You know that awkward moment?

Lol. I'm 23. I'm starting an education. I have the foundations of a good career. The last thing I need is that kind of woman in my life, especially when there are plenty of stable, healthy, non-sexist women worth hooking up with around. It just doesn't make sense to chase after someone who very likely would love to fuck all of that up when that time can be spent with someone who has her shit together and wants a long and strong relationship with a man because she's actually into men, you know?
You are looking at this wrong. You should date and bed these women. You are only 23...and it is likily most men turn away...that improves your chances. No need for a long term relationship. Nothing like a feminist realizing how wonderful sex can be with a man...of course you should know how to please a woman effectively.
Not for nothing but you aren't going to be worth a fuck until you're at least 30. That piece of the brain that deals with time and consequences hasn't fully grown in. Real men? They have had their asses handed to them and then they get back up and rebuild. It's the difference between bravado and confidence.
Sure. I'm still sticking with the non-sexist women. There are plenty, which was part of the point. There's zero reason to settle for Andrea Dworkin or Betty Friedan when there are plenty of Karen Straughans and Jenna Marbles around - aka women who actually don't disdain the opposite sex, mean it when they say that the sexes are of either worth, don't join political cults, don't break themselves attempting to live according to the dictates of bitter old spinsters from the 60s, and generally just have their shit together.

There's also the unfortunate tendency towards involvement in things that would hurt a polygraph, but in fairness the sort into those types of things is much easier to spot/smell from a distance anyway...

You're still operating under the assumption that you are a viable choice. Good luck in your quest.
You know that awkward moment when you're talking to a girl and she seems really down to Earth smart and awesome, but then she drops the "feminist" bomb so you have to excuse yourself and walk away while you have the chance because as much as you like her otherwise you know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life? The disappointment is real... -.-
Whew! Good thing you ran like hell
before she figured out what you really were. Ick!
If she's like the ones I've met she knew all about him before he walked in the room.
Sometimes there is no mystery-what you see is what you get.
That's true but there's never any mystery with a feminist. If you are a male, you're wrong. I meet them later on in life, bitter as all hell. No one bought their shit and it's too late, nothing left to bargain with.
You know that awkward moment when you're talking to a girl and she seems really down to Earth smart and awesome, but then she drops the "feminist" bomb so you have to excuse yourself and walk away while you have the chance because as much as you like her otherwise you know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life? The disappointment is real... -.-

Whew! Good thing you ran like hell

before she figured out what you really were. Ick!

Sad that there are still men who are threatened by independent, intelligent women.

I agree that she got away in time. Men like this are liars. They want women to think they are real men instead of impotent and fearful.

The good news is, there is someone out there for everyone. There are women who have no use for these wimps ^^^ but there are also women who want little boys with no balls ^^^and who chomp Viagra like M&Ms.

Independent, intelligent women turn me on, frankly.

They are hawt!
As long as they pay their whey...

Before or after the curds??
You're still operating under the assumption that you are a viable choice. Good luck in your quest.
Of course not for, say, you. I've already rejected your type as too dangerous to my future. There just wouldn't be an excuse to settle for a bitter, vindictive, sexist, STD-ridden harpy who thinks she has a Goddess-given right to do whatever she wants to whomever she wants because they're only mere men just like her father anyway. There is also the consideration of how many are involved in other political cults and movements that would jeopardize my poly and therefore career to have any association with. This is especially true when there are tons of decent, normal women such as, say, JOSweetHeart, who actually like men, want an healthy relationship with one, and actually do believe the sexes are equal rather than simply use the term as a buzzword to advance the Cause.
Of course not for, say, you. I've already rejected your type as too dangerous to my future. There just wouldn't be an excuse to settle for a bitter, vindictive, sexist, STD-ridden harpy who thinks she has a Goddess-given right to do whatever she wants to whomever she wants because they're only mere men just like her father anyway. There is also the consideration of how many are involved in other political cults and movements that would jeopardize my poly and therefore career to have any association with. This is especially true when there are tons of decent, normal women such as, say, JOSweetHeart, who actually like men, want an healthy relationship with one, and actually do believe the sexes are equal rather than simply use the term as a buzzword to advance the Cause.

Ok, I think you are just going to have mega-success in attracting women.

Well, women from Uranus, that is.

Lol. I'm 23. I'm starting an education. I have the foundations of a good career. The last thing I need is that kind of woman in my life, especially when there are plenty of stable, healthy, non-sexist women worth hooking up with around. It just doesn't make sense to chase after someone who very likely would love to fuck all of that up when that time can be spent with someone who has her shit together and wants a long and strong relationship with a man because she's actually into men, you know?

Wait a minute ...

Didn't you say above that you don't want a "feminist" woman? Now you're saying you don't want a sexist woman?

Which is it?

Fact is, you're an ignorant sexist and you have no idea what feminism really is.

noun: feminism
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

noun: sexism
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
Lol. I'm 23. I'm starting an education. I have the foundations of a good career. The last thing I need is that kind of woman in my life, especially when there are plenty of stable, healthy, non-sexist women worth hooking up with around. It just doesn't make sense to chase after someone who very likely would love to fuck all of that up when that time can be spent with someone who has her shit together and wants a long and strong relationship with a man because she's actually into men, you know?

Wait a minute ...

Didn't you say above that you don't want a "feminist" woman? Now you're saying you don't want a sexist woman?

Which is it?

Fact is, you're an ignorant sexist and you have no idea what feminism really is.

noun: feminism
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

noun: sexism
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

Mebbe he wants a different type of woman.

Mebbe he wants a woman who looks like this:


This could mebbe solve his dilemna.
I'm just saying the disappointment when a girl who seems totally amazing otherwise outs herself as one and you have to get away while you can.
On the bright side, women out number men something like 53% to 47% on this planet.

This means that there are other awesome women out there that you can totally get into and its even a good chance that one of them won't disappoint you with their unreasoned gender bias.
They aren't worth dating, I've tried it. You must always prove you aren't guilty of their accusations and must never ever dare criticize the slightest thing about them. In fact, if you don't like something they like, it's a disagreement.

Translation: It's ok to be a masculinist and insist on being in charge, but any appearence of being equal to one another must be squashed.
You know that awkward moment when you're talking to a girl and she seems really down to Earth smart and awesome, but then she drops the "feminist" bomb so you have to excuse yourself and walk away while you have the chance because as much as you like her otherwise you know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life? The disappointment is real... -.-

How long have you been the spokesperson for the Society of Misogynists?

What is a ""Feminist" bomb"? Did she beat you at tennis or chess, or simply disagree with your opinion? Hold the door open for you? Or do something which really impacted your manhood, offer to pay?
Ok, I think you are just going to have mega-success in attracting women.

Well, women from Uranus, that is.

You recently informed me in no uncertain terms that you do not want to have any involvement with me or the things I post. Has this changed? Anyway, that's not the type I'd be remotely comfortable with being attractive to so it's fine. You can stick with sleeping with your fellow feminists and I can stick with marrying one decent woman.

Mebbe he wants a different type of woman.

Mebbe he wants a woman who looks like this:


This could mebbe solve his dilemna.
Well, when you learn the difference between gay men and straight women anyway. That would definitely help your chances at finding feminist women to sleep with. On the bright side, your appalling childishness and need for a mother stand-in's approval will definitely be helpful in your quest to eventually find one one day. Best of luck. :)

Wait a minute ...

Didn't you say above that you don't want a "feminist" woman? Now you're saying you don't want a sexist woman?

Which is it?

Fact is, you're an ignorant sexist and you have no idea what feminism really is.

noun: feminism
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

noun: sexism
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
Oh cool, the argumentum ad dictionarium. Original. Anyway, I have, in fact, been saying that I want a non-sexist woman since the OP. "You know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life?" Right there at the end. And there are plenty of women exactly like that. Women Against Feminism is a testament to that. I'm sure you've heard about it, what with the utter outrage mainstream feminist groups expressed upon learning just how many women reject their bigotry for happy, healthy, equitable relations with actual men. I'm totally happy with sticking to those women and letting you have the Statistikhengsts of the world. Not sure why you're butthurt about that. :)
They aren't worth dating, I've tried it. You must always prove you aren't guilty of their accusations and must never ever dare criticize the slightest thing about them. In fact, if you don't like something they like, it's a disagreement.
Translation: It's ok to be a masculinist and insist on being in charge, but any appearence of being equal to one another must be squashed.
I didn't say anything close to that. You're a retard.
You know that awkward moment when you're talking to a girl and she seems really down to Earth smart and awesome, but then she drops the "feminist" bomb so you have to excuse yourself and walk away while you have the chance because as much as you like her otherwise you know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life? The disappointment is real... -.-

How long have you been the spokesperson for the Society of Misogynists?

What is a ""Feminist" bomb"? Did she beat you at tennis or chess, or simply disagree with your opinion? Hold the door open for you? Or do something which really impacted your manhood, offer to pay?

I wonder why he is so afraid of equality, intelligence, independence. Why does he want (need!) a doormat?
You know that awkward moment when you're talking to a girl and she seems really down to Earth smart and awesome, but then she drops the "feminist" bomb so you have to excuse yourself and walk away while you have the chance because as much as you like her otherwise you know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life? The disappointment is real... -.-

How long have you been the spokesperson for the Society of Misogynists?

What is a ""Feminist" bomb"? Did she beat you at tennis or chess, or simply disagree with your opinion? Hold the door open for you? Or do something which really impacted your manhood, offer to pay?

I wonder why he is so afraid of equality, intelligence, independence. Why does he want (need!) a doormat?

Insecurity? A lack of self confidence? Fear? I wonder if he avoids parlor games for fear of losing?
You're still operating under the assumption that you are a viable choice. Good luck in your quest.
Of course not for, say, you. I've already rejected your type as too dangerous to my future. There just wouldn't be an excuse to settle for a bitter, vindictive, sexist, STD-ridden harpy who thinks she has a Goddess-given right to do whatever she wants to whomever she wants because they're only mere men just like her father anyway. There is also the consideration of how many are involved in other political cults and movements that would jeopardize my poly and therefore career to have any association with. This is especially true when there are tons of decent, normal women such as, say, JOSweetHeart, who actually like men, want an healthy relationship with one, and actually do believe the sexes are equal rather than simply use the term as a buzzword to advance the Cause.


You gotta love deep thoughts from a 23 year old. It's so cute.
You know that awkward moment when you're talking to a girl and she seems really down to Earth smart and awesome, but then she drops the "feminist" bomb so you have to excuse yourself and walk away while you have the chance because as much as you like her otherwise you know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life? The disappointment is real... -.-

How long have you been the spokesperson for the Society of Misogynists?

What is a ""Feminist" bomb"? Did she beat you at tennis or chess, or simply disagree with your opinion? Hold the door open for you? Or do something which really impacted your manhood, offer to pay?

I wonder why he is so afraid of equality, intelligence, independence. Why does he want (need!) a doormat?

:dunno: Because he hasn't proven his own self worth to himself. Men (and women) have to go through stages. They have to get their asses kicked, pick themselves up, dust themselves off and stand on their own two feet so they know what they are made of. Right now the world revolves around him and anything that might challenge that view point is a threat to his ego.

It's why he kicks out a shit load of shallow troll threads.
You know that awkward moment when you're talking to a girl and she seems really down to Earth smart and awesome, but then she drops the "feminist" bomb so you have to excuse yourself and walk away while you have the chance because as much as you like her otherwise you know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life? The disappointment is real... -.-
Whew! Good thing you ran like hell
before she figured out what you really were. Ick!
If she's like the ones I've met she knew all about him before he walked in the room.
Sometimes there is no mystery-what you see is what you get.
That's true but there's never any mystery with a feminist. If you are a male, you're wrong. I meet them later on in life, bitter as all hell. No one bought their shit and it's too late, nothing left to bargain with.

Really? Most of the feminists I know are married. They don't tweet and they don't make a bunch of crap ass look at me You-tube videos.
He sez in the OP he wants hookups.

Evidently he is neither attractive enuff nor smart enuff to be worth waiting until morning to kick outta
her bed.

So she intelligently said what would make him crawl back under his rock.

If a woman with smarts scares him, never fuck him.

I never give an unintelligent man more than 10 minutes of my real life.

Life is too short.

Regards from Rosie
Ok, I think you are just going to have mega-success in attracting women.

Well, women from Uranus, that is.

You recently informed me in no uncertain terms that you do not want to have any involvement with me or the things I post. Has this changed? Anyway, that's not the type I'd be remotely comfortable with being attractive to so it's fine. You can stick with sleeping with your fellow feminists and I can stick with marrying one decent woman.

Mebbe he wants a different type of woman.

Mebbe he wants a woman who looks like this:


This could mebbe solve his dilemna.
Well, when you learn the difference between gay men and straight women anyway. That would definitely help your chances at finding feminist women to sleep with. On the bright side, your appalling childishness and need for a mother stand-in's approval will definitely be helpful in your quest to eventually find one one day. Best of luck. :)

Wait a minute ...

Didn't you say above that you don't want a "feminist" woman? Now you're saying you don't want a sexist woman?

Which is it?

Fact is, you're an ignorant sexist and you have no idea what feminism really is.

noun: feminism
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

noun: sexism
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
Oh cool, the argumentum ad dictionarium. Original. Anyway, I have, in fact, been saying that I want a non-sexist woman since the OP. "You know you just don't need someone who hates you on the basis of your sex in your life?" Right there at the end. And there are plenty of women exactly like that. Women Against Feminism is a testament to that. I'm sure you've heard about it, what with the utter outrage mainstream feminist groups expressed upon learning just how many women reject their bigotry for happy, healthy, equitable relations with actual men. I'm totally happy with sticking to those women and letting you have the Statistikhengsts of the world. Not sure why you're butthurt about that. :)


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