"You have humiliated us"

Good he is retired.

Obviously your best days are over, Sir!

That’s dumb. So why not revoke all the security clearances I mean ALL not just the one who criticized him.
Come on. This proved that this MORON HYPOCRITE LYING POTUS is a vindictive.
Flynn still has his Top Secret security clearance in spite of being ousted by Trump and pleading guilty to a federal crime. The reason is obvious. He kept his mouth shut and didn't criticism Trump, just more abuse of power by the president.

And the far left runs another debunked religious narrative.

Flynn Loses His Security Clearance
He wouldn't say this if he were still active duty and you wouldn't support him at all if he said the same thing about Obama.

Case closed.
In that case, still on active duty, criticising obama, he would have ended up like Stanley McChrystal, fired, instantly.
In that case, still on active duty, criticising obama, he would have ended up like Stanley McChrystal, fired, instantly.

People with a security clearance know what it takes to get and maintain one. They also know that judgment is one of things they use to determine whether or not you receive or get to keep it. It doesn't mean you have to agree with the command's opinion or direction. It means you have to use sound judgment in how you address your concerns. If your sound judgment is to publically take a dump on command, then command is not unwise in yanking your clearance. You can object, you can refuse, but that never means you are free from consequences.
In that case, still on active duty, criticising obama, he would have ended up like Stanley McChrystal, fired, instantly.

People with a security clearance know what it takes to get and maintain one. They also know that judgment is one of things they use to determine whether or not you receive or get to keep it. It doesn't mean you have to agree with the command's opinion or direction. It means you have to use sound judgment in how you address your concerns. If your sound judgment is to publically take a dump on command, then command is not unwise in yanking your clearance. You can object, you can refuse, but that never means you are free from consequences.
ABUSE out of control ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Flynn still has his Top Secret security clearance in spite of being ousted by Trump and pleading guilty to a federal crime. The reason is obvious. He kept his mouth shut and didn't criticism Trump, just more abuse of power by the president.
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.

It's a clearance revocation. Get over it. Your guy can still rant and cry on MSNBC or CNN ALL HE WANTS.

The hypocrisy here is HUMONGOUS. Because it was Left who ended CIA interference in Domestic spying in the 70s. And Brennan is the person who MARKETED AND SOLD the phony ass Hillary/Russian dossier to the public 2 weeks before a presidential election. It was election meddling by the US Intel agencies. And it's sedition and will be proven as such in short order.

It's also hypocrisy because it was Brennan who went to the brave hero survivors of Ben Ghazi when they were still in the hospital recovering from their defense of American outposts in Libya and bullied them about speaking out over what transpired.

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

It was also Brennan that spied on Congress and lied about it in the media and Congressional investigation.
Good to know that the Left is NO LONGER concerned with having America's Intel Groups pranking and spying and meddling in internal US affairs.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Notice that the same MSM that whines like a nursery full of little babies over Brennan losing his security clearance wanted the judge in the Manafort trial to give out the names and addresses of the jurors. The only reason for doing that is so a lynch mob of deranged snowflakes could descend on the jurors homes to harass them and even threaten them with bodily harm. So these fake media scumbags claim they are supposedly so concerned about Brennan's constitutional rights don't give a damn about Manafort's right to a fair trial.

These people are the vilest kind of filth.
It should be clear to all Americans by now, that the MSM will condemn Trump no matter what he does. The only exception being he starts another war. Then, since they are controlled by the ruling who gains enormous wealth during times of war, they will hold their forked tongues.

The MSM will continue to condemn Trump as long as what he tweets, says and how he acts is contemptible. It's the MSM's job to report, and they do a good job using primary sources, i.e. his tweets, speeches and actions.

The MSM also posts editorials, clearly labeled and clearly built on what Trump does, says and tweets. It is sources on the Internet and on AM Radio where the Conservative talking heads mislead the public by lies, half-truth, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations and rewriting history - all to suit their biases and fill their wallets.
McGahn called Trump KING KONG behind his back,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,because of his anger,,, imho we ain't seen nothing yet..
YOU sassy are the jackass No one has lost his clearance for political purposes before The SB in our wh is a vile bully much like his supporters
Lose their clearances after they Lied their little asses off............They should be tried..............

Oh..........but the LIARS are VICTIMS............you look right past it............spit.
Show me a single "lie" (which is a factual misrepresentation) not "opinion," said by Brennan.
OLD they can't see that Trump is eliminating all those who can tie him and his camp to russian attacks on our elections,,,Wasn't it Nixon who tried that? Must all our heroes count their words now ? Is that the message the moron in our WH is sending?
Yes. He is sending that message and he could care less what that means. I am not surprised, but I am startled that he feels so comfortable doing it that he has actually done it and admitted why. When he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, he was right. Now he's metaphorically doing that, and he was eerily correct. Scares me, to be honest.
Trump doesn't understand how to deal with criticism and never has. Pulling security clearances is not going to shut these people up. It's only going to encourage others to join them in condemnation of the president and 60 ex-CIA agents have done so.

There is no doubt that the rank and file agents in the Intelligence Services are behind these people and that is a terrible situation for the president and the country.
Trump isn't listening to the reaction, though. He said yesterday that he has received "tremendous" response to revoking Brennan's clearance. The man lives in a bubble, I fear, and his comments make me think it is not just a bubble of positive remarks about him, but only the most conservative angle of the news, as well.
ABUSE out of control ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Flynn still has his Top Secret security clearance in spite of being ousted by Trump and pleading guilty to a federal crime. The reason is obvious. He kept his mouth shut and didn't criticism Trump, just more abuse of power by the president.

That's my point, the US government doesn't owe you a security clearance, and it is always at the discretion of the command. Which means it's not an abuse if they choose to use that discretion. It doesn't make a difference if you like it or think it is okay, it's not your call.
You can't change the fact that Brennan lied when he said that congress wasn't being surveilled. He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, he spied on the Media, those are all cause for dismissal and being stripped of his clearance.

Brennan did all of those things but he didn’t do them under Trump’s watch, and he was censured and appropriately punished at the time. But that isn’t the reason Trump is cancelling his security clearance.

Trump is cancelling the security clearances of those who criticize him, in violation of their First Amendment rights. The federal government cannot punish, censure, or arrest its critics. Their right to speak and criticize Trump free from punishment and harassment from the government is immutable.

Right wingers went bat shit crazy when Obama tried to legally shut down reporters, and rightfully so. What Trump is doing, is much more egregious and illegal.

Show where Obama punished their own?

Obama didn’t staff the White House with crooks, criminals and conmen. He vetted his employees and pulled nominations who didn’t pass muster.

Nobody on his staff stole from the people or were arrested. That wasn’t because they were “protected”, it’s because they weren’t dishonest.
/——/ Wrong, all liberals are crooks, criminals and con men.

Sweeping generalization fallacy, which is unsupported by proveble facts.

No one in Obama’s White House or Cabinet was charged with a crime during his administration, or since he retired. Not one.

Before you come up with the bullshit excuse that the Obama Justice Department blocked charges, none of the Republican lead investigations of White House staff or Cabinet (7 Benghazi Investigations, IRS Investigations, Fast and Furious, and various Republican oversight committees) found any evidence of criminal wrong doing by the Obama White House or recommended charges be brought.
If the Obama and Clinton government was extremely corrupt, then a look backwards should be in order. This is why once your term has completed, it is best to move on in life. However, for some reason the Obama Clinton government doesn't want to move on, and this could be due to the fear of what they were trying with their fundemental change, and it being crushed over time in which they had promised so many that they would deliver on in that change.

Now if they were doing bad things in order to manipulate a bringing about of their changes, then their hanging around could leave them vulnerable to being investigated, and being found out.
I would suggest you frame your posts in a non snotty way then, and I would be happy to respond differently. It is easy to see what a person has posted with the search function rather than assuming something. I outlined it in post 54 and much more in post 689.

What you think about my posts, how to use the search function, and whether or not I give damn about what you may or may not be happy to do, is not the topic of the thread and doesn't answer my question, unless you somehow think it is my responsibility to look up whatever you may have posted a thread the staff decided to combine for some reason. I understand you may be busy. Too busy to answer the question, but not too busy to be a snot regarding your opinion of the President, point made, and I won't waste my time asking you anything again.
If you make assertions without bothering to read the thread it is not my responsibility to repeat what I already said in that thread, particularly when your post was snarky to begin with and assumed something that wasn’t there.

Do you still think the security clearance issue is nothing more than because the president did it? Should every single security clearance be revoked if they are no longer in that position or only those of the president’s poltical critics and enemies?
That has NOTHING to do with why he lost his clearance. The President said,
In an interview Wednesday, Mr. Trump cited Mr. Brennan as among those he held responsible for the investigation, which also is looking into whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Mr. Trump has denied collusion, and Russia has denied interfering.

Mr. Brennan was director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Democratic administration of former President Obama and one of those who presented evidence to Mr. Trump shortly before his inauguration that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.

“I call it the rigged witch hunt, [it] is a sham,” Mr. Trump said in an interview. “And these people led it!”

He added: “So I think it’s something that had to be done.”

Trump Revokes Ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s Security Clearance
Collusion for trump, treason ,comes to mind
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.
Stop talking like a deluded fool! The Intelligence agencies of our country and others did not make up the Russian interference and some of the people who were already tied to Russian spies were working for Trump's campaign. And then there was Don Jr. and the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, replete with emails, where the Russian government's support for his campaign was in black and white.
Should they close their eyes to all of that because you like Trump? I don't think so, but if Trump and his campaign did nothing wrong, Mueller will not find anything. So relax, if you think he's so innocent.

And what was that interference?

Did they hack the system? No, did they change any votes? No (that is according to the intelligence agencies).

So what did they really do? The same thing the far left propaganda press did?

What was the interference?

And if there was any real collusion it would have leaked long ago.
We already know what the Russians did on social media. We haven't heard from the investigation yet on the rest. Not knowing yet doesn't mean nothing happened. It means we don't know yet because Mueller hasn't reported on it yet.
ABUSE out of control ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Flynn still has his Top Secret security clearance in spite of being ousted by Trump and pleading guilty to a federal crime. The reason is obvious. He kept his mouth shut and didn't criticism Trump, just more abuse of power by the president.

That's my point, the US government doesn't owe you a security clearance, and it is always at the discretion of the command. Which means it's not an abuse if they choose to use that discretion. It doesn't make a difference if you like it or think it is okay, it's not your call.
For political purposes it's always been a no no Now it's just abuse of power
I would suggest you frame your posts in a non snotty way then, and I would be happy to respond differently. It is easy to see what a person has posted with the search function rather than assuming something. I outlined it in post 54 and much more in post 689.

What you think about my posts, how to use the search function, and whether or not I give damn about what you may or may not be happy to do, is not the topic of the thread and doesn't answer my question, unless you somehow think it is my responsibility to look up whatever you may have posted a thread the staff decided to combine for some reason. I understand you may be busy. Too busy to answer the question, but not too busy to be a snot regarding your opinion of the President, point made, and I won't waste my time asking you anything again.
If you make assertions without bothering to read the thread it is not my responsibility to repeat what I already said in that thread, particularly when your post was snarky to begin with and assumed something that wasn’t there.

Do you still think the security clearance issue is nothing more than because the president did it? Should every single security clearance be revoked if they are no longer in that position or only those of the president’s poltical critics and enemies?
Collusion for trump, treason ,comes to mind
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.
Stop talking like a deluded fool! The Intelligence agencies of our country and others did not make up the Russian interference and some of the people who were already tied to Russian spies were working for Trump's campaign. And then there was Don Jr. and the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, replete with emails, where the Russian government's support for his campaign was in black and white.
Should they close their eyes to all of that because you like Trump? I don't think so, but if Trump and his campaign did nothing wrong, Mueller will not find anything. So relax, if you think he's so innocent.

And what was that interference?

Did they hack the system? No, did they change any votes? No (that is according to the intelligence agencies).

So what did they really do? The same thing the far left propaganda press did?

What was the interference?

And if there was any real collusion it would have leaked long ago.
We already know what the Russians did on social media. We haven't heard from the investigation yet on the rest. Not knowing yet doesn't mean nothing happened. It means we don't know yet because Mueller hasn't reported on it yet.

So.....are you at all worried about the Huber investigation?
What you think about my posts, how to use the search function, and whether or not I give damn about what you may or may not be happy to do, is not the topic of the thread and doesn't answer my question, unless you somehow think it is my responsibility to look up whatever you may have posted a thread the staff decided to combine for some reason. I understand you may be busy. Too busy to answer the question, but not too busy to be a snot regarding your opinion of the President, point made, and I won't waste my time asking you anything again.
If you make assertions without bothering to read the thread it is not my responsibility to repeat what I already said in that thread, particularly when your post was snarky to begin with and assumed something that wasn’t there.

Do you still think the security clearance issue is nothing more than because the president did it? Should every single security clearance be revoked if they are no longer in that position or only those of the president’s poltical critics and enemies?
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.
Stop talking like a deluded fool! The Intelligence agencies of our country and others did not make up the Russian interference and some of the people who were already tied to Russian spies were working for Trump's campaign. And then there was Don Jr. and the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, replete with emails, where the Russian government's support for his campaign was in black and white.
Should they close their eyes to all of that because you like Trump? I don't think so, but if Trump and his campaign did nothing wrong, Mueller will not find anything. So relax, if you think he's so innocent.

And what was that interference?

Did they hack the system? No, did they change any votes? No (that is according to the intelligence agencies).

So what did they really do? The same thing the far left propaganda press did?

What was the interference?

And if there was any real collusion it would have leaked long ago.
We already know what the Russians did on social media. We haven't heard from the investigation yet on the rest. Not knowing yet doesn't mean nothing happened. It means we don't know yet because Mueller hasn't reported on it yet.

So.....are you at all worried about the Huber investigation?
If you make assertions without bothering to read the thread it is not my responsibility to repeat what I already said in that thread, particularly when your post was snarky to begin with and assumed something that wasn’t there.

Do you still think the security clearance issue is nothing more than because the president did it? Should every single security clearance be revoked if they are no longer in that position or only those of the president’s poltical critics and enemies?
No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.
Stop talking like a deluded fool! The Intelligence agencies of our country and others did not make up the Russian interference and some of the people who were already tied to Russian spies were working for Trump's campaign. And then there was Don Jr. and the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, replete with emails, where the Russian government's support for his campaign was in black and white.
Should they close their eyes to all of that because you like Trump? I don't think so, but if Trump and his campaign did nothing wrong, Mueller will not find anything. So relax, if you think he's so innocent.

And what was that interference?

Did they hack the system? No, did they change any votes? No (that is according to the intelligence agencies).

So what did they really do? The same thing the far left propaganda press did?

What was the interference?

And if there was any real collusion it would have leaked long ago.
We already know what the Russians did on social media. We haven't heard from the investigation yet on the rest. Not knowing yet doesn't mean nothing happened. It means we don't know yet because Mueller hasn't reported on it yet.

So.....are you at all worried about the Huber investigation?

Oh c'mon.....that was pretty good.
the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.
Stop talking like a deluded fool! The Intelligence agencies of our country and others did not make up the Russian interference and some of the people who were already tied to Russian spies were working for Trump's campaign. And then there was Don Jr. and the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, replete with emails, where the Russian government's support for his campaign was in black and white.
Should they close their eyes to all of that because you like Trump? I don't think so, but if Trump and his campaign did nothing wrong, Mueller will not find anything. So relax, if you think he's so innocent.

And what was that interference?

Did they hack the system? No, did they change any votes? No (that is according to the intelligence agencies).

So what did they really do? The same thing the far left propaganda press did?

What was the interference?

And if there was any real collusion it would have leaked long ago.
We already know what the Russians did on social media. We haven't heard from the investigation yet on the rest. Not knowing yet doesn't mean nothing happened. It means we don't know yet because Mueller hasn't reported on it yet.

So.....are you at all worried about the Huber investigation?

Oh c'mon.....that was pretty good.
Trump has revoked the security clearance of a guy who served this country for decades. I'm no huge fan of the CIA but I don't think they take sides and try to put one candidate or another into office. That's just crazy talk. Yet that seems to be about the only defense the Trumpsters have for this one. That Brennan and all his employees are corrupt deep staters who are attempting to pull down the President.
If anyone is criticizing the President, it is because he is acting like a two bit tin pot dictator and he DESERVES to be criticized. I think Brennan gets a little carried away some times--he almost sounds like a Democratic senator at times--but as an analyst, he has a right to voice his understanding of the President's actions. He has been punished for that with an unprecedented abuse of power by Trump because -- he admits -- Brennan was involved in beginning the Russia investigation. Yeah, imagine the Director of the CIA having anything to do with looking into a known Russian hack into the DNC and the leak of Clinton's emails to wikileaks. How dare he, huh?
To me, this is just madness.
ABUSE out of control ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Flynn still has his Top Secret security clearance in spite of being ousted by Trump and pleading guilty to a federal crime. The reason is obvious. He kept his mouth shut and didn't criticism Trump, just more abuse of power by the president.

That's my point, the US government doesn't owe you a security clearance, and it is always at the discretion of the command. Which means it's not an abuse if they choose to use that discretion. It doesn't make a difference if you like it or think it is okay, it's not your call.

It is an abuse of power when the the sole reason for the behavior is because a critic exercised his civil rights to speak the truth. The Truth being he has embraced Putin even when our Intelligence Community warned him that Russia attacked our county with a cyber crime.
For political purposes it's always been a no no Now it's just abuse of power

Nowhere in the manual or protocols for security clearances, does it say that President Trump has to be nice to John Brennan and let him keep his security clearance.

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