You KNOW They're going to do it......

There are many reasons they don't want to cover foreign issues.

Obama and his red line drawing, Syrian immigration genocide, and Libyan ISIS debacle are but a few of the catastrophies of the Obama administration. No one wants to talk about the fact that between the two, only Trump has not started a war, only Trump has contained ISIS, only Trump has brokered a peace deal with Israel and other Arab countries, something John Kerry said could never be done. And only Trump recognizes that Iran is a terrorist country that is continuing to sow violence and unrest in the region, but all Obama did was give them billions of dollars.

Besides, Covid is the lord and savior of the DNC. Without it, Americans would overwhelmingly be happy and more inclined to vote for Trump, so politicization of the plague has been key for them. The plague needs the plague.

They are one in the same.

But yea, it's all Trump's fault.
Exactly, not to mention that they dont want Trump touting his huge success with foreign relations, including being nominated for the Nobel peace prize, for legitimate reasons, as opposed to Obama.

What success with foreign relations? Our allies don't trust us. They think we're a joke with a reality TV star as President. And you think two podunk countries in the ME signing a deal with Israel means peace?...without solving the Palestinian issue? Sure. Got a bridge for Let's let Trump walk on that stage on Thursday and defend his response to the virus.
While this could very well be true, it's also very believable the TRUMP campaign is putting the suggestion out trying to force the moderator to address the subject. Either way TRUMP should do the debate.
President Trump has been in office four years and we have more troops in the middle east now than when he took office.

As well, five of his eight vetoes favor the abuse of war powers.

Biden would be no different. In fact, he'd likely be worse.

Neither of these two want a real debate on foreign policy. It's doubtful that many in the electorate do either.
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WOW! Rumblings — Far Left Debate Commission
Proposes BANNING ALL CONTENT on Hunter and
Joe Biden’s Foreign Laundering Scandals

The entire reason they avoided Foreign Policy as a debate topic
The entire reason they set the mics up so they could turn them off at will

You can bet every attempt will be made by the Soros/China-connected Trump-hating, Biden-defending Mods to interrupt, cut off, and / or silence any attempt by the President to bringn up Joe Biden and his criminal family's exposed crimes / treason!

If I were Trump I'd bring tape recorded interview of Hunter admitting he benefited and play his admission after Biden lies. Carry a giant pic of Biden with the Execs he claimed he never met or knew of. If any audience they can call out what moderators refuse to allow to be broadcasted. THERE'S alot of ways to fight the censorship police and beat them at their own game.
Let's let Trump walk on that stage on Thursday and defend his response to the virus.
You mean the virus, to which Trump stopped travel very early, that saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and Joe called him xenophobic for, that one ?

Well, at least you didn't say they called him racist. That's progress. :)
Unfortunately, he restricted travel of Chinese nationals. Not American citizens...who flew home in a panic through crowded airports with little in the way of testing, contact tracing, and quarantining.
Hello pandemic. And Joe called him xenophobic because of his propensity to need to find scapegoats.

No, let him walk on that stage and explain what he was doing for two months and start from January 22nd when he was in Davos. I know what he was doing.
Golfing and hanging with buds at Mar-A-Lago, holding pep rallies, tweeting, and watching a lot of Fox News.
And then, end at March 13th, which in a normal universe with a functioning government, would have been the last day of Trump's presidency.
It Trump goes along with this, he needs to be prepared more for the moderator than Dementia Joe.

In fact, I'm sure the moderator may cut Biden's mic if he starts talking about trying to win the Senate or calling black kids "roaches" who like to stroke the blond hairs on his legs and sit on his lap.
Yes, I expect this Welker woman to be the latest Nasty Woman to come after Trump. I don't believe the moderator is authorized to cut his mic at will, but I would bet anyone a thousand bucks she will be interrupting the hell out of Trump.
WOW! Rumblings — Far Left Debate Commission
Proposes BANNING ALL CONTENT on Hunter and
Joe Biden’s Foreign Laundering Scandals

The entire reason they avoided Foreign Policy as a debate topic
The entire reason they set the mics up so they could turn them off at will

You can bet every attempt will be made by the Soros/China-connected Trump-hating, Biden-defending Mods to interrupt, cut off, and / or silence any attempt by the President to bringn up Joe Biden and his criminal family's exposed crimes / treason!

Screw the turned of mics. Trump can bring a megaphone, should be OK if Bidumb can have teleprompters, notes and be wired.

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