You People Who Think Separation of Church and State is Possible.......How Do You Reconcile Abortion??

Imagine how stupid you have to be to be a cult follower of Trump. Especially in light of all we know now. To say nothing of claiming Trump should be a saint. That is over-the-top fanboy worship.
What do you actually KNOW except the propaganda your masters have fed you You've heard and spread endless lies because you wanted to believe them, only to find out that none of it is true
What do you actually KNOW except the propaganda your masters have fed you You've heard and spread endless lies because you wanted to believe them, only to find out that none of it is true
The recording of him demanding that the Georgia AG find him 11,000 more votes was factual.

Plenty of the accusations over the years were.
Abortion is a moral and religious issue. Allowing abortion is evil, pushes the atheist agenda and should not be permitted by government.

Government has no authority to decide what is moral or not, and can only act in defense of the rights of other people.
A fetus is not a person and has no say over the woman's choices, since child birth is about 1000 times riskier than covid.

And let us not forget that abortion was totally and completely legal in England and the US until around 1880 or so.
Which means there is not even any religious basis for outlawing abortion, at all.
Government has no authority to decide what is moral or not, and can only act in defense of the rights of other people.
A fetus is not a person and has no say over the woman's choices, since child birth is about 1000 times riskier than covid.

And let us not forget that abortion was totally and completely legal in England and the US until around 1880 or so.
Which means there is not even any religious basis for outlawing abortion, at all.
Fucking butcher.
Agreed, but you are pushing it the wrong way

For example, you say the Founders wrote the Constitution and laws based upon the Bible. Ok, so why did they not allow polygamy that was allowed in the Bible?

Instead, you should approach this from a natural rights perspective. All men, and women, have natural rights given to us by God ( seek him and know him on your own if at all) protecting us from others snuffing out our lives under the law.. So when do those rights begin? At conception? Until viable in the womb? Only until passing out of the womb? Or maybe they should not be considered human if they hold Left wing perspectives.

See what I mean?

The reason why a fetus has no rights is not because of religion, but because it is harmful to the mother, so then the mother gets full arbitrary discretion as to whether or not she wants it.
Whether or not fetus has inherent, natural, rights, those rights can not include infringing upon the mother, against her will.
It is really quite simple, despite the best wishes of the OP.

If the fetus is considered, by the gov't, to be an entity or life all on its own, the prohibitions on abortion are valid without any religious reasons.
As for abortion, this is not just a religious issue. The question of when personhood begins needs to be addressed, much like the issue of personhood regarding slaves had to be addressed.
Personhood of slaves was never in question. Each slave had a brain. Denying The personhood of a fetus younger than 20 weeks is justifiably in question because it doesn’t have a brain.
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Personhood of slaves was never in question. Each slave had a brain. Denying The personhood of a fetus younger than 20 weeks is justifiably in question because it doesn’t have a brain.
A 20 week human fetus does have a brain, it feels pain and emotions. It has a beating heart, it is alive.
A 20 week human fetus does have a brain, it feels pain and emotions. It has a beating heart, it is alive.
You know that scientifically how?

I Know that this does not have a brain as certain as 2 + 2 = 4


NFBW: You need to present a scientific consensus ding and Redfish as to when that brainless living human organism shown above has acquired the individual ability to think and be viable enough to continue its biological development according to its new unique genetic DNA programming when the switch is flipped by god or Mother Nature from organized nurture and life support
from the mother’s brain to it’s own. The same goes for the fetuses’ heart and air breathing life support system. It has to be physically and psychologically ready with all instincts intact for the switch.

You know that scientifically how?

I Know that this does not have a brain as certain as 2 + 2 = 4

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NFBW: You need to present a scientific consensus ding and Redfish as to when that brainless living human organism shown above has acquired the individual ability to think and be viable enough to continue its biological development according to its new unique genetic DNA programming when the switch is flipped by god or Mother Nature from organized nurture and life support
from the mother’s brain to it’s own. The same goes for the fetuses’ heart and air breathing life support system. It has to be physically and psychologically ready with all instincts intact for the switch.

There are millions of full-grown people that don't have a brain (at least they don't seem to have a brain.) :auiqs.jpg:
There are millions of full-grown people that don't have a brain (at least they don't seem to have a brain.)

If you are here solely for the sake of being a comedian, it proves that you have a brain but don’t want to use it for scientific or serious purposes. Are you interested in partaking in a conversation about women’s reproductive rights being taken away by Maga Republicans?
This lying fuck is calling SLAVES, human property, persons.

He knows better. He knows his standard is not somehow objectively true, that it is not somehow THE standard for all time, and he knows that it most definitely wasn’t the standard for humans you own and force to work hard labor until they die and can kill on a whim.

He knows that if you can take a human and legally put them in a death camp and torture them for science or amusement or whim that that human is likewise not a legal person.

He’s just a fundamentally dishonest piece of shit.

No one needs to “present” that evil fuck with any kind of consensus to support his personal, arbitrary, stupid standards. The entire abortion argument is about who should be persons, which is political and subject to change with the passage of a single bill altering current law.

“Abortion is fine because they aren’t people” is equally valid to “slavery was fine because they weren’t people.”

In other words, not at all valid, morally depraved, and arguing that the status quo is always inherently correct and good - which any logical and observant person knows is false.

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