You Wonder Why The World Is Laughing at the United States?

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars

Thanks for reminding me...

They also laugh at us for ignoring renuable energy while we worship at the feet of big oil

Yep, we can't even do what Brazil has done, and they aren't even recognized as a 1st world country.

From Scientific American:

How the Oil Embargo Sparked Energy Independence—in Brazil
When OPEC shut off oil supplies, the Brazilian military dictatorship began the push for one of the most successful biofuel industries in the world
Oct 17, 2013

How the Oil Embargo Sparked Energy Independence?in Brazil - Scientific American
they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars

Thanks for reminding me...

They also laugh at us for ignoring renuable energy while we worship at the feet of big oil

what renewable energy have we "ignored"?
where are the 3 MILLION "green" jobs obama promised leftard?

Blocked by Congress. You do know that our POTUS does not have the abilities of a monarch or a dictator, right?

You do recall there are 535 people who are heavily funded by their lobbyists through PACs to block or vote as their benefactors please, correct?

If this goes over your head, then go back and get your GED.
they laugh at us for our own Left opposing domestic energy production; every country in the world that has any kind of energy source develops it

the American Left are who keep us addicted to Muslim oil; and get us involved in wars

Thanks for reminding me...

They also laugh at us for ignoring renuable energy while we worship at the feet of big oil

what renewable energy have we "ignored"?
where are the 3 MILLION "green" jobs obama promised leftard?

How many did Congress appropriate?
Drill, baby....drill
Thanks for reminding me...

They also laugh at us for ignoring renuable energy while we worship at the feet of big oil

what renewable energy have we "ignored"?
where are the 3 MILLION "green" jobs obama promised leftard?

Blocked by Congress. You do know that our POTUS does not have the abilities of a monarch or a dictator, right?

You do recall there are 535 people who are heavily funded by their lobbyists through PACs to block or vote as their benefactors please, correct?

If this goes over your head, then go back and get your GED.

wrong again leftard; obama doled out more than $20 bilion to his fatcat donors for "green' jobs

you're a loser lying to himeself

do typical

you see it here every day!1

the same ol left-wing losers with the same ol excuses for their own failures everyday; blaming others.

our majority wasnt big ENOUGH!1


WE didnt spend ENOUGH trillions to make the "change" we promised!!!
You do know that our POTUS does not have the abilities of a monarch or a dictator, right?

You might want to tell obama that.

Really, so rather than look dopey yourself why don't you give us a list right here of his dictates? You won't because you can't.

And don't list Executive Orders, because he has followed the Constitution and still falls behind the number filed by his predecessor Bush.

what renewable energy have we "ignored"?
where are the 3 MILLION "green" jobs obama promised leftard?

Blocked by Congress. You do know that our POTUS does not have the abilities of a monarch or a dictator, right?

You do recall there are 535 people who are heavily funded by their lobbyists through PACs to block or vote as their benefactors please, correct?

If this goes over your head, then go back and get your GED.

wrong again leftard; obama doled out more than $20 bilion to his fatcat donors for "green' jobs

you're a loser lying to himeself

do typical

Post a link then, to a verifiable source, not a blog. And prove it. Can't? Didn't think so..."do typical".
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?

Warrior is reason enough to laugh...I'll give the rest of the world that.

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

No, I think the world laughs at the following concerning the right;

We have about 1/2 of the country that sees 10,000 plus homicides by firearms as a problem and think that we should pass tough gun laws on a federal level to minimize the nearly monthly mass murders that only our country seems to suffer from. These are predominantly progressive liberals.

Then we have about 1/2 of the country that seems 10,000 plus homicides as the costs of doing business. When it is suggested that we pass laws to minimize the nearly monthly mass murders that only our country seems to suffer from, it's regarded as impossible and beyond comprehension. That the Leave it to Beaver conservatives are leaning on the standards of what, 200+ years ago does probably make the world chuckle that nearly one out of two Americans are okay with and in fact support the rules that allow the genocide.
Given the ineptness of our Administration, the world laughs at us because the only other alternative is to weep.

The world has learned that under the current non-leadership in office, the USA cannot be depended upon for anything.
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?

Warrior is reason enough to laugh...I'll give the rest of the world that.

Do you really think the rest of the world laughs at the American right wing with their penchant for wars, denial of global warming, blocking healthcare, love affair with the wealthy and cheering capital punishment?

Yup...AND for for the Right Wingers complete denial of the need to sensibly regulate guns, support birth control and choice for women, resistance to marriage and pay equity for all citizens, voter suppression....
AND the inexplicable fascination, near worship and preference for a self serving , Machiavelian KGB trained sadist and tyrant like Putin over our own duly twice-elected prez...
Quite laughable.

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Blocked by Congress.

So what fucking good is Obama if everything he attempts to do is "blocked by Congress." You make him out to appear as useful as tit's on a bull moose.

He is your POTUS and leader. Due to our system of a government with checks and balances a POTUS is limited in what he can do if congress blocks policy against the will of the people.

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