You Just Can't Stump The Trump


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
You just can't. I do think he is in it to win it and his numbers say he can. he is within 10 points of Hillary "DoucheWater" Clinton and Col. Sanders is closing in on her as well. He's bold and he's brash but he IS saying what America is thinking.
Put him across the table with Islamic State or Iran or Putin. We have had a BOY doing a man's job long enough. Time to play hard ball and go back to the country that led the world in tech in education and ability.

This 3rd world crap is enough.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.
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I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.
He may not win, he may not. But he puts ALL topics back on the table and in the open. R's AND D's cannot run for cover this time. They have to take STANDS and THAT is the exciting part. They ALL get to grow a set of balls.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

It's way too early to tell. Remember how many front runners there were early on in the last Republican primary? Some of them were the first to drop out. The entire primary seemed to be about "anybody but Romney", and he still clenched the nomination.
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I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

It's way too early to tell. Remember how many front runners there were early on in the last Republican primary? Some of them were the first to drop out. The entire primary seemed to be about "anybody but Romney", and he still clenched the nomination.
It is to early yes. But just having the hot button topics on the table and in the open is an improvement in "normal" American politics.
The more I listen to him the more I like him.

I think he would turn the mealy-mouth go along to get along establishment republicans around in an instant. He'd have them by the nose rings so fast it would be unbelievable. You'd start to see these piss stain embarrassments like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner suddenly become Trump Waterboys.

Eight years ago, I would have said... ehh... too risky, he's a little too inexperienced... After 8 years of Obama, this country can weather anything. I'm not worried about him messing things up... they can't get much worse.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

Nothing like Perot.

Don't underestimate Trump's popularity... he has over 3 million Twitter followers since announcing... Almost as many as Clinton and she's been running for president for 12 years.
If there's any way to get a load of dead Americans, it's vote for this guy.
He's so right wing and stupid, he'll do really well for the body bag industry.
He's arrogant to the point where he believes everyone will do whatever he says.
No chance at all.
Sadly, if he gets the big job, you'll be hated far more than even under that idiot Bush (Both).
The more I listen to him the more I like him.

I think he would turn the mealy-mouth go along to get along establishment republicans around in an instant. He'd have them by the nose rings so fast it would be unbelievable. You'd start to see these piss stain embarrassments like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner suddenly become Trump Waterboys.

Eight years ago, I would have said... ehh... too risky, he's a little too inexperienced... After 8 years of Obama, this country can weather anything. I'm not worried about him messing things up... they can't get much worse.
Every time Obozo makes a deal WE get screwed. Time for a different game plan.
"You Just Can't Stump The Trump"

You and others on the right are going to look even more ridiculous and stupid when Trump quits the race, however impossible it may seem that you could look even more ridiculous and stupid.
If there's any way to get a load of dead Americans, it's vote for this guy.
He's so right wing and stupid, he'll do really well for the body bag industry.
He's arrogant to the point where he believes everyone will do whatever he says.
No chance at all.
Sadly, if he gets the big job, you'll be hated far more than even under that idiot Bush (Both).
As long as those body bags are filled with dead islamics? DO IT!
"You Just Can't Stump The Trump"

You and others on the right are going to look even more ridiculous and stupid when Trump quits the race, however impossible it may seem that you could look even more ridiculous and stupid.
He MAY quit and that IS fine. He IS getting the ISSUES out in front of America and THAT is the point. Look bad? Nah, if it educates the voters AND forces R's AND D's to take stands we ALL win.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

It's way too early to tell. Remember how many front runners there were early on in the last Republican primary? Some of them were the first to drop out. The entire primary seemed to be about "anybody but Romney", and he still clenched the nomination.

That's the thing about politics... she's a fickle mistress. You can't compare previous cycles, it's pointless. This time it may be "anybody but Jeb Bush" but I don't think Bush fares as well as Romney to be honest. If Jeb was so great he'd still be governor of Florida.

If nothing else, Trump is going to force issues onto the table that need to be addressed and he is going to set bar for the rest of the field. And you know something else? I think Trump could be the.... conduit? catalyst? not sure what the right word is.... to bring together tea party conservatives, libertarian republicans and some of the establishment RINOs. I think he can unite coalitions and pull this off. Call me crazy but hey... Art of the Deal man, it's what he does!
Nobody wants to stump him (not from the left anyway). If we were smart and united--no worry there--we should pool our money and send that dumbass a megaphone or three thousand to spread his message far and wide.

Every time he opens his mouth it has the potential to force the rest of the GOP to respond. Any response further splinters the already divided party.

So, it's a net-positive for the left.
He's arrogant to the point where he believes everyone will do whatever he says.

You're mistaking confidence for arrogance.

He believes he can GET people to do what he wants because he's made a fortune doing just that.

So did President Romney. Oh wait. He was born well off and to his credit, he avoided steering the yatch into icebergs. Bankrupting businesses along the way, sabotaging his fellow owners in the USFL, making a dick of himself on The Apprentice.

Yeah, bring him on.
So far...Trump has forced one issue to the forefront. One that has a Senate-approved bill sitting on Boehner's desk and has been a part of the political discussion for decades. Great job!

And....even that was an afterthought for him until it got attention. Idiots.
Ah, the Insane clown posse has arrived with the candycorn... Carnival must be in town!

Yeah yeah yeah... we know, you all HOPE we nominate Trump! That's why you're here to say nasty shit about him and make fun... because you WANT him to be the one we pick! ...LMFAO!

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