You just KNEW it was going to happen...Oil Spill is BUSH'S FAULT!

Funny, all you 'conservatives' turkeys who NOW say 'Bush was no conservative', 'Bush was a RINO', 'Bush this', 'Bush that'...are ALWAYS defending BUSH...:lol::lol::lol:

We're defending Bush from lies... Gw made mistakes, everyone does...

Where we parted company with GW, was where he err'd by departing from sound principle, to appease you idiots.

Which is the fast track to 30% approval... Just ask President Hussein.
Sometimes I think Republicans left such a mess, Obama might have done better to fire the entire government and hire everyone from scratch.

geez i actually agree with you here long as your party is included in those fireings.....
Then that makes you a simple partisan hack. Confirmed.
(I'll contact Snopes now.)

One does not have to be 'partisan,' nor a 'hack' for that matter. to have watched the Republican Party self-destruct since 2008. At least the Tea Baggers may liven things up by running Rand Paul with Sarah Palin.

When one espouses right or left wing talking points (stereotypical ignorance) then no amount of wishing one was something else changes the fact they aren't. I've read you posts son, they're rather strongly left leaning. If the shoe fits wear it and in you case it's a perfect fit.
And try to remember, the political middle ground is not between the center and the far left, it really is in the center.

..."then no amount of wishing one was something else changes the fact they aren't." You have got to be kidding!

On top of that father, you have lost track of the middle of the road.

Would you like to see it?


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Hey, at least we didn't vote for him and then disown him, like you losers did.

hey Vast....a question....just say,for debate sakes, President Obama proves to be just as incompetent,in his own way as Bush,things just dont happen good for the guy..will you disown him or keep on supporting him?.....because i supported Bush(as i do every pres.until they prove to me they are not worthy of that support anymore) for as long as i could....then it got to a point were it was fuck the guy....he is listening to the wrong people and he cant see when it came to support the guy for fucking up not once,not twice but a bunch of times....i turned my back on him.....what are you going to do if the same happens here? or disown?...
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You'd do well to stop complaining about others stereotyping while engaging in it. :dig:

You honestly think he cares about being intellectually honest?

'Intellectual honesty?' Talk about nerve! This whole Tea Bagger thing is about greed and racism. For your own sake try Google, or watching something besides Fox News. 'Intellectual honest,' you win the smile of the day! :disbelief:

See, I make a comment and you prove me right while being outraged about it.

Some of you guys are really confused.
Dear fucked up shithead. It matters.

The company I work at gave to John McCain. But the employees held fundraisers, bundled that money together and gave to Obama.
So did the company give twice?

Of course not.

The company gave to McCain because the CEO thought Republicans would take care of the company over the employees.

But the employees gave to Obama. Only it's listed as coming from the company. Same with BP.

Does everything have to be explained?

every employee Dean?....or just a percentage? many got together and threw a few bucks at McCain?....
One does not have to be 'partisan,' nor a 'hack' for that matter. to have watched the Republican Party self-destruct since 2008. At least the Tea Baggers may liven things up by running Rand Paul with Sarah Palin.

When one espouses right or left wing talking points (stereotypical ignorance) then no amount of wishing one was something else changes the fact they aren't. I've read you posts son, they're rather strongly left leaning. If the shoe fits wear it and in you case it's a perfect fit.
And try to remember, the political middle ground is not between the center and the far left, it really is in the center.

..."then no amount of wishing one was something else changes the fact they aren't." You have got to be kidding!

On top of that father, you have lost track of the middle of the road.

Would you like to see it?



Partisan hack proof again. Typical extremist dogma, i.e. "the middle ground is where I say it is, not where it truly is". BTW Did you ever take the time to sit down and figure out what and who those numbers actually represent. Your mainstream America voted against George Bush (in the person of McCain) as opposed to voting for Obama because they agreed with his politics. His entire campaign was premised in "hope and change" with little to no substance, Americans are indeed gullible and have proven as much many times over but we often learn quickly.
Don't worry though, we true moderates will continue to oppose you fringers - on both sides, be comforted that history shows we eventually win so you can't fuck up the country too badly without it being eventually corrected.
Here endith the lesson..... junior.
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Hey look, my dog died!

Why didn't Obama do something to stop that?

Hey look, I spilled a glass of milk!

That's obviously Obama's fault.

Look, the very corporations that we right-wingers have been screaming our fool heads off about, defending them from "evil government regulations", just fucked up royally!

Definitely Obama's fault!

why didn't Bush stop Katrina?
And it only took a month and a half.

Now if only there wasn't a complete double standard. then we wouldn't have to listen to liberals whining about President Bush's 7 min wait on 9/11

This wasn't - and isn't - an overnight disaster. It's developed slowly - the extent of it has been slow to be realized (or admitted to) - and efforts have been made all along to stop it.

Comparing it to Katrina (which many are) is senseless - it's two very different things.

I don't remember much whining about Bush's 7 min wait on 9/11 except from the moonbats. Most people felt he handled 9/11 quite well.
What planet are you living on Vast? Oil has already reached LA marshes and various beaches! Are you stupid? The fucking images are all over the internet bro. ~BH

3... DAYS... AGO. And he's personally heading down now. That's not to shabby.

What do you think Obama could have personally done down there? Waved his magic wand and made it all go away?
He could have *ahem* "put his boot on the throats" of the foot-dragging bureaucrats who've stood in the way of Jindal taking steps to keep the oil from despoiling inland waters.

But maybe working on his short game has been more important.

There is not a consensus that building the sand will help and they might cause more harm than good. The problem is - sand berms represent an immediate visable POLITICAL fix. Not necessarily the right thing to do. So do you go for what you hope is the "quick fix" and possibly suffer worse damages as a result?

No easy answers but lots of politicing I'm thinking.
Then that makes you a simple partisan hack. Confirmed.
(I'll contact Snopes now.)

One does not have to be 'partisan,' nor a 'hack' for that matter. to have watched the Republican Party self-destruct since 2008. At least the Tea Baggers may liven things up by running Rand Paul with Sarah Palin.

When one espouses right or left wing talking points (stereotypical ignorance) then no amount of wishing one was something else changes the fact they aren't. I've read you posts son, they're rather strongly left leaning. If the shoe fits wear it and in you case it's a perfect fit.
And try to remember, the political middle ground is not between the center and the far left, it really is in the center.

Ahhh... the Progressives.

Those who pride themselves as purveyoers of "The Middle Way"; the populists; those who can't find the courage to take a side...

They're the fascists, who steadfastly proclaimed the Mainstream CENTER as their own... sitting between the Political Right and Wrong.

I guess the problem with the Right compromising with wrong, is that the result will always be WRONG. Thus an advocacy to compromise with wrong, is an advocacy FOR WRONG.

Ringle, can you tell me what is the source of pride in your chronic advocacy for wrong?

Does it bother you at ALL that your here publicly drumming up support to impose wrong policy upon your nation?
What planet are you living on Vast? Oil has already reached LA marshes and various beaches! Are you stupid? The fucking images are all over the internet bro. ~BH

3... DAYS... AGO. And he's personally heading down now. That's not to shabby.

What do you think Obama could have personally done down there? Waved his magic wand and made it all go away?
He could have *ahem* "put his boot on the throats" of the foot-dragging bureaucrats who've stood in the way of Jindal taking steps to keep the oil from despoiling inland waters.

But maybe working on his short game has been more important.

It's certainly been more effective....

Sending Hussein to solve a problem is like sending sales to solve a problem... Hussein is a suit. He is the clean, well spoken image who sits in front of the group who only wants to know what he has to do to earn your business.

People like Hussein aren't welcome where people are trying to actually solve problems... because they get in the way.
3... DAYS... AGO. And he's personally heading down now. That's not to shabby.

What do you think Obama could have personally done down there? Waved his magic wand and made it all go away?
He could have *ahem* "put his boot on the throats" of the foot-dragging bureaucrats who've stood in the way of Jindal taking steps to keep the oil from despoiling inland waters.

But maybe working on his short game has been more important.

There is not a consensus that building the sand will help and they might cause more harm than good. The problem is - sand berms represent an immediate visable POLITICAL fix. Not necessarily the right thing to do. So do you go for what you hope is the "quick fix" and possibly suffer worse damages as a result?

No easy answers but lots of politicing I'm thinking.
So now we need a "consensus" of blue-ribbon do-nothing bureaucratic nitwits to try something to protect the inland watersheds?

I get it now...You're trying to make my arguments for me now, aren't ya? :lol:
SCIENCE!!!! Obama will stop the oil with SCIENCE!!!!

A scientific panel of the National Academy of Engineering to investigate Gulf oil spill.
Scientific panel to probe oil spill

WASHINGTON — A scientific panel of the National Academy of Engineering will conduct a separate investigation of what went wrong at the BP PLC drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Tuesday the Obama administration has asked the organization, which is part of the National Academy of Sciences, to determine the root cause of the well explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig so that any mechanical failures can be addressed and not repeated.
And it only took a month and a half.

Now if only there wasn't a complete double standard. then we wouldn't have to listen to liberals whining about President Bush's 7 min wait on 9/11

This wasn't - and isn't - an overnight disaster. It's developed slowly - the extent of it has been slow to be realized (or admitted to) - and efforts have been made all along to stop it.

Comparing it to Katrina (which many are) is senseless - it's two very different things.

I don't remember much whining about Bush's 7 min wait on 9/11 except from the moonbats. Most people felt he handled 9/11 quite well.

Actually Coy, this was an overnight disaster... One Day the rig is there, the next day it's at the bottom of the gulf, next to it's belching well-head.

The Extent was known 'from day one'.... That there was a massive belching wel-head a mile down at the bottom of the Gulf Of Mexico, spewing thousands of gallons an hour into the Gulf.

You're entitled to remain on defense here, but you've already lost...

Hussein has FAILED MISERABLY.... and not 'pretend failed' like you people tried to paint on Bush; no, this is actual, DIDN'T DO A DAMN THING TO STOP ANYTHING.

No one expected him to snap his fingers and apply supernatural influence, despite that being how he was sold to the nation...

But even I, who would not walk across the street to spit on his ass if he were in fire..., expected him to shut down the federal regulators, to use his authority to set aside permitting and oversight regs...

He could have taken charge WAaaaay back on say "DAY ONE!" by simply calling the various players together and asking the simple question...

"What is the process which has the highest probability of capping the well, Today?"

That's about all any President could do in such situations...

But Hussein didn't do that; because he is an empty suit and emprty suits CAN'T do that. They stay clean and speakwell...
SCIENCE!!!! Obama will stop the oil with SCIENCE!!!!

A scientific panel of the National Academy of Engineering to investigate Gulf oil spill.
Scientific panel to probe oil spill

WASHINGTON — A scientific panel of the National Academy of Engineering will conduct a separate investigation of what went wrong at the BP PLC drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Tuesday the Obama administration has asked the organization, which is part of the National Academy of Sciences, to determine the root cause of the well explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig so that any mechanical failures can be addressed and not repeated.

Faith. We should all have faith that the oil will be separated from the sea - all we need do is pray and wait, Sarah Moses will wave her staff and the well will be well.

As to the OP, of course it's not boooooooooooh's fault, nothing ever was or will be. In this case the fault lies with the General Contractor (BP?) and those who built and operated the rig, jointly and severally.
Of course thanks to the Repubican Party, they're limited to paying chump change for the harm they have done to the Gulf Coast.
Republican values - "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".
SCIENCE!!!! Obama will stop the oil with SCIENCE!!!!

A scientific panel of the National Academy of Engineering to investigate Gulf oil spill.
Scientific panel to probe oil spill

WASHINGTON — A scientific panel of the National Academy of Engineering will conduct a separate investigation of what went wrong at the BP PLC drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Tuesday the Obama administration has asked the organization, which is part of the National Academy of Sciences, to determine the root cause of the well explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig so that any mechanical failures can be addressed and not repeated.

Well, the science is clear... pressure inside the well exceeded the rigs means to contain it.

Now my guess is that the rig's systems which are designed to regulate the pressure at the wells head were either bypassed or ignored, because of the presence of a "DUMBASS with a Badge." Which is not a slight on badges, as much as dumbasses; who the system fails to cull prior to vesting them the authority inherent in the badge. Some people like to call these people "Bureaucrats"; be they internal Corporate Bureaucrats or Government Bureaucrats...

The Science of drilling for oil is pretty much understood... given the century of experience.

When it's all said and done, the odds are fairly high that the bean counting Bureaucrats had pushed the actual oil-men out of the way; and this resulted in those who knew what the hell they were doing being pushed out of the way, because they were taking too long; and replaced with 'someone who can get it done'.

Oil wells are drilled on a production contract... "Do X in Y time..." When Contractor team A fails to hit the mark, the B team replaces the A team...

That fire and gushing plume a mile down, is the sort of thing that happens when the A team is replaced with the B team.

The cool thing is that the Progressives will look at this and conclude that this is a function of Capitalism... And seek to replace it with a system that destroys the A team entirely and replaces it with a sea of Team Cs...
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Nope, this indy stands by my post.

Then that makes you a simple partisan hack. Confirmed.
(I'll contact Snopes now.)

One does not have to be 'partisan,' nor a 'hack' for that matter. to have watched the Republican Party self-destruct since 2008. At least the Tea Baggers may liven things up by running Rand Paul with Sarah Palin.

Kind of like what the democratic party is doing now, wouldn't you think?
One does not have to be 'partisan,' nor a 'hack' for that matter. to have watched the Republican Party self-destruct since 2008. At least the Tea Baggers may liven things up by running Rand Paul with Sarah Palin.

When one espouses right or left wing talking points (stereotypical ignorance) then no amount of wishing one was something else changes the fact they aren't. I've read you posts son, they're rather strongly left leaning. If the shoe fits wear it and in you case it's a perfect fit.
And try to remember, the political middle ground is not between the center and the far left, it really is in the center.

..."then no amount of wishing one was something else changes the fact they aren't." You have got to be kidding!

On top of that father, you have lost track of the middle of the road.

Would you like to see it?



LOL... That map is a lie...

Here's the truth:


2008 by county...
Just for the record TODAY was President Obama's second trip to see the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Here is the link to the USA Today story, and video of the president's speech.

I watched the network news tonight. The lives of the people on the Gulf who make their living from the Gulf waters are beside themselves. They are about to lose their way of life. According to the network, the residents are not upset with Obama, they just do not want to be abandoned like Bush did with Katrina in New Orleans. President Obama promised that will not happen.

Obama, in Gulf, pledges to push on stopping leak -

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