"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?
The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?

I know that polish people are white.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.
Why are you so worried about the coloreds? I mean damn a darkie gets money and the first thing he does is move away from the coloreds.
I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?

I know that polish people are white.

Which means what, today?
That it's okay to bash us , our struggle isn't recognized, our males don't get Affirmative Action, we don't get a widely publicized history month, or that with higher SAT scores we are less likely to be accepted into college?
No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?

I know that polish people are white.

Which means what, today?
That it's okay to bash us , our struggle isn't recognized, our males don't get Affirmative Action, we don't get a widely publicized Black history month, or that our males with higher SAT scores are less likely to be accepted into college?

Yes you do get affirmative action and every month is white history month. You see dumb ass you talk about those high SAT scores, but what you don't want to understand is that if you have 970 white applicants and 130 black applicants. who will have more of the higher scores? Your males with high SAT scores get accepted into colleges all over the place. But the thing here is that your test scores are not higher because you are more inherently intelligent. It's because there are more of you taking the tests.

You are whining about a non existent struggle. .
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.

These guys don't come here to have a discussion. They come here to post racism where it's safe.

I can show all kinds of laws and policies that are responsible for great damage in he black community today. There is no sense to post a link to information because these people don't want t read it. I mean I can post racist housing policy hat are pretty much still followed and someone like Sunni will ignore the facts to post up some garbage about blaming whitey. Or I get told how I am a racist or playing some victim or some other ridiculous clam. Then as some like correll says he's here trying to have a conversation but he is unwilling to listen to any facts that dispute his I had it just as hard as blacks have stuff. He had to go into debt to go to college, My parents were not allowed to even go to college, Not that they couldn't afford t, but that they were not allowed regardless of whether they could or not.There is no equivalence there and pretending that never happened by saying that was in the past doesn't change anything. The refusal to let my parents go to college cost them more than a million dollars in income, affected where we grew up and the type of schools we were able to attend.

These days having a black skin gets you a 230 point sat bonus in college admissions.

ANd just how long ago were your parents trying to go to school?

These days whites already have that 230 points solely on the basis of being white.

It doesn't matter how long ago it was Corrrell, the reality is that the past impacts today. There is nothing we have today that is not a result of the past .

No, they don't.

A white man with the same grades and resume of a black man, needs to have 230 more sat points to have a "Fair" chance of getting into an ivy league school if he is competing against that black man.

And it does matter how long ago it was. Because events fade into history and their effects die out. New events and policies drive outcomes, not long ago now irrelevant factors.

That you pretend to not know that obvious fact is just you looking to justify blaming and punishing the white man for shit that is not his fault.

No the white man has those 230 points already for being white plus legacy points. The ivy league is majority white students Connell. Sorry bud, but your dream world where the past just fades away doesn't exist. Especially when the same behavior from that past continues. I do know the obvious fact, and the fact is that you don't know a damn thing about how affirmative action works or who has benefitted the most from it. The white man is getting blamed for what the white man has done.

THe "white man" does not have those 230 points built in, the numbers show that that is not true.

Legacy points are just for legacies AND still outweighed by the Special Treatment Black Skin gets you.

The Past does fade away.

Behavior DOES change.

I know exactly how "Affirmative Action" and "Diversity" and "Disparate Impact Theory" works.

YOu are just justifying your current and future oppression and discrimination against whites.

You are the racist and the bad guy.
I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?

I know that polish people are white.

Which means what, today?
That it's okay to bash us , our struggle isn't recognized, our males don't get Affirmative Action, we don't get a widely publicized Black history month, or that our males with higher SAT scores are less likely to be accepted into college?
every month is white history month.

A.) That's largely to discuss the White villain.

B.) Polish people are largely ignored in history class.
I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.
Why are you so worried about the coloreds? I mean damn a darkie gets money and the first thing he does is move away from the coloreds.

Yawn. You're boring.
Not what your girlfriend told me!

But that's what your wife and daughter told me.

You can't hang son. Don't try.
Obviously rules nor the truth really means anything to you. You have marginalized your credibility through your own words and it appears that you are one hell of a seditious pos that supports fascism and discrimination. People like you are why the hate in this country is on the rise.

I gained some extra time yesterday so I read your links. So tell me which on of those big nosed Jews lawyers is you at the money grubbing think tank or who is it that you are posting on behalf of? I despise people like you who willingly ignore truth and skew justice to line your own pocket books or push agendas that keep people in poverty and living in ignorance. The OP said herself that she and her husband chose to stay in black neighborhoods. Choices are what liberty is all about and you have chose to ignore truth and facts.
Nah. I'm not a racist. Not even close. It's not racism to hold whites accountable for the racism they continue to practice

You may or may not be a racist, but the language of a bigot comes through loud and clear. You rightly claim that only a black can know what its like to be black - and then go on to stereotype whites, as if you would know.

Let me tell you what I've experienced as a white person -

I've been pulled over at night for no apparent reason and had the cops ask me to leave the car while they shone flashlights all over the interior - it's scary.

I've been paid less and/or passed over for promotion to some one who was less qualified - and in one case had to train the higher paid individual.

I've had bank tellers, cashiers and store clerks be rude to, or ignore me.

I've been followed in department stores by 'discreet' security or suspicious employees.

Now let me tell what I haven't done - I haven't hated an entire race for a few bad actors. I agree that racism exists - in the form of lowered expectations. But that form of racism doesn't come from the folks who tell you that hard work pays off - it comes from the folks who tell you that without special help you can't make it - the very same folks who tell our inner city kids that they must stay in unsafe and failing schools because the teachers union is such a big political donor.

If you want to be mad be mad at the race hustlers - they ain't all white, and very few are Republicans.

You called Dr. Ben Carson an idiot - that's astounding. Is it because he shattered your hateful delusions?
Nah. I'm not a racist. Not even close. It's not racism to hold whites accountable for the racism they continue to practice

You may or may not be a racist, but the language of a bigot comes through loud and clear. You rightly claim that only a black can know what its like to be black - and then go on to stereotype whites, as if you would know.

Let me tell you what I've experienced as a white person -

I've been pulled over at night for no apparent reason and had the cops ask me to leave the car while they shone flashlights all over the interior - it's scary.

I've been paid less and/or passed over for promotion to some one who was less qualified - and in one case had to train the higher paid individual.

I've had bank tellers, cashiers and store clerks be rude to, or ignore me.

I've been followed in department stores by 'discreet' security or suspicious employees.

Now let me tell what I haven't done - I haven't hated an entire race for a few bad actors. I agree that racism exists - in the form of lowered expectations. But that form of racism doesn't come from the folks who tell you that hard work pays off - it comes from the folks who tell you that without special help you can't make it - the very same folks who tell our inner city kids that they must stay in unsafe and failing schools because the teachers union is such a big political donor.

If you want to be mad be mad at the race hustlers - they ain't all white, and very few are Republicans.

You called Dr. Ben Carson an idiot - that's astounding. Is it because he shattered your hateful delusions?
I'd have a hard time calling what he/she is doing 'delusional'. It has been my experience that people like him/her will ultimately sink their own boat. The sad part is that there are many people stuck in poverty while shitheads like this spread their misinformation to line their own pockets and in arrogance they try build on another person's foundation. Just read back through the comments and it is very easy to see that this one is not at all truthful and has claims that are undoubtedly bogus. He/she claims to have put in 70,000 hours in research. There are only 8,760 hours in a year and even if they spent 24/7 researching on this particular subject that means eight years total. Sounds like a crooked lawyers crap to me.
I'd have a hard time calling what he/she is doing 'delusional'. It has been my experience that people like him/her will ultimately sink their own boat. The sad part is that there are many people stuck in poverty while shitheads like this spread their misinformation to line their own pockets and in arrogance they try build on another person's foundation. Just read back through the comments and it is very easy to see that this one is not at all truthful and has claims that are undoubtedly bogus. He/she claims to have put in 70,000 hours in research. There are only 8,760 hours in a year and even if they spent 24/7 researching on this particular subject that means eight years total. Sounds like a crooked lawyers crap to me.

Well, I thought delusional sounded kinder than race baiter or charlatan. ;)

Sometimes I forget that we have no idea if people are who/what they say they are...and usually conflicting or improbable claims are a clue to authenticity. Thanks for the reminder.
Well, I thought delusional sounded kinder than race baiter or charlatan. ;)

Sometimes I forget that we have no idea if people are who/what they say they are...and usually conflicting or improbable claims are a clue to authenticity. Thanks for the reminder.
Yeah Rod did not want me calling it a liar either but he's not always nearby to make sure I type things with a more appropriate manner when it comes to peeps like that.
I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.
Why are you so worried about the coloreds? I mean damn a darkie gets money and the first thing he does is move away from the coloreds.

Yawn. You're boring.
Not what your girlfriend told me!

But that's what your wife and daughter told me.

You can't hang son. Don't try.
Obviously rules nor the truth really means anything to you. You have marginalized your credibility through your own words and it appears that you are one hell of a seditious pos that supports fascism and discrimination. People like you are why the hate in this country is on the rise.

I gained some extra time yesterday so I read your links. So tell me which on of those big nosed Jews lawyers is you at the money grubbing think tank or who is it that you are posting on behalf of? I despise people like you who willingly ignore truth and skew justice to line your own pocket books or push agendas that keep people in poverty and living in ignorance. The OP said herself that she and her husband chose to stay in black neighborhoods. Choices are what liberty is all about and you have chose to ignore truth and facts.

Well the thing is that you have just shown yourself to be a neo nazi extremist. The big nosed jew? Wow! I don't work at any of those think tanks. And no one in any of those articles made any claim about choosing to stay anywhere.

The person you referred to is not the OP

Because black contract buyers knew how easily they could lose their homes, they struggled to make their inflated monthly payments. Husbands and wives both worked double shifts. They neglected basic maintenance. They subdivided their apartments, crammed in extra tenants and, when possible, charged their tenants hefty rents. …

White people observed that their new black neighbors overcrowded and neglected their properties. Overcrowded neighborhoods meant overcrowded schools; in Chicago, officials responded by “double-shifting” the students (half attending in the morning, half in the afternoon). Children were deprived of a full day of schooling and left to fend for themselves in the after-school hours. These conditions helped fuel the rise of gangs, which in turn terrorized shop owners and residents alike.

In the end, whites fled these neighborhoods, not only because of the influx of black families, but also because they were upset about overcrowding, decaying schools and crime. They also understood that the longer they stayed, the less their property would be worth. But black contract buyers did not have the option of leaving a declining neighborhood before their properties were paid for in full—if they did, they would lose everything they’d invested in that property to date. Whites could leave—blacks had to stay.

You're a liar.

This person you claim is the OP was quoted from a book detailing the things you lied about.

Family Properties: How the Struggle Over Race and Real Estate Transformed Chicago and Urban America

A short synapsis:

The "promised land" for thousands of Southern blacks, postwar Chicago quickly became the most segregated city in the North, the site of the nation's worst ghettos and the target of Martin Luther King Jr.'s first campaign beyond the South. In this powerful book, Beryl Satter identifies the true causes of the city's black slums and the ruin of urban neighborhoods throughout the country: not, as some have argued, black pathology, the culture of poverty, or white flight, but a widespread and institutionalized system of legal and financial exploitation.

You see liar, Beryl Sutter did not chose to live in the black community. She never has lived in the black community.


Beryl Satter was writing about contract selling which was used against blacks in places like Chicago. Her father was named was Mark J. Satter

When Beryl Satter’s father, the Chicago lawyer Mark J. Satter, died in 1965, his obituary in The Chicago Daily News said, “Satter was the kind of man who made enemies — big and comfortable ones, not poor and weak ones.”

Mr. Satter was a caustic, charismatic figure, a pioneering civil-rights attorney who waged a lonely crusade on behalf of black families victimized by greedy real-estate speculators and by racist Chicago housing laws.

‘Family Properties’ by Beryl Satter Tells the Story of Chicago Real Estate

Seems that you are the one who is divorced from truth.

Nah. I'm not a racist. Not even close. It's not racism to hold whites accountable for the racism they continue to practice

You may or may not be a racist, but the language of a bigot comes through loud and clear. You rightly claim that only a black can know what its like to be black - and then go on to stereotype whites, as if you would know.

Let me tell you what I've experienced as a white person -

I've been pulled over at night for no apparent reason and had the cops ask me to leave the car while they shone flashlights all over the interior - it's scary.

I've been paid less and/or passed over for promotion to some one who was less qualified - and in one case had to train the higher paid individual.

I've had bank tellers, cashiers and store clerks be rude to, or ignore me.

I've been followed in department stores by 'discreet' security or suspicious employees.

Now let me tell what I haven't done - I haven't hated an entire race for a few bad actors. I agree that racism exists - in the form of lowered expectations. But that form of racism doesn't come from the folks who tell you that hard work pays off - it comes from the folks who tell you that without special help you can't make it - the very same folks who tell our inner city kids that they must stay in unsafe and failing schools because the teachers union is such a big political donor.

If you want to be mad be mad at the race hustlers - they ain't all white, and very few are Republicans.

You called Dr. Ben Carson an idiot - that's astounding. Is it because he shattered your hateful delusions?
I'd have a hard time calling what he/she is doing 'delusional'. It has been my experience that people like him/her will ultimately sink their own boat. The sad part is that there are many people stuck in poverty while shitheads like this spread their misinformation to line their own pockets and in arrogance they try build on another person's foundation. Just read back through the comments and it is very easy to see that this one is not at all truthful and has claims that are undoubtedly bogus. He/she claims to have put in 70,000 hours in research. There are only 8,760 hours in a year and even if they spent 24/7 researching on this particular subject that means eight years total. Sounds like a crooked lawyers crap to me.

No one here has spread misinformation but you.

40 hours per week times 52 weeks and 35 years is more than 70.000 hours. At 8.760 hours per year, the total for 35 years is 306,600 hours. Ben Carson is an idiot because what he says has no relation to fact. No one hates a whole race for anyone. I have stated my issues with whites who made the laws and policies hat created the problem as well as those who continue t he problem now. This is the trouble with trying to have this kind of discussion with ignorant people. I can say that only someone black can know what's like to be black because it's true. If you are a woman I can't tell you what it's like being a woman when I've never been one. But only when it comes t race do white people determine they know how it is to be a non white person and if they are actually told not so by someone non white then that person is the bigot instead of the white person whose bigotry has them believing thy know more about being black or non white than the person who has lived it.

And you talk about delusional.

You can talk abut all the bad things you have endured but you have not come close t experiencing what blacks have experienced.

29 Stupid Things White People Do and What We Can Do Instead | Baltimore Racial Justice Action

Believe that because you have experienced oppression as a woman, Jew, person with a disability, LGBT, etc. that you understand racism.

Instead: Recognize that different forms of oppression function differently in our society, and people can be privileged in one way while oppressed in another. It is not useful to compare or “rank” oppressions. If you have experienced oppression and know the pain it causes you, let that inspire you to take responsibility for the oppression you cause to others, not deny that you do so. (Would you agree if a man of color said he couldn’t be sexist because he had experienced racism, or an able-bodied lesbian said she couldn’t be prejudiced against a person with a disability because she’d experienced homophobia?)

Believe that you can relate to a person of color’s experience of racism because you’ve encountered a similar situation.
Instead: Recognize that as a white person you have never experienced what it’s like to be a person of color, and you never will. A personal instance of pain is not the same as a lifetime of oppression.

Believe that if you have experienced discrimination it is the same as experiencing structural racism.
Instead: Recognize that racism is not just prejudice, but prejudice plus power. In our society, whites have the vast majority of power in institutions such as schools, courts, and corporations and maintenance of national narratives. Individual people of color may be biased against whites, just as whites may be biased against people of color. But the difference is that whites have institutional power to consistently deny resources and rights to people of color impacting their life choices and life chances; people of color do not have similar power to use their bias that way.

Believe that racism “goes both ways.”
Instead: See above

Believe that any personal struggle you endure is the equivalent of oppression.
Instead: All people endure personal struggle; oppression is a separate situation. Oppression is when the cards are systematically stacked against you by forces outside your control; when society has the power to deny you rights and resources. Oppression is the systematic exploitation of one social group by another for its own benefit; it involves institutional control, ideological domination and the imposition of the dominant group’s culture on the oppressed group

You just don't get it. Either because you don't want to or you are too stupid to comprehend...
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.
If we were to believe Hollyweird and the lamestream media, the LGBTetc community is the most discriminated against and bullied bunch around. Of course, I'm sure some here would claim that black members of the LGBTetc bunch are more discriminated against than white LGBTetc members.
The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?
Most likely because Polish people aren't in constant victim mode, nor are they actively seeking some excuse to chimp out.

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