You too can have your name engraved on NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft as it travels 1.8B miles to an ocean world that may support life


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
This is pretty cool. You sign this online list, and you name gets added to a message that's going to travel 1.8 billion miles away.

I signed my name as "Trump Won." :laughing0301:

Even better, they immediately responded with this:

"Hello Trump Won,

Your name will be on board NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft as it travels 1.8 billion miles to explore Jupiter’s icy moon!"


"Join the mission and have your name engraved on NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft as it travels 1.8 billion miles to explore Europa, an ocean world that may support life. Sign your name today to the… Message in a Bottle"

Sign Your Name to Europa Clipper's Message in a Bottle
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I'm covered. My name is so generic, there is surely someone who will sign up for all of us.
I'm TenPercent ForTheBigGuy

Well if thiers something like sentient squid swimming around they gotta give up 10% ....they better or the state department and cia will start a color revolution with the space crabs

This is pretty cool.

Naturally I do not trust anything coming out of that Deep State bunch -- the Fourth Reich ran it faster than you could blink following Operation Paper Clip .

I once wanted to know how they kept the Hubble telescope in space when , without means of propulsion, it could not be prevented from dropping into the ocean as natural orbit erosion dragged it down .
Never got or have seen a sensible answer but suspect that what is reported as Hubble could very well come from SOHO which sees things better anyhow .
"They" had been lambasted for early mirror faults and failure and it is/was a ghastly expenditure black hole back in the day .

Regardless , a good mystery subject.
But never believe NASA blindly , even if they just offer to tell you the time .
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

image upload

Against all Jews.

And more...

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.


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