You just KNEW it was going to happen...Oil Spill is BUSH'S FAULT!

I really hate it when liberal scumbags who hate god and want to destroy America and force ALL of our children to become gay blame bush or republicans for anything that is bad or wrong.

we ALL know that cons and repubs and bush are completely blameless and that EVERYTHING that is wrong with America is COMPLETELY the fault of liberals and democrats

We are now living in the year 2010.

The Big 0 was elected in 2008.

The Dems chaired every committee in both houses of Congress following the 2006 election.

Will there be any point in the future at which the Dems will no longer blame Bush for everything? On some level, at some point, we must eventually come to a time when the Dems will have grown a pair and actually take responsibility for the government that they've been controlling for 4 years.

That Dodd video was great. What a jack ass.

Let's, just for a moment, calculate that Obama/Biden win a second term, and in 2016 the Republicans win. Do you think that the promises the Republicans would make might be delayed for some years due to 8 years of Democrats? Of course they would.

The big financial boys are still shaking in New York and Washington. The American people are oblivious to the financial fall-out of 2008, they think it is just another recession and it will go away. The smart money is in gold and very liquid assets, the typical Americans are deluding themselve in a make-believe-bubble, that things will be ok. Get down on your knees tonight and pray for Obama/Biden, and the Globel economy.

I'll let you do that, I can't afford Obama.
We are now living in the year 2010.

The Big 0 was elected in 2008.

The Dems chaired every committee in both houses of Congress following the 2006 election.

Will there be any point in the future at which the Dems will no longer blame Bush for everything? On some level, at some point, we must eventually come to a time when the Dems will have grown a pair and actually take responsibility for the government that they've been controlling for 4 years.

That Dodd video was great. What a jack ass.

Let's, just for a moment, calculate that Obama/Biden win a second term, and in 2016 the Republicans win. Do you think that the promises the Republicans would make might be delayed for some years due to 8 years of Democrats? Of course they would.

The big financial boys are still shaking in New York and Washington. The American people are oblivious to the financial fall-out of 2008, they think it is just another recession and it will go away. The smart money is in gold and very liquid assets, the typical Americans are deluding themselve in a make-believe-bubble, that things will be ok. Get down on your knees tonight and pray for Obama/Biden, and the Globel economy.

I'll let you do that, I can't afford Obama.

A friend of mine was promoted some time ago to national marketing director where he worked. I asked him what it was like.

He said it is like getting on a commercial air liner. You have no control over where the jet is going, but you are strapped in, and going wherever the pilot decides to take you. Welcome to Obama Air Lines.


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President Bush was in office about 8 months when the 9/11/2001 attacks took place. What had he done in that relatively short time to fix the problem that the prior Administration had left UN-attended?

Lib Conclusion? Liberal Dims trip over themselves to assign blame to him.


President Obama was in office about 15 months when the rig exploded. What had HE done in that longer period of time to make sure that safety inspections were meaningful and the technology was in place to deal with a disaster?

Lib conclusion? It was his PREDECESSOR'S fault!

Just mayyyyyyyybe it had something to do with Bush family oil interests, and Saudi Arabia!

Nice photshop ass clown...since you seem to like gay porn I'm surprised you haven't posted the one of Bush and Osama.:eusa_whistle:

Let's, just for a moment, calculate that Obama/Biden win a second term, and in 2016 the Republicans win. Do you think that the promises the Republicans would make might be delayed for some years due to 8 years of Democrats? Of course they would.

The big financial boys are still shaking in New York and Washington. The American people are oblivious to the financial fall-out of 2008, they think it is just another recession and it will go away. The smart money is in gold and very liquid assets, the typical Americans are deluding themselve in a make-believe-bubble, that things will be ok. Get down on your knees tonight and pray for Obama/Biden, and the Globel economy.


Let's try this one instead. Suppose that the Dems had taken control of both houses of Congress and held them both for three and a half years. Suppose also that the Dems got a man produced by the corrupt Chicago political machine elected as President.

Suppose that the combined efforts of this group had produced the biggest deficite ever produced by any country in modern times. Suppose they had ignored all of the important issues of the day in favor of political caprice and ideologically driven agenda items.

Suppose they promised that the only way to find out what was in the bill was to pass the bill.

Suppose that they had accepted huge donations from the mortgage companies right before the mortgage collapse, from the financial industry right before the financial collapse, from the unions right before structuring a bail out of the UAW and from BP right before the non enforcement of regulations allowed the worst man made ecological disaster in history.

Suppose that they said that any disagreement with their policies to bankrupt the country was obstructionism and that any opposition to their idealogues spouting partisan poisen was racism.

That's allot of supposing. The American public would never elect crooks working on that level of deceit. Well, it fells like the meds are waring off. I better re-dose.

"Looking at my acomplishments in the last 17 months - oil is not the only thing that is washed up"

Let's, just for a moment, calculate that Obama/Biden win a second term, and in 2016 the Republicans win. Do you think that the promises the Republicans would make might be delayed for some years due to 8 years of Democrats? Of course they would.

The big financial boys are still shaking in New York and Washington. The American people are oblivious to the financial fall-out of 2008, they think it is just another recession and it will go away. The smart money is in gold and very liquid assets, the typical Americans are deluding themselve in a make-believe-bubble, that things will be ok. Get down on your knees tonight and pray for Obama/Biden, and the Globel economy.

I'll let you do that, I can't afford Obama.

A friend of mine was promoted some time ago to national marketing director where he worked. I asked him what it was like.

He said it is like getting on a commercial air liner. You have no control over where the jet is going, but you are strapped in, and going wherever the pilot decides to take you. Welcome to Obama Air Lines.


So now you know how many of us felt when w took his eyes off of Afganstan and decided to attack Iraq. We sat and watched him build his reasoning on lies and fabrications. No one could change his mind or the mind of his accomplice Uncle Fester. How does the feeling of helplessness fit you?
I'll let you do that, I can't afford Obama.

A friend of mine was promoted some time ago to national marketing director where he worked. I asked him what it was like.

He said it is like getting on a commercial air liner. You have no control over where the jet is going, but you are strapped in, and going wherever the pilot decides to take you. Welcome to Obama Air Lines.


So now you know how many of us felt when w took his eyes off of Afganstan and decided to attack Iraq. We sat and watched him build his reasoning on lies and fabrications. No one could change his mind or the mind of his accomplice Uncle Fester. How does the feeling of helplessness fit you?

Just because so many of you are still unable to see the logic behind going into Iraq does NOT make the efforts of the Bush Administration in that regard one built on "lies and fabrications." (What is the difference between "lies" and "fabrications" in that sentence of yours, anyway?)
A friend of mine was promoted some time ago to national marketing director where he worked. I asked him what it was like.

He said it is like getting on a commercial air liner. You have no control over where the jet is going, but you are strapped in, and going wherever the pilot decides to take you. Welcome to Obama Air Lines.


So now you know how many of us felt when w took his eyes off of Afganstan and decided to attack Iraq. We sat and watched him build his reasoning on lies and fabrications. No one could change his mind or the mind of his accomplice Uncle Fester. How does the feeling of helplessness fit you?

Just because so many of you are still unable to see the logic behind going into Iraq does NOT make the efforts of the Bush Administration in that regard one built on "lies and fabrications." (What is the difference between "lies" and "fabrications" in that sentence of yours, anyway?)

We are flying the friendly skies! Obama Air Lines!

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So now you know how many of us felt when w took his eyes off of Afganstan and decided to attack Iraq. We sat and watched him build his reasoning on lies and fabrications. No one could change his mind or the mind of his accomplice Uncle Fester. How does the feeling of helplessness fit you?

Just because so many of you are still unable to see the logic behind going into Iraq does NOT make the efforts of the Bush Administration in that regard one built on "lies and fabrications." (What is the difference between "lies" and "fabrications" in that sentence of yours, anyway?)

We are flying the friendly skies! Obama Air Lines!


Enjoy it while you can, because if the dems lose Congress or the Senate...The party will be over for barry and his band

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