You Just Have A Cold. Don’t Give Branch Covidians Their Numbers By Testing

Because what you are doing is calling people liars and disrespecting their loss of a loved one.

Losing a loved one is not a license to lie, and not be called on it.

Nor is it any license to support any of the corrupt, deceitful, tyrannical bullshit that you are supporting, and not be called on that.
Losing a loved one is not a license to lie, and not be called on it.

Nor is it any license to support any of the corrupt, deceitful, tyrannical bullshit that you are supporting, and not be called on that.

You do not know the people or the medical personnel involved. And yet, you have the audacity to claim I am lying?

Fuck you and horse you rode in on.
You do not know the people or the medical personnel involved. And yet, you have the audacity to claim I am lying?
Fuck you and horse you rode in on.

I know, very clearly, how we have been lied to, repeatedly, over this absurd hoax, and I see you, continuing to promote these same lies.

Either you are willfully and knowingly lying, or else you are unbelievably stupid to still believe these lies.

Either way, there is no rational reason why anyone of any intelligence should give you any credence at all, on any subject.
I know, very clearly, how we have been lied to, repeatedly, over this absurd hoax, and I see you, continuing to promote these same lies.

Either you are willfully and knowingly lying, or else you are unbelievably stupid to still believe these lies.

Either way, there is no rational reason why anyone of any intelligence should give you any credence at all, on any subject.

I know two friends died from covid. Yes, the numbers were inflated drastically. But, despite your denials, people did actually die from covid.
I know two friends died from covid. Yes, the numbers were inflated drastically. But, despite your denials, people did actually die from covid.

Not any more so than people have died from the common cold all the time that Mankind has existed. Calling it by another name, spreading lies and exaggerations and fearmongering over it, does not change what it is.
Not any more so than people have died from the common cold all the time that Mankind has existed. Calling it by another name, spreading lies and exaggerations and fearmongering over it, does not change what it is.

And yet, you insisted that no one died from it. Even if it is just a mutated or genetically engineered cold, that was a lie.

If covid was a common cold, it was changed enough to be a different virus.
The numbers cannot be trusted but the act of keeping those numbers at a minimum will burst the propaganda balloon. The corrupt media and bought and paid for experts have no conpuctiion about lying to and killing those who listen. That is more than obvious after the last fiasco.

Don’t get tested, don’t self-report, and don’t be a statistic for the neurotic control freaks who emerged in the past few years.

Don't ever get vaccinated... don't go to doctors either.
And yet, you insisted that no one died from it. Even if it is just a mutated or genetically engineered cold, that was a lie.
If covid was a common cold, it was changed enough to be a different virus.

I never claimed that nobody ever died of the cold.

But by whatever name you call it, you have to be in pretty weak condition to begin with, in order to die of it. As in having some other co0nditiobn that is close to killing you anyway. Hence the term “comorbidity”.

And COVID-1984 •IS• the common cold, surrounded by lies, exaggerations, fearmongering, and political exploitations.
I never claimed that nobody ever died of the cold.

But by whatever name you call it, you have to be in pretty weak condition to begin with, in order to die of it. As in having some other co0nditiobn that is close to killing you anyway. Hence the term “comorbidity”.

And COVID-1984 •IS• the common cold, surrounded by lies, exaggerations, fearmongering, and political exploitations.

For some people, covid was not bad. For others, it was very bad. Cases varied.

And neither of my friends was anywhere close to death. BTW, the covid virus is not the common cold. Photographs of the two viruses sis by side show that.
Photographs of the two viruses sis by side show that.

My microscope is not capable of resolving something as small as a cold/COVID virus. The maximum size of such a virus is around 0.2 of a micron. Under the most ideal possible conditions, my microscope might resolve down to about 0.4 or 0.5 of a micron, but that's a stretch.
My microscope is not capable of resolving something as small as a cold/COVID virus. The maximum size of such a virus is around 0.2 of a micron. Under the most ideal possible conditions, my microscope might resolve down to about 0.4 or 0.5 of a micron, but that's a stretch.

I do not have a microscope capable of of such resolution either. But Google can show you.
Any evidence of co-morbidities?
Only one was unhealthy. I'm not sure whether his condition would be considered co-morbidity. He was active, but was on the waiting list for a heart transplant. His death was described by the hospital as total organ failure.

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