You know the democRATS are running scared when.

:lol:lets see how many gop candidates we have been afraid of:

1. palin......:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

2. perry....omg......what an idiot...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

3. bachman.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol:

4. cain.....:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

yeap we are running scared
They start personally attacking a candidate LOL . NEWT has them scared so they have to bring up his marriages. Who cares how many times he was married. Dems dont care that Obama is friends with a terrorist , or that his pastor is Anti American, But they sure want to go into the bedroom of Newt.:cuckoo:

Oh, so all those personal attacks on Obama and his wife over the years show that Republicans are running scared.

Um....we already knew that. But thanks anyways.
:lol:lets see how many gop candidates we have been afraid of:

1. palin......:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

2. perry....omg......what an idiot...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

3. bachman.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol:

4. cain.....:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

yeap we are running scared

I do think the political climate is changing in the Republican party; Dems and Moderates should support that. It is somewhat accepted now that the GOP has been hijacked by a very radical agenda currently. All people, regardless of affiliation should show support when a candidate like Huntsman, Paul, or even Romney (before he "Changed his mind") is getting some support. I think we can all agree these men are far more qualified than your list of candidates. Reason and logic is slowly permeating the party, but candidates are handcuffed into 'changing' to placate this radical group or they CANNOT win the GOP nomination. It is a scary and dangerous situation. These "say anything" candidates that you've listed need to be purged, and they will, but if ALL people promote logic and reason it will happen much sooner.
They start personally attacking a candidate LOL . NEWT has them scared so they have to bring up his marriages. Who cares how many times he was married. Dems dont care that Obama is friends with a terrorist , or that his pastor is Anti American, But they sure want to go into the bedroom of Newt.:cuckoo:
Sauce for the gander.

If "attacking" someone personally is indicative of being "scared", what does saying things like "Obama is friends with a terrorist , or that his pastor is Anti American" indicate? I think the word you should look up today is I-R-O-N-Y. Learn its definition and try to use it in at least two sentences today. That's how Mrs. Reese (my 3rd grade English teacher) did it with her class.

Am I in OBAMA'S bedroom. The others are fair game but what goes on peoples bedroom should be between them and the other person.

Well, you certainly have something going for his wife. :eusa_whistle:
They start personally attacking a candidate LOL . NEWT has them scared so they have to bring up his marriages. Who cares how many times he was married. Dems dont care that Obama is friends with a terrorist , or that his pastor is Anti American, But they sure want to go into the bedroom of Newt.:cuckoo:
Sauce for the gander.

If "attacking" someone personally is indicative of being "scared", what does saying things like "Obama is friends with a terrorist , or that his pastor is Anti American" indicate? I think the word you should look up today is I-R-O-N-Y. Learn its definition and try to use it in at least two sentences today. That's how Mrs. Reese (my 3rd grade English teacher) did it with her class.

Am I in OBAMA'S bedroom. The others are fair game but what goes on peoples bedroom should be between them and the other person.

You really should have told that to Newt back when he was having an affair and trying to impeach a President for the same thing. :eusa_whistle:
So IF Bush did all these things you say...then we're supposed to think it's ok for Obama then? It's not right either way. But since others have done this we're supposed to give Obama a pass? Look what he's done...

See Osama Bin Laden.... Bush "pursued" him into Iraq for the better part of his two terms, current administration makes his capture top priority and he's found in less than a full term. Economy is not spiraling as it was when he INHERITED it, but jobs will be a point of contention, I concede that. But Obama's biggest criticism from me is that he actually tried to be bi-partisan and wasted the better part of 2 years trying to appease too many people. The radical right has a zero compromise and intolerant agenda, trying to reason with them right now is like trying to reason with a starving wolf to share his food. That part of the party is dying, literally. They are clinging on in fear of change and progress. Self preservation is an instinct. But you do see more promising candidates emerge Huntsman is my favorite, but Paul and Romney are also moderates at heart even if Romney has "changed his mind" to win the nomination.

Obama's bi-partisanship was reminding Republicans that elections have consequences and to ride in the back of the bus.
So IF Bush did all these things you say...then we're supposed to think it's ok for Obama then? It's not right either way. But since others have done this we're supposed to give Obama a pass? Look what he's done...

See Osama Bin Laden.... Bush "pursued" him into Iraq for the better part of his two terms, current administration makes his capture top priority and he's found in less than a full term. Economy is not spiraling as it was when he INHERITED it, but jobs will be a point of contention, I concede that. But Obama's biggest criticism from me is that he actually tried to be bi-partisan and wasted the better part of 2 years trying to appease too many people. The radical right has a zero compromise and intolerant agenda, trying to reason with them right now is like trying to reason with a starving wolf to share his food. That part of the party is dying, literally. They are clinging on in fear of change and progress. Self preservation is an instinct. But you do see more promising candidates emerge Huntsman is my favorite, but Paul and Romney are also moderates at heart even if Romney has "changed his mind" to win the nomination.

Obama's bi-partisanship was reminding Republicans that elections have consequences and to ride in the back of the bus.

What bipartisanship?
The OP's threads are always so entertaining. :clap2::clap2::clap2: It's like watching her walking into that rake and it pops up and smacks her in the face.....and then she does it again.....and again......and again.....
They start personally attacking a candidate LOL . NEWT has them scared so they have to bring up his marriages. Who cares how many times he was married. Dems dont care that Obama is friends with a terrorist , or that his pastor is Anti American, But they sure want to go into the bedroom of Newt.:cuckoo:

Sure am glad Republicans never use such tactics especially not Newt, he would never attack another over such indiscretions while he himself was involved in doing the same........oh wait.........never mind.
wow... just fucking wow...

attacking candidates? I'd be careful there, lovebears. Your side has done NOTHING but attack Obama since he was a Candidate, and it most of it was lies or misinformation that you people believe(out of convenience, I suspect).

I love the hypocrisy from the right.

Tea Party with hateful, disgusting signs and slogans=Patriots.
OWS with much the same=Criminals

Conservatives attacking Candidate/incumbent= Free Speech
Progressives doing the same=Running Scared.

You know what the REAL problem is? That you numbnuts are so far right, so far over the edge that any attempt at the NATURAL VETTING PROCESS of Candidates is seen as a personal attack by marxist liberals(paranoia much?). People who are running for such a high office should NOT have skeletons in their closet... let alone graveyards.

We could turn every one of your statements around and apply it to the what the hell are you talking about?

Yes...we've attacked Obama because he's a LOSER. We've seen what he can do the last 3 years and he's done nothing to help the economy, jobs, or anything else. We have alot to complain about. As for the Rep candidate...why do you care WHO we nominate? I supposed you're just trying to help us out with the decision. :lol:

Darn...the Tea Party had some disgusting signs??? Oh no!! You can't compare the Tea Party with OWS, they're nothing alike. How many from the Tea Party have you seen do the shit (literally) that the OWS has done??? You are all sick in the head if you think they're anything but morons.

There's nothing "natural" anymore about the vetting process...and it's a laugh if you think it works so well. Obama wasn't vetted very well....hell, he's had alot of his past put under lock and key (ya, he's sooooo transparent!). And....good luck finding ANY candidate on either side that has no skeletons in their closet! Wow, Newt had troubled marriages (who doesn't?).

Obama a loser? He is President of the United States of America. And, given the present makeup and backing of the GOP contenders, he will be a two term President.

Sorry about the graveyard in most of your candidates closets, but your accusation of our President simply does not stand up. You people have tried for four years to find anything at all to smear our President with, and the best you seem to be able to do is nonsense about his birth certificate.

See Osama Bin Laden.... Bush "pursued" him into Iraq for the better part of his two terms, current administration makes his capture top priority and he's found in less than a full term. Economy is not spiraling as it was when he INHERITED it, but jobs will be a point of contention, I concede that. But Obama's biggest criticism from me is that he actually tried to be bi-partisan and wasted the better part of 2 years trying to appease too many people. The radical right has a zero compromise and intolerant agenda, trying to reason with them right now is like trying to reason with a starving wolf to share his food. That part of the party is dying, literally. They are clinging on in fear of change and progress. Self preservation is an instinct. But you do see more promising candidates emerge Huntsman is my favorite, but Paul and Romney are also moderates at heart even if Romney has "changed his mind" to win the nomination.

Obama's bi-partisanship was reminding Republicans that elections have consequences and to ride in the back of the bus.

What bipartisanship?

More than you will ever get again after 2012. After that, the GOP can just stay home, what is left of it, and watch real progress being made. For the people by the people, and the hell with the 1%.
wow... just fucking wow...

attacking candidates? I'd be careful there, lovebears. Your side has done NOTHING but attack Obama since he was a Candidate, and it most of it was lies or misinformation that you people believe(out of convenience, I suspect).

I love the hypocrisy from the right.

Tea Party with hateful, disgusting signs and slogans=Patriots.
OWS with much the same=Criminals

Conservatives attacking Candidate/incumbent= Free Speech
Progressives doing the same=Running Scared.

You know what the REAL problem is? That you numbnuts are so far right, so far over the edge that any attempt at the NATURAL VETTING PROCESS of Candidates is seen as a personal attack by marxist liberals(paranoia much?). People who are running for such a high office should NOT have skeletons in their closet... let alone graveyards.

We could turn every one of your statements around and apply it to the what the hell are you talking about?

Yes...we've attacked Obama because he's a LOSER. We've seen what he can do the last 3 years and he's done nothing to help the economy, jobs, or anything else. We have alot to complain about. As for the Rep candidate...why do you care WHO we nominate? I supposed you're just trying to help us out with the decision. :lol:

Darn...the Tea Party had some disgusting signs??? Oh no!! You can't compare the Tea Party with OWS, they're nothing alike. How many from the Tea Party have you seen do the shit (literally) that the OWS has done??? You are all sick in the head if you think they're anything but morons.

There's nothing "natural" anymore about the vetting process...and it's a laugh if you think it works so well. Obama wasn't vetted very well....hell, he's had alot of his past put under lock and key (ya, he's sooooo transparent!). And....good luck finding ANY candidate on either side that has no skeletons in their closet! Wow, Newt had troubled marriages (who doesn't?).

Obama a loser? He is President of the United States of America. And, given the present makeup and backing of the GOP contenders, he will be a two term President.

Sorry about the graveyard in most of your candidates closets, but your accusation of our President simply does not stand up. You people have tried for four years to find anything at all to smear our President with, and the best you seem to be able to do is nonsense about his birth certificate.

Nothing says IRONY quite like having someone call the ELECTED President of the United States a Loser. :lol::lol::lol:

It's like calling the reigning Super Bowls champs Losers. :lol::lol::lol:
obama's bi-partisanship was reminding republicans that elections have consequences and to ride in the back of the bus.

what bipartisanship?

more than you will ever get again after 2012. After that, the gop can just stay home, what is left of it, and watch real progress being made. For the people by the people, and the hell with the 1%.

spare me for the people nonsense coming from democrats.

You pussies fear the people which is easily proven.

See Osama Bin Laden.... Bush "pursued" him into Iraq for the better part of his two terms, current administration makes his capture top priority and he's found in less than a full term. Economy is not spiraling as it was when he INHERITED it, but jobs will be a point of contention, I concede that. But Obama's biggest criticism from me is that he actually tried to be bi-partisan and wasted the better part of 2 years trying to appease too many people. The radical right has a zero compromise and intolerant agenda, trying to reason with them right now is like trying to reason with a starving wolf to share his food. That part of the party is dying, literally. They are clinging on in fear of change and progress. Self preservation is an instinct. But you do see more promising candidates emerge Huntsman is my favorite, but Paul and Romney are also moderates at heart even if Romney has "changed his mind" to win the nomination.

Obama's bi-partisanship was reminding Republicans that elections have consequences and to ride in the back of the bus.

What bipartisanship?

Really? Really? The man accomplished nothing in the first two years because he was trying to promote bi-partisan relations. A simple search will outline several issues and efforts to do just this. Bipartisanship? Yes, working together, compromise, tolerating other views, sacrificing... I know these concepts are foreign to the GOP, but that's how political systems work most effectively. For some reason zealotry, intolerance, and unwillingness to compromise are detrimental to political process. Really?
They start personally attacking a candidate LOL . NEWT has them scared so they have to bring up his marriages. Who cares how many times he was married. Dems dont care that Obama is friends with a terrorist , or that his pastor is Anti American, But they sure want to go into the bedroom of Newt.:cuckoo:

Well you do know the whole friends with terrorist thing started with the Bushes..when they started to fund Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Heck..George W. Bush even took over Arbusto, a business started by Osama Bin Laden's brother. George HW Bush pardoned Orlando Bosch, a terrorist responsible for the deaths of over 70 after a personally planted the bomb that killed them all. And how about that whole "blood money" thing George W. Bush did with Gaddafi. "Lockerbie?" said ol' Dubya, "Mo, buddy, a few bil and some oil should clear that up for ya".

As for "pastors"?

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

So IF Bush did all these things you say...then we're supposed to think it's ok for Obama then? It's not right either way. But since others have done this we're supposed to give Obama a pass? Look what he's us involved in other wars and helped enemies of the US take over countries that we should have never been involved with. Look at Egypt and Libya now, we sure helped those people out alot didn't we?!? Good job Obama....

As for "pastors"??? Falwell and Robertson are idiots.....

Well... Actually Falwell is a dead idiot ;)

The correct tense would be: Falwell was an idiot.

Just sayin :D
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Obama's bi-partisanship was reminding Republicans that elections have consequences and to ride in the back of the bus.

What bipartisanship?

Really? Really? The man accomplished nothing in the first two years because he was trying to promote bi-partisan relations. A simple search will outline several issues and efforts to do just this. Bipartisanship? Yes, working together, compromise, tolerating other views, sacrificing... I know these concepts are foreign to the GOP, but that's how political systems work most effectively. For some reason zealotry, intolerance, and unwillingness to compromise are detrimental to political process. Really?

Talking out of both sides of your ass would leave an impression with the impressionable minds. A closer look and we laugh at the premise.
what bipartisanship?

more than you will ever get again after 2012. After that, the gop can just stay home, what is left of it, and watch real progress being made. For the people by the people, and the hell with the 1%.

spare me for the people nonsense coming from democrats.

You pussies fear the people which is easily proven.

Really? REALLY? You guys are those that hate Democracy.... which is purely about "the people". What we fear is the "Aristocratic States of America" mentality that we have going on right now... perpetuated by people like YOU.

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