"You have humiliated us"

Brennan leaked the information to Reid...........this is what Reid wrote to the FBI at the time....

And they leaked it to the media.



Was the letter classified? If so by who and when?

Obama and Clinton were in on this shit...........You want collusion.........they paid for the dirt and tried to use it before the elections.......

The media didn't run with it because they thought the election was in the bag..........later it was used as an Insurance policy.........

The dates are well before the election that they started pressing this............
It it is revoked for partisan or personal reasons (not due to performance or criminal activity) then yes - it is an abuse of power even though it is up to the President ultimately. When the revoking of security clearances are being done to intimidate or punish people for exercising their rights *but not violating protocols or the law* I would say that is an abuse. There is a list of people he is reviewing removing clearances from for the sole reason of criticizing him. That should be disturbing.

John Brennan doesn't have a Constitutional right to a security clearance. No matter how you want to try and argue, you will always miss the fact that a security clearance is not provided to an individual so they can do whatever they feel like with the information, locations or materials they are allowed to access.

Who said that he did?

What the heck are you thinking? Geeze, Coyote, there's no need to take a leap off the deep end just because you don't like the President. What you are suggesting should be tolerated from someone with a security clearance is not only counterproductive, and defeats the purpose of having one, but it is fricken insane.

THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING, and leave your hatred at home.

So being able to consult with prior experts on terrorism, and other cases they worked on is "fricken insane"?

If you want to blame everything on "hating the president" - that's your perogative. I think you would do better to distance yourself from your adoration of him and look at his actions in a logical manner.

Has any other president used security clearances as a way to punish his critics? Yes or no? Simple question really.

If not - is this a good precedent to set for the revokation of clearances? Yes or no? Another simple question.

These two questions have nothing to do with how I or anyone else feels about the current occupant of the White House. It should apply to anyone in that position.

Holy smokes people.
A security clearance is what you need to access materials the government has classified as being sensitive or secret. Do you know what a fricken secret is?

You said exercising his rights, which don't include a security clearance.

Other than that, the administration has clearly stated they don't trust John Brennan with our secrets.
They have the authority to use their discretion and did so.

Don't take me for a fool and ask me leading questions either, because that's child's play.

Don't pretend your assessment that it was done to punish anyone for what you think they should not have been punished for, doesn't have everything to do with the way you feel about who occupies the White House (you assume you know everything about the decision, where you very well may not). And don't pretend that since there is nothing new about people having their security clearances yanked because command lost trust in them, or they couldn't keep their mouths shut, it is in the least bit is some kind of new precedence, because it isn't.

Thanks Again
Last edited:
There is a lot more proof but Mueller hasn’t released it yet.

That is desperate unsubstantiated accusation / opinion, Dear DL. You have no proof of that any more than you can prove what color of underwear Peter Strzok is wearing at this minute.

After 2+ years, "You just wait and see" has run its course and has failed.

After 2 years Mueller has no evidence of illegal collusion by the President.

After 2+ years Mueller has not indicted 1 person associated with Trump for any crime of Illegal collusion with the Russians.

After 2+ years Mueller has no convictions of anyone associated with Trump for illegal collusion with Russians.

Mueller continues to prove he is a Leftist Political P.I. investigating a person, not a crime.

You can say ' You just wait and see' until you turn blue in the face but all people will hear is 'I got Nothing!'

I have a better idea, though - go away and come back whenever actually finds anything.

It it is revoked for partisan or personal reasons (not due to performance or criminal activity) then yes - it is an abuse of power even though it is up to the President ultimately. When the revoking of security clearances are being done to intimidate or punish people for exercising their rights *but not violating protocols or the law* I would say that is an abuse. There is a list of people he is reviewing removing clearances from for the sole reason of criticizing him. That should be disturbing.

John Brennan doesn't have a Constitutional right to a security clearance. No matter how you want to try and argue, you will always miss the fact that a security clearance is not provided to an individual so they can do whatever they feel like with the information, locations or materials they are allowed to access.

Who said that he did?

What the heck are you thinking? Geeze, Coyote, there's no need to take a leap off the deep end just because you don't like the President. What you are suggesting should be tolerated from someone with a security clearance is not only counterproductive, and defeats the purpose of having one, but it is fricken insane.

THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING, and leave your hatred at home.

So being able to consult with prior experts on terrorism, and other cases they worked on is "fricken insane"?

If you want to blame everything on "hating the president" - that's your perogative. I think you would do better to distance yourself from your adoration of him and look at his actions in a logical manner.

Has any other president used security clearances as a way to punish his critics? Yes or no? Simple question really.

If not - is this a good precedent to set for the revokation of clearances? Yes or no? Another simple question.

These two questions have nothing to do with how I or anyone else feels about the current occupant of the White House. It should apply to anyone in that position.

Holy smokes people.
A security clearance is what you need to access materials the government has classified as being sensitive or secret. Do you know what a fricken secret is?

You said exercising his rights, which don't include a security clearance.

Other than that, the administration has clearly stated they don't trust John Brennan with our secrets.
They have the authority to use their discretion and did so.

Don't take me for a fool and ask me leading questions either, because that's child's play.

Don't pretend your assessment that it was done to punish anyone for what you think they should not have been punished for, doesn't have everything to do with your lie about how it doesn't concern the way you feel about who occupies the White House. And don't pretend that since there is nothing new about people having their security clearances yanked because command lost trust in them, or they couldn't keep their mouths shut, is in the least bit is some kind of new precedence, because it isn't.

Thanks Again
But Trump opened his yapper to putin regarding Israeli secrets Shouldn't his clearance be taken away ? And do you feel comfortable with his finger on the H bomb switch?
Brennan leaked the information to Reid...........this is what Reid wrote to the FBI at the time....

And they leaked it to the media.



Was the letter classified? If so by who and when?

Obama and Clinton were in on this shit...........You want collusion.........they paid for the dirt and tried to use it before the elections.......

The media didn't run with it because they thought the election was in the bag..........later it was used as an Insurance policy.........

The dates are well before the election that they started pressing this............

Who did they collude with, when and where?
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.

It's a clearance revocation. Get over it. Your guy can still rant and cry on MSNBC or CNN ALL HE WANTS.

The hypocrisy here is HUMONGOUS. Because it was Left who ended CIA interference in Domestic spying in the 70s. And Brennan is the person who MARKETED AND SOLD the phony ass Hillary/Russian dossier to the public 2 weeks before a presidential election. It was election meddling by the US Intel agencies. And it's sedition and will be proven as such in short order.

It's also hypocrisy because it was Brennan who went to the brave hero survivors of Ben Ghazi when they were still in the hospital recovering from their defense of American outposts in Libya and bullied them about speaking out over what transpired.

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

It was also Brennan that spied on Congress and lied about it in the media and Congressional investigation.
Good to know that the Left is NO LONGER concerned with having America's Intel Groups pranking and spying and meddling in internal US affairs.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Notice that the same MSM that whines like a nursery full of little babies over Brennan losing his security clearance wanted the judge in the Manafort trial to give out the names and addresses of the jurors. The only reason for doing that is so a lynch mob of deranged snowflakes could descend on the jurors homes to harass them and even threaten them with bodily harm. So these fake media scumbags claim they are supposedly so concerned about Brennan's constitutional rights don't give a damn about Manafort's right to a fair trial.

These people are the vilest kind of filth.
It should be clear to all Americans by now, that the MSM will condemn Trump no matter what he does. The only exception being he starts another war. Then, since they are controlled by the ruling who gains enormous wealth during times of war, they will hold their forked tongues.

The MSM will continue to condemn Trump as long as what he tweets, says and how he acts is contemptible. It's the MSM's job to report, and they do a good job using primary sources, i.e. his tweets, speeches and actions.

The MSM also posts editorials, clearly labeled and clearly built on what Trump does, says and tweets. It is sources on the Internet and on AM Radio where the Conservative talking heads mislead the public by lies, half-truth, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations and rewriting history - all to suit their biases and fill their wallets.
The problem with the MSM is its biases, so there is that.

Wouldn't be so bad if they were truly fair and balanced. Ain't seeing it.
Brennan leaked the information to Reid...........this is what Reid wrote to the FBI at the time....

And they leaked it to the media.



Was the letter classified? If so by who and when?

Obama and Clinton were in on this shit...........You want collusion.........they paid for the dirt and tried to use it before the elections.......

The media didn't run with it because they thought the election was in the bag..........later it was used as an Insurance policy.........

The dates are well before the election that they started pressing this............

Who did they collude with, when and where?
They used Fusion GPS and steele......did FISA warrants on Page weeks before the election.......the leaks to the media and information was from Brennan and Clapper in the summer of 2016.

Judicial Watch Asks Court for Carter Page FISA Warrant Hearing Transcripts - Judicial Watch
Obama, Brennan And Hillary Colluded To Take Trump Down
It's a clearance revocation. Get over it. Your guy can still rant and cry on MSNBC or CNN ALL HE WANTS.

The hypocrisy here is HUMONGOUS. Because it was Left who ended CIA interference in Domestic spying in the 70s. And Brennan is the person who MARKETED AND SOLD the phony ass Hillary/Russian dossier to the public 2 weeks before a presidential election. It was election meddling by the US Intel agencies. And it's sedition and will be proven as such in short order.

It's also hypocrisy because it was Brennan who went to the brave hero survivors of Ben Ghazi when they were still in the hospital recovering from their defense of American outposts in Libya and bullied them about speaking out over what transpired.

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

It was also Brennan that spied on Congress and lied about it in the media and Congressional investigation.
Good to know that the Left is NO LONGER concerned with having America's Intel Groups pranking and spying and meddling in internal US affairs.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Notice that the same MSM that whines like a nursery full of little babies over Brennan losing his security clearance wanted the judge in the Manafort trial to give out the names and addresses of the jurors. The only reason for doing that is so a lynch mob of deranged snowflakes could descend on the jurors homes to harass them and even threaten them with bodily harm. So these fake media scumbags claim they are supposedly so concerned about Brennan's constitutional rights don't give a damn about Manafort's right to a fair trial.

These people are the vilest kind of filth.
It should be clear to all Americans by now, that the MSM will condemn Trump no matter what he does. The only exception being he starts another war. Then, since they are controlled by the ruling who gains enormous wealth during times of war, they will hold their forked tongues.

The MSM will continue to condemn Trump as long as what he tweets, says and how he acts is contemptible. It's the MSM's job to report, and they do a good job using primary sources, i.e. his tweets, speeches and actions.

The MSM also posts editorials, clearly labeled and clearly built on what Trump does, says and tweets. It is sources on the Internet and on AM Radio where the Conservative talking heads mislead the public by lies, half-truth, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations and rewriting history - all to suit their biases and fill their wallets.
The problem with the MSM is its biases, so there is that.

Wouldn't be so bad if they were truly fair and balanced. Ain't seeing it.

Do you watch the MSM? I do, and some part is always editorial, and some part usually provides credible evidence for the editorial comments.
It's a clearance revocation. Get over it. Your guy can still rant and cry on MSNBC or CNN ALL HE WANTS.

The hypocrisy here is HUMONGOUS. Because it was Left who ended CIA interference in Domestic spying in the 70s. And Brennan is the person who MARKETED AND SOLD the phony ass Hillary/Russian dossier to the public 2 weeks before a presidential election. It was election meddling by the US Intel agencies. And it's sedition and will be proven as such in short order.

It's also hypocrisy because it was Brennan who went to the brave hero survivors of Ben Ghazi when they were still in the hospital recovering from their defense of American outposts in Libya and bullied them about speaking out over what transpired.

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

It was also Brennan that spied on Congress and lied about it in the media and Congressional investigation.
Good to know that the Left is NO LONGER concerned with having America's Intel Groups pranking and spying and meddling in internal US affairs.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Notice that the same MSM that whines like a nursery full of little babies over Brennan losing his security clearance wanted the judge in the Manafort trial to give out the names and addresses of the jurors. The only reason for doing that is so a lynch mob of deranged snowflakes could descend on the jurors homes to harass them and even threaten them with bodily harm. So these fake media scumbags claim they are supposedly so concerned about Brennan's constitutional rights don't give a damn about Manafort's right to a fair trial.

These people are the vilest kind of filth.
It should be clear to all Americans by now, that the MSM will condemn Trump no matter what he does. The only exception being he starts another war. Then, since they are controlled by the ruling who gains enormous wealth during times of war, they will hold their forked tongues.

The MSM will continue to condemn Trump as long as what he tweets, says and how he acts is contemptible. It's the MSM's job to report, and they do a good job using primary sources, i.e. his tweets, speeches and actions.

The MSM also posts editorials, clearly labeled and clearly built on what Trump does, says and tweets. It is sources on the Internet and on AM Radio where the Conservative talking heads mislead the public by lies, half-truth, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations and rewriting history - all to suit their biases and fill their wallets.
The problem with the MSM is its biases, so there is that.

Wouldn't be so bad if they were truly fair and balanced. Ain't seeing it.
all 300+++ newspapers 70 or so ex and current intel people all biased?

412 pages, really, have you read all of this, I sure won't. If you posted it, post an executive summary, if not, why did you post it?

My question referenced Trump&Co., not Obama or HRC. Carter Page is a kook, but even a kook can know right from wrong.
Take the redaction out............DECLASSIFY IT.............and it was brought about by a DIRT DIGGING CAMPAIGN...........paid for by DNC and Clinton.........

Steele got disavowed in the middle of it.........Leaked it..........was against the rules.....

FBI fired him...........lol

That's alright........Brennan and Clap Trap backdoored it in the summer of 2016.......

You know......those guys who are the victims in this thread..........LOL...........Was against the law for Steele to do it..........but for them to leak it was RIGHTEOUS.

The Congressional hearings prove it.

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line ........the side with the LIARS..........and BS artist.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a “deception spree regarding mass surveillance” and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

“Regardless of what was going through the director’s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,” Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Gee, thanks for googling for an opinion that agrees with yours and vomiting it here. I get a chuckle out of when apoplectic fools assert something with 100% confidence, then furiously Google for information they never saw and then present it as the reason they have believed something all along.

I know you have no idea what I just said.


That is a democrat Senator.

Clapper perjured himself. Because he is a Communist he is above the law.

The law is nothing more than a club to beat the serfs into submission.

There are opinions, and informed opinions. In my informed opinion, calling Mr. Clapper that, "he is a Communist he is above the law" is only an opinion; if it was informed it would have provided the evidence to make the claim both substantive and likely.

Actually, that is fact.

Clapper committed perjury.

That isn't debatable, even Clapper admits to perjury.

The passage of more than three years hasn't cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, "No, sir" and "not wittingly" to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting "any type of data at all" on millions of Americans.

About three months after making that claim, documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the answer was untruthful and that the NSA was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records, along with various internet communications.

To his critics, Clapper lied under oath, a crime that threatens effective oversight of the executive branch. In an apology letter to lawmakers, however, Clapper said he gave the "clearly erroneous" answer because he "simply didn't think of" the call-record collection.}

When James Clapper got away with perjury

So Clapper is guilty of perjury, by his own admission.

However, he knew as he admitted it that he was above the law, as indeed he clearly is. Communist democrats simply are not subject to the laws that govern the lesser people of the nation. We see it over and over again. We are a nation of elite rulers where the law is a farce.
Brennan leaked the information to Reid...........this is what Reid wrote to the FBI at the time....

And they leaked it to the media.



Was the letter classified? If so by who and when?

Obama and Clinton were in on this shit...........You want collusion.........they paid for the dirt and tried to use it before the elections.......

The media didn't run with it because they thought the election was in the bag..........later it was used as an Insurance policy.........

The dates are well before the election that they started pressing this............

Who did they collude with, when and where?
They used Fusion GPS and steele......did FISA warrants on Page weeks before the election.......the leaks to the media and information was from Brennan and Clapper in the summer of 2016.

Judicial Watch Asks Court for Carter Page FISA Warrant Hearing Transcripts - Judicial Watch
Obama, Brennan And Hillary Colluded To Take Trump Down

How about posting two more sources, that's what a MSM journalist/reporter would be told by their editor before broadcast or publication.

For the Reader:

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

From the LINK:

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.


412 pages, really, have you read all of this, I sure won't. If you posted it, post an executive summary, if not, why did you post it?

My question referenced Trump&Co., not Obama or HRC. Carter Page is a kook, but even a kook can know right from wrong.
Take the redaction out............DECLASSIFY IT.............and it was brought about by a DIRT DIGGING CAMPAIGN...........paid for by DNC and Clinton.........

Steele got disavowed in the middle of it.........Leaked it..........was against the rules.....

FBI fired him...........lol

That's alright........Brennan and Clap Trap backdoored it in the summer of 2016.......

You know......those guys who are the victims in this thread..........LOL...........Was against the law for Steele to do it..........but for them to leak it was RIGHTEOUS.

Eagle you send away for your Trumpy doll ? ,,2 payments of 19.99 and you get a flag too
Brennan leaked the information to Reid...........this is what Reid wrote to the FBI at the time....

And they leaked it to the media.



Was the letter classified? If so by who and when?

Obama and Clinton were in on this shit...........You want collusion.........they paid for the dirt and tried to use it before the elections.......

The media didn't run with it because they thought the election was in the bag..........later it was used as an Insurance policy.........

The dates are well before the election that they started pressing this............

Who did they collude with, when and where?
They used Fusion GPS and steele......did FISA warrants on Page weeks before the election.......the leaks to the media and information was from Brennan and Clapper in the summer of 2016.

Judicial Watch Asks Court for Carter Page FISA Warrant Hearing Transcripts - Judicial Watch
Obama, Brennan And Hillary Colluded To Take Trump Down

How about posting two more sources, that's what a MSM journalist/reporter would be told by their editor before broadcast or publication.

For the Reader:

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

From the LINK:

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.

You insist that eagle1462010 post two sources to support his claims, and then you post one source to support yours.

How beautifully liberal!
This crap helped get Comey.......


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