying ''naggers gonna nag''

Because that's really what it boils down to. Just constant nag fest revolving around a specific member's pet peeves with regard to specific demographics of people he doesn't like. That the particular poster's pet peeve serves as confirmation for the personal views of the unleashed does not in any way condone malfeasant moderation.

You don't have to respond here. I don't even care about your response.

Just get it on a leash, please. Perhaps give it a copy of the rules.

Consider it feedback.

Nothing should be construed from anyone's content on here in any way other than what it actually says.
I won't say who it probably is but his name rhymes with bite dicks.
Whining to the "public" will get you nowhere. Each mod has very different personalities. Some are more approachable than others.
Political boards are for recreation, and we don't change ANYBODY'S minds here. Lefties should always be exposed for their corruption, regardless of if they have badges or not. It is our duty to expose ALL corrupt lefties, regardless of if it prevents further corruption or not.
Not that I'm proud of it or anything, and other than one chickenshit faggot, I can say that the one mod I most respect and agree with has done more to sanction me that the one I hate the most, and even the one I hate the most isn't a full blown moonbat lunatic.

Shit... I often agree with the ass munch more often than not.
Stockholm syndrome
I just had a perfectly legal, relevant post that was made in response to another poster deleted, accompanied by a smartass message that said "Read the rules"

There was nothing at all against the rules in what I said.

Someone mentioned about all of the threads a certain poster starts on a daily basis about the same topic and I responded to that poster saying ''naggers gonna nag''

Because that's really what it boils down to. Just constant nag fest revolving around a specific member's pet peeves with regard to specific demographics of people he doesn't like. That the particular poster's pet peeve serves as confirmation for the personal views of the unleashed does not in any way condone malfeasant moderation.

You don't have to respond here. I don't even care about your response.

Just get it on a leash, please. Perhaps give it a copy of the rules.

Consider it feedback.

Nothing should be construed from anyone's content on here in any way other than what it actually says.

Not helpful man. No details. Couldn't follow up if we wanted to. Have no idea what post- what mod is involved here. Best do this IN PM for "specific moderations actions" like the rules suggest.

It aint that we're not interested in being better. But this is a pointless way to do it. PM me or a couple others.
Finally caught up here. This is WHY we dont want an AUDIENCE when a member has a gripe and why we dont want to embarrass them by bringing the rules and facts out with gawkers.

We recently made Race and Religion forums into civil discussion only. That applies to EVERYONE who wants to participate in HONEST, respectful, and MOST IMPORTANTLY -- NOT PERSONAL -- discussion of those topics. COuldn't go on hosting the same brawls in those forums without requiring a bit more effort and discipline in the postings. There still are many members who resent the "good old days" of calling every member racist in Race or stupid in Religion.

Would be really hard to change our minds to go BACK to the way those forums were. And in fact, we COULD possibly put MORE of USMB into Zone1 where it makes sense.
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