"You have humiliated us"

True but doesn't protocol mean anything ?Taken away because he doesn't like what Brennan says ??? Maybe all those who want to become intel people will forget about it now, now that they know they must keep their mouths shut?

I understand what you are saying, but you don't seem to understand the primary protocols for having a security clearance most certainly, in every purpose and measure, has absolutely everything to do, with your ability to keep your damn mouth shut.

I don't think it could be any more clear than that. :21:

Yes. About confidential matters that your clearance allows you access to. It doesn't remove your rights to speak up about other matters particularly AFTER he has left that position.
That's my point, the US government doesn't owe you a security clearance, and it is always at the discretion of the command. Which means it's not an abuse if they choose to use that discretion. It doesn't make a difference if you like it or think it is okay, it's not your call.

It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.

When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
Been there done that Cuban crisis and yes it was scary

No dodging. When/if the shit hits the fan over Rump you'll pick up a weapon? I will, I've done it too.
No I wouldn't UNLESS he declares himself president for life like his friend in China or Russia have

Which isn't possible here.
For political purposes it's always been a no no Now it's just abuse of power

Nowhere in the manual or protocols for security clearances, does it say that President Trump has to be nice to John Brennan and let him keep his security clearance.
True but doesn't protocol mean anything ?Taken away because he doesn't like what Brennan says ??? Maybe all those who want to become intel people will forget about it now, now that they know they must keep their mouths shut?
Brennon can blab away all he wants as a loon on CNN........he never lost his 1st Amendment right..........He no longer has a need to know.......and leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.

He LIED to the People......to the Senate........and to Trump......

Leakers don't deserve a damned thing.........and he's bought and paid for by the left...........their little stooge.
He should be facing charges right now.
leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.
Leaked classified information? When was that?
Collusion for trump, treason ,comes to mind
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
You might want to read the Mueller's appointment letter.

Keep in mind Mueller was a conservative Republican, an appointee of President George W. Bush. He was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a life long republican appointed by Bush and Trump. The Trump administration did not appoint Mueller in order to prove the president colluded with the Russians. The idea that the Mueller investigation is some kind of democratic witch hunt is preposterous.

Trump brought this on himself when he fired Comey, an act so stupid as to bring the president's sanity into question.

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel
FULL LETTER: Trump fires FBI Director Comey over Clinton emails

On Tuesday evening, the White House announced that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.

In a three-page letter, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wrote that he "cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken."

Read the full letter below:

Except the letter is BS. Trump
True but doesn't protocol mean anything ?Taken away because he doesn't like what Brennan says ??? Maybe all those who want to become intel people will forget about it now, now that they know they must keep their mouths shut?

I understand what you are saying, but you don't seem to understand the primary protocols for having a security clearance most certainly, in every purpose and measure, has absolutely everything to do, with your ability to keep your damn mouth shut.

I don't think it could be any more clear than that. :21:

Yes. About confidential matters that your clearance allows you access to. It doesn't remove your rights to speak up about other matters particularly AFTER he has left that position.
Rosenstein's letter is in that article.......Full script.
ABUSE out of control ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Flynn still has his Top Secret security clearance in spite of being ousted by Trump and pleading guilty to a federal crime. The reason is obvious. He kept his mouth shut and didn't criticism Trump, just more abuse of power by the president.

That's my point, the US government doesn't owe you a security clearance, and it is always at the discretion of the command. Which means it's not an abuse if they choose to use that discretion. It doesn't make a difference if you like it or think it is okay, it's not your call.

It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.

When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
What an odd question.

Not at all and that's my point. NOBODY is paying attention to it. You should be.
I didn't say I wasn't paying attention. I have not heard much about it and like the Mueller investigation I will wait until they report out.
It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.

When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
Been there done that Cuban crisis and yes it was scary

No dodging. When/if the shit hits the fan over Rump you'll pick up a weapon? I will, I've done it too.
Why are you even asking this? Another attempt to deflect the conversation?

That's between me and ed, go away.
At least you have a sense of humor
It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.

When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
Been there done that Cuban crisis and yes it was scary

No dodging. When/if the shit hits the fan over Rump you'll pick up a weapon? I will, I've done it too.
Why are you even asking this? Another attempt to deflect the conversation?

That's between me and ed, go away.
And Wry?
That's my point, the US government doesn't owe you a security clearance, and it is always at the discretion of the command. Which means it's not an abuse if they choose to use that discretion. It doesn't make a difference if you like it or think it is okay, it's not your call.

It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.

When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
What an odd question.

Not at all and that's my point. NOBODY is paying attention to it. You should be.
I didn't say I wasn't paying attention. I have not heard much about it and like the Mueller investigation I will wait until they report out.

Huber is looking at MUCH more than Mueller is. He also has MANY more investigators at his disposal. There is a reason that the media isn't talking about it. Fact, you didn't even know about it until now.
For political purposes it's always been a no no Now it's just abuse of power

Nowhere in the manual or protocols for security clearances, does it say that President Trump has to be nice to John Brennan and let him keep his security clearance.
True but doesn't protocol mean anything ?Taken away because he doesn't like what Brennan says ??? Maybe all those who want to become intel people will forget about it now, now that they know they must keep their mouths shut?
Brennon can blab away all he wants as a loon on CNN........he never lost his 1st Amendment right..........He no longer has a need to know.......and leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.

He LIED to the People......to the Senate........and to Trump......

Leakers don't deserve a damned thing.........and he's bought and paid for by the left...........their little stooge.
He should be facing charges right now.
leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.
Leaked classified information? When was that?
The same dang RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA DOSSIER..............They were telling everyone about the Steele Dossier before the election........Leaked it to Senators and Congressmen.........and leaked it to the press.............

The Press didn't run with it before the election because they thought the election was in the bag........They didn't start running with it til after Hillary lost.
It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.

When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
Been there done that Cuban crisis and yes it was scary

No dodging. When/if the shit hits the fan over Rump you'll pick up a weapon? I will, I've done it too.
No I wouldn't UNLESS he declares himself president for life like his friend in China or Russia have

Which isn't possible here.
Didn't think his presidency and some of what he's done so far was possible either I put NOTHING past him and his repub backers
When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
Been there done that Cuban crisis and yes it was scary

No dodging. When/if the shit hits the fan over Rump you'll pick up a weapon? I will, I've done it too.
Why are you even asking this? Another attempt to deflect the conversation?

That's between me and ed, go away.
And Wry?

You don't follow any of this very well. It's between me and Ed.
It it is revoked for partisan or personal reasons (not due to performance or criminal activity) then yes - it is an abuse of power even though it is up to the President ultimately. When the revoking of security clearances are being done to intimidate or punish people for exercising their rights *but not violating protocols or the law* I would say that is an abuse. There is a list of people he is reviewing removing clearances from for the sole reason of criticizing him. That should be disturbing.

John Brennan doesn't have a Constitutional right to a security clearance. No matter how you want to try and argue, you will always miss the fact that a security clearance is not provided to an individual so they can do whatever they feel like with the information, locations or materials they are allowed to access.

What the heck are you thinking? Geeze, Coyote, there's no need to take a leap off the deep end just because you don't like the President. What you are suggesting should be tolerated from someone with a security clearance is not only counterproductive, and defeats the purpose of having one, but it is fricken insane.

THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING, and leave your hatred at home.

Holy smokes people.
A security clearance is what you need to access materials the government has classified as being sensitive or secret. Do you know what a fricken secret is?
Last edited:
When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
Been there done that Cuban crisis and yes it was scary

No dodging. When/if the shit hits the fan over Rump you'll pick up a weapon? I will, I've done it too.
No I wouldn't UNLESS he declares himself president for life like his friend in China or Russia have

Which isn't possible here.
Didn't think his presidency and some of what he's done so far was possible either I put NOTHING past him and his repub backers

The ONLY avenue for that is Martial Law. Maybe ANTIFA should back off?
It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.

When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
What an odd question.

Not at all and that's my point. NOBODY is paying attention to it. You should be.
I didn't say I wasn't paying attention. I have not heard much about it and like the Mueller investigation I will wait until they report out.

Huber is looking at MUCH more than Mueller is. He also has MANY more investigators at his disposal. There is a reason that the media isn't talking about it. Fact, you didn't even know about it until now.
You are so completely and utterly brainwashed that there is no hope for you.
This is not about the Huber retaliatory "let's pay these suckers back" investigation.
For political purposes it's always been a no no Now it's just abuse of power

Nowhere in the manual or protocols for security clearances, does it say that President Trump has to be nice to John Brennan and let him keep his security clearance.
True but doesn't protocol mean anything ?Taken away because he doesn't like what Brennan says ??? Maybe all those who want to become intel people will forget about it now, now that they know they must keep their mouths shut?
Brennon can blab away all he wants as a loon on CNN........he never lost his 1st Amendment right..........He no longer has a need to know.......and leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.

He LIED to the People......to the Senate........and to Trump......

Leakers don't deserve a damned thing.........and he's bought and paid for by the left...........their little stooge.
He should be facing charges right now.
leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.
Leaked classified information? When was that?
The same dang RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA DOSSIER..............They were telling everyone about the Steele Dossier before the election........Leaked it to Senators and Congressmen.........and leaked it to the press.............

The Press didn't run with it before the election because they thought the election was in the bag........They didn't start running with it til after Hillary lost.
Did you see it? I didn't Was that the one where Trump had his ""obstruction out""?
When the shit hits the fan will you pick up a weapon?
What an odd question.

Not at all and that's my point. NOBODY is paying attention to it. You should be.
I didn't say I wasn't paying attention. I have not heard much about it and like the Mueller investigation I will wait until they report out.

Huber is looking at MUCH more than Mueller is. He also has MANY more investigators at his disposal. There is a reason that the media isn't talking about it. Fact, you didn't even know about it until now.
You are so completely and utterly brainwashed that there is no hope for you.
This is not about the Huber retaliatory "let's pay these suckers back" investigation.

I'm not brain washed at all. The entire binary political system is bullshit and Rump is just playing his part. You're simply too stupid to think that ANYONE on the Left may have done ANYTHING wrong. Huber is digging and you SHOULD be ready.

They will do it just to keep American's divided. Obama et al is just as guilty as anyone despite your protestations.
Brainwashing lol....

The Left is brain washed into TDS daily because they lost...........They look right past the Lies under Oath by Brennan and the Clap Attack.........

Unhinged to the extreme...........You don't mind fragging anyone on the right..........while you ignore Lying under oath and abuse of power from their own side.

Elections have consequences..............the executive dept. decides who gets clearances..............And Trump is the head of that.

YOU LOSE............Let Brennan and Clap Trap cry on CNN and MSNBC all they want to.......

Have some animals to feed Thank you all for the time spent and thanks to an understanding mod
Nowhere in the manual or protocols for security clearances, does it say that President Trump has to be nice to John Brennan and let him keep his security clearance.
True but doesn't protocol mean anything ?Taken away because he doesn't like what Brennan says ??? Maybe all those who want to become intel people will forget about it now, now that they know they must keep their mouths shut?
Brennon can blab away all he wants as a loon on CNN........he never lost his 1st Amendment right..........He no longer has a need to know.......and leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.

He LIED to the People......to the Senate........and to Trump......

Leakers don't deserve a damned thing.........and he's bought and paid for by the left...........their little stooge.
He should be facing charges right now.
leaked information during an election that was done to alter an election.
Leaked classified information? When was that?
The same dang RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA DOSSIER..............They were telling everyone about the Steele Dossier before the election........Leaked it to Senators and Congressmen.........and leaked it to the press.............

The Press didn't run with it before the election because they thought the election was in the bag........They didn't start running with it til after Hillary lost.
Did you see it? I didn't Was that the one where Trump had his ""obstruction out""?
WTF..........speak english

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