You think blackouts have been bad historically? So how will you drive to work with an EV?

So it is OK for people like you to say the following? We've heard from ACO...

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘World will end in 12 years’ if climate change not addressed​

Biden climate envoy John Kerry warns world has nine years to prevent catastrophe​

So please don't you ever make such a dumb ass totally unsupported comment!
I've pointed out (obviously way above your intellectual ceiling) that the practical matter is to supposedly keep from as AOC "world will end in 12 years"
make all cars/trucks EVs and destroy the industry that provides 6,000 other products other than gas, that destruction will truly cause the "world to end"!

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions​

1967: ‘Dire famine by 1975.’ Source: Salt Lake Tribune, November 17, 1967
1969: ‘Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.’ Source: New York Times, August 10 1969
1970: Ice age by 2000
Source: Boston Globe, April 16, 1970
1970: ‘America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.’ Source: Redlands Daily Facts, October 6, 1970
1971: ‘New Ice Age Coming’ Source: Washington Post, July 9, 1971
1972: New ice age by 2070 Source: NOAA, October 2015
1974: ‘New Ice Age Coming Fast’ Source: The Guardian, January 29, 1974
1974: ‘Another Ice Age?’ Source: TIME, June 24, 1974
1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life’ Sources: Headline NASA Data | Graph
1976: ‘The Cooling’ Source: New York Times Book Review, July 18, 1976
1980: ‘Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes’ Associated Press, September 6, 1990
1978: ‘No End in Sight’ to 30-Year Cooling Trend Source:
1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s Source:
1988: Washington DC days over 90F to from 35 to 85 Source:
1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years Source: Agence France Press, September 26, 1988
1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000 Source: Associated Press, June 30, 1989
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019 Source: Associated Press, June 30, 1989
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019

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