You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

Not really...I WANT my Caddy to be quiet. (That's why it has, in addition to two catalysts, four mufflers.)

The quietest vehicle in my driveway is also the fastest!
Not really...I WANT my Caddy to be quiet. (That's why it has, in addition to two catalysts, four mufflers.)

The quietest vehicle in my driveway is also the fastest!

Cars had mufflers before catalytic converters Jar Jar. Don't get into a topic you're clearly not equipped to debate. The catalytic converter uses particulate platinum to increase the combustion of unused hydrocarbons. It has nothing to do with noise. A common muffler takes care of that with or without a catalytic converter.

The issue at hand is why didn't BigOil/Auto engineers simply reduce pollution and burn more hydrocarbons where it pushes the car forward instead of in the useless tail pipe? The answer of course which you guys are avoiding is: because doing so burns more fuel for less miles and makes more money for BigOil...
The real answer is that those who advocate this use are unwilling to get off their tailbones and develop the concept and bring it to market...even as an aftermarket product. They talk a good game.

And that's where they stop.
Not really...I WANT my Caddy to be quiet. (That's why it has, in addition to two catalysts, four mufflers.)

The quietest vehicle in my driveway is also the fastest!

Cars had mufflers before catalytic converters Jar Jar. Don't get into a topic you're clearly not equipped to debate. The catalytic converter uses particulate platinum to increase the combustion of unused hydrocarbons. It has nothing to do with noise. A common muffler takes care of that with or without a catalytic converter.

Catalysts also muffle an engine...I am well aware what they are designed to do, the muffling is a secondary effect. (My wife's car has no muffler, just a catalyst.)

The issue at hand is why didn't BigOil/Auto engineers simply reduce pollution and burn more hydrocarbons where it pushes the car forward instead of in the useless tail pipe? The answer of course which you guys are avoiding is: because doing so burns more fuel for less miles and makes more money for BigOil...

Because they needed something that WORKED, not pixie dust and unicorn flatulence.
Jar Jar, it's not called a "catalyst". It's called a "catalytic-converter". The platinum is actually the catalyst and I highly doubt the molecular particles of platinum are muffling the sound coming out of your exhaust manifolds.. Please, I am embarassed for you :itsok:
The real answer is that those who advocate this use are unwilling to get off their tailbones and develop the concept and bring it to market...even as an aftermarket product. They talk a good game.

And that's where they stop.
Why wouldn't you develop it?

Obama's war on coal and petroleum seems to be going ahead full blast. This article should give all of you something to think about.

Read @ Doug Ross @ Journal: ICE BLUE STATES: New EPA Regulations Threaten Devastating Power Outages This Winter
Where do right wingers get such bullshit nonsense? It's a "special" talent.
Jar Jar, it's not called a "catalyst".

Yeah, it is...converter, catalyst, cat-con, cat, I've heard them all.

The platinum is actually the catalyst and I highly doubt the molecular particles of platinum are muffling the sound coming out of your exhaust manifolds.. Please, I am embarassed for you :itsok:

Yeah, actually, it is...a cat will muffle an engine. (So will a turbocharger.) My wife and her father BOTH have cars (her Buick Grand National and his Ford Pinto) muffled only by turbochargers and cats. (Note that the vast majority of 2008+ diesel trucks do not use a regular muffler...the exhaust filters are it!)

Obama's war on coal and petroleum seems to be going ahead full blast. This article should give all of you something to think about.

Read @ Doug Ross @ Journal: ICE BLUE STATES: New EPA Regulations Threaten Devastating Power Outages This Winter
Where do right wingers get such bullshit nonsense? It's a "special" talent.

The real tragedy of Obama's energy policy is that everyone is going to pay for it and it will be very difficult for some of the poorer folks. Coal is supposedly bad but gas supplies are insufficient. This is the situation in the northeast:

"Electric rates are headed north this winter, with dramatic hikes of 37 percent for homes and 75 percent for large businesses — “shocking” 
increases that consumer and retail advocates say come at the worst possible time."

Electricity rate spike shocking Boston Herald
In New England gigantic coal fired power plants are being sold to those who already own a large percentage of the total existing power plants. Bought to be shut down. Shutting down power plants in the name of "environmental responsibility' reduces availability of electricity and drive up prices. A wonderfully ingenious way to manipulate supply for maximum profit while being socially acclaimed for having done it. Sort of a Nobel Piece* Prize for rape.

(*intentional so fuck off with the spelling criticism)

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