You know what we on the right should do with all these bullshit Carson threads....

Let, the little pond scum liberals post all they want about this insignificant shit, as they feel the Hildebeast's SINS are FAR LESS (murder, corruption, Crime family, LIAR!) then the good doctors MIS-REMEMBERES, or his opinion and interpretation of events, we simply DON'T post in them, and let them rant to their hearts content!.... So to you fucking scumbag liberals, just remember we have MANY of these on that bitch you want for president!

Oh, to save face, you :ahole-1:'s can all fall back on HER INTERPRETATION of this event!

How great is it that this guy can't see the irony of his complaining about bullshit threads.

Let, the little pond scum liberals post all they want about this insignificant shit, as they feel the Hildebeast's SINS are FAR LESS (murder, corruption, Crime family, LIAR!) then the good doctors MIS-REMEMBERES, or his opinion and interpretation of events, we simply DON'T post in them, and let them rant to their hearts content!.... So to you fucking scumbag liberals, just remember we have MANY of these on that bitch you want for president!

Oh, to save face, you :ahole-1:'s can all fall back on HER INTERPRETATION of this event!

How great is it that this guy can't see the irony of his complaining about bullshit threads.

Anytime a Lefty lectures about lies to Conservatives, just laugh and say, "At this point, what difference does it make?" Lefties come from a land of Denial where their people never lie....they "misspoke" or "people just simply take it out of context" or "the video was heavily edited".

We're getting you people to act exactly like the people you profess to despise.

That's what's going on here. Thanks for cooperating beyond our wildest expectations.

How? Punish our enemies and reward friends? Take a knife to a gun fight? Tell small business owners that they did not build their businesses?

English please.

Democratici liberali sono molto pericoloso per gli Stati Uniti.

Hey Carson didn't lie because uh, Hilary lied!
And since this is a contest, ran by conservative false comparison logic, Carson doesn't count.

How many lives has the Hildebeast saved, by count, Dr. Ben has saved thousands, the Hildebeast, only killed 4 (That we know of) since 2012!

I say Carson lied and your defense is "oh, yeah! He saved more lives than Hilary tho!"


You mean like BRIAN WILLIAMS....didn't YOU defend him?....MISREMEMBERED!!!

No I didn't defend him but you are defending Carson for lying right now. Actually, you're not even defending him. You're just deflecting.

Liberals crack me up, one of you Klowns says a word and the rest of you run around repeating it.

The Kommunist Klown Kar word of the day is ... deflecting ...

Now if you could just learn what the words of the day mean...

More deflection topic being: liberals Don't know what a word means.
Carson lied, care to address it or do you want to keep it up?
Vigilante don't sweat it, when a billion dollar broadside of attack ads slam into Hillary's campaign that will be the end of her pathetic career in politics.
Let, the little pond scum liberals post all they want about this insignificant shit, as they feel the Hildebeast's SINS are FAR LESS (murder, corruption, Crime family, LIAR!) then the good doctors MIS-REMEMBERES, or his opinion and interpretation of events, we simply DON'T post in them, and let them rant to their hearts content!.... So to you fucking scumbag liberals, just remember we have MANY of these on that bitch you want for president!

Oh, to save face, you :ahole-1:'s can all fall back on HER INTERPRETATION of this event!

Um, ignore them so they're not always on page 1? :)
Carson's opinion, no matter how strange, on the pyramids or evolution aren't lies. They are his opinion. Neither a lie nor truth.

His fabrications about his history is something else all together. There is little doubt that these inventions were to add interest to a life story, though remarkable, would be dry as dust. Not lies so much as literary licenses. Good for selling books, not so good for a presidential campaign.
Hildabeast dodging sniper fire in a war zone in a pant suit, Obama saying there are 57 states and disrespects Marines everywhere by his pronunciation of "corpse man". Michael Dukakis sits on top of the tank looking like a bobble head.

Dan Quayle misspells "potato" on a chalkboard

What is the difference between all these things??

No, Obama disrespected the Navy, not the Marines. A "corpsman" is in the Navy.
It's as if the rabid Right Wingers have never ever actually seen a political campaign before! If Dr. Carson is running as the front runner, he is going to get the scrutiny, the vetting he deserves. If Dr. Carson suffers from his inexperience as a national candidate, so be it. This is what democracy looks like. Should any of the other Republican candidates rise to the front of the pack (and let's hope someone qualified does) he or she too will get an enhanced level of scrutiny.

Until then, either carry the water for Carson or Trump and suffer the slings and arrows of a Presidential campaign, or get out of the way.

I think the point is: the media is only "one-way" scrutiny. If witch-hunts apply to all, no problem but wasted time.
How much experience does Carson have? Many Brilliant people like Carson haven't a clue when it comes down to daily life function, they are either married or have hired help.

The guy has worked his way out of the Ghetto. That IS experience. This is not some Kennedy falling out of a limo on Qualudes. This guy has worked for what he IS and changed bad to good with only a poor mother to help him. No extended connected family. Maybe Affirmative action used well.
Obviously, this is seriously bothering some people.

They're also setting up the perfect alibi for when Carson doesn't win. "WAAAAAAAH, THE LIBRUL MEDIA CRUCIFIED HIM!!!1 WAAAAAH"

If they sincerely believed all those stories were true, they'd be scouring their sources looking for "THE TRUTH" in order to refute the "lies," bu instead they're just creating distractions...because they know they can't refute the lies and they're mounting up daily.

They could start with an easy one. West Point? Easy enough to prove...if it ever happened.

Why aren't Carson's people on top of this? Why aren't his supporters urging them to offer proof?

It's as if the rabid Right Wingers have never ever actually seen a political campaign before! If Dr. Carson is running as the front runner, he is going to get the scrutiny, the vetting he deserves. If Dr. Carson suffers from his inexperience as a national candidate, so be it. This is what democracy looks like. Should any of the other Republican candidates rise to the front of the pack (and let's hope someone qualified does) he or she too will get an enhanced level of scrutiny.

Until then, either carry the water for Carson or Trump and suffer the slings and arrows of a Presidential campaign, or get out of the way.

You mean the way the MSM VETTED the Kenyan prince, the Manchurian muslim, the "You can keep your insurance and doctor if you like, the "Your health care coverage will cost ON AN AVERAGE $2500 LESS A YEAR..... Like thay vetted that obomanation?
Are you angry about the questions concerning Dr. Carson or are you angry that Barack Obama is NOT GOING TO BE ON THE BALLOT ANYPLACE?

Or, are you just angry and incapable of any other response?

This Obama Deraingement Syndrome is not a good color on you, dear. It washes you out. So pale, in fact, all we can see is the most supreme shade of Whites.
Hildabeast dodging sniper fire in a war zone in a pant suit, Obama saying there are 57 states and disrespects Marines everywhere by his pronunciation of "corpse man". Michael Dukakis sits on top of the tank looking like a bobble head.

Dan Quayle misspells "potato" on a chalkboard

What is the difference between all these things??

The difference is scandal management. Take the Dan Quayle scenario. Did any on the left jump up and down and make a spectacle about it? Not really. It was talked about, and the incident has been remembered as a demonstration of a known fact. But it never turned into a big deal. By that point, everyone knew that Quayle was an idiot. There was no real question about it. Nobody tried to turn the molehill into a mountain, and it's remains nothing more than a dim memory of an ultimately irrelevant occurrence.

Contrast that to the 57 states gaff. So much ado over nothing made those who tried to 'champion' the whole thing into a big deal look like idiots. And rightfully so. Obama never believed we have 57 states. Accidentally supplanting "forty" with "fifty" is the type of meaningless mistake that every single one of us has encountered a thousand times in our lifetimes. Whether it's accidentally saying "fifty" when you mean "forty" or saying "eighty" when you mean to say "eighteen" or even the occasional "twen-teen" when you mean to say "twenty." When you try to make mountains out of molehills all you get is your fake mountain crashing down on you.

That brings us to Dukakis on a tank. This was actionable. This was useable. But it had to be done correctly. The right didn't make a grand spectacle and try to cram a conclusion down the public's throat. To the contrary, it was handled with delicacy and sophistication. Bush's campaign used it to create insinuation and suggestion. The hint was picked up, and the public did the rest on their own.

The younger Bush did a very similar thing during the 2000 campaign. One of Bush's campaign platforms was that he would "restore honesty and integrity" to the Presidency. By taking a more delicate and sophisticated approach, he successfully generated public approval for himself, leveraged from disapproval for Clinton, and by association Gore. He gave the public two and two, and they put the 'four' together on their own.

When you come off too strong, you look pathetically weak. When you handle things gently, you look powerful. By trying to present a shallow front of fake strength, Carson has made himself look 10x weaker. By keeping their mouths shut, his opponents (Republican and Democrat alike) are allowing Carson to self destruct. They are biding their time, letting the self destruction come to its own fruition. In allowing that to happen, they are exacting the greatest attack on him they can hope to realize. If they continue to manage this properly, all it will take to provide the final blow will be some light allusions.
It's as if the rabid Right Wingers have never ever actually seen a political campaign before! If Dr. Carson is running as the front runner, he is going to get the scrutiny, the vetting he deserves. If Dr. Carson suffers from his inexperience as a national candidate, so be it. This is what democracy looks like. Should any of the other Republican candidates rise to the front of the pack (and let's hope someone qualified does) he or she too will get an enhanced level of scrutiny.

Until then, either carry the water for Carson or Trump and suffer the slings and arrows of a Presidential campaign, or get out of the way.

I think the point is: the media is only "one-way" scrutiny. If witch-hunts apply to all, no problem but wasted time.
Dr. Carson is only falling into holes he has dug himself. Blame the media boogeyman if you must, but that play is far too predictable from today's Conservatives.
Hildabeast dodging sniper fire in a war zone in a pant suit, Obama saying there are 57 states and disrespects Marines everywhere by his pronunciation of "corpse man". Michael Dukakis sits on top of the tank looking like a bobble head.

Dan Quayle misspells "potato" on a chalkboard

What is the difference between all these things??

The difference is scandal management. Take the Dan Quayle scenario. Did any on the left jump up and down and make a spectacle about it? Not really. It was talked about, and the incident has been remembered as a demonstration of a known fact. But it never turned into a big deal. By that point, everyone knew that Quayle was an idiot. There was no real question about it. Nobody tried to turn the molehill into a mountain, and it's remains nothing more than a dim memory of an ultimately irrelevant occurrence.

Contrast that to the 57 states gaff. So much ado over nothing made those who tried to 'champion' the whole thing into a big deal look like idiots. And rightfully so. Obama never believed we have 57 states. Accidentally supplanting "forty" with "fifty" is the type of meaningless mistake that every single one of us has encountered a thousand times in our lifetimes. Whether it's accidentally saying "fifty" when you mean "forty" or saying "eighty" when you mean to say "eighteen" or even the occasional "twen-teen" when you mean to say "twenty." When you try to make mountains out of molehills all you get is your fake mountain crashing down on you.

That brings us to Dukakis on a tank. This was actionable. This was useable. But it had to be done correctly. The right didn't make a grand spectacle and try to cram a conclusion down the public's throat. To the contrary, it was handled with delicacy and sophistication. Bush's campaign used it to create insinuation and suggestion. The hint was picked up, and the public did the rest on their own.

The younger Bush did a very similar thing during the 2000 campaign. One of Bush's campaign platforms was that he would "restore honesty and integrity" to the Presidency. By taking a more delicate and sophisticated approach, he successfully generated public approval for himself, leveraged from disapproval for Clinton, and by association Gore. He gave the public two and two, and they put the 'four' together on their own.

When you come off too strong, you look pathetically weak. When you handle things gently, you look powerful. By trying to present a shallow front of fake strength, Carson has made himself look 10x weaker. By keeping their mouths shut, his opponents (Republican and Democrat alike) are allowing Carson to self destruct. They are biding their time, letting the self destruction come to its own fruition. In allowing that to happen, they are exacting the greatest attack on him they can hope to realize. If they continue to manage this properly, all it will take to provide the final blow will be some light allusions.
With Dan to this day he is demonized, no one's ever forgotten, you don't think he knew how to spell potato? Obama how do you know he did know that there was not 57 states? Why make up excuses for either one of them? Anyway, like it or not the media does play favorites. They just can't tolerate disagreement of themselves...
it's called political warfare, the most popular candidates get the brunt of negative attention .... Yo Doc, sup?

gee, Virgal-auntie is surprised ?

he and his RW pals wrote the damn book.
Hildabeast dodging sniper fire in a war zone in a pant suit, Obama saying there are 57 states and disrespects Marines everywhere by his pronunciation of "corpse man". Michael Dukakis sits on top of the tank looking like a bobble head.

Dan Quayle misspells "potato" on a chalkboard

What is the difference between all these things??

The difference is scandal management. Take the Dan Quayle scenario. Did any on the left jump up and down and make a spectacle about it? Not really. It was talked about, and the incident has been remembered as a demonstration of a known fact. But it never turned into a big deal. By that point, everyone knew that Quayle was an idiot. There was no real question about it. Nobody tried to turn the molehill into a mountain, and it's remains nothing more than a dim memory of an ultimately irrelevant occurrence.

Contrast that to the 57 states gaff. So much ado over nothing made those who tried to 'champion' the whole thing into a big deal look like idiots. And rightfully so. Obama never believed we have 57 states. Accidentally supplanting "forty" with "fifty" is the type of meaningless mistake that every single one of us has encountered a thousand times in our lifetimes. Whether it's accidentally saying "fifty" when you mean "forty" or saying "eighty" when you mean to say "eighteen" or even the occasional "twen-teen" when you mean to say "twenty." When you try to make mountains out of molehills all you get is your fake mountain crashing down on you.

That brings us to Dukakis on a tank. This was actionable. This was useable. But it had to be done correctly. The right didn't make a grand spectacle and try to cram a conclusion down the public's throat. To the contrary, it was handled with delicacy and sophistication. Bush's campaign used it to create insinuation and suggestion. The hint was picked up, and the public did the rest on their own.

The younger Bush did a very similar thing during the 2000 campaign. One of Bush's campaign platforms was that he would "restore honesty and integrity" to the Presidency. By taking a more delicate and sophisticated approach, he successfully generated public approval for himself, leveraged from disapproval for Clinton, and by association Gore. He gave the public two and two, and they put the 'four' together on their own.

When you come off too strong, you look pathetically weak. When you handle things gently, you look powerful. By trying to present a shallow front of fake strength, Carson has made himself look 10x weaker. By keeping their mouths shut, his opponents (Republican and Democrat alike) are allowing Carson to self destruct. They are biding their time, letting the self destruction come to its own fruition. In allowing that to happen, they are exacting the greatest attack on him they can hope to realize. If they continue to manage this properly, all it will take to provide the final blow will be some light allusions.
With Dan to this day he is demonized, no one's ever forgotten, you don't think he knew how to spell potato? Obama how do you know he did know that there was not 57 states? Why make up excuses for either one of them? Anyway, like it or not the media does play favorites. They just can't tolerate disagreement of themselves...
No...people remember "I knew Jack, sir, are no Jack Kennedy"
How many lives has the Hildebeast saved, by count, Dr. Ben has saved thousands, the Hildebeast, only killed 4 (That we know of) since 2012!

I say Carson lied and your defense is "oh, yeah! He saved more lives than Hilary tho!"


You mean like BRIAN WILLIAMS....didn't YOU defend him?....MISREMEMBERED!!!

No I didn't defend him but you are defending Carson for lying right now. Actually, you're not even defending him. You're just deflecting.

Liberals crack me up, one of you Klowns says a word and the rest of you run around repeating it.

The Kommunist Klown Kar word of the day is ... deflecting ...

Now if you could just learn what the words of the day mean...

More deflection topic being: liberals Don't know what a word means.
Carson lied, care to address it or do you want to keep it up?

Yes, I do want to address it, and directly. You don't give a shit when you attack Carson for lying. You are planning to vote for someone who lies all the time, and you're planning to vote for her as many times as you can. You're getting your list together of dead people and nursing home denizens so you can vote over and over for Chillery all day long.

So, Carson's actions are meaningless to you and your attacks hollow. got it, Klown? you can get back in the Kommunist Klown Kar and drive off now

Hey Carson didn't lie because uh, Hilary lied!
And since this is a contest, ran by conservative false comparison logic, Carson doesn't count.

How many lives has the Hildebeast saved, by count, Dr. Ben has saved thousands, the Hildebeast, only killed 4 (That we know of) since 2012!

I say Carson lied and your defense is "oh, yeah! He saved more lives than Hilary tho!"


You mean like BRIAN WILLIAMS....didn't YOU defend him?....MISREMEMBERED!!!

No I didn't defend him but you are defending Carson for lying right now. Actually, you're not even defending him. You're just deflecting.

Ding, ding, ding! Well done, you have said the Kommunist Klown Kar, aka, KKK's word of the day! Deflecting! You get a cream pie in the face and a big spray of seltzer down your pants! Well done! Congratulations, Karl!
Hildabeast dodging sniper fire in a war zone in a pant suit, Obama saying there are 57 states and disrespects Marines everywhere by his pronunciation of "corpse man". Michael Dukakis sits on top of the tank looking like a bobble head.

Dan Quayle misspells "potato" on a chalkboard

What is the difference between all these things??

The difference is scandal management. Take the Dan Quayle scenario. Did any on the left jump up and down and make a spectacle about it? Not really. It was talked about, and the incident has been remembered as a demonstration of a known fact. But it never turned into a big deal. By that point, everyone knew that Quayle was an idiot. There was no real question about it. Nobody tried to turn the molehill into a mountain, and it's remains nothing more than a dim memory of an ultimately irrelevant occurrence.

Contrast that to the 57 states gaff. So much ado over nothing made those who tried to 'champion' the whole thing into a big deal look like idiots. And rightfully so. Obama never believed we have 57 states. Accidentally supplanting "forty" with "fifty" is the type of meaningless mistake that every single one of us has encountered a thousand times in our lifetimes. Whether it's accidentally saying "fifty" when you mean "forty" or saying "eighty" when you mean to say "eighteen" or even the occasional "twen-teen" when you mean to say "twenty." When you try to make mountains out of molehills all you get is your fake mountain crashing down on you.

That brings us to Dukakis on a tank. This was actionable. This was useable. But it had to be done correctly. The right didn't make a grand spectacle and try to cram a conclusion down the public's throat. To the contrary, it was handled with delicacy and sophistication. Bush's campaign used it to create insinuation and suggestion. The hint was picked up, and the public did the rest on their own.

The younger Bush did a very similar thing during the 2000 campaign. One of Bush's campaign platforms was that he would "restore honesty and integrity" to the Presidency. By taking a more delicate and sophisticated approach, he successfully generated public approval for himself, leveraged from disapproval for Clinton, and by association Gore. He gave the public two and two, and they put the 'four' together on their own.

When you come off too strong, you look pathetically weak. When you handle things gently, you look powerful. By trying to present a shallow front of fake strength, Carson has made himself look 10x weaker. By keeping their mouths shut, his opponents (Republican and Democrat alike) are allowing Carson to self destruct. They are biding their time, letting the self destruction come to its own fruition. In allowing that to happen, they are exacting the greatest attack on him they can hope to realize. If they continue to manage this properly, all it will take to provide the final blow will be some light allusions.
With Dan to this day he is demonized, no one's ever forgotten, you don't think he knew how to spell potato? Obama how do you know he did know that there was not 57 states? Why make up excuses for either one of them? Anyway, like it or not the media does play favorites. They just can't tolerate disagreement of themselves...
No...people remember "I knew Jack, sir, are no Jack Kennedy"
If jackie's fan club ever knew a plethora of corruption he had in his life, for that matter the whole Kennedy family. Is the very definition of corruption in politics of typical career politicians.

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