You know what's fun?

How quickly libs can go from attacking people for being Christian (despite... you know... those people not actually being Christian) to defending terrorists acting explicitly in the name of Islam on the grounds that people of all faiths deserve to be treated with respect. Just another of those funny little tendencies I've noticed for a while.

Greetings, Sir,

I'm not a Muslim, but I do want to say that one must be careful of his/her source of information in these days if one wants to know the truth. I have caught the American media in lies, so I don't trust them to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about all things and I don't think that anyone else can.

Peace and Blessings to you.

(PS: And just for the record, I do not support those who ARE PROVEN to kill or fight the innocent. Peace.)
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I'm mostly going off the writings and rhetoric of the terrorist leaders themselves. Mullah Omar, UBL... It's honestly pretty hard to find English translations of their reasoning and Arabic language propaganda* though.

*The Arabic tends to be totally different than what they say in English. JoeB131's talking points are pretty much identical to their English propaganda - that it's all a defensive war to keep us out of Islamic countries. The Arabic tends to focus on the real reasons.

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