You Just Have A Cold. Don’t Give Branch Covidians Their Numbers By Testing


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
The numbers cannot be trusted but the act of keeping those numbers at a minimum will burst the propaganda balloon. The corrupt media and bought and paid for experts have no conpuctiion about lying to and killing those who listen. That is more than obvious after the last fiasco.

Don’t get tested, don’t self-report, and don’t be a statistic for the neurotic control freaks who emerged in the past few years.

Interesting tactic. What could go wrong?
A better idea would be to test and prove the Covidians to be wrong! Every negative test will be a knife in their backs!

And every positive will be ..............................
The numbers cannot be trusted but the act of keeping those numbers at a minimum will burst the propaganda balloon. The corrupt media and bought and paid for experts have no conpuctiion about lying to and killing those who listen. That is more than obvious after the last fiasco.

Don’t get tested, don’t self-report, and don’t be a statistic for the neurotic control freaks who emerged in the past few years.

The Covid cult encourages testing over and over and over again until you get a positive result.
The numbers cannot be trusted but the act of keeping those numbers at a minimum will burst the propaganda balloon. The corrupt media and bought and paid for experts have no conpuctiion about lying to and killing those who listen. That is more than obvious after the last fiasco.

Don’t get tested, don’t self-report, and don’t be a statistic for the neurotic control freaks who emerged in the past few years.

Sociopath in action^^^
Neither you nor the Federalist should be dictating peoples heath care choices.

PROOF POSITIVE: COVID-19 Vaccines Deliberately Formulated as an Extremely Injurious and Lethal Bioweapon​

“There are an estimated 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA in each dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine…..” — University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D.​

“This DNA, in my view, it could be causing some of the rare, but serious, side effects like death from cardiac arrest.

“This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix … we do this in the lab all the time; we take pieces of DNA, we mix them up with a lipid complex, like the Pfizer vaccine is in, we pour it onto cells and a lot of it gets into the cells. And a lot of it gets into the DNA of those cells and it becomes a permanent fixture of the cell. It’s not just a temporary thing. It is in that cell from now on and all of its progeny from now on and forever more … So, that’s why I’m kind of alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine. It’s different from RNA because it can be permanent.”

Based on solid molecular biology, it is a theoretical but reasonable concern that this DNA could cause a sustained autoimmune attack towards that tissue, he said.
It is common sense when we have been lied to since the beginning. You go ahead and listen to the people who want you dead. No one is stopping you.
Got it.

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