"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

Detroit has been under Dem control for 45 years. Baltimore 50 yrs, before that 1 Rep for 4 years, then another 20 years before were Dem. I could go on and on.
No depoto, such things have been bi partisan. That is what we have learned.
Or you could say "I'm an American and I can be anything fucking thing I want to be".

Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.

You sound like an extreme racist to me so you are no better than the white racist or the males who believe they are better than females. I never used any affirmative action programs, did you or the companies that hired you? I have seen contractors that have their 'black contractors' so they get that extra credit, are you one of those? some of those people couldn't win a contract on an up and up straight bid so they have no choice but to demand they get special credits for their 'nigga's'. So what is your issue, did your degree fail you or did your blackness fail you? If you did these great things building businesses were they your businesses or were you merely someone else's employee?

I have to laugh at you for saying something so stupid. I've said nothing racist. The problem we have as a nation today is whites have conflated racism to mean us saying things they do not want to hear. The reality here is that white racism still exists and it does hinder people of color. It's not because people of color use it for an excuse to fail or to be hindered. That's just the way it is and until you turn to a person of color and live you can't tell me anything different.

I told you about myself in the first post. You did not listen.
Your wrong, people are just tired of being called racist just because of the color of their skin, a racist attitude. That and listening to people blame every problem they've ever had on someone else's skin color. We hear racism claimed so often when it's obviously not true that any claim now is met with complete skepticism, and rightfully so.

People are being called racist because of their racist behavior and beliefs, not their skin color. idiot.
You are obviously not paying attention to the political left in this country. We hear constantly how all white people are racist, again a racist statement. I'm to the point now that when I hear someone cry racism I just assume that someone on the left is losing an argument and the racist cry is a way to shut down any debate. We see this on college campuses constantly.

I haven't seen any comments saying all whites are racist. But what I do see is when the right is losing they start whining about how the left is saying all whites are racists.

You do realize that generally when people are making off the wall bullshit claims and accusations such as you are doing they are actually giving away their own personal hangups. You are a racist, quit talking about yourself like that.

And here you are making off the wall bullshit claims and accusations. You didn't have time to read the links but you have time to do this. HMMMMM!
I already read enough of your postings to come to a conclusion and again I will not be wasting my time reading your links.

Yeah and you came to a false conclusion.
I'm good with it so it is your personal problem that you will have to deal with for yourself.

Actually its your personal problem if you wish to remain ignorant of the truth..
No it is your problem as it is merely 'your take on what you believe to be truth'. People are all fallible no matter what their skin color is. The perception of being victims of all 'white men' is an erroneous bunch of bullshit being pushed and just like the sexual deviants you ain't getting any traction so you think you will take a different approach yet still play the victim and I can forewarn you it will not work out any better than all the other failed attempts at forcing people into 'your way' of thinking.
Or you could say "I'm an American and I can be anything fucking thing I want to be".

Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.
I bet your momma is so proud of you. :laugh:
Detroit has been under Dem control for 45 years. Baltimore 50 yrs, before that 1 Rep for 4 years, then another 20 years before were Dem. I could go on and on.
No depoto, such things have been bi partisan. That is what we have learned.

You could go on and on, but you would still be wrong.
Or you could say "I'm an American and I can be anything fucking thing I want to be".

Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Or you could say "I'm an American and I can be anything fucking thing I want to be".

Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....
And here you are making off the wall bullshit claims and accusations. You didn't have time to read the links but you have time to do this. HMMMMM!
I already read enough of your postings to come to a conclusion and again I will not be wasting my time reading your links.

Yeah and you came to a false conclusion.
I'm good with it so it is your personal problem that you will have to deal with for yourself.

Actually its your personal problem if you wish to remain ignorant of the truth..
No it is your problem as it is merely 'your take on what you believe to be truth'. People are all fallible no matter what their skin color is. The perception of being victims of all 'white men' is an erroneous bunch of bullshit being pushed and just like the sexual deviants you ain't getting any traction so you think you will take a different approach yet still play the victim and I can forewarn you it will not work out any better than all the other failed attempts at forcing people into 'your way' of thinking.

No, it's much more than that. It's over 70,000 hours of research. Attendance at meetings on issues affecting blacks worldwide and speaking to leading black and white experts on these matters. No one has said anyone was a victim of all white men. That's the ignorant assumption you jumped to because whites are being held accountable for things they have done. That's why you are scared to read the links, Because for you to read them, it shuts down the lie you tell yourself about how we are pretending to be victims of things we make up in order to excuse our failings. You don't have to be forced to do anything and none is trying to do so. ut you should seek the truth because that's what life is al about. And right now you live and believe a set of lies.

You do not have the knowledge I do on these matters. But you will gladly repeat some uneducated misinformed bullshit actually thinking you are doing something.
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Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.
If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.
I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

If you think that a one time wind fall is still responsible for anyone's wealth 155 years later, then you don't understand money at all.
I already read enough of your postings to come to a conclusion and again I will not be wasting my time reading your links.

Yeah and you came to a false conclusion.
I'm good with it so it is your personal problem that you will have to deal with for yourself.

Actually its your personal problem if you wish to remain ignorant of the truth..
No it is your problem as it is merely 'your take on what you believe to be truth'. People are all fallible no matter what their skin color is. The perception of being victims of all 'white men' is an erroneous bunch of bullshit being pushed and just like the sexual deviants you ain't getting any traction so you think you will take a different approach yet still play the victim and I can forewarn you it will not work out any better than all the other failed attempts at forcing people into 'your way' of thinking.

No, it's much more than that. It's over 70,000 hours of research. Attendance at meetings on issues affecting blacks worldwide and speaking to leading black and white experts on these matters. No one has said anyone was a victim of all white men. That's the ignorant assumption you jumped to because whites are being held accountable for things they have done. That's why you are scared to read the links, Because for you to read them, it shuts down the lie you tell yourself about how we are pretending to be victims of things we make up in order to excuse our failings. You don't have to be forced to do anything and none is trying to do so. ut you should seek the truth because that's what life is al about. And right now you live and believe a set of lies.

You do not have the knowledge I do on these matters. But you will gladly repeat some uneducated misinformed bullshit actually thinking you are doing something.
So you are an atheist too?
Or you could say "I'm an American and I can be anything fucking thing I want to be".

Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

If you think that a one time wind fall is still responsible for anyone's wealth 155 years later, then you don't understand money at all.

If it was only a one time windfall, then you would be right. And yes since land does increase in value, then those holding on to homestead land have added wealth from that and which s worth more now than it was 155 years ago. I know how money works real well. You seem to be the one who doesn't
Yeah and you came to a false conclusion.
I'm good with it so it is your personal problem that you will have to deal with for yourself.

Actually its your personal problem if you wish to remain ignorant of the truth..
No it is your problem as it is merely 'your take on what you believe to be truth'. People are all fallible no matter what their skin color is. The perception of being victims of all 'white men' is an erroneous bunch of bullshit being pushed and just like the sexual deviants you ain't getting any traction so you think you will take a different approach yet still play the victim and I can forewarn you it will not work out any better than all the other failed attempts at forcing people into 'your way' of thinking.

No, it's much more than that. It's over 70,000 hours of research. Attendance at meetings on issues affecting blacks worldwide and speaking to leading black and white experts on these matters. No one has said anyone was a victim of all white men. That's the ignorant assumption you jumped to because whites are being held accountable for things they have done. That's why you are scared to read the links, Because for you to read them, it shuts down the lie you tell yourself about how we are pretending to be victims of things we make up in order to excuse our failings. You don't have to be forced to do anything and none is trying to do so. ut you should seek the truth because that's what life is al about. And right now you live and believe a set of lies.

You do not have the knowledge I do on these matters. But you will gladly repeat some uneducated misinformed bullshit actually thinking you are doing something.
So you are an atheist too?

Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!

Not so.
If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!

Not so.
Is so! The coons have all but destroyed those cities! Many of the ghettos are just spreading like a infection.
Post a major city and I mean major where the negro's have lifted that city from where it was! You can't do it because the negro can't do it.
I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!

Not so.
Is so! The coons have all but destroyed those cities! Many of the ghettos are just spreading like a infection.
Post a major city and I mean major where the negro's have lifted that city from where it was! You can't do it because the negro can't do it.

It's not so. And it's not so because the fact that local policy enacted by whites says it's not so. The rust belt is mostly white, so then is that an example of white failure? How about Appalachia? Or most of rural America? There are a lot of dead and ruined white towns. The nation went into a depression under white leadership. It almost fell into a second one because of white leadership. White leadership is responsible for 2 world wars. So using your 'logic" can we safely say that you honkies can't govern.

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