"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

Bullshit. There are no black race baiters . I have sad that I know more about being black than you whites do. I do. I have expressed no bigotry. There are whites here who say things I have said. That's how much bigotry I have expressed. And what misery am I supposed to be living in dumb ass?

The truth is what It is. We have a record from at east 1776 until right now. You are too scared to look at that record because you know what It shows.


Now you're just being silly - of course there are black race baiters, I met one right here, just today.

Some men you might learn from - or not.
A Legacy of Liberalism
Walter E. Williams - Black Self-Sabotage
Bullshit. There are no black race baiters . I have sad that I know more about being black than you whites do. I do. I have expressed no bigotry. There are whites here who say things I have said. That's how much bigotry I have expressed. And what misery am I supposed to be living in dumb ass?

The truth is what It is. We have a record from at east 1776 until right now. You are too scared to look at that record because you know what It shows.


Now you're just being silly - of course there are black race baiters, I met one right here, just today.

Some men you might learn from - or not.
A Legacy of Liberalism
Walter E. Williams - Black Self-Sabotage

Like I said, there are no black race baiters. You haven't met one. I don't need to read the misinformation you read from Walter Williams and other black conservatives. I've read their garbage and it's wrong.

Let me provide you with an example.

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.

Overall in our society fewer people are getting married at an early age and some choose not to marry across the lines of race. The destruction of family s not the problem. In 1959 with that 18 percent, blacks lived at a 55.1 percent rate of poverty as documented by US Census data. Today with that 68 percent of female headed households it's 24 percent, more that one half times less..

The issue here is the lack of economic development in the black community which Williams doesn't seem to get. Conservatives seek the easy answers, white single parent families exist, and white communities provide more economic opportunities for the people living there. There is a direct correlation between these areas that is more definitive that blaming single moms for poverty and mentioning one area of crime.
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If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.

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I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


These white people here are so dumb they don't understand they are the ones who have been race baited by other whites to believe the things they do.
I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

Just as there is such a thing as "generational poverty" for some, there is also "generationsl wealth" for others. How someone would not understand this is baffling.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage
When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get
I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

Just as there is such a thing as "generational poverty" for some, there is also "generationsl wealth" for others. How someone would not understand this is baffling.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage

These whites don't want to admit what the rest of us already know. Including whites such as this man:

Like I said, there are no black race baiters. You haven't met one. I don't need to read the misinformation you read from Walter Williams and other black conservatives. I've read their garbage and it's wrong.

Ah, now the truth is revealed - you are an equal opportunity hater of conservatives - regardless of skin color. Got it!

Info from the US Census Bureau which is in the gathering game, not the blame game.

'Since the late 1960s, the poverty rate for people over 65 has fallen dramatically. The poverty rate for children has historically been somewhat higher than the overall poverty rate. The poverty rate for people in households headed by single women is significantly higher than the overall poverty rate.'

National Poverty Center | University of Michigan

You can use the lazy intellectualists method of explaining this by declaring white 'oppression'...though that would require the mistaken assumption that all single mom households in poverty are black. But there are many factors - two person households have two potential earners, higher levels of education can produce higher levels of income, and yes, economic mobility. Why is there less economic mobility in inner city neighborhoods?

Speaking of economic mobility - what is your opinion on educational mobility?..ie, school vouchers?
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Like I said, there are no black race baiters. You haven't met one. I don't need to read the misinformation you read from Walter Williams and other black conservatives. I've read their garbage and it's wrong.

Ah, now the truth is revealed - you are an equal opportunity hater of conservatives - regardless of skin color. Got it!

Info from the US Census Bureau which is in the gathering game, not the blame game.

'Since the late 1960s, the poverty rate for people over 65 has fallen dramatically. The poverty rate for children has historically been somewhat higher than the overall poverty rate. The poverty rate for people in households headed by single women is significantly higher than the overall poverty rate.'

National Poverty Center | University of Michigan

You can use the lazy intellectualists method of explaining this by declaring white 'oppression'. But there are many factors - two person households have two potential earners, higher levels of education can produce higher levels of income, and yes, economic mobility. Why is there less economic mobility in inner city neighborhoods?

Speaking of economic mobility - what is your opinion on educational mobility?..ie, school vouchers?

We are not discussing the poverty rate of people over 65 or children.

School vouchers do not represent economic mobility. And it is intellectually lazy and outright dishonest to deny the role white racism has in poverty.

The problem with you conservatives is mainly that you are always wrong.

There is no blame game Incomes between and whites have remained the same for the last 50 years. Blacks and whites with same amount of education, blacks are paid less. That's what the facts show.

The question you need to be asking is why don't cities invest in ideas from citizens in inner city communities? Why don't banks invest in ideas from people who think as entrepreneurs in the inner cities? Do you know what venture capital is ? Do you understand why whites just may have more venture capital than blacks? These are just a few questions you need to ask instead of the one you did ask. And you can't ask those questions because you don't have a clue. I have worked in these communities and I am not going to argue with some white person who hasn't on these matters based upon silly conservative ideology.
We are not discussing the poverty rate of people over 65 or children.

By most definitions the title of 'mom' requires a child.
'The poverty rate for people in households headed by single women is significantly higher than the overall poverty rate.'
Therein lies part of your comprehension problem - the inability/unwillingness to analyze (read) the whole - preferring to focus (cherry-pick) on parts that support your bias. That type of math will never reveal the sum total of all the parts..

School vouchers do not represent economic mobility. And it is intellectually lazy and outright dishonest to deny the role white racism has in poverty.

The only display of intellectual laziness and outright dishonesty in this conversation is yours. Education does represent economic mobility - but that wasn't the question. Speaking of economic mobility - what is your opinion on educational mobility?..ie, school vouchers? Dodging indicates one of two conditions, or both - see intellectual laziness or outright dishonesty.

The problem with you conservatives is mainly that you are always wrong.

Again, see: intellectual laziness or outright dishonesty...you're not here to plead the black cause, you're here to defend the liberal cause - which makes you a race hustler as well as a race baiter. But I do understand why your comfort zone depends on holding that stereotype dear. 'They' must be 'wrong' because if 'they' aren't...:ack-1:

So since the real issue is political ideology - yes, there is a political party who engages in racism...the racism of lowered expectations. Destructive, but profitable for the race hustlers and politicians of any color who subscribe to it.

The question you need to be asking is why don't cities invest in ideas from citizens in inner city communities? Why don't banks invest in ideas from people who think as entrepreneurs in the inner cities?

I can do the math - can you?

I have worked in these communities and I am not going to argue with some white person who hasn't on these matters based upon silly conservative ideology.

Of course you're not - it's less threatening to your stereotypical view of conservatives. When the conversation becomes uncomfortable to long held bigotry, run, hide - it's the Liberal Way. :beer:
I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


A strawman, taken to an absurd extreme as you have done, is an inadvertent admission on your part that you can not dispute what I actually said.

My point stands.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers...
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


These white people here are so dumb they don't understand they are the ones who have been race baited by other whites to believe the things they do.

No one had to tell me that my father worked hard for what he had, nor that I have worked hard for what I have.

You are an asshole.
This thread is in response to several questions I’ve been asked recently. It has been suggested that since I am a white person, I cannot know what black people experience in this country.

In 1971 I moved from Lancaster County, PA into North Philadelphia to work at a Christian Youth Organization. I was one of a hand full of whites there. Then in 1980, I married a black man and we have lived together in black neighborhoods ever since. He told me from the very beginning “You stay white, and I’ll stay black,” and that’s what we have done. I feel as though I have been given insights into what black people experience. And since most white people don’t get those insights, I’ve been trying to share what I have learned. While I site other authors and sometimes refer to statistics or something I’ve read, my convictions have come from my experiences alone. And while you can argue with someone’s viewpoint and perceptions, you cannot argue with their experiences. It is what makes them who they are.

Folks have mentioned the Black Experience. My husband has told me many times over the years that the Black Experience in America is that you cannot be yourself. It’s being told by a white catholic brother that you can’t play the trumpet because your lips are too big (he suggests the tuba instead.) It’s being told by the white piano teacher that you can’t play the piano because your fingers are too small. It’s being followed around the store by the salespeople, picking up their negative, suspicious vibe before you even see them. It’s walking down the street with a smile on your face and watching the first white lady you come across tighten the grip on her handbag. It’s standing on the corner when a white person pulls up to the stop sign, sees you and quickly locks all of the doors. It’s seeing black people on the news night after night, in handcuffs, being taken away as criminals. It’s wanting to speak up at work when you see unequal treatment, but knowing you may lose your job if you do. It’s being angry at injustice, but being told to shut up and forget about the past, like it has nothing to do with the present.

I was cut from a basketball team because I wasn't "tall enough". I lock my doors when I come to a street corner where white beggars are there. I have been called racist because I didn't help a white girl because her boyfriend, who I never met was black, he was the one that called and accused me. I have stood up for what was wrong and lost my job, that is a risk you take, but wrong is wrong, sorry you don't feel that way. I work harder to try to work with black clients over white for fear of being labeled a racist. Seeing people getting arrested on TV? That makes no sense to me, if a black commits a crime, should it not be put on the news?

My daughter's husband, who is black get crap from black people for marrying a white girl. He also gets crap for voting Republican. Our family and friends don't ever mention his skin color, he is a good guy and that is all that matters.
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


A strawman, taken to an absurd extreme as you have done, is an inadvertent admission on your part that you can not dispute what I actually said.

My point stands.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers...

The only "point" that you have is your nearly hysterical defense of "how hard you and those that you know have worked for what they have".

You are absolutely welcome to allow your point to "stand" within your own circle of influence, but it means ZERO within mine, nor does it negate the fact that SOME have benefited from exactly what IM2 stated. You may want to shed your thin skin and ask where anyone implied anything about you personally.

You don't like it when a collective is the beneficiary of preferential treatment not available to all in society and you feel that you are assumed to be one of those who benefitted, do you?

Kind of like the fact that not every black citizen is successful because of AA, or at the expense of a white person. See how that works?
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


These white people here are so dumb they don't understand they are the ones who have been race baited by other whites to believe the things they do.

Because I thought the ones who consider you as a "Fellow Human" are the ones who have been brainwashed to believe the things they do, no?
The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get
When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

Just as there is such a thing as "generational poverty" for some, there is also "generationsl wealth" for others. How someone would not understand this is baffling.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage

These whites don't want to admit what the rest of us already know. Including whites such as this man:

I wonder what this Tim Wise has to say about his Jews coming here mostly at the turn of the 20th century, and coming to have very high incomes.

Is there Jewish privilege?
I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


A strawman, taken to an absurd extreme as you have done, is an inadvertent admission on your part that you can not dispute what I actually said.

My point stands.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers...

The only "point" that you have is your nearly hysterical defense of "how hard you and those that you know have worked for what they have".

You are absolutely welcome to allow your point to "stand" within your own circle of influence, but it means ZERO within mine, nor does it negate the fact that SOME have benefited from exactly what IM2 stated. You may want to shed your thin skin and ask where anyone implied anything about you personally.

You don't like it when a collective is the beneficiary of preferential treatment not available to all in society and you feel that you are assumed to be one of those who benefitted, do you?

Kind of like the fact that not every black citizen is successful because of AA, or at the expense of a white person. See how that works?

The fact that you felt the need to address an absurd strawman instead of what I actually said, reveals that in your mind, that you know you cannot refute my point, at least not honestly.

That is why I said that my point stands.

And my point does thus stand.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers...
When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


A strawman, taken to an absurd extreme as you have done, is an inadvertent admission on your part that you can not dispute what I actually said.

My point stands.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers...

The only "point" that you have is your nearly hysterical defense of "how hard you and those that you know have worked for what they have".

You are absolutely welcome to allow your point to "stand" within your own circle of influence, but it means ZERO within mine, nor does it negate the fact that SOME have benefited from exactly what IM2 stated. You may want to shed your thin skin and ask where anyone implied anything about you personally.

You don't like it when a collective is the beneficiary of preferential treatment not available to all in society and you feel that you are assumed to be one of those who benefitted, do you?

Kind of like the fact that not every black citizen is successful because of AA, or at the expense of a white person. See how that works?

The fact that you felt the need to address an absurd strawman instead of what I actually said, reveals that in your mind, that you know you cannot refute my point, at least not honestly.

That is why I said that my point stands.

And my point does thus stand.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers...

The truth is what it is. There have been a bunch of government programs whites have benefitted from that blacks and other people of color could not that allowed whites upward mobility. We are not talking about YOU, so again discuss this at a macro level not your micro level excuses.

When whites start talking about how blacks get 230 points for affirmative action all the time, then we will talk about what whites have had handed to them and you will understand that whites have been given things that others have not. Blacks have not benefitted from anything at the expense of whites. NOTHING. The facts of Affirmative Action show that whites have benefitted the mot from Affirmative Action. Then as your ass ignores virtually 200 years of how whites benefitted from everything at the expense of all others to mention this someone needs to break you of this amnesia.

I will say that you are whining because no one has said every white person has gotten rich and no one has said all whites have had it easy and no one is talking about all whites like they are the Rockefellers. But the reality is that by the simple fact that all whites were free, had the righto equal protection under the law, access to all universities and jobs, that all whites did benefit from a system of race based exclusion. So if you really want a decent discussion which you claim to want, you recognize this to be true instead of trying to deny it, because you can be shown these things Correll.

And you can be shown how these things are still happening today.
The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

THE HOMESTEAD ACT? That was 18 fucking 62!!!

You are going back 155 years, to explain why you think white guys today have had shit handed to them?

YOu are fucking nuts.

Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

Just as there is such a thing as "generational poverty" for some, there is also "generationsl wealth" for others. How someone would not understand this is baffling.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage

These whites don't want to admit what the rest of us already know. Including whites such as this man:

I wonder what this Tim Wise has to say about his Jews coming here mostly at the turn of the 20th century, and coming to have very high incomes.

Is there Jewish privilege?

Jews are white.
I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


These white people here are so dumb they don't understand they are the ones who have been race baited by other whites to believe the things they do.

Because I thought the ones who consider you as a "Fellow Human" are the ones who have been brainwashed to believe the things they do, no?

And who would those people be? The people here who have filled threads with racist bullshit then lie about not seeing race?
I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.

When you state that "white men have shit handed to them" you are dismissing all their hard work and sacrifice.

When I think how hard it has been for me to get to where I am, when I think of the struggles of so many of my friends and family...

And people like you, talk shit about them as though they are the fucking Rockerfellers....

The truth is whites have been handed almost everything they have got. You white folks don't like that being said about you , but you sure are gad to put that on others. I've dismissed nothing. After whites were given land as part of the homestead act I am sure they worked very hard to farm that land. After whites were given low cost loans in the 50's by the government to buy homes, I am quite sure they worked hard to make the payments. While blacks could not get certain jobs because of their race, I'm sure whites who were hired because they were white worked hard to remain employed. I'm sure that the whites who got admitted into college that did not allow blacks worked hard to get those degrees. I'm sure that white person who got that business loan blacks were denied only because of race, worked hard to make that business was successful. Oh I am not dismissing anything correll, not at all.

But of course the fact that you acknowledge the truth and point out that black citizens were denied the same opportunities in post slavery America, that in some perverse way in his view, this is a form of "anti white" sentiment.

And of course we all know that when Affirmative Action was signed into effect, that literally overnight, employers stopped hiring white people, colleges stopped admitting white students, and banks stopped granting low interest loans to white people because everything was "handed" to "The Blacks" at the expense of the poor, maligned white man.


These white people here are so dumb they don't understand they are the ones who have been race baited by other whites to believe the things they do.

No one had to tell me that my father worked hard for what he had, nor that I have worked hard for what I have.

You are an asshole.

YOU are a white person who can't deal with the truth.

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