You Wonder Why The World Is Laughing at the United States?

Based on his blunder of an invasion, maybe Bush should have used Obamas teleprompter

Not quite sure what your warfighting skills are...
Why don't you enlighten the board and share your experiences.
What year did you enlist?
What makes you think enlisting qualifies you as some war strategist? Usually the enlisted are the expendable ones sent to die. I saw enough in the military to know that 99% of the people enlisted or otherwise don't have a clue as to what is going on and just following orders.
I saw enough in the military to know that 99% of the people enlisted or otherwise don't have a clue as to what is going on and just following orders.

Then you're an idiot and a miserable failure.
The senior enlisted (E7, 8, 9) are the backbone of the military. Stick to pole-smoking, or whatever your specialty is. Is sure as hell isn't the military.
I saw enough in the military to know that 99% of the people enlisted or otherwise don't have a clue as to what is going on and just following orders.

Then you're an idiot and a miserable failure.
The senior enlisted (E7, 8, 9) are the backbone of the military. Stick to pole-smoking, or whatever your specialty is. Is sure as hell isn't the military.

You just admitted you don't know anything or you are lying about your military experience. The E7- E9 also just follow orders. They never know what the hell is going on. The whole method of operation of the military is on a "need to know" basis. I worked comsec so I know for a fact a lot of the senior enlisted only know their little piece of the puzzle.
What does the rest of the world laugh at?

- invading a nation to remove the threat of WMDs and finding nothing. Especially after you had mocked other countries as cowards for refusing to join you

- The so called Leader of the Free World landing on an aircraft carrier 50 miles off the US coast so that he could brag about his "Misdion Accomplished"

What the rest of the world doesn't laugh at is a United States that brags about torturing prisoners
Back to the video...

In addition to the idiocy of Barry's Broken-Record Diplomacy, there's another interesting aspect to his message's boxing metaphor IMO. And that's the White House press corpse, as our President would put it.

Those clowns have sat there photo op after photo op and listened to him use virtually the same exact words to laud one country's representative after another. The complimentary edge to his praiseful words began to dull the second time he used them and continued to dull further each time they were directed at another nation's peoples' spirits.

I would think at least one of those alleged wordsmiths would have taken Carney or someone aside and pointed out the more Barry simply substituted other countries as deserving of the same praise the less sincere his words came across. Of course that would be taken as criticism of the messiah and that could bring dire consequences like being labled racist, banishment from the press pool, or, worse, not being invited to the annual Correspondents' Dinner/cirlce jerk session. But instead they ignored the whole thing and now some Dane is exposing him for the disingenuous phony he is.

Anyone know how to say 'well done' in Danish?
What does the rest of the world laugh at?

- invading a nation to remove the threat of WMDs and finding nothing. Especially after you had mocked other countries as cowards for refusing to join you

- The so called Leader of the Free World landing on an aircraft carrier 50 miles off the US coast so that he could brag about his "Misdion Accomplished"

What the rest of the world doesn't laugh at is a United States that brags about torturing prisoners

You are a naive, dishonest, anti-American douchebag.
What does the rest of the world laugh at?

- invading a nation to remove the threat of WMDs and finding nothing. Especially after you had mocked other countries as cowards for refusing to join you

- The so called Leader of the Free World landing on an aircraft carrier 50 miles off the US coast so that he could brag about his "Misdion Accomplished"

What the rest of the world doesn't laugh at is a United States that brags about torturing prisoners

You are a naive, dishonest, anti-American douchebag.

No soup for you!
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?

Warrior is reason enough to laugh...I'll give the rest of the world that.

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?

Warrior is reason enough to laugh...I'll give the rest of the world that.

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

no leftard; they laugh at us for eleccting a perfectly inept and un-ready community organizer
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?

Warrior is reason enough to laugh...I'll give the rest of the world that.

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars
People who claim the world is laughing at the US usually haven't interacted with a foreigner recently unless you count the Mexican who washed their plate at the restaurant last Friday.

You are spot on. They aren't laughing at us, they deride us and in many places, simply hate us. Especially the Europeans after Bush invaded Iraq even though the UN inspectors and Hans Blix found no WMD.

In 2001 I was in Japan and had a whole table of people stare at me when I was asked about why we have things happen here like Columbine. I was at a complete loss to answer.
Warrior is reason enough to laugh...I'll give the rest of the world that.

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars

Thanks for reminding me...

They also laugh at us for ignoring renuable energy while we worship at the feet of big oil
Warrior is reason enough to laugh...I'll give the rest of the world that.

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars

Bedwetter, I've bet you've never encountered anyone more than 5 miles from your trailer park much less someone an ocean away.
Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars

Thanks for reminding me...

They also laugh at us for ignoring renuable energy while we worship at the feet of big oil

what renewable energy have we "ignored"?
where are the 3 MILLION "green" jobs obama promised leftard?
Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars

Bedwetter, I've bet you've never encountered anyone more than 5 miles from your trailer park much less someone an ocean away.

i'm a veteran of Iraq leftard

how about you?
In 2001 I was in Japan and had a whole table of people stare at me when I was asked about why we have things happen here like Columbine. I was at a complete loss to answer.[/B]

They were staring because they couldn't believe you were too stupid to answer. Mass killings take place in Japan too, champ.
People who claim the world is laughing at the US usually haven't interacted with a foreigner recently unless you count the Mexican who washed their plate at the restaurant last Friday.

You are spot on. They aren't laughing at us, they deride us and in many places, simply hate us. Especially the Europeans after Bush invaded Iraq even though the UN inspectors and Hans Blix found no WMD.

In 2001 I was in Japan and had a whole table of people stare at me when I was asked about why we have things happen here like Columbine. I was at a complete loss to answer.

it is usually left-wing nutjobs who say the world is laughing at us. left-wing nutjobs think everybody on the planet is as politically rabid as the typical left-wing nutjob is

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