You wont hear about this on Fox News

Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
You won't hear this on Fox News because you never witness that about which you complain, fraud.

Gingrich Criticized by NAACP Over Food Stamps Comment Fox News

What color shoes am I wearing?
You forgot the part where they intentionally went after Blacks in Ferguson and changed policy to reflect that. So no its not a fact.

It was because the city wanted the cops to bring in more revenue, so because more blacks live there they got the majority of tickets.
You forgot where the racism is shown to be rampant in the PD. They targeted Blacks specifically.

Because the vast majority that lives there are Black.
So why werent the white people that lived there subjected to the same ridiculousness?

You can't make any money with the few, it has to be the majority of the city.
Ferguson is 67% Black so the majority of tickets would be Black.
Whites are only 29% of the population.
If the number had been reversed it would have the Majority of Whites that was getting the tickets.
You still avoided the point. Why did whites not get the same treatment? 100% would generate more income than 67%
It's a race baiting thread. Bad numbers meant to camouflage the fact that statistically, there are more black people on welfare, and statistically, more blacks are criminal.
Statiscally more whites are criminals and on welfare.
Yet over half of all violent crimes are committed by blacks.

So what's your point?
Whats your point?

My point is clear. You're an idiot.

You want to prove a point that the facts don't support.

Imagine if America had 250 million blacks instead of 38. If they were committing crimes at the same rate they are now our crime rate would be massive. The number of people collecting food stamps wouldn't be 43 million. More like 150 million. If blacks made up over 80% of the population instead of 13 -15% imagine the mess this place would be. It would be like Somalia. Total shithole.

Problem with racists like you is you want to blame somebody else for all of your hatred or your problems. You need to worry about your own shit and quite blaming whites for how fucked up you are.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. Imagine if there were 250 million Blacks and 38 million whites. We would be in control of the resources/job etc and would pretty much all be working. If we applied the same privilege whites use to get ahead way more whites would be criminals as evidence by the fact whites commit crimes at a higher rate and total numbers.
A higher rate?
Do you even know what that means?
If blacks are committing over 50% of all violent crimes then they are committing crimes at a higher rate.

You're a fucken idiot.

We're done talking.

God Damned Racist Bastard!!!
It was because the city wanted the cops to bring in more revenue, so because more blacks live there they got the majority of tickets.
You forgot where the racism is shown to be rampant in the PD. They targeted Blacks specifically.

Because the vast majority that lives there are Black.
So why werent the white people that lived there subjected to the same ridiculousness?

You can't make any money with the few, it has to be the majority of the city.
Ferguson is 67% Black so the majority of tickets would be Black.
Whites are only 29% of the population.
If the number had been reversed it would have the Majority of Whites that was getting the tickets.
You still avoided the point. Why did whites not get the same treatment? 100% would generate more income than 67%

I bet that Whites got tickets too.
Do you notice that they won't say how many Whites did get tickets?
Why won't they tell us that number?
Yeah if we put more time into investigating food stamp and welfare fraud we could cut the governments spending in half! haha
Statiscally more whites are criminals and on welfare.
Yet over half of all violent crimes are committed by blacks.

So what's your point?
Whats your point?

My point is clear. You're an idiot.

You want to prove a point that the facts don't support.

Imagine if America had 250 million blacks instead of 38. If they were committing crimes at the same rate they are now our crime rate would be massive. The number of people collecting food stamps wouldn't be 43 million. More like 150 million. If blacks made up over 80% of the population instead of 13 -15% imagine the mess this place would be. It would be like Somalia. Total shithole.

Problem with racists like you is you want to blame somebody else for all of your hatred or your problems. You need to worry about your own shit and quite blaming whites for how fucked up you are.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. Imagine if there were 250 million Blacks and 38 million whites. We would be in control of the resources/job etc and would pretty much all be working. If we applied the same privilege whites use to get ahead way more whites would be criminals as evidence by the fact whites commit crimes at a higher rate and total numbers.
A higher rate?
Do you even know what that means?
If blacks are committing over 50% of all violent crimes then they are committing crimes at a higher rate.

You're a fucken idiot.

We're done talking.

God Damned Racist Bastard!!!

Don't forget ignorant.
What's the point? Do racist lefties really think that welfare is just a race issue? Does the low information left really think conservatives hate welfare because only Black people are addicted to it? Absurd assumptions seem to run rampant on the left while the freaking Country is going to hell in a handbag under the Obama administration.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.
Think if all these white people stopped being lazy and worked instead of scamming the system.
Think if all those black thugs would do the same, they wouldn't have time to do the jungle hump on the streets of Ferguson.
I say we throw these 30 white people and the 1,000,000 black people who are committing food stamp fraud, in jail.
Statiscally more whites are criminals and on welfare.
Yet over half of all violent crimes are committed by blacks.

So what's your point?
Whats your point?

My point is clear. You're an idiot.

You want to prove a point that the facts don't support.

Imagine if America had 250 million blacks instead of 38. If they were committing crimes at the same rate they are now our crime rate would be massive. The number of people collecting food stamps wouldn't be 43 million. More like 150 million. If blacks made up over 80% of the population instead of 13 -15% imagine the mess this place would be. It would be like Somalia. Total shithole.

Problem with racists like you is you want to blame somebody else for all of your hatred or your problems. You need to worry about your own shit and quite blaming whites for how fucked up you are.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. Imagine if there were 250 million Blacks and 38 million whites. We would be in control of the resources/job etc and would pretty much all be working. If we applied the same privilege whites use to get ahead way more whites would be criminals as evidence by the fact whites commit crimes at a higher rate and total numbers.
A higher rate?
Do you even know what that means?
If blacks are committing over 50% of all violent crimes then they are committing crimes at a higher rate.

You're a fucken idiot.

We're done talking.

God Damned Racist Bastard!!!
Of course I know what higher rate means. I also notice you only mentioned the 1 area where Blacks have a higher rate. Typical of you white racists.

Dont get so emotional. I know you hate getting schooled but this is ridiculous!
Yet over half of all violent crimes are committed by blacks.

So what's your point?
Whats your point?

My point is clear. You're an idiot.

You want to prove a point that the facts don't support.

Imagine if America had 250 million blacks instead of 38. If they were committing crimes at the same rate they are now our crime rate would be massive. The number of people collecting food stamps wouldn't be 43 million. More like 150 million. If blacks made up over 80% of the population instead of 13 -15% imagine the mess this place would be. It would be like Somalia. Total shithole.

Problem with racists like you is you want to blame somebody else for all of your hatred or your problems. You need to worry about your own shit and quite blaming whites for how fucked up you are.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. Imagine if there were 250 million Blacks and 38 million whites. We would be in control of the resources/job etc and would pretty much all be working. If we applied the same privilege whites use to get ahead way more whites would be criminals as evidence by the fact whites commit crimes at a higher rate and total numbers.
A higher rate?
Do you even know what that means?
If blacks are committing over 50% of all violent crimes then they are committing crimes at a higher rate.

You're a fucken idiot.

We're done talking.

God Damned Racist Bastard!!!
Of course I know what higher rate means. I also notice you only mentioned the 1 area where Blacks have a higher rate. Typical of you white racists.

Dont get so emotional. I know you hate getting schooled but this is ridiculous!

omg, you are a phenomenal idiot.
You forgot where the racism is shown to be rampant in the PD. They targeted Blacks specifically.

Because the vast majority that lives there are Black.
So why werent the white people that lived there subjected to the same ridiculousness?

You can't make any money with the few, it has to be the majority of the city.
Ferguson is 67% Black so the majority of tickets would be Black.
Whites are only 29% of the population.
If the number had been reversed it would have the Majority of Whites that was getting the tickets.
You still avoided the point. Why did whites not get the same treatment? 100% would generate more income than 67%

I bet that Whites got tickets too.
Do you notice that they won't say how many Whites did get tickets?
Why won't they tell us that number?

I bet a few whites got tickets as well. They wouldn't want to be that obvious with their racism. I see the investigation didnt uncover any people racist against whites did it?
What's the point? Do racist lefties really think that welfare is just a race issue? Does the low information left really think conservatives hate welfare because only Black people are addicted to it? Absurd assumptions seem to run rampant on the left while the freaking Country is going to hell in a handbag under the Obama administration.
The point is that welfare queen has always been an uneducated single white woman instead of the image cultivated by whites as a Black the ghetto.
What's the point? Do racist lefties really think that welfare is just a race issue? Does the low information left really think conservatives hate welfare because only Black people are addicted to it? Absurd assumptions seem to run rampant on the left while the freaking Country is going to hell in a handbag under the Obama administration.
The point is that welfare queen has always been an uneducated single white woman instead of the image cultivated by whites as a Black the ghetto.

The difference that you can't grasp...if you meet a white woman, she is about 1/2 as likely to be on welfare as a black woman you meet.

Get it?

If you meet a black woman, she is likely to be on welfare.

If you meet a white woman, she is not.

Get it?
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.
Think if all these white people stopped being lazy and worked instead of scamming the system.
Think if all those black thugs would do the same, they wouldn't have time to do the jungle hump on the streets of Ferguson.
If all those white thugs stopped doing school shootings and road rage shootings they would be able to stop getting addicted to crack, meth, and huffing computer cleaner.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.
Think if all these white people stopped being lazy and worked instead of scamming the system.
Think if all those black thugs would do the same, they wouldn't have time to do the jungle hump on the streets of Ferguson.
If all those white thugs stopped doing school shootings and road rage shootings they would be able to stop getting addicted to crack, meth, and huffing computer cleaner.

what a retarded post.
I say we throw these 30 white people and the 1,000,000 black people who are committing food stamp fraud, in jail.
Its way more than 30 white people. The largest majority and rate of people scamming welfare are white. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 66, 000,000.

Wrong again. You just can't figure this out.

It's kind of sad. Since you've been struggling with this for so long, I think we can agree that you've reached your intellectual ceiling.

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