You Just Have A Cold. Don’t Give Branch Covidians Their Numbers By Testing

By an admission some time ago from the CDC, only about 6% of claimed COVID-1984 deaths were actually from COVID-1984 itself. The remaining 94% involved “comorbidities”. That's what the CDC admitted. And whatever a corrupt agency such as the CDC will admit, you have to know that the truth is more damning than that.

That does not mean only 6% died from Covid. If someone has a comorbidity it is often a long-term, chronic illness. They are obviously living with it. Covid is what killed them.

I had 2 friends die from covid who were cancer survivors. They had been pronounced cancer free, but they immune system was compromised by the treatment.
That does not mean only 6% died from Covid. If someone has a comorbidity it is often a long-term, chronic illness. They are obviously living with it. Covid is what killed them.

I had 2 friends die from covid who were cancer survivors. They had been pronounced cancer free, but they immune system was compromised by the treatment.
cancer came back because of the jab you stupid fuck. look up turbo cancers. ffs how stupid can one be?
That does not mean only 6% died from Covid. If someone has a comorbidity it is often a long-term, chronic illness. They are obviously living with it. Covid is what killed them.

I had 2 friends die from covid who were cancer survivors. They had been pronounced cancer free, but they immune system was compromised by the treatment.
the death protocol killed them. remdesiver and vent.
cancer came back because of the jab you stupid fuck. look up turbo cancers. ffs how stupid can one be?

Ok dumbass, try working on your reading comprehension.

"I had 2 friends die from covid who were cancer survivors."

The 2 friends of mine died of covid, not the jab. Neither of them had the jab. So blaming their deaths on the jab is pretty stupid.
cancer came back because of the jab you stupid fuck. look up turbo cancers. ffs how stupid can one be?

You are as bad as the people who claim covid killed people involved in a traffic accident.

I agree that the numbers are overblown. But you try and claim no one died from covid, or that the jab is why they all died despite the fact many died before the jab was invented.

Anything but admit that a deadly virus was in our midst. Sure, blame the CDC and the CIA. Of course, that falls apart when you look at deaths from covid in other countries.
That does not mean only 6% died from Covid. If someone has a comorbidity it is often a long-term, chronic illness. They are obviously living with it. Covid is what killed them.

Taking the CDC confession at face value, what a comorbidity is is another medical condition that contributed to the death. The decedent would almost certainly not have died of COVID-1984 alone, without that other condition. Without that other condition, the patient would have simply caught what amounts to a common cold, and recovered from it in a few days, just like everyone else. With that condition, the patient was surely close enough to dying that all it took was some otherwise minor additional issue to finish them off. If not COVID-1984, then perhaps some other variant of the common cold, perhaps a flu, perhaps an allergic reaction.

To attribute the death to COVID-1984, to call COVID-1984 the cause of that death, is just plain dishonest; and was done intentionally to greatly exaggerate the claims about how dangerous this common cold actually is.

And you are stupid enough to fall for it.
You are as bad as the people who claim covid killed people involved in a traffic accident.
I agree that the numbers are overblown. But you try and claim no one died from covid, or that the jab is why they all died despite the fact many died before the jab was invented.

Nobody is claiming that.

Anything but admit that a deadly virus was in our midst.

This virus has always been with us, and it likely always will.

Before certain corrupt elements hyperbolized and exploited it for malevolent political purposes, we knew it as the common cold.
Taking the CDC confession at face value, what a comorbidity is is another medical condition that contributed to the death. The decedent would almost certainly not have died of COVID-1984 alone, without that other condition. Without that other condition, the patient would have simply caught what amounts to a common cold, and recovered from it in a few days, just like everyone else. With that condition, the patient was surely close enough to dying that all it took was some otherwise minor additional issue to finish them off. If not COVID-1984, then perhaps some other variant of the common cold, perhaps a flu, perhaps an allergic reaction.

To attribute the death to COVID-1984, to call COVID-1984 the cause of that death, is just plain dishonest; and was done intentionally to greatly exaggerate the claims about how dangerous this common cold actually is.

And you are stupid enough to fall for it.

Those living with the comorbidity were not dying. They had a long-term, chronic health issue that they were managing. They were alive and continuing to manage their comobidity. Covid is why they died.
Nobody is claiming that.

This virus has always been with us, and it likely always will.

Before certain corrupt elements hyperbolized and exploited it for malevolent political purposes, we knew it as the common cold.

It may have started as the common cold. But it was no longer merely a common cold.
Those living with the comorbidity were not dying. They had a long-term, chronic health issue that they were managing. They were alive and continuing to manage their comobidity [sic]. Covid is why they died.

They died because they had serious health issues that put them close to that point. All that they needed was one more otherwise relatively minor condition to push them over the edge. If it wasn't an exaggerated common cold, then something else might just as easily have done it.

They would not have died from the cold itself, without some other serious condition to greatly weaken them.
It may have started as the common cold. But it was no longer merely a common cold.

↑ That's what you get when a gullible idiot mindlessly believes the lies that Big Brother tells him, without even trying to see or think for himself.
They died because they had serious health issues that put them close to that point. All that they needed was one more otherwise relatively minor condition to push them over the edge. If it wasn't an exaggerated common cold, then something else might just as easily have done it.

They would not have died from the cold itself, without some other serious condition to greatly weaken them.

My two friends had gotten to ring the bell for being cancer free. They were mobile, happy and living reasonably well. But their immune system was weaker from the chemo.

Their lives were moving along after beating cancer.
↑ That's what you get when a gullible idiot mindlessly believes the lies that Big Brother tells him, without even trying to see or think for himself.

No, that is what you get when you personally speak to a couple of researchers at the CDC. A close friend works there as an infectious disease specialist. I trust his word.
My two friends had gotten to ring the bell for being cancer free. They were mobile, happy and living reasonably well. But their immune system was weaker from the chemo.

Yes, and their weak immune systems are what killed them. An infection came along, which healthy immune system would have easily been able to fight off, but their immune systems were unhealthy, and unable to protect them. That's what killed them.

If it wasn't a cold, it could just as easily have been something else.
Yes, and their weak immune systems are what killed them. An infection came along, which healthy immune system would have easily been able to fight off, but their immune systems were unhealthy, and unable to protect them. That's what killed them.

If it wasn't a cold, it could just as easily have been something else.

But it wasn't a cold. It was covid.

Scotty's wife is a nurse. I will certainly taker her word for it.

Why is it so important to you that my friends did not die of covid? You are just the other side of the coin in this deal.

One side claims 150 million people died from covid and the other side claims no one did. Neither is correct in this case.
Why is it so important to you that my friends did not die of covid? You are just the other side of the coin in this deal.

Why is it so important to you that everyone be so deeply deceived by lies, exaggerations, and fearmongering over a common cold?

What stake do you have in all the corruption, abuses of basic human rights, and economic sabotage that have take place on the basis of this absurd hoax?

Are you on the side of human beings, or are you on the side of corrupt, tyrannical political criminals?

No need to answer that last; it was a rhetorical question. We all already know the answer, don't we?
Why is it so important to you that everyone be so deeply deceived by lies, exaggerations, and fearmongering over a common cold?

What stake do you have in all the corruption, abuses of basic human rights, and economic sabotage that have take place on the basis of this absurd hoax?

Are you on the side of human beings, or are you on the side of corrupt, tyrannical political criminals?

No need to answer that last; it was a rhetorical question. We all already know the answer, don't we?

Because what you are doing is calling people liars and disrespecting their loss of a loved one.

And the condescending bullshit is unnecessary. I think we are done here.

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