"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?
Most likely because Polish people aren't in constant victim mode, nor are they actively seeking some excuse to chimp out.

Whites are the ones in constant victim mode. Look at you guys.
You just don't get it. Either because you don't want to or you are too stupid to comprehend...

Oh I get it all right. Your list is nonsense. Not comparing ills - it's part of life - couldn't tell ya what color of skin any of those folks had. You're angry, embittered, feel entitled to special treatment, and look no deeper than skin color to blame for your misery. Still not sure if that adds up to you being a racist, but it sure puts extra points in the bigoted column.

You've accused every white person on this forum of racism, declared that your hatred is justified, tell all that your experiences are more important than anyone else's because their skin is the wrong color, rail against whitey, white men, honkies and the right - and now claim that it's the 'white leadership' you're angry at. Well that would be black race baiters and Democrats...not all of whom are white.

You're not interested in discussion - you want a platform for a tirade of bigotry...and a destructive one at that. Sorry that being a US citizen has been such a lousy experience for you - I didn't get to choose my birth place or skin color either.
Liberals: perpetual lying.
Truth, comprehension and ability to see 'its' own hypocrisy doesn't appear to be this degenerate calling it's self 'IM2' forte.
I think it's something different. I think they don't care and have some motive to try and hurt this country. Every message board has this garbage and they all use the same play book. Smoke spin lie defame attack. lather rinse repeat.
No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.

I've heard some Italians, and Poles speak of prejudices against them.

I don't think Blacks are uniquely discriminated against today.

Actually, if we look at Hollywood, and the media, it would appear that Italians, and Poles are more subjected to prejudices.

I KNOW blacks are discriminated against today. You're white and until you turn black stop trying to tell me how blacks are being treated today. I mean this is the most obvious example of the attitude of white supremacy when someone white can tell a black person how they get treated without experiencing being black.

Actually if we look at Hollywood and the media nothing you say is true.

You also don't know how Polish people are treated today, either.

Dumb Polak jokes are pretty common, what like that is common against Blacks?
Most likely because Polish people aren't in constant victim mode, nor are they actively seeking some excuse to chimp out.

Whites are the ones in constant victim mode. Look at you guys.
I know, I got this cut on my arm..
Liberals: perpetual lying.
Truth, comprehension and ability to see 'its' own hypocrisy doesn't appear to be this degenerate calling it's self 'IM2' forte.
I think it's something different. I think they don't care and have some motive to try and hurt this country. Every message board has this garbage and they all use the same play book. Smoke spin lie defame attack. lather rinse repeat.
This board has its fair share of them. The sad thing is ignorant peeps fall for crap like this one is pushing. Like I said in that one post i wasn't going to look at its links but after I got some time I did. Those radical think tanks pushing agendas for a paycheck are taken seriously and the normal everyday hard working people are f'k by them time and time again. I called them big nose jews not for antisemitic purposes but because they literally all have big noses and with those big noses they are shoving up it other peoples asses to push an agenda for we will all pay the bill for the crooks that f'd up places like Detroit and their public retirement funds. You and I have to pay the bill for their screw-up but wait they moved a bunch of Muzzies into those areas because the property values went to shit because people couldn't afford to support the public service sector where all the crooks had control for years. And the big nosed jews in that think tank get a paycheck regardless for pushing this type shit!
Liberals: perpetual lying.
Truth, comprehension and ability to see 'its' own hypocrisy doesn't appear to be this degenerate calling it's self 'IM2' forte.
I think it's something different. I think they don't care and have some motive to try and hurt this country. Every message board has this garbage and they all use the same play book. Smoke spin lie defame attack. lather rinse repeat.
This board has its fair share of them. The sad thing is ignorant peeps fall for crap like this one is pushing. Like I said in that one post i wasn't going to look at its links but after I got some time I did. Those radical think tanks pushing agendas for a paycheck are taken seriously and the normal everyday hard working people are f'k by them time and time again. I called them big nose jews not for antisemitic purposes but because they literally all have big noses and with those big noses they are shoving up it other peoples asses to push an agenda for we will all pay the bill for the crooks that f'd up places like Detroit and their public retirement funds. You and I have to pay the bill for their screw-up but wait they moved a bunch of Muzzies into those areas because the property values went to shit because people couldn't afford to support the public service sector where all the crooks had control for years. And the big nosed jews in that think tank get a paycheck regardless for pushing this type shit!

The problem is that it's not propaganda.
Liberals: perpetual lying.
Truth, comprehension and ability to see 'its' own hypocrisy doesn't appear to be this degenerate calling it's self 'IM2' forte.

I want you to show me the specific passage in the links where the person said they chose to live in the black community with the racist policies since you are so full of truth, honesty and integrity.
Liberals: perpetual lying.
Truth, comprehension and ability to see 'its' own hypocrisy doesn't appear to be this degenerate calling it's self 'IM2' forte.

I want you to show me the specific passage in the links where the person said they chose to live in the black community with the racist policies since you are so full of truth, honesty and integrity.
The OP you mental idjit.
You just don't get it. Either because you don't want to or you are too stupid to comprehend...

Oh I get it all right. Your list is nonsense. Not comparing ills - it's part of life - couldn't tell ya what color of skin any of those folks had. You're angry, embittered, feel entitled to special treatment, and look no deeper than skin color to blame for your misery. Still not sure if that adds up to you being a racist, but it sure puts extra points in the bigoted column.

You've accused every white person on this forum of racism, declared that your hatred is justified, tell all that your experiences are more important than anyone else's because their skin is the wrong color, rail against whitey, white men, honkies and the right - and now claim that it's the 'white leadership' you're angry at. Well that would be black race baiters and Democrats...not all of whom are white.

You're not interested in discussion - you want a platform for a tirade of bigotry...and a destructive one at that. Sorry that being a US citizen has been such a lousy experience for you - I didn't get to choose my birth place or skin color either.

Bullshit. There are no black race baiters . I have sad that I know more about being black than you whites do. I do. I have expressed no bigotry. There are whites here who say things I have said. That's how much bigotry I have expressed. And what misery am I supposed to be living in dumb ass?

The truth is what It is. We have a record from at east 1776 until right now. You are too scared to look at that record because you know what It shows.

Liberals: perpetual lying.
Truth, comprehension and ability to see 'its' own hypocrisy doesn't appear to be this degenerate calling it's self 'IM2' forte.

I want you to show me the specific passage in the links where the person said they chose to live in the black community with the racist policies since you are so full of truth, honesty and integrity.
The OP you mental idjit.

Show me the specific passage where it was said the person chose to live in the black community under those conditions.

Because the links you got from me were written by 2 men, Richard Rothstein and Ross Eisenberry. There was no mention of a she and her husband in either link. There was n female OP thank you.
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I bolded two areas that were her choice. When anyone make choices they live with them no matter who they are or what color they are. When a person looks the other way when it is known that a wrong is taking place that is also a choice. Those choices are what makes up the whole. The whole are the sum of neighborhoods no matter where they are.

Now that is it don't ask me anymore questions as I am done with you and will not respond to you directly. I have no need to waste time to respond to charlatans who willingly twist truth for personal agendas once they have been exposed as you have.

This thread is in response to several questions I’ve been asked recently. It has been suggested that since I am a white person, I cannot know what black people experience in this country.

In 1971 I moved from Lancaster County, PA into North Philadelphia to work at a Christian Youth Organization. I was one of a hand full of whites there. Then in 1980, I married a black man and we have lived together in black neighborhoods ever since. He told me from the very beginning “You stay white, and I’ll stay black,” and that’s what we have done. I feel as though I have been given insights into what black people experience. And since most white people don’t get those insights, I’ve been trying to share what I have learned. While I site other authors and sometimes refer to statistics or something I’ve read, my convictions have come from my experiences alone. And while you can argue with someone’s viewpoint and perceptions, you cannot argue with their experiences. It is what makes them who they are.

Folks have mentioned the Black Experience. My husband has told me many times over the years that the Black Experience in America is that you cannot be yourself. It’s being told by a white catholic brother that you can’t play the trumpet because your lips are too big (he suggests the tuba instead.) It’s being told by the white piano teacher that you can’t play the piano because your fingers are too small. It’s being followed around the store by the salespeople, picking up their negative, suspicious vibe before you even see them. It’s walking down the street with a smile on your face and watching the first white lady you come across tighten the grip on her handbag. It’s standing on the corner when a white person pulls up to the stop sign, sees you and quickly locks all of the doors. It’s seeing black people on the news night after night, in handcuffs, being taken away as criminals. It’s wanting to speak up at work when you see unequal treatment, but knowing you may lose your job if you do. It’s being angry at injustice, but being told to shut up and forget about the past, like it has nothing to do with the present.
It’s walking down the street with a smile on your face and watching the first white lady you come across tighten the grip on her handbag. It’s standing on the corner when a white person pulls up to the stop sign, sees you and quickly locks all of the doors. It’s seeing black people on the news night after night, in handcuffs, being taken away as criminals.
What do you expect when only 13% of American citizens are black, but they commit over 50% of all the crimes, and the vast majority of the murders? ..... :dunno:

I bolded two areas that were her choice. When anyone make choices they live with them no matter who they are or what color they are. When a person looks the other way when it is known that a wrong is taking place that is also a choice. Those choices are what makes up the whole. The whole are the sum of neighborhoods no matter where they are.

Now that is it don't ask me anymore questions as I am done with you and will not respond to you directly. I have no need to waste time to respond to charlatans who willingly twist truth for personal agendas once they have been exposed as you have.

This thread is in response to several questions I’ve been asked recently. It has been suggested that since I am a white person, I cannot know what black people experience in this country.

In 1971 I moved from Lancaster County, PA into North Philadelphia to work at a Christian Youth Organization. I was one of a hand full of whites there. Then in 1980, I married a black man and we have lived together in black neighborhoods ever since. He told me from the very beginning “You stay white, and I’ll stay black,” and that’s what we have done. I feel as though I have been given insights into what black people experience. And since most white people don’t get those insights, I’ve been trying to share what I have learned. While I site other authors and sometimes refer to statistics or something I’ve read, my convictions have come from my experiences alone. And while you can argue with someone’s viewpoint and perceptions, you cannot argue with their experiences. It is what makes them who they are.

Folks have mentioned the Black Experience. My husband has told me many times over the years that the Black Experience in America is that you cannot be yourself. It’s being told by a white catholic brother that you can’t play the trumpet because your lips are too big (he suggests the tuba instead.) It’s being told by the white piano teacher that you can’t play the piano because your fingers are too small. It’s being followed around the store by the salespeople, picking up their negative, suspicious vibe before you even see them. It’s walking down the street with a smile on your face and watching the first white lady you come across tighten the grip on her handbag. It’s standing on the corner when a white person pulls up to the stop sign, sees you and quickly locks all of the doors. It’s seeing black people on the news night after night, in handcuffs, being taken away as criminals. It’s wanting to speak up at work when you see unequal treatment, but knowing you may lose your job if you do. It’s being angry at injustice, but being told to shut up and forget about the past, like it has nothing to do with the present.

.And your rebuttal to this is simply not the way things are. .What I posted was not about this ..It is about the choice of the US government to enact racist policies in communities such as these. That's a choice also. And that's all part of the sum.

Your racist agenda of white denial is going to be fought.

I do think have Iived pretty well for 56 years before you responded to me, so good riddance.
And they are farming the same land as their great great great grandfather?

I'm finding that hard to believe.

All of my peers, at best, got some support to go to school from their parents, and generally still ended up with massive debt that they are still struggling to pay off by working and sacrificing.

And plenty of them have worse stories than that.

None of them was ever HANDED shit.

Doesn't matter what you find hard to believe. Yes they are farming that same land.

Correll, life is not Teflon. Things have happened for you and your family over time where you have benefitted because you are white. This crap of whites pretending these things did not happen and that suddenly we all are born equal just is not so.. Whites have been given every handout the governments can give, That's what the record shows. This is not about what YOU endured. It IS about the comparison between what whites and blacks as groups have endured. I haven't done badly, but that doesn't mean every black person is going to get access to the same things I did nor does it negate the current way whites are practicing racism.

Bull fucking shit.

My father was a coal miner and a WWII vet. He worked hard for everything that he ever got.

And if you think he left an estate that was the basis of my current wealth, you are sadly mistaken.

And my peers have similar stories, some a little better, some a lot worse.

Yeah and my father served I WW2 took a sniper bullet in France, came back and was told to sit in the back of the bus. .This conversation goes beyond just you. This is about laws and policies designed to deny groups of people and benefit one specific group, whites. Now if you can't discuss this at the macro level where it belongs being discussed then you are talking nonsense with that excuse if how everyone has had it hard. Half my family is from Kentucky Correll. My uncles could not work in the mines because they were black.ok?

You think if they had been able to work in the mines that that would have given you an edge up?

That that mine work some how translated into some edge for ME?


And I'm happy to discuss it at a macro level. But posting some shit from a hundred and fifty years ago, ignoring all the history and efforts made on behalf of blacks since then, is not an argument, it is just nonsense.

What efforts were made on behalf of blacks that equalized the economies pf the back and white communities?

And why is it that you white people selectively pick what history can be discussed and what past is relevant today. The constitution was written over 240 years ago, does it not matter now fuckhead? I get damned tired of that bullshit excuse. We are going to look at the history of this nation because that history s why we are here right f---ing now.

What efforts?

Generations of Affirmative Action, and Diversity programs, and outreach programs and ever increasingly aggressive enforcement of the 64 act, busing, Hell formal QUOTAS for a while,

off the top of my head.

You are the one that want's to discuss something from 155 years ago, but ignore the vast efforts made SINCE then.

Oh, and btw, by doing that, you demonstrate that the foundation of Multiculturalism is wrong.

We can't live in harmony tolerating differences, if past injustices are NEVER let go of.
Doesn't matter what you find hard to believe. Yes they are farming that same land.

Correll, life is not Teflon. Things have happened for you and your family over time where you have benefitted because you are white. This crap of whites pretending these things did not happen and that suddenly we all are born equal just is not so.. Whites have been given every handout the governments can give, That's what the record shows. This is not about what YOU endured. It IS about the comparison between what whites and blacks as groups have endured. I haven't done badly, but that doesn't mean every black person is going to get access to the same things I did nor does it negate the current way whites are practicing racism.

Bull fucking shit.

My father was a coal miner and a WWII vet. He worked hard for everything that he ever got.

And if you think he left an estate that was the basis of my current wealth, you are sadly mistaken.

And my peers have similar stories, some a little better, some a lot worse.

Yeah and my father served I WW2 took a sniper bullet in France, came back and was told to sit in the back of the bus. .This conversation goes beyond just you. This is about laws and policies designed to deny groups of people and benefit one specific group, whites. Now if you can't discuss this at the macro level where it belongs being discussed then you are talking nonsense with that excuse if how everyone has had it hard. Half my family is from Kentucky Correll. My uncles could not work in the mines because they were black.ok?

You think if they had been able to work in the mines that that would have given you an edge up?

That that mine work some how translated into some edge for ME?


And I'm happy to discuss it at a macro level. But posting some shit from a hundred and fifty years ago, ignoring all the history and efforts made on behalf of blacks since then, is not an argument, it is just nonsense.

What efforts were made on behalf of blacks that equalized the economies pf the back and white communities?

And why is it that you white people selectively pick what history can be discussed and what past is relevant today. The constitution was written over 240 years ago, does it not matter now fuckhead? I get damned tired of that bullshit excuse. We are going to look at the history of this nation because that history s why we are here right f---ing now.

What efforts?

Generations of Affirmative Action, and Diversity programs, and outreach programs and ever increasingly aggressive enforcement of the 64 act, busing, Hell formal QUOTAS for a while,

off the top of my head.

You are the one that want's to discuss something from 155 years ago, but ignore the vast efforts made SINCE then.

Oh, and btw, by doing that, you demonstrate that the foundation of Multiculturalism is wrong.

We can't live in harmony tolerating differences, if past injustices are NEVER let go of.
It won't matter to this ass Correll as they will keep making up more excuses and keep moving their ideology and goal post. That is the way corrupt people roll.

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