"You have humiliated us"


That is a democrat Senator.
...stating his opinion. Itseems his opinion has no more traction than yours, crybaby.

You can't change the fact that Brennan lied when he said that congress wasn't being surveilled. He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, he spied on the Media, those are all cause for dismissal and being stripped of his clearance.

Brennan did all of those things but he didn’t do them under Trump’s watch, and he was censured and appropriately punished at the time. But that isn’t the reason Trump is cancelling his security clearance.

Trump is cancelling the security clearances of those who criticize him, in violation of their First Amendment rights. The federal government cannot punish, censure, or arrest its critics. Their right to speak and criticize Trump free from punishment and harassment from the government is immutable.

Right wingers went bat shit crazy when Obama tried to legally shut down reporters, and rightfully so. What Trump is doing, is much more egregious and illegal.

Show where Obama punished their own?

Obama didn’t staff the White House with crooks, criminals and conmen. He vetted his employees and pulled nominations who didn’t pass muster.

Nobody on his staff stole from the people or were arrested. That wasn’t because they were “protected”, it’s because they weren’t dishonest.
/——/ Wrong, all liberals are crooks, criminals and con men.
"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

Trump's Incompetence: show me proof of it.
Trump's Dishonesty: show me where he's any different from Obama or Hillary.
Trump's Verified Pathological Lies: show me proof of any pathology.

You assholes sit up all night watching a news network you hate (Fox).
You assholes sit up all night drawing political cartoons to smear him.
You assholes lay awake 24/7 reading and reporting on every fricking tweet from Trump.
You assholes spend thousands tracking EVERY SINGLE ONE of even the tiniest of Trump's alleged misstatements or mistruths.
Your assholes spend tens of thousands of $ making parade balloons of Trump thinking you are raising awareness.

The guy plays you fools like a Stradivarius, he gets inside your heads like an ear-worm, he manipulates your media, gets millions in free advertising, you follow him around his rallies like a king, all the while complaining of his every word and action, then you have the temerity to think WE are the Trumpsters and that WE ejaculate! You pay 10X as much attention to the guy than I ever will and he OWNS YOU! :happy-1:

What difference does it make when Trump lies? You are Trumpoop die hard fans you wouldn’t know the difference.

Let me give you my favorite. Why I called Trump is LYING BASTARD HYPOCRITE.

1. He doesn’t like foreigner taking over American jobs. Yet his Maralago golf club and vineyards has 100s of foreign workers from eastern block countries. His dumb fucking excuses. He cannot find waitresses, cooks janitors in Florida. Do you know how stupid and sickening that is?

2. Doesn’t like companies going overseas making US products. Him and his daughter Ivanka products are made in China, Mexico, Bangladesh etc etc.

The deliciously caustic irony is that the orange-painted freak who humbly crows he'll be the "greatest jobs president that God ever created" --- has himself never even held a job in his life until now. And yet they just keep lining up to buy more.

I dunno, that's like you put a big sign over the cigarette display saying THIS PRODUCT WILL KILL YOU and the customer goes, "great, I'd like a carton please". :wtf:

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".
...stating his opinion. Itseems his opinion has no more traction than yours, crybaby.

You can't change the fact that Brennan lied when he said that congress wasn't being surveilled. He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, he spied on the Media, those are all cause for dismissal and being stripped of his clearance.

Brennan did all of those things but he didn’t do them under Trump’s watch, and he was censured and appropriately punished at the time. But that isn’t the reason Trump is cancelling his security clearance.

Trump is cancelling the security clearances of those who criticize him, in violation of their First Amendment rights. The federal government cannot punish, censure, or arrest its critics. Their right to speak and criticize Trump free from punishment and harassment from the government is immutable.

Right wingers went bat shit crazy when Obama tried to legally shut down reporters, and rightfully so. What Trump is doing, is much more egregious and illegal.

Show where Obama punished their own?

Obama didn’t staff the White House with crooks, criminals and conmen. He vetted his employees and pulled nominations who didn’t pass muster.

Nobody on his staff stole from the people or were arrested. That wasn’t because they were “protected”, it’s because they weren’t dishonest.
/——/ Wrong, all liberals are crooks, criminals and con men.
bankrupt 5x 1000's of lies ,cheated 1000's a racist all yours trumpette
Are you ready to admit like Fort that he lied under oath.............hmmm
That has NOTHING to do with why he lost his clearance. The President said,
In an interview Wednesday, Mr. Trump cited Mr. Brennan as among those he held responsible for the investigation, which also is looking into whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Mr. Trump has denied collusion, and Russia has denied interfering.

Mr. Brennan was director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Democratic administration of former President Obama and one of those who presented evidence to Mr. Trump shortly before his inauguration that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.

“I call it the rigged witch hunt, [it] is a sham,” Mr. Trump said in an interview. “And these people led it!”

He added: “So I think it’s something that had to be done.”

Trump Revokes Ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s Security Clearance
Collusion for trump, treason ,comes to mind
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
You might want to read the Mueller's appointment letter.

Keep in mind Mueller was a conservative Republican, an appointee of President George W. Bush who was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a life long republican appointed by Trump. The Trump administration did not appoint Mueller in order to prove the president colluded with the Russians. The idea that the Mueller investigation is some kind of democratic witch hunt is preposterous.

Trump brought this on himself when he fired Comey, an act so stupid as to bring the president's sanity into question.

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

What does that have to do with what I posted?

The bulk of the leaks did stop when Comey was fired. And I know the far left shares one brain cell, but that is not the case with the right.
You can't change the fact that Brennan lied when he said that congress wasn't being surveilled. He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, he spied on the Media, those are all cause for dismissal and being stripped of his clearance.

Brennan did all of those things but he didn’t do them under Trump’s watch, and he was censured and appropriately punished at the time. But that isn’t the reason Trump is cancelling his security clearance.

Trump is cancelling the security clearances of those who criticize him, in violation of their First Amendment rights. The federal government cannot punish, censure, or arrest its critics. Their right to speak and criticize Trump free from punishment and harassment from the government is immutable.

Right wingers went bat shit crazy when Obama tried to legally shut down reporters, and rightfully so. What Trump is doing, is much more egregious and illegal.

Show where Obama punished their own?

Obama didn’t staff the White House with crooks, criminals and conmen. He vetted his employees and pulled nominations who didn’t pass muster.

Nobody on his staff stole from the people or were arrested. That wasn’t because they were “protected”, it’s because they weren’t dishonest.
/——/ Wrong, all liberals are crooks, criminals and con men.
bankrupt 5x 1000's of lies ,cheated 1000's a racist all yours trumpette

And the far left proves they just run the same old debunked far left religious narratives.
That has NOTHING to do with why he lost his clearance. The President said,
In an interview Wednesday, Mr. Trump cited Mr. Brennan as among those he held responsible for the investigation, which also is looking into whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Mr. Trump has denied collusion, and Russia has denied interfering.

Mr. Brennan was director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Democratic administration of former President Obama and one of those who presented evidence to Mr. Trump shortly before his inauguration that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.

“I call it the rigged witch hunt, [it] is a sham,” Mr. Trump said in an interview. “And these people led it!”

He added: “So I think it’s something that had to be done.”

Trump Revokes Ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s Security Clearance
Collusion for trump, treason ,comes to mind
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
You might want to read the Mueller's appointment letter.

Keep in mind Mueller was a conservative Republican, an appointee of President George W. Bush who was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a life long republican appointed by Trump. The Trump administration did not appoint Mueller in order to prove the president colluded with the Russians. The idea that the Mueller investigation is some kind of democratic witch hunt is preposterous.

Trump brought this on himself when he fired Comey, an act so stupid as to bring the president's sanity into question.

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

What does that have to do with what I posted?

The bulk of the leaks did stop when Comey was fired. And I know the far left shares one brain cell, but that is not the case with the right.
Yeah the right are brainless
Collusion for trump, treason ,comes to mind
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
You might want to read the Mueller's appointment letter.

Keep in mind Mueller was a conservative Republican, an appointee of President George W. Bush who was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a life long republican appointed by Trump. The Trump administration did not appoint Mueller in order to prove the president colluded with the Russians. The idea that the Mueller investigation is some kind of democratic witch hunt is preposterous.

Trump brought this on himself when he fired Comey, an act so stupid as to bring the president's sanity into question.

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

What does that have to do with what I posted?

The bulk of the leaks did stop when Comey was fired. And I know the far left shares one brain cell, but that is not the case with the right.
Yeah the right are brainless

When did you become part of the right?
I'm not going that far. However, EVERYONE is forgetting the real reason for this investigation is Russia, not Trump himself. That he has taken it personally is his problem, not ours. If there were a lot of questions about why his campaign members seemed to have so many dealings with the Russians, that is a whole nother kettle of fish, and also is not our problem, but his.
In this instance, Trump's time honored response of "doubling down" when he is attacked is going to blow up in his face, I think.

No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
You might want to read the Mueller's appointment letter.

Keep in mind Mueller was a conservative Republican, an appointee of President George W. Bush who was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a life long republican appointed by Trump. The Trump administration did not appoint Mueller in order to prove the president colluded with the Russians. The idea that the Mueller investigation is some kind of democratic witch hunt is preposterous.

Trump brought this on himself when he fired Comey, an act so stupid as to bring the president's sanity into question.

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

What does that have to do with what I posted?

The bulk of the leaks did stop when Comey was fired. And I know the far left shares one brain cell, but that is not the case with the right.
Yeah the right are brainless

When did you become part of the right?
left them many years ago Air is so much fresher on this side
No the reason was to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, because the far left does not believe that Hilary could have lost the election.

So far no leaks on collusion, but everything else seemed to have leaked out. And the bulk of the leaks stopped after Comey was fired.
You might want to read the Mueller's appointment letter.

Keep in mind Mueller was a conservative Republican, an appointee of President George W. Bush who was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a life long republican appointed by Trump. The Trump administration did not appoint Mueller in order to prove the president colluded with the Russians. The idea that the Mueller investigation is some kind of democratic witch hunt is preposterous.

Trump brought this on himself when he fired Comey, an act so stupid as to bring the president's sanity into question.

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

What does that have to do with what I posted?

The bulk of the leaks did stop when Comey was fired. And I know the far left shares one brain cell, but that is not the case with the right.
Yeah the right are brainless

When did you become part of the right?
left them many years ago Air is so much fresher on this side

Anyone supporting and voting far left is truly brainless.
Do you still think the security clearance issue is nothing more than because the president did it? Should every single security clearance be revoked if they are no longer in that position or only those of the president’s poltical critics and enemies?

Thanks, I appreciate your redirection.

To answer your question, it doesn't matter why you may or may not think the President revoked John Brennan's security clearance (you made your beliefs about that obvious prior to me asking you and in the post I initially responded to). Not harping, but my question is why should the US Government either issue or maintain a security clearance for John Brennan?

I am not saying anything about anyone other than John Brennan. I am not expressing an opinion on what I think John Brennan did, nor why the President rescinded his clearance. I am clearly asking you for what reason should the government currently provide or maintain a security clearance for John Brennan?

I am not trying to suggest that anyone else's security clearance should or should not be rescinded. I could suggest that if someone wants to maintain their existing security clearance, it won't help them out to piss off the people who issue it to them, because the US Government is not obligated to provide them with one, and you maintain one at the discretion of the command (it's always been that way).

On a lighter note and to possibly address why you asked me the other questions versus my response. In my experience, when someone lost their security clearance (for whatever reason), the common response was "damn dog, you screwed the pooch and got your security clearance yanked". It seems as though it is more popular to go with "the cheeto did it" now.
Last edited:

"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

FT isn't a GOP fan. You Democrats are just sociopaths, so running around spouting about anybody else's 'credibility' is just ... well ...cute ... Brennan is a crooked hack, he isn't 'telling anything like it is', he never has in his entire life, except maybe when he gets indicted and then rolls over on everybody to save his own ass.

If Trump did a total flip-flop and suddenly became an advocate for all things democrat, he would become overnight their poster-child as the most competent and brilliant genius on the planet, expunged of all Russian suspicions and welcomed by the Left with OPEN ARMS.
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.

It's a clearance revocation. Get over it. Your guy can still rant and cry on MSNBC or CNN ALL HE WANTS.

The hypocrisy here is HUMONGOUS. Because it was Left who ended CIA interference in Domestic spying in the 70s. And Brennan is the person who MARKETED AND SOLD the phony ass Hillary/Russian dossier to the public 2 weeks before a presidential election. It was election meddling by the US Intel agencies. And it's sedition and will be proven as such in short order.

It's also hypocrisy because it was Brennan who went to the brave hero survivors of Ben Ghazi when they were still in the hospital recovering from their defense of American outposts in Libya and bullied them about speaking out over what transpired.

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

It was also Brennan that spied on Congress and lied about it in the media and Congressional investigation.
Good to know that the Left is NO LONGER concerned with having America's Intel Groups pranking and spying and meddling in internal US affairs.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Notice that the same MSM that whines like a nursery full of little babies over Brennan losing his security clearance wanted the judge in the Manafort trial to give out the names and addresses of the jurors. The only reason for doing that is so a lynch mob of deranged snowflakes could descend on the jurors homes to harass them and even threaten them with bodily harm. So these fake media scumbags claim they are supposedly so concerned about Brennan's constitutional rights don't give a damn about Manafort's right to a fair trial.

These people are the vilest kind of filth.

Jurors names and addresses are a matter of public record. In making this ruling, the Judge Ellis said that in more than 30 years on the bench, this is only the second or third time he’s sealed these records.

He did so because of death threats he’s received, and because he’s had to have protection from US Marshall’s in this trial.

Who would threaten the judge’s life?Let’s me think. Liberals want to see this criminal prosecuted. Conservatives are calling this trial a “witch hunt”. Every major ruling on this case has gone against Manafort. My best guess would be the people who have opposed this trial from day one.

So finger boy, my best guess that the “filth” the judge is protecting the jurors from are people like you.

That is a democrat Senator.
...stating his opinion. Itseems his opinion has no more traction than yours, crybaby.

You can't change the fact that Brennan lied when he said that congress wasn't being surveilled. He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, he spied on the Media, those are all cause for dismissal and being stripped of his clearance.

Trump asked Russia to spy on his opponent, does that mean he must be dismissed?

BTW, there is evidence he asked Russia to spy on HRC's E-Mails, an obvious clue and probative evidence of at least collusion with Russians.
Revoke Muellers security clearance??...In the cards ,,,,,Maybe that might get republican congress off their lying do nothing asses

( "Maybe that might get republican congress off their lying do nothing asses" )

Not likely. McConnell and Ryan have abdicated their duty. Unless the leadership changes, Trump's megalomania will remain out of control, his enemies list will grow and attacks on journalism will continue; soon more and more private citizens who do not support him will be demeaned and discredited by Trump&Co., and the fellow travelers who support Trumpism.
Last edited:
You might want to read the Mueller's appointment letter.

Keep in mind Mueller was a conservative Republican, an appointee of President George W. Bush who was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a life long republican appointed by Trump. The Trump administration did not appoint Mueller in order to prove the president colluded with the Russians. The idea that the Mueller investigation is some kind of democratic witch hunt is preposterous.

Trump brought this on himself when he fired Comey, an act so stupid as to bring the president's sanity into question.

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

What does that have to do with what I posted?

The bulk of the leaks did stop when Comey was fired. And I know the far left shares one brain cell, but that is not the case with the right.
Yeah the right are brainless

When did you become part of the right?
left them many years ago Air is so much fresher on this side

Anyone supporting and voting far left is truly brainless.
You humiliate yourself
What does that have to do with what I posted?

The bulk of the leaks did stop when Comey was fired. And I know the far left shares one brain cell, but that is not the case with the right.
Yeah the right are brainless

When did you become part of the right?
left them many years ago Air is so much fresher on this side

Anyone supporting and voting far left is truly brainless.
You humiliate yourself

This from a far left religious cult follower!
Criticism of Trump will not be tolerated.
My god. He has been criticized no matter what he has done. Or what Melania has done. Sends his yearly paycheck to help fix military hospitals and cemetaries.....Melania wishing a happy mothers day...it doesn't matter what he does he is STILL ATTACKED. Yet you cry that nobody can supposedly berate him when it HAPPENS CONSTANTLY???? Really?????
Melania doesnt deserve it. Trump, by his actions does. Look at how Clinton and Obama were demonized :dunno:

Did Obama use his power to retaliate like this?
Obama and Clinton did NOT get the bullshit that Trump is getting. Yes, they got snickered at and poked now and then, but not at this level that Trump is getting. Trumps actions are of a regular guy mouthing back at those who mouth off at him. He is an In Yer Face kinda guy..which is EXACTLY why he was voted in. What you saw/see, is what you get. And the more he is bashed and harangued, the more people want him to stay exactly where he is while continuing to thumb his nose at everyone else. And, those doing the bashing look much MUCH worse than he does. Trump is not dividing this nation. The LOSERS of the one that ran against him are the ones dividing it.
And thats a fact. Period.
No, Donald Trump is not just a regular guy. He is President of the United States, who represents the people of a great nation, who commands the most powerful military on earth, a role model, and a world leader.

The president simply can not be a "In Yer Face kinda guy", the bartender who makes outrageous statements today and says the opposite tomorrow, the crazy neighbor who supports conspiracy theories and your beer drinking buddy who says whatever racist, mean-spirited comments that might come into his head and then denies it. We expect more than that from a president. Donald Trump is getting exactly what he deserves from an "In Yer Face kind of media".

At least you're even keeled. Well done.
Yeah the right are brainless

When did you become part of the right?
left them many years ago Air is so much fresher on this side

Anyone supporting and voting far left is truly brainless.
You humiliate yourself

This from a far left religious cult follower!
Might be the least religious on this board Jewish who sent my children to catholic school
...stating his opinion. Itseems his opinion has no more traction than yours, crybaby.

You can't change the fact that Brennan lied when he said that congress wasn't being surveilled. He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, he spied on the Media, those are all cause for dismissal and being stripped of his clearance.

Brennan did all of those things but he didn’t do them under Trump’s watch, and he was censured and appropriately punished at the time. But that isn’t the reason Trump is cancelling his security clearance.

Trump is cancelling the security clearances of those who criticize him, in violation of their First Amendment rights. The federal government cannot punish, censure, or arrest its critics. Their right to speak and criticize Trump free from punishment and harassment from the government is immutable.

Right wingers went bat shit crazy when Obama tried to legally shut down reporters, and rightfully so. What Trump is doing, is much more egregious and illegal.

Show where Obama punished their own?

Obama didn’t staff the White House with crooks, criminals and conmen. He vetted his employees and pulled nominations who didn’t pass muster.

Nobody on his staff stole from the people or were arrested. That wasn’t because they were “protected”, it’s because they weren’t dishonest.
/——/ Wrong, all liberals are crooks, criminals and con men.

Sweeping generalization fallacy, which is unsupported by proveble facts.

No one in Obama’s White House or Cabinet was charged with a crime during his administration, or since he retired. Not one.

Before you come up with the bullshit excuse that the Obama Justice Department blocked charges, none of the Republican lead investigations of White House staff or Cabinet (7 Benghazi Investigations, IRS Investigations, Fast and Furious, and various Republican oversight committees) found any evidence of criminal wrong doing by the Obama White House or recommended charges be brought.
Good he is retired.

Obviously your best days are over, Sir!

That’s dumb. So why not revoke all the security clearances I mean ALL not just the one who criticized him.
Come on. This proved that this MORON HYPOCRITE LYING POTUS is a vindictive.
Flynn still has his Top Secret security clearance in spite of being ousted by Trump and pleading guilty to a federal crime. The reason is obvious. He kept his mouth shut and didn't criticism Trump, just more abuse of power by the president.

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