"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!

Not so.
Is so! The coons have all but destroyed those cities! Many of the ghettos are just spreading like a infection.
Post a major city and I mean major where the negro's have lifted that city from where it was! You can't do it because the negro can't do it.

It's not so. And it's not so because the fact that local policy enacted by whites says it's not so. The rust belt is mostly white, so then is that an example of white failure? How about Appalachia? Or most of rural America? There are a lot of dead and ruined white towns. The nation went into a depression under white leadership. It almost fell into a second one because of white leadership. White leadership is responsible for 2 world wars. So using your 'logic" can we safely say that you honkies can't govern.
Rural America is not a city moron and that area is a lot safer then coon camps.
When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

If you think that a one time wind fall is still responsible for anyone's wealth 155 years later, then you don't understand money at all.

If it was only a one time windfall, then you would be right. And yes since land does increase in value, then those holding on to homestead land have added wealth from that and which s worth more now than it was 155 years ago. I know how money works real well. You seem to be the one who doesn't

How many families have really held on to the same land for over one hundred and fifty years?
Coon camps that are successful...
Detroit? No
St Louis? No
Baltimore? No
Chicago? No
Atlanta? No
Little Rock? No

Negro's simply cannot build or maintain a peaceful well run city. Because negro's are not a peaceful well moraled group.
I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!

Not so.
Is so! The coons have all but destroyed those cities! Many of the ghettos are just spreading like a infection.
Post a major city and I mean major where the negro's have lifted that city from where it was! You can't do it because the negro can't do it.

It's not so. And it's not so because the fact that local policy enacted by whites says it's not so. The rust belt is mostly white, so then is that an example of white failure? How about Appalachia? Or most of rural America? There are a lot of dead and ruined white towns. The nation went into a depression under white leadership. It almost fell into a second one because of white leadership. White leadership is responsible for 2 world wars. So using your 'logic" can we safely say that you honkies can't govern.
Rural America is not a city moron and that area is a lot safer then coon camps.
coon camps? - really? I see name calling as part of the problem. It will get us nowhere.
This thread is in response to several questions I’ve been asked recently. It has been suggested that since I am a white person, I cannot know what black people experience in this country.

In 1971 I moved from Lancaster County, PA into North Philadelphia to work at a Christian Youth Organization. I was one of a hand full of whites there. Then in 1980, I married a black man and we have lived together in black neighborhoods ever since. He told me from the very beginning “You stay white, and I’ll stay black,” and that’s what we have done. I feel as though I have been given insights into what black people experience. And since most white people don’t get those insights, I’ve been trying to share what I have learned. While I site other authors and sometimes refer to statistics or something I’ve read, my convictions have come from my experiences alone. And while you can argue with someone’s viewpoint and perceptions, you cannot argue with their experiences. It is what makes them who they are.

Folks have mentioned the Black Experience. My husband has told me many times over the years that the Black Experience in America is that you cannot be yourself. It’s being told by a white catholic brother that you can’t play the trumpet because your lips are too big (he suggests the tuba instead.) It’s being told by the white piano teacher that you can’t play the piano because your fingers are too small. It’s being followed around the store by the salespeople, picking up their negative, suspicious vibe before you even see them. It’s walking down the street with a smile on your face and watching the first white lady you come across tighten the grip on her handbag. It’s standing on the corner when a white person pulls up to the stop sign, sees you and quickly locks all of the doors. It’s seeing black people on the news night after night, in handcuffs, being taken away as criminals. It’s wanting to speak up at work when you see unequal treatment, but knowing you may lose your job if you do. It’s being angry at injustice, but being told to shut up and forget about the past, like it has nothing to do with the present.
Funny, you cannot recognize that blacks will treat you differently just because you are white. It doesn't matter whether you married a black man, or had half-breed children. You are still just some white woman. So, no, I'm not buying your arrogant contention that you, and you alone among us, are able to accurately depict the black experience. All those things you cited, I've heard those from my black friends and family members. As far as being told what I can, and cannot do, I've faced that all my life. Guess what, I still did what I wanted. Of course, you might argue that what someone wants may be predicated on what they believe they can do, and you might be right. It is inherent upon individuals, and parents, to instill a stronger sense of self.
Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
I'm personally tired of seeing this map. You seem to be really stuck on blaming the negro for pretty much everything. Have you had bad personal experiences that caused this obsession?
Black people have this perpetual "victim" mentality with a chip on their shoulder about everything. It's the blame whitey syndrome they can't seem to overcome no matter how successful they become.

And the white women who marry them are just about as bad. I know one who's mixed son has been in and out of prison 2 or 3 times. Does she blame him for his criminal behavior? Nope, it's the racist cops who keep arresting little Tyrone for home invasion, felony gun possession, and selling drugs. And sending him to the white man's prison for no reason except his skin color. ..... :cuckoo:
Big problem for blacks is, any black who does buck their stereotypical self and becomes successful is labeled an "Uncle Tom", and "Oreo", or a race traitor. It begs the question, what does make a black successful?
If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
I'm personally tired of seeing this map. You seem to be really stuck on blaming the negro for pretty much everything. Have you had bad personal experiences that caused this obsession?


such a direct attack based on substance, and you weren't able to defend against it other than making a personal attack?

That's tacitly admitting that you CAN'T deny his claims based on facts.

That has to really suck for you, deep down where you know the truth.
Clearly YOU don't want that. If you did, you'd stop generating it, hypocrite.

Oh, and try a singular personal pronoun. You don't speak for all 'black' people any more than I speak for all 'white' people.

You say I am generating racism but show zero examples of how this is being done.


Sure I can. It's called 'everything you've posted since you showed up here.'

No you can't. That's why you haven't.

I just did, and you keep on proving it.

You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.
You say I am generating racism but show zero examples of how this is being done.


Sure I can. It's called 'everything you've posted since you showed up here.'

No you can't. That's why you haven't.

I just did, and you keep on proving it.

You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.

I am genuinely interested in addressing problems.

But generally all I get from lefties is screams of "racism" or some other form of personal attack.
The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

If you think that a one time wind fall is still responsible for anyone's wealth 155 years later, then you don't understand money at all.

If it was only a one time windfall, then you would be right. And yes since land does increase in value, then those holding on to homestead land have added wealth from that and which s worth more now than it was 155 years ago. I know how money works real well. You seem to be the one who doesn't

How many families have really held on to the same land for over one hundred and fifty years?

I know quite a few as I live in a rural state. But you see the homestead act was not all I talked about.
Big problem for blacks is, any black who does buck their stereotypical self and becomes successful is labeled an "Uncle Tom", and "Oreo", or a race traitor. It begs the question, what does make a black successful?
The new term blacks use to describe successful blacks who excel in predominately white professions is "coon" or engaging in "cooning". ...... :cool:
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You say I am generating racism but show zero examples of how this is being done.


Sure I can. It's called 'everything you've posted since you showed up here.'

No you can't. That's why you haven't.

I just did, and you keep on proving it.

You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.
We are addressing it. The negro's have a problem and instead of facing it they point to others. In what country has the negro built anything of value? Africa is falling apart and negro's have run it since the beginning of time.
THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

If you think that a one time wind fall is still responsible for anyone's wealth 155 years later, then you don't understand money at all.

If it was only a one time windfall, then you would be right. And yes since land does increase in value, then those holding on to homestead land have added wealth from that and which s worth more now than it was 155 years ago. I know how money works real well. You seem to be the one who doesn't

How many families have really held on to the same land for over one hundred and fifty years?

I know quite a few as I live in a rural state. But you see the homestead act was not all I talked about.

And they are farming the same land as their great great great grandfather?

I'm finding that hard to believe.

All of my peers, at best, got some support to go to school from their parents, and generally still ended up with massive debt that they are still struggling to pay off by working and sacrificing.

And plenty of them have worse stories than that.

None of them was ever HANDED shit.
I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
I'm personally tired of seeing this map. You seem to be really stuck on blaming the negro for pretty much everything. Have you had bad personal experiences that caused this obsession?


such a direct attack based on substance, and you weren't able to defend against it other than making a personal attack?

That's tacitly admitting that you CAN'T deny his claims based on facts.

That has to really suck for you, deep down where you know the truth.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods. They took the resources and the jobs with them. The infrastructure and services may be bad in the cities they left because funding for such things is so bad. The ruling elites and those who govern do not care what happens in a neighborhood once it becomes predominantly black. They do not care about the people. They create desperate conditions and blame people for their reactions to those deplorable conditions.

The folks in Mt. Airy decided to stay instead of fleeing to the suburbs and now it is a wonderful integrated neighborhood. Could have happened other places also.
Black people have this perpetual "victim" mentality with a chip on their shoulder about everything. It's the blame whitey syndrome they can't seem to overcome no matter how successful they become.

And the white women who marry them are just about as bad. I know one who's mixed son has been in and out of prison 2 or 3 times. Does she blame him for his criminal behavior? Nope, it's the racist cops who keep arresting little Tyrone for home invasion, felony gun possession, and selling drugs. And sending him to the white man's prison for no reason except his skin color. ..... :cuckoo:
Big problem for blacks is, any black who does buck their stereotypical self and becomes successful is labeled an "Uncle Tom", and "Oreo", or a race traitor. It begs the question, what does make a black successful?

No that's not how it works. There are plenty of highly successful blacks who are not called Toms. How many Blacks have ever called ,Magic a Tom? The champ was never called a Tom. Hank Aaron was never called a Tom. Oprah has never been called a Tom. I can keep going. Those who get called Toms are the blacks who have decided to validate white racism with the statements they make and how they blame blacks for things caused by white racism.
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
I'm personally tired of seeing this map. You seem to be really stuck on blaming the negro for pretty much everything. Have you had bad personal experiences that caused this obsession?


such a direct attack based on substance, and you weren't able to defend against it other than making a personal attack?

That's tacitly admitting that you CAN'T deny his claims based on facts.

That has to really suck for you, deep down where you know the truth.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods. They took the resources and the jobs with them. The infrastructure and services may be bad in the cities they left because funding for such things is so bad. The ruling elites and those who govern do not care what happens in a neighborhood once it becomes predominantly black. They do not care about the people. They create desperate conditions and blame people for their reactions to those deplorable conditions.

Partially, but

a. Better houses for less money and with more land is available in the suburbs compared to in the city.


b. blacks moving in, and cities becoming dominated by dems, did generally lead to neighborhoods, schools and cities turning to crap. That is just the historical reality of the situation.

The folks in Mt. Airy decided to stay instead of fleeing to the suburbs and now it is a wonderful integrated neighborhood. Could have happened other places also.

If you have a strong counter example, post a good link with some good excerpts.
Black people have this perpetual "victim" mentality with a chip on their shoulder about everything. It's the blame whitey syndrome they can't seem to overcome no matter how successful they become.

And the white women who marry them are just about as bad. I know one who's mixed son has been in and out of prison 2 or 3 times. Does she blame him for his criminal behavior? Nope, it's the racist cops who keep arresting little Tyrone for home invasion, felony gun possession, and selling drugs. And sending him to the white man's prison for no reason except his skin color. ..... :cuckoo:
Big problem for blacks is, any black who does buck their stereotypical self and becomes successful is labeled an "Uncle Tom", and "Oreo", or a race traitor. It begs the question, what does make a black successful?

No that's not how it works. There are plenty of highly successful blacks who are not called Toms. How many Blacks have ever called ,Magic a Tom? The champ was never called a Tom. Hank Aaron was never called a Tom. Oprah has never been called a Tom. I can keep going. Those who get called Toms are the blacks who have decided to validate white racism with the statements they make and how they blame blacks for things caused by white racism.

Nope. They have to toe the Party Line to keep their "street cred" or they will be turned on.
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
I'm personally tired of seeing this map. You seem to be really stuck on blaming the negro for pretty much everything. Have you had bad personal experiences that caused this obsession?


such a direct attack based on substance, and you weren't able to defend against it other than making a personal attack?

That's tacitly admitting that you CAN'T deny his claims based on facts.

That has to really suck for you, deep down where you know the truth.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods. They took the resources and the jobs with them. The infrastructure and services may be bad in the cities they left because funding for such things is so bad. The ruling elites and those who govern do not care what happens in a neighborhood once it becomes predominantly black. They do not care about the people. They create desperate conditions and blame people for their reactions to those deplorable conditions.

The folks in Mt. Airy decided to stay instead of fleeing to the suburbs and now it is a wonderful integrated neighborhood. Could have happened other places also.
The white man was building in the suburbs to raise his standard of living. When did Ford or GM leave Detroit?
Oh they didn't. Welfare sucking negro's bled their profit margins to death. Welfare negro's destroyed working negro's in the major cities not whites!
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

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