"You stay white, and I'll stay black"

Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

For what it is worth, I grew up in the suburbs, living next to several black families.

During the summers the one family had cousins from the city stay with them, because the kids parent(s) didn't want them exposed to the black city culture.
Yep, because there are people today living on that free land who got it passed to them through these same 155 years.

Ask Cliven Bundy and others who make huge money today from the free land their ancestors passed to them.

Just face it. Without government help, whites would be nowhere.

If you think that a one time wind fall is still responsible for anyone's wealth 155 years later, then you don't understand money at all.

If it was only a one time windfall, then you would be right. And yes since land does increase in value, then those holding on to homestead land have added wealth from that and which s worth more now than it was 155 years ago. I know how money works real well. You seem to be the one who doesn't

How many families have really held on to the same land for over one hundred and fifty years?

I know quite a few as I live in a rural state. But you see the homestead act was not all I talked about.

And they are farming the same land as their great great great grandfather?

I'm finding that hard to believe.

All of my peers, at best, got some support to go to school from their parents, and generally still ended up with massive debt that they are still struggling to pay off by working and sacrificing.

And plenty of them have worse stories than that.

None of them was ever HANDED shit.

Doesn't matter what you find hard to believe. Yes they are farming that same land.

Correll, life is not Teflon. Things have happened for you and your family over time where you have benefitted because you are white. This crap of whites pretending these things did not happen and that suddenly we all are born equal just is not so.. Whites have been given every handout the governments can give, That's what the record shows. This is not about what YOU endured. It IS about the comparison between what whites and blacks as groups have endured. I haven't done badly, but that doesn't mean every black person is going to get access to the same things I did nor does it negate the current way whites are practicing racism.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

Don't care why your family moved. The problem with most of you whites here is that you want to pretend that groups don't matter but they do.
No one hates black people more than other black people.

Black men would rather marry anyone from another race, than marry a black woman.

Plus, the minute a black person becomes successful and gets into some money. They pack up the family and move to a white neighborhood, in order not to live around other blacks. .... :cool:
If you think that a one time wind fall is still responsible for anyone's wealth 155 years later, then you don't understand money at all.

If it was only a one time windfall, then you would be right. And yes since land does increase in value, then those holding on to homestead land have added wealth from that and which s worth more now than it was 155 years ago. I know how money works real well. You seem to be the one who doesn't

How many families have really held on to the same land for over one hundred and fifty years?

I know quite a few as I live in a rural state. But you see the homestead act was not all I talked about.

And they are farming the same land as their great great great grandfather?

I'm finding that hard to believe.

All of my peers, at best, got some support to go to school from their parents, and generally still ended up with massive debt that they are still struggling to pay off by working and sacrificing.

And plenty of them have worse stories than that.

None of them was ever HANDED shit.

Doesn't matter what you find hard to believe. Yes they are farming that same land.

Correll, life is not Teflon. Things have happened for you and your family over time where you have benefitted because you are white. This crap of whites pretending these things did not happen and that suddenly we all are born equal just is not so.. Whites have been given every handout the governments can give, That's what the record shows. This is not about what YOU endured. It IS about the comparison between what whites and blacks as groups have endured. I haven't done badly, but that doesn't mean every black person is going to get access to the same things I did nor does it negate the current way whites are practicing racism.

Bull fucking shit.

My father was a coal miner and a WWII vet. He worked hard for everything that he ever got.

And if you think he left an estate that was the basis of my current wealth, you are sadly mistaken.

And my peers have similar stories, some a little better, some a lot worse.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

Don't care why your family moved. The problem with most of you whites here is that you want to pretend that groups don't matter but they do.

Bullshit. All day, everyday, you lefties are all about blaming the white man for EVERYTHING, regardless of whether he had ANYTHING to do with it.
You say I am generating racism but show zero examples of how this is being done.


Sure I can. It's called 'everything you've posted since you showed up here.'

No you can't. That's why you haven't.

I just did, and you keep on proving it.

You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.

These guys don't come here to have a discussion. They come here to post racism where it's safe.

I can show all kinds of laws and policies that are responsible for great damage in he black community today. There is no sense to post a link to information because these people don't want t read it. I mean I can post racist housing policy hat are pretty much still followed and someone like Sunni will ignore the facts to post up some garbage about blaming whitey. Or I get told how I am a racist or playing some victim or some other ridiculous clam. Then as some like correll says he's here trying to have a conversation but he is unwilling to listen to any facts that dispute his I had it just as hard as blacks have stuff. He had to go into debt to go to college, My parents were not allowed to even go to college, Not that they couldn't afford t, but that they were not allowed regardless of whether they could or not.There is no equivalence there and pretending that never happened by saying that was in the past doesn't change anything. The refusal to let my parents go to college cost them more than a million dollars in income, affected where we grew up and the type of schools we were able to attend.
Sure I can. It's called 'everything you've posted since you showed up here.'

No you can't. That's why you haven't.

I just did, and you keep on proving it.

You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.

These guys don't come here to have a discussion. They come here to post racism where it's safe.

I can show all kinds of laws and policies that are responsible for great damage in he black community today. There is no sense to post a link to information because these people don't want t read it. I mean I can post racist housing policy hat are pretty much still followed and someone like Sunni will ignore the facts to post up some garbage about blaming whitey. Or I get told how I am a racist or playing some victim or some other ridiculous clam. Then as some like correll says he's here trying to have a conversation but he is unwilling to listen to any facts that dispute his I had it just as hard as blacks have stuff. He had to go into debt to go to college, My parents were not allowed to even go to college, Not that they couldn't afford t, but that they were not allowed regardless of whether they could or not.There is no equivalence there and pretending that never happened by saying that was in the past doesn't change anything. The refusal to let my parents go to college cost them more than a million dollars in income, affected where we grew up and the type of schools we were able to attend.

These days having a black skin gets you a 230 point sat bonus in college admissions.

ANd just how long ago were your parents trying to go to school?
The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
I'm personally tired of seeing this map. You seem to be really stuck on blaming the negro for pretty much everything. Have you had bad personal experiences that caused this obsession?


such a direct attack based on substance, and you weren't able to defend against it other than making a personal attack?

That's tacitly admitting that you CAN'T deny his claims based on facts.

That has to really suck for you, deep down where you know the truth.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.

I don't think that's necessarily true, Italians, and Poles especially had very close knit enclaves in the cities.

Really, when they moved out to the suburbs it ruined that.
It split families apart.

You want to know why?
I'll tell you why.... Half my family is from Yonkers, New York, and the other half is from Portchester, New York.

In Yonkers they were robbed, or mugged 8 times for "Staying" when the "Blacks moved in"

In Portchester they were also mugged, and scared to sleep due to gunshots for "Staying" when the "Blacks moved in"

It's more like Whites were scared the f*ck out.
If it was only a one time windfall, then you would be right. And yes since land does increase in value, then those holding on to homestead land have added wealth from that and which s worth more now than it was 155 years ago. I know how money works real well. You seem to be the one who doesn't

How many families have really held on to the same land for over one hundred and fifty years?

I know quite a few as I live in a rural state. But you see the homestead act was not all I talked about.

And they are farming the same land as their great great great grandfather?

I'm finding that hard to believe.

All of my peers, at best, got some support to go to school from their parents, and generally still ended up with massive debt that they are still struggling to pay off by working and sacrificing.

And plenty of them have worse stories than that.

None of them was ever HANDED shit.

Doesn't matter what you find hard to believe. Yes they are farming that same land.

Correll, life is not Teflon. Things have happened for you and your family over time where you have benefitted because you are white. This crap of whites pretending these things did not happen and that suddenly we all are born equal just is not so.. Whites have been given every handout the governments can give, That's what the record shows. This is not about what YOU endured. It IS about the comparison between what whites and blacks as groups have endured. I haven't done badly, but that doesn't mean every black person is going to get access to the same things I did nor does it negate the current way whites are practicing racism.

Bull fucking shit.

My father was a coal miner and a WWII vet. He worked hard for everything that he ever got.

And if you think he left an estate that was the basis of my current wealth, you are sadly mistaken.

And my peers have similar stories, some a little better, some a lot worse.

Yeah and my father served I WW2 took a sniper bullet in France, came back and was told to sit in the back of the bus. .This conversation goes beyond just you. This is about laws and policies designed to deny groups of people and benefit one specific group, whites. Now if you can't discuss this at the macro level where it belongs being discussed then you are talking nonsense with that excuse if how everyone has had it hard. Half my family is from Kentucky Correll. My uncles could not work in the mines because they were black.ok?
No you can't. That's why you haven't.

I just did, and you keep on proving it.

You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.

These guys don't come here to have a discussion. They come here to post racism where it's safe.

I can show all kinds of laws and policies that are responsible for great damage in he black community today. There is no sense to post a link to information because these people don't want t read it. I mean I can post racist housing policy hat are pretty much still followed and someone like Sunni will ignore the facts to post up some garbage about blaming whitey. Or I get told how I am a racist or playing some victim or some other ridiculous clam. Then as some like correll says he's here trying to have a conversation but he is unwilling to listen to any facts that dispute his I had it just as hard as blacks have stuff. He had to go into debt to go to college, My parents were not allowed to even go to college, Not that they couldn't afford t, but that they were not allowed regardless of whether they could or not.There is no equivalence there and pretending that never happened by saying that was in the past doesn't change anything. The refusal to let my parents go to college cost them more than a million dollars in income, affected where we grew up and the type of schools we were able to attend.

These days having a black skin gets you a 230 point sat bonus in college admissions.

ANd just how long ago were your parents trying to go to school?

These days whites already have that 230 points solely on the basis of being white.

It doesn't matter how long ago it was Corrrell, the reality is that the past impacts today. There is nothing we have today that is not a result of the past .
How many families have really held on to the same land for over one hundred and fifty years?

I know quite a few as I live in a rural state. But you see the homestead act was not all I talked about.

And they are farming the same land as their great great great grandfather?

I'm finding that hard to believe.

All of my peers, at best, got some support to go to school from their parents, and generally still ended up with massive debt that they are still struggling to pay off by working and sacrificing.

And plenty of them have worse stories than that.

None of them was ever HANDED shit.

Doesn't matter what you find hard to believe. Yes they are farming that same land.

Correll, life is not Teflon. Things have happened for you and your family over time where you have benefitted because you are white. This crap of whites pretending these things did not happen and that suddenly we all are born equal just is not so.. Whites have been given every handout the governments can give, That's what the record shows. This is not about what YOU endured. It IS about the comparison between what whites and blacks as groups have endured. I haven't done badly, but that doesn't mean every black person is going to get access to the same things I did nor does it negate the current way whites are practicing racism.

Bull fucking shit.

My father was a coal miner and a WWII vet. He worked hard for everything that he ever got.

And if you think he left an estate that was the basis of my current wealth, you are sadly mistaken.

And my peers have similar stories, some a little better, some a lot worse.

Yeah and my father served I WW2 took a sniper bullet in France, came back and was told to sit in the back of the bus. .This conversation goes beyond just you. This is about laws and policies designed to deny groups of people and benefit one specific group, whites. Now if you can't discuss this at the macro level where it belongs being discussed then you are talking nonsense with that excuse if how everyone has had it hard. Half my family is from Kentucky Correll. My uncles could not work in the mines because they were black.ok?

You think if they had been able to work in the mines that that would have given you an edge up?

That that mine work some how translated into some edge for ME?


And I'm happy to discuss it at a macro level. But posting some shit from a hundred and fifty years ago, ignoring all the history and efforts made on behalf of blacks since then, is not an argument, it is just nonsense.
I just did, and you keep on proving it.

You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.

These guys don't come here to have a discussion. They come here to post racism where it's safe.

I can show all kinds of laws and policies that are responsible for great damage in he black community today. There is no sense to post a link to information because these people don't want t read it. I mean I can post racist housing policy hat are pretty much still followed and someone like Sunni will ignore the facts to post up some garbage about blaming whitey. Or I get told how I am a racist or playing some victim or some other ridiculous clam. Then as some like correll says he's here trying to have a conversation but he is unwilling to listen to any facts that dispute his I had it just as hard as blacks have stuff. He had to go into debt to go to college, My parents were not allowed to even go to college, Not that they couldn't afford t, but that they were not allowed regardless of whether they could or not.There is no equivalence there and pretending that never happened by saying that was in the past doesn't change anything. The refusal to let my parents go to college cost them more than a million dollars in income, affected where we grew up and the type of schools we were able to attend.

These days having a black skin gets you a 230 point sat bonus in college admissions.

ANd just how long ago were your parents trying to go to school?

These days whites already have that 230 points solely on the basis of being white.

It doesn't matter how long ago it was Corrrell, the reality is that the past impacts today. There is nothing we have today that is not a result of the past .

No, they don't.

A white man with the same grades and resume of a black man, needs to have 230 more sat points to have a "Fair" chance of getting into an ivy league school if he is competing against that black man.

And it does matter how long ago it was. Because events fade into history and their effects die out. New events and policies drive outcomes, not long ago now irrelevant factors.

That you pretend to not know that obvious fact is just you looking to justify blaming and punishing the white man for shit that is not his fault.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.

Half my family is from Kentucky Correll. My uncles could not work in the mines because they were black.ok?
I do not believe you are being very truthful.

Three coal miners of the Lorain Coal Dock Company in Lorado, West Virginia in 1918
coals miners early 1900's.jpg

A black miner working the coal face circa 1930s
Shut that lie up. It's never been that way in America and I am pretty damned tired of white men who have had virtually everything handed to them at the expense of others, to include white women, talk about how we can say things. How about you saying we have fucked up and we ne to fix the damages we created because of our racism and sexism? Start with that.

If you think that retty much handed things to whitesat white men have had shit handed to them, you are a fool.

I can show a whole bunch of laws and policies that did pretty much hand things to whites. Specifically white men when you include the right to vote and the law of coverture.

The Right to Vote? So, you going back, what? 200 fucking years?!

And that to you justifies claiming that white guys today have had shit handed to them?

You just dismissed a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.


I haven't dismissed anything Whites have been given preferences in almost every manner of American life.
Look what the negro did to those fine cities while the white man was building the suburbs! They were the finest and some of the most beautiful cities in the world! Just look what the negro did! Some of if not all of them have poorer infrastructure and services then they did in the 1920s!

Any area of any city where the negro has taken over its failed! Many areas are more deadly then the middle East. The negro did this!
Dark Fury do you recall these "obamination" community organizers from back in '68?

Half my family is from Kentucky Correll. My uncles could not work in the mines because they were black.ok?
I do not believe you are being very truthful.

Three coal miners of the Lorain Coal Dock Company in Lorado, West Virginia in 1918
View attachment 131450
A black miner working the coal face circa 1930s

I know I am being truthful since that what my uncles told me was the reason why one left eaten Kentucky for Louisville and the other went to Cleveland. It s what my mother told me as she was their sister, as well as my aunt.

Now you want to argue the trivial but the lager issue are laws and policies ha created macro level issues that whites like you cannot discuss because you are ether ignorant or scared.
You've proven nothing. You don't seem to understand where we are at. We are here in a forum full of racist whites and of course I am going to be a racist to the majority of them. However if me and you stood up together in a auditorium and had a debate you would be soundly booed for your ignorance and racism because the crowd would be neutral.
I thought perhaps when I joined this forum that I would meet people who were genuinely interested in addressing the problems of racism and not merely ranting and screaming about their personal prejudices and hate.

These guys don't come here to have a discussion. They come here to post racism where it's safe.

I can show all kinds of laws and policies that are responsible for great damage in he black community today. There is no sense to post a link to information because these people don't want t read it. I mean I can post racist housing policy hat are pretty much still followed and someone like Sunni will ignore the facts to post up some garbage about blaming whitey. Or I get told how I am a racist or playing some victim or some other ridiculous clam. Then as some like correll says he's here trying to have a conversation but he is unwilling to listen to any facts that dispute his I had it just as hard as blacks have stuff. He had to go into debt to go to college, My parents were not allowed to even go to college, Not that they couldn't afford t, but that they were not allowed regardless of whether they could or not.There is no equivalence there and pretending that never happened by saying that was in the past doesn't change anything. The refusal to let my parents go to college cost them more than a million dollars in income, affected where we grew up and the type of schools we were able to attend.

These days having a black skin gets you a 230 point sat bonus in college admissions.

ANd just how long ago were your parents trying to go to school?

These days whites already have that 230 points solely on the basis of being white.

It doesn't matter how long ago it was Corrrell, the reality is that the past impacts today. There is nothing we have today that is not a result of the past .

No, they don't.

A white man with the same grades and resume of a black man, needs to have 230 more sat points to have a "Fair" chance of getting into an ivy league school if he is competing against that black man.

And it does matter how long ago it was. Because events fade into history and their effects die out. New events and policies drive outcomes, not long ago now irrelevant factors.

That you pretend to not know that obvious fact is just you looking to justify blaming and punishing the white man for shit that is not his fault.

No the white man has those 230 points already for being white plus legacy points. The ivy league is majority white students Connell. Sorry bud, but your dream world where the past just fades away doesn't exist. Especially when the same behavior from that past continues. I do know the obvious fact, and the fact is that you don't know a damn thing about how affirmative action works or who has benefitted the most from it. The white man is getting blamed for what the white man has done.
Why was the white man building these suburbs? To run away from the black people who were moving into their neighborhoods.
Always the blame whitey race angle to everything. .... :cuckoo:

Growing up, my white family moved to the suburbs because we wanted a larger house with a big backyard and less traffic.

It had zero to do with black people. ..... :cool:

The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done.

I think you mean "Western Europeans" because "Eastern Europeans" did nothing to you.

Western Europeans are often Dolichocephalic, have a lot of O blood type, and thicker skulls, like your Negroes do.

Blood type.

Racial and Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types - BloodBook.com, Blood Information for Life

Cephalic Index.


Skull size.


Brain size.


No, I mean whites. It's pathetic how you guys twist and turn looking for every excuse and out to deny the fact that white racism has been a persistent problem in this country.
I know quite a few as I live in a rural state. But you see the homestead act was not all I talked about.

And they are farming the same land as their great great great grandfather?

I'm finding that hard to believe.

All of my peers, at best, got some support to go to school from their parents, and generally still ended up with massive debt that they are still struggling to pay off by working and sacrificing.

And plenty of them have worse stories than that.

None of them was ever HANDED shit.

Doesn't matter what you find hard to believe. Yes they are farming that same land.

Correll, life is not Teflon. Things have happened for you and your family over time where you have benefitted because you are white. This crap of whites pretending these things did not happen and that suddenly we all are born equal just is not so.. Whites have been given every handout the governments can give, That's what the record shows. This is not about what YOU endured. It IS about the comparison between what whites and blacks as groups have endured. I haven't done badly, but that doesn't mean every black person is going to get access to the same things I did nor does it negate the current way whites are practicing racism.

Bull fucking shit.

My father was a coal miner and a WWII vet. He worked hard for everything that he ever got.

And if you think he left an estate that was the basis of my current wealth, you are sadly mistaken.

And my peers have similar stories, some a little better, some a lot worse.

Yeah and my father served I WW2 took a sniper bullet in France, came back and was told to sit in the back of the bus. .This conversation goes beyond just you. This is about laws and policies designed to deny groups of people and benefit one specific group, whites. Now if you can't discuss this at the macro level where it belongs being discussed then you are talking nonsense with that excuse if how everyone has had it hard. Half my family is from Kentucky Correll. My uncles could not work in the mines because they were black.ok?

You think if they had been able to work in the mines that that would have given you an edge up?

That that mine work some how translated into some edge for ME?


And I'm happy to discuss it at a macro level. But posting some shit from a hundred and fifty years ago, ignoring all the history and efforts made on behalf of blacks since then, is not an argument, it is just nonsense.

What efforts were made on behalf of blacks that equalized the economies pf the back and white communities?

And why is it that you white people selectively pick what history can be discussed and what past is relevant today. The constitution was written over 240 years ago, does it not matter now fuckhead? I get damned tired of that bullshit excuse. We are going to look at the history of this nation because that history s why we are here right f---ing now.

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