You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

..............All one would have to do is open up a catalytic converter and adapt its basic engineering to the combustion situation or to find a way for intake to pick up enough molecular platinum to burn, like what happens in your catalytic converter.

And you haven't done this yourself because _______________________________?

She's a pot-stirring troll.
..............All one would have to do is open up a catalytic converter and adapt its basic engineering to the combustion situation or to find a way for intake to pick up enough molecular platinum to burn, like what happens in your catalytic converter.

And you haven't done this yourself because _______________________________?

Because I don't have the time or money for the R&D. But other people do...
Because I don't have the time or money for the R&D. But other people do...

Time to blather but no time to put words into action. I see.

Money? Unwilling to push for a gubbmint grant? Or just conceding that the concept is bullshit and would be laughed out the door by even the most dedicated Algorite Acolytes?
I know how the government and other grant entities work. If they are paid to deny R&D $ to startups that will create havoc for BigOil monopolies, those grants do not get approved. So that's ultimately how you are correct in saying the proposal "would be laughed out the door..."

However, if a person did have the time, maybe the Gates Foundation might want to put up the dough and the stamina to outlast BigOil on making the simple switch from particulate platinum in the tail pipe to instead where it can push the car forward?
There are some folks for whom even the best of tinfoil hats are proven ineffective.
Tin foil hat eh? Tell me why then that the auto industry, well known to be in bed with BigOil for decades, designed the catalyzing of unburned hydrocarbons to be done in the tail pipe instead of the engine where it would help push the car forward [increase MPG]? A simple and concise answer will do. No strawmen. No ad hominems. Just address the question.
OK, I'll grant your premise.

Now all we need is a government bureaucrat with a blowtorch assigned to each cylinder of every new vehicle sold in America to ensure that every succulent drop of fuel is thoroughly burned. Not just increased efficienty; TOTAL employment!

Paid for, though, by a tax on wind and sunshine.
OK, I'll grant your premise.

Now all we need is a government bureaucrat with a blowtorch assigned to each cylinder of every new vehicle sold in America to ensure that every succulent drop of fuel is thoroughly burned. Not just increased efficienty; TOTAL employment!

Paid for, though, by a tax on wind and sunshine.

Quit changing the subject. Why did engineers design the catalyzing of unburned hydrocarbons to be done in the tail pipe instead of pushing the car forward? Answer the question.
I believe that was done because two of those engineers personally know you and really wanted to piss you off.

Perhaps not a good reason but you must admit it was a very functional outcome (for them).

Black Lung Disease Rates Skyrocket To Highest Levels Since 1970s

The proportion of coal miners who suffer from an advanced form of black lung disease has skyrocketed in central Appalachia in recent years, according to experts with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

In a letter published Monday in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, the NIOSH scientists wrote that the prevalence of progressive massive fibrosis, or PMF, a particularly lethal form of black lung, had reached its highest rate since the 1970s in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia.

Black Lung Disease Rates Skyrocket To Highest Levels Since 1970s

Coal is killing the planet.
I believe that was done because two of those engineers personally know you and really wanted to piss you off.

Perhaps not a good reason but you must admit it was a very functional outcome (for them).
I want a serious answer from you why you think engineers designed the catalyzing of unburned hydrocarbons to be done in the tail pipe instead of where it could push the car forward? Your attempt at a diversion using ad homimen once again is duly noted. Answer or be seen for the industry-schill that you appear to be.
Seriously, I think they had a big meeting with lots of beer and decided to piss you off. Had you not been so busy messing with them they might have done otherwise.

See? It's ALL your fault. And you can't even blame Boooosssshhhhhh!
Seriously, I think they had a big meeting with lots of beer and decided to piss you off. Had you not been so busy messing with them they might have done otherwise.

See? It's ALL your fault. And you can't even blame Boooosssshhhhhh!
Still no serious answer. What I can tell from your evasive tactics is that you know and recognize that engineering the burning of unused hydrocarbons in the tail pipe was not by accident. That engineers knew what they were doing when they designed that system. And that the end result is using more gas to go less distance. And this increased the profits of BigOil. Or do you think that profit-increase from catalytic converters in the exhaust was a "happy accident" for BigOil and that all the engineers in the auto industry also failed to see that burning those hydrocarbons in the combustion chambers would improve MPG?

All just one big happy coincidence, right?
Why do you refuse to believe there was a meeting where they decided the best way to piss you off was to not work on developing the idea you have proposed but elected to not pursue?
Why do you refuse to believe there was a meeting where they decided the best way to piss you off was to not work on developing the idea you have proposed but elected to not pursue?
You could be reported for trying to divert the topic you know.
Why do you refuse to believe there was a meeting where they decided the best way to piss you off was to not work on developing the idea you have proposed but elected to not pursue?
You could be reported for trying to divert the topic you know.

I would imagine running to tell the teacher might have been your letter-sport in first grade, too.

Meanwhile, I find it amusing, though somewhat distressing, that one with such visionary ideas, as squirting platinum into combustion chambers, fails to develop those ideas or to even appeal for funding to do so.

I have sincerely answered your question about why engineers do not do certain things and you not only dispute the validity of my answer but find it necessary to threaten to have it censored.

Rather sad, that.
...Meanwhile, I find it amusing, though somewhat distressing, that one with such visionary ideas, as squirting platinum into combustion chambers, fails to develop those ideas or to even appeal for funding to do so.

I have sincerely answered your question about why engineers do not do certain things...

Yet "squirting platinum" into a catalytic coverter in the tail pipe makes perfect sense to you? And you consider that a "satisfactory answer" to "why engineers do not do certain things"? Why didn't they place a particulate-platinum device in the intake system instead? You know, to do the same thing that happens in the tail pipe but only to push the car forward better? Are you saying combustion doesn't happen in the power stroke? Only in the tail pipe?

You have evaded this point with your ad hominems. You have never answered it.
...Meanwhile, I find it amusing, though somewhat distressing, that one with such visionary ideas, as squirting platinum into combustion chambers, fails to develop those ideas or to even appeal for funding to do so.

I have sincerely answered your question about why engineers do not do certain things...

Yet "squirting platinum" into a catalytic coverter in the tail pipe makes perfect sense to you? And you consider that a "satisfactory answer" to "why engineers do not do certain things"? Why didn't they place a particulate-platinum device in the intake system instead? You know, to do the same thing that happens in the tail pipe but only to push the car forward better? Are you saying combustion doesn't happen in the power stroke? Only in the tail pipe?

You have evaded this point with your ad hominems. You have never answered it.


The best thing about catalytic converters is that you can gut them and get better performance and a little nicer exhaust sound.

My issue is that you soooo want platinum squirted into every mechanical orifice but won't do anything to make it happen.

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