You want to know the real reason people don't want to be liberals?

Praying for your enemies, rejecting wealth, feeding the poor, how very conservative eh?

Yes - that's exactly what it is.

You leftists seek to destroy your enemies - usually through open lies and demagoguery. The only way you'll feed the poor is if you rob your neighbor to pay for the food - leftists rarely give to charity. Oh, and where did Jesus reject wealth? He did advocate against lying - another area of sharp contrast with you and other leftists.
Jesus was a liberal

Jesus was non political
Jesus was crucified because of his politics.

He was crucified because the claim he was the Messiah (which is false, His enemies concocted the charge by twisting the meaning of the prophecies) politics played no part in it
Politics: the opinions that someone has about what should be done by governments...
In the case of Jesus time the "government" of Israel was being run by religious leaders. Jesus held some beliefs that were contradictory to the goverment of Israel. These religious leaders had him crucified for his religious/political beliefs.
I never saw Jesus say that we should hold back food from the poor because they won't want to get jobs if they are fed
It is when the leaders of society are religious leaders and the blasphemy is against same.

You made a stupid claim, you got called on it. Own up to it and move on.
I made an association between religion and politics that occurs when the political leaders of a country are the religious leaders. It's a fact known throughout history. Call me out on it? heh... think about it... my statement is correct for that country at that point in time.
I never saw Jesus say that we should hold back food from the poor because they won't want to get jobs if they are fed
Agree, what he said was don't throw treasure to swine, and it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish.
I never saw Jesus say that we should hold back food from the poor because they won't want to get jobs if they are fed

You've never heard ANYONE say that.

But as a demagogue with zero integrity, you still bear false witness in hopes of destroying the enemies of your party.

Did Jesus bear false witness to slander and libel enemies of the party as well?
I never saw Jesus say that we should hold back food from the poor because they won't want to get jobs if they are fed

You've never heard ANYONE say that.

But as a demagogue with zero integrity, you still bear false witness in hopes of destroying the enemies of your party.

Did Jesus bear false witness to slander and libel enemies of the party as well?

I hear it from conservatives on this board constantly

Hmmmmmm....maybe even from you
I hear it from conservatives on this board constantly

No you don't - but you're willing to lie against those whom you hate for not supporting your party.

Did Leftist Jesus lie to slander those he hated as well?

Hmmmmmm....maybe even from you

Would Leftist Jesus lie about me in hopes of scoring partisan points?

Maybe you get this Leftist Jesus from the Koran, since he sure isn't in the Bible.

But then, you leftists prefer the Koran to the Bible anyway....
I want to know why RW's make up so much shit all the time. It's like they work in shifts digging through the web like its a trash pile.

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