You people that called Bush a liar what do you call

Obama never said you can keep any policy that doesn't meet the laws criteria.

that is what you lying assholes claim he said.


"If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!!"

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD"

I don't see any conditions placed on those statements.

You try to change history to fit your own purposes.

LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Dear Truthmatters:
If you believe so much in fixing the problem THIS WAY
then why don't the people who BELIEVE in it THIS WAY pay for it?

What was stopping supporters of govt health care from forming a system of
paying for insurance as a block, and covering all the other people
you wanted to? WITHOUT imposing this on anyone else who DIDN'T
agree to the terms?


What is stopping the Democrat Party from taking its own support base and building a system of replacing and reinvesting billions of dollars otherwise wasted on the death penalty, and failed drug enforcement, and putting OUR OWN resources directing into creating medical education and service programs to serve the population
WITHOUT charging more money than we are already paying in taxes for this.

Anyone can start a business plan or LLC and deduct the expenses from taxes.

Not until ACA was passed did it become NOT a choice to fund reforms directly;
now thanks to ACA people are FORCED to BUY INSURANCE instead of investing
our taxes directly into health care solutions.

If anything, ACA took away civil liberties to pursue health care for all. We are now farther away from the goal because insurance companies are getting that money for policies and premiums that could have been invested directly into health care programs.

P.S. as for your argument that something had to be done to fix it; this reminds me of opposition to the billions spent on the Iraqi War and questionable no bid contracts.
why not ask for credits back from those misspent tax dollars, and use THAT to fund health care? why keep charging the taxpayers again and again, more and more.

We should already have a sustainable system of microlending to finance welfare assistance and health care WITHOUT having to pay more and more each year. why not demand reimbursement from the wrongdoers who ripped off govt. And make THEM pay instead?
"If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!!"

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD"

I don't see any conditions placed on those statements.

You try to change history to fit your own purposes.

LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Dear Truthmatters:
If you believe so much in fixing the problem THIS WAY
then why don't the people who BELIEVE in it THIS WAY pay for it?

What was stopping supporters of govt health care from forming a system of
paying for insurance as a block, and covering all the other people
you wanted to? WITHOUT imposing this on anyone else who DIDN'T
agree to the terms?


What is stopping the Democrat Party from taking its own support base and building a system of replacing and reinvesting billions of dollars otherwise wasted on the death penalty, and failed drug enforcement, and putting OUR OWN resources directing into creating medical education and service programs to serve the population
WITHOUT charging more money than we are already paying in taxes for this.

Anyone can start a business plan or LLC and deduct the expenses from taxes.

Not until ACA was passed did it become NOT a choice to fund reforms directly;
now thanks to ACA people are FORCED to BUY INSURANCE instead of investing
our taxes directly into health care solutions.

If anything, ACA took away civil liberties to pursue health care for all. We are now farther away from the goal because insurance companies are getting that money for policies and premiums that could have been invested directly into health care programs.

P.S. as for your argument that something had to be done to fix it; this reminds me of opposition to the billions spent on the Iraqi War and questionable no bid contracts.
why not ask for credits back from those misspent tax dollars, and use THAT to fund health care? why keep charging the taxpayers again and again, more and more.

We should already have a sustainable system of microlending to finance welfare assistance and health care WITHOUT having to pay more and more each year. why not demand reimbursement from the wrongdoers who ripped off govt. And make THEM pay instead?

And all for 4 million people that truly want and need, are legal citizens and do not qualify for Medicaid!
Obama never said you can keep any policy that doesn't meet the laws criteria.

that is what you lying assholes claim he said.


"If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!!"

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD"

I don't see any conditions placed on those statements.

You try to change history to fit your own purposes.

LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Uh, yeah dumbass, "like" pretty much is a "black or whit" term. Either you like something or you don't. Seems cut and dry to those who possess the ability for rational thought...

Just like the sentences, "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!" or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD!" are declarations, no equivocating, of what will (or, as we all now know, will not) happen under ACA. He knew when he made those statements they were lies.

You support a liar. It's just that easy.
"If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!!"

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD"

I don't see any conditions placed on those statements.

You try to change history to fit your own purposes.

LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Uh, yeah dumbass, "like" pretty much is a "black or whit" term. Either you like something or you don't. Seems cut and dry to those who possess the ability for rational thought...

Just like the sentences, "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!" or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD!" are declarations, no equivocating, of what will (or, as we all now know, will not) happen under ACA. He knew when he made those statements they were lies.

You support a liar. It's just that easy.

The truly sad part of this was there never was a need to destroy the health care system for the rest of us!
All that was needed to cover 4 million people that weren't eligible for Medicaid, that WANTED insurance and that were legal citizens!
That could have been easily solved by taxing the $270 billion lawyers make 10% to pay the premiums for these 4 million!
After all 90% of doctors say the practice "defensive medicine" out of the fear of lawsuits and submit claims for duplicate services that add up to $850 billion a year!
The payers Medicare/insurance cos. out of pocket pay this $850 billion.
In case of ins. cos. the lower claims would automatically lower health insurance premiums because state regulators require financial disclosure of claim payments.
In one simple solution we've reduce the $850 billion in COSTS while covering the 4 million truly uninsured!
No lie, another promise blocked by greedy Pubs and their insurer cronies. Dems can never believe the bs and crassness of them, or the idiocy of the hater dupes...
Obama knew from the start that people would lose their plans and doctors because it was written into the law that their policies had to meet specific standards.

He is a lying sack of shit, end of debate.

no he didn't .... he never realized that the insurance companies would cancel a policy instead of changing the cap clause.... as for the doctors ... again its stupid repiblicans like you that don't read your policy ... then whine about it when it says they can't pick their doctors, jusy because they got the cheaper policy ... now that they can't have the doctor they had, they sit and whine about it ... if you don't look at your policy before you buy it its not the presidents fault, its the moron who bought it ...
There is no "aiding of the ignorant"...the left is incorrigibly stupid. My point is, you asked a rhetorical question and suggested that the hypocrisy of the left is not fixed. You allow the discussion to turn to WHAT BUSH DID rather than stay on the track of WHY DO YOU IDIOTS THAT CONDEMNED BUSH GIVE OBAMA A PASS?

Why? Because of the impact of the lie

The impact of the Obama lie is people had to switch insurance carriers
The impact of the Bush lie was 5000 dead Americans one 100,000 dead Iraqis

It's already been proven that Bush did not lie!

Boy, you checked that horse for a heartbeat lately?

you want to share that proof with the rest of the country??? didn't think so ....
It's already been proven that Bush did not lie!

Boy, you checked that horse for a heartbeat lately?

The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud statement was made by condi Rice on meet the press
They will treat us as liberators statement was made by Dick Cheney on meet the press
The war will pay for itself starement was made by Dich cheney on meet the press
Mission Accomplished was made by george bush on the aircraft carrier with a big banner behind him
Yellowcake this statement was made on meet the press by Dick cheney
Water boarding is not torture
tthis statement was told to us by 3/4 of the republican party and still say it isn't

Do you have links for any of those statements or are they from these two Democrats that said the following and then voted for the Iraq war? It does seem that they would be their follow up remarks. Just curious..............

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes

are you really this stupid ??? where does it say in any of their post we know they have wmd's and chemical weapons and we know where they are and we need to go to war if they don't give up these weapons ... statement was made by dick Cheney on meet the press ... did Kerry say did Clinton say they have wmd's and chemical weapons and we know where they are and we need to go to war???no they did not...
Last edited:

So he lied to our faces dozens of times about a massive law that helped him get elected.

But that's okay, because the lie could have been even worse.

Okay, well at least we're all on the same page now.


he never lied any you know it ... if those republican pulled their head out of their asses then they wouldn't be in the mess they are in now by accusing obama of lying ... he didn't and that's a fact that you can't refute
Certainly it would have been better with fewer deaths, especially American and coalition forces. But to free all those many millions at the cost of 5,000 dead?

Acceptable losses for the outcome.

Unless you're a suck ass dog and don't value Iraqi freedom as much as you value your own freedom.

THAT wouldn't surprise anyone.

5000 American Dead,100,000 plus Iraqi dead

No, it was not worth it to depose someone who was not a threat

You selfish prick.

Man is born free.

George W. Bush helped return freedom to millions and millions and millions.

You is a sick ass joke.

you're a dumb fiuck !!!! its apparent

OK liberbamas, answer the fucking question and no more dodging the fucking QUESTION.

why do you liberbamas continue to :suck: up the lies that son-of-a-bitch spews on a daily basis.?

let me guess.., you are traitors to our Constitution, as is your lying leader.

here is just a short list of Constitutional violations.

Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated.

23 Executive Orders on gun control - infringement of the 2nd Amendment

2 Executive actions mandating private health information on patients be turned over to NICS - Violation of HIPPA law.

Executive Order bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3

Unilaterally issued new exemptions to immigration restrictions law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to t errorists. – Article 1 Section 1

Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; ”he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3

Information memorandum telling states that they can waive the work requirement for welfare recipients, thereby altering the 1996 welfare reform law. - Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress

NDAA – Section 1021. Due process Rights negated. Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments.

Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government can seize anything

this is a short list,
A List of Obama?s Constitutional Violations | <-------------<<<<< click here for more....

another right wing dumb fuck that is clueless at best ... it amazes me the dumb shit these dumb fuck republican say ... if they aren't making it up they aren't happy ...
"If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!!"

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD"

I don't see any conditions placed on those statements.

You try to change history to fit your own purposes.

LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Dear Truthmatters:
If you believe so much in fixing the problem THIS WAY
then why don't the people who BELIEVE in it THIS WAY pay for it?

What was stopping supporters of govt health care from forming a system of
paying for insurance as a block, and covering all the other people
you wanted to? WITHOUT imposing this on anyone else who DIDN'T
agree to the terms?


What is stopping the Democrat Party from taking its own support base and building a system of replacing and reinvesting billions of dollars otherwise wasted on the death penalty, and failed drug enforcement, and putting OUR OWN resources directing into creating medical education and service programs to serve the population
WITHOUT charging more money than we are already paying in taxes for this.

Anyone can start a business plan or LLC and deduct the expenses from taxes.

Not until ACA was passed did it become NOT a choice to fund reforms directly;
now thanks to ACA people are FORCED to BUY INSURANCE instead of investing
our taxes directly into health care solutions.

If anything, ACA took away civil liberties to pursue health care for all. We are now farther away from the goal because insurance companies are getting that money for policies and premiums that could have been invested directly into health care programs.

P.S. as for your argument that something had to be done to fix it; this reminds me of opposition to the billions spent on the Iraqi War and questionable no bid contracts.
why not ask for credits back from those misspent tax dollars, and use THAT to fund health care? why keep charging the taxpayers again and again, more and more.

We should already have a sustainable system of microlending to finance welfare assistance and health care WITHOUT having to pay more and more each year. why not demand reimbursement from the wrongdoers who ripped off govt. And make THEM pay instead?

talk about a post that's all over the place ... this is a government of the united states ... when the ACA was voted on it was passed by the government and you cheap ass republican ragged about it ... that's the way the government works .... where you cheap ass republican have tried 50 times to repeal it with no avail ... if you don't like the way the government works then leave ... start your own government some place else ... for now, deal !!!!
LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Dear Truthmatters:
If you believe so much in fixing the problem THIS WAY
then why don't the people who BELIEVE in it THIS WAY pay for it?

What was stopping supporters of govt health care from forming a system of
paying for insurance as a block, and covering all the other people
you wanted to? WITHOUT imposing this on anyone else who DIDN'T
agree to the terms?


What is stopping the Democrat Party from taking its own support base and building a system of replacing and reinvesting billions of dollars otherwise wasted on the death penalty, and failed drug enforcement, and putting OUR OWN resources directing into creating medical education and service programs to serve the population
WITHOUT charging more money than we are already paying in taxes for this.

Anyone can start a business plan or LLC and deduct the expenses from taxes.

Not until ACA was passed did it become NOT a choice to fund reforms directly;
now thanks to ACA people are FORCED to BUY INSURANCE instead of investing
our taxes directly into health care solutions.

If anything, ACA took away civil liberties to pursue health care for all. We are now farther away from the goal because insurance companies are getting that money for policies and premiums that could have been invested directly into health care programs.

P.S. as for your argument that something had to be done to fix it; this reminds me of opposition to the billions spent on the Iraqi War and questionable no bid contracts.
why not ask for credits back from those misspent tax dollars, and use THAT to fund health care? why keep charging the taxpayers again and again, more and more.

We should already have a sustainable system of microlending to finance welfare assistance and health care WITHOUT having to pay more and more each year. why not demand reimbursement from the wrongdoers who ripped off govt. And make THEM pay instead?

And all for 4 million people that truly want and need, are legal citizens and do not qualify for Medicaid!

if they raised the minimum wage to 10.10 they won't qualify for medicaid ....ya think therepublicans would raise the minimum wage to 10.10 ??? hell no .... they would just rather complain about them getting medicaid
"If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!!"

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD"

I don't see any conditions placed on those statements.

You try to change history to fit your own purposes.

LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Uh, yeah dumbass, "like" pretty much is a "black or whit" term. Either you like something or you don't. Seems cut and dry to those who possess the ability for rational thought...

Just like the sentences, "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!" or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD!" are declarations, no equivocating, of what will (or, as we all now know, will not) happen under ACA. He knew when he made those statements they were lies.

You support a liar. It's just that easy.
if you repeat a lie that's not true enough. it still doesn't make it true ...obama never lied ...
No lie, another promise blocked by greedy Pubs and their insurer cronies. Dems can never believe the bs and crassness of them, or the idiocy of the hater dupes...
Franco... why are you defending the millionaire lawyers?
You don't think the people that actually create the claims for the services they perform DON"T know they are doing duplicate testing all because they fear lawsuits?
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Do you understand the FEAR of lawsuits creates this gigantic waste of $850 billion a year?

ACA taxed tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer.
YET not one mention in the 2,000 pages of "Tort Reform"... Not one equal tax against the $270 billion lawyers make like tanning salons have to pay!
WHY are you defending these millionaire lawyers?
Why aren't you taking the experts, i.e. doctors who SEND the claims who say they do so out of fear of lawsuits!
Don't you think this $850 billion could be reduced if doctors weren't second guessed?
I mean NOT one lawyer sends to other lawyers asking them to review the work product... sometimes involving life and death!

Taxing the 10% would create $27 billion which would pay the $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that want and need insurance without destroying anything!
Then force hospitals with audits to send any claims of the "uninsured" rather then doing as this hospital CEO said is done..
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

Don't you think if hospitals couldn't pad and pass sometimes 6,000% above costs savings would be seen?
There are guidelines in ACA that will cut malpractice.if you have other ideas, call your bought off Pub rep and suggest they add it to ACA- they'll be working on it forever...this was just as much as they could pass at once. OBVIOUSLY.

So he lied to our faces dozens of times about a massive law that helped him get elected.

But that's okay, because the lie could have been even worse.

Okay, well at least we're all on the same page now.


he never lied any you know it ... if those republican pulled their head out of their asses then they wouldn't be in the mess they are in now by accusing obama of lying ... he didn't and that's a fact that you can't refute

I was referring to posts written by someone on your "side".

I realize partisan ideologues have to defend their "side" at all times, no matter what, but the least you guys could do is get your stories straight on this.


So he lied to our faces dozens of times about a massive law that helped him get elected.

But that's okay, because the lie could have been even worse.

Okay, well at least we're all on the same page now.


he never lied any you know it ... if those republican pulled their head out of their asses then they wouldn't be in the mess they are in now by accusing obama of lying ... he didn't and that's a fact that you can't refute

LIKE is not a black and white term you idiot.

some people like to be beaten.

they are not rational people.

He was speaking about being rational.

shitty policies is why we HAD to FIX the system.

Uh, yeah dumbass, "like" pretty much is a "black or whit" term. Either you like something or you don't. Seems cut and dry to those who possess the ability for rational thought...

Just like the sentences, "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD!" or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD!" are declarations, no equivocating, of what will (or, as we all now know, will not) happen under ACA. He knew when he made those statements they were lies.

You support a liar. It's just that easy.
if you repeat a lie that's not true enough. it still doesn't make it true ...obama never lied ...

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 608 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

By Dan from Squirrel Hill

Posted on August 15, 2013. Updated on March 11, 2014.

As the author of this blog post, I place it into the public domain. Anyone may freely copy it in any part or in its entirely, without asking my permission, and without paying any money. I do ask you please cite a link to

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 608 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. | Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

I ask you to please show this list to as many people as possible – and especially, to please show it to as many Obama supporters as possible. Sunshine really is the best disinfectant. I can’t stop Obama from doing any of these horrible things, but I can tell people about what he is doing. So please share this list with others on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you. The short link for this is

Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages in acts of hypocrisy. But Barack Obama does these things to a far greater degree than anyone else that I have ever known of.

His campaign promises were so much better sounding than anyone else’s – no lobbyists in his administration, waiting five days before signing all non-emergency bills so people would have time to read them, putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN, reading every bill line by line to make sure money isn’t being wasted, prosecution of Wall St. criminals, ending raids against medical marijuana in states where it’s legal, high levels of transparency.

Obama’s promises of these wonderful things sounded inspiring and sincere. They sounded so much better than the promises of any other President. So when Obama broke these promises, it felt so much worse than when other Presidents broke their promises.

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 608 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. | Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

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