You know how journalists claim the Republican party is the party of angry white men?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
It appears that JOURNALISTS are the profession of angry white men...

"A poll released last week reported that 7 percent of American journalists say they are Republicans. The survey also found that the news force is aging, having a median age of 47. And 62 percent of journalists are men. A mere 8.5 percent of full-timers are minorities. Less than 1 in 4 are "very satisfied" with their job. In short, the profession that dubbed the Republican Party a refuge for "angry white men" is teeming with angry white men.
The irony here is wasted on the ink-stained-wretch community."

Read more: Angry White Men -- aka Journalists | RealClearPolitics
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Professors Lars Willnat and David Weaver also recorded the lowest showing of journalists who called themselves Democrats since 1971, when it was 35.5 percent. Now 28 percent say they are Democrats; half say they are independent; and 15 percent say they are "other."
Bernie Goldberg, a former CBS reporter who is now with Fox News, thinks many of the self-identified "independent" journalists are liars who "know better than to tell the truth and tell the pollsters who they really are." I suspect that Goldberg is onto something. Though surveys have found more ideological diversity in newsrooms outside the Beltway, a 1996 Freedom Forum poll of Washington correspondents found that 89 percent said they had voted for Bill Clinton in 1992.
I've known colleagues to be rather defensive on the issue of liberal bias. It couldn't be that like Ivy League faculties, liberal editors tend to hire people who dress, think and vote as they do. No, there must be a more noble reason that liberal journalism self-replicates.
I've heard it before: Journalists are smarter than other people, so of course they're liberal. (That's right; we're so clever that we work in a shrinking industry.) Or: Liberals are drawn to journalism because they question authority.
Problem: When groupthink prevails, the hive swarms best when presented with the scent of weakness in an outside authority. When a story makes Republicans look stupid, it inevitably becomes a big story everywhere. Think Todd Akin's dim-witted "legitimate rape" remark in 2012. It was big news across the country.
In modern journalism, diversity is supposed to be as holy as accuracy. Editors flock to workshops that help them hire ethnic minorities, members of the LGBT community and other groups deemed to be disadvantaged. Makes sense. Newsroom staff should look not like the faculty lounge but like America.
But when it comes to politics, it's a different world. Sure, on occasion I've seen organizations troll for a conservative for balance -- for a particular page or function -- but there is no industry effort to rebalance the newsroom to make it think more like America. Angry white males are an insular bunch."

Read more: Angry White Men -- aka Journalists | RealClearPolitics
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You moron, you think criticism of asshole elitists who are the very thing they claim to despise means I want to do away with a free press? Our journalists have become a mob of extreme left wing propagandists. We need to own it and quit enabling it.
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In other words, top end journalists are more intelligent than most, and therefore tend to be liberals. We have noticed that within the scientific disciplines, also.
The fact is that journalists are far left, racist extremists. And no, they're not all that intelligent, let alone well educated.

Tell me something I didn't know. I worked with them off and on for years.
Don't editors decide which articles will be printed anymore or are liberal journalists just running amok ?
Reporters generally work a combination of assignments, regular columns/features, and their own. I had a quota of 10 stories per week. We had beats as well...mine was the reservation and outlying towns. The news editor generally gave the okay for stories, not always. The copy editor was often responsible for deciding what went where...and was generally responsible for about 90 percent of all the really bad calls. Copy editors often go on to become new editors.
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You know how journalists claim the Republican party is the party of angry white men?

This is about Journalists? I thought it was about the Republican party being the party of angry white men?

Guess that's something we can obviously all agree on.
It appears that JOURNALISTS are the profession of angry white men...

"A poll released last week reported that 7 percent of American journalists say they are Republicans. The survey also found that the news force is aging, having a median age of 47. And 62 percent of journalists are men. A mere 8.5 percent of full-timers are minorities. Less than 1 in 4 are "very satisfied" with their job. In short, the profession that dubbed the Republican Party a refuge for "angry white men" is teeming with angry white men.
The irony here is wasted on the ink-stained-wretch community."

Read more: Angry White Men -- aka Journalists | RealClearPolitics
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The nation’s shifting demographics have caused some Republican leaders to worry not only about the party’s future but about winning in November, particularly in key swing states such as Virginia and Nevada.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said REPUBLICAN Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” :eusa_whistle:

“This Republican Party base is white, aging and dying off,”
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The fact is that journalists are far left, racist extremists. And no, they're not all that intelligent, let alone well educated.

Tell me something I didn't know. I worked with them off and on for years.
That fat turd Limbaugh is far left? the rest of your dribble fit him to a T though.
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Reporters generally work a combination of assignments, regular columns/features, and their own. I had a quota of 10 stories per week. We had beats as well...mine was the reservation and outlying towns. The news editor generally gave the okay for stories, not always. The copy editor was often responsible for deciding what went where...and was generally responsible for about 90 percent of all the really bad calls. Copy editors often go on to become new editors.
did you wear a funny hat with a card saying scoop on the brim:eusa_liar:
The fact is that journalists are far left, racist extremists. And no, they're not all that intelligent, let alone well educated.

Tell me something I didn't know. I worked with them off and on for years.
That fat turd Limbaugh is far left? the rest of your dribble fit him to a T though.

Learn the difference between a commentator and a journalist so you don't continue to make an ass of yourself. :eusa_clap:
It appears that JOURNALISTS are the profession of angry white men...

"A poll released last week reported that 7 percent of American journalists say they are Republicans. The survey also found that the news force is aging, having a median age of 47. And 62 percent of journalists are men. A mere 8.5 percent of full-timers are minorities. Less than 1 in 4 are "very satisfied" with their job. In short, the profession that dubbed the Republican Party a refuge for "angry white men" is teeming with angry white men.
The irony here is wasted on the ink-stained-wretch community."

Read more: Angry White Men -- aka Journalists | RealClearPolitics
Follow us: @RCP_Articles on Twitter

The nation’s shifting demographics have caused some Republican leaders to worry not only about the party’s future but about winning in November, particularly in key swing states such as Virginia and Nevada.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said REPUBLICAN Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” :eusa_whistle:

“This Republican Party base is white, aging and dying off,”
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The fact is that journalists are far left, racist extremists. And no, they're not all that intelligent, let alone well educated.

Tell me something I didn't know. I worked with them off and on for years.
That fat turd Limbaugh is far left? the rest of your dribble fit him to a T though.

Learn the difference between a commentator and a journalist so you don't continue to make an ass of yourself. :eusa_clap:
dont tell me you puttock tell the Turd, for it is he who regards himself as a journalist.

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